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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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People aren't asking for a 50% better set of gear. We are asking for a reason to try and get high rankings. Why should we give it our best when everyone else is getting a gold medal for playing horribly ? Yes we do pvp for fun also,What you don't seem to understand is that people also have fun getting high ratings and having a goal to attain the best gear. Just because people want to play more/better than you doesn't mean they are elitist looking to crush low levels.


This "gold medal" analogy is completely inapplicable. The last time I checked Usain Bolt doesn't run any faster when he is wearing his gold medal around his neck. As one of the original posters aptly noted, it would be an insane folly to reward the winner of the Indy 500 with a faster engine unavailable to other competitors.


A gold medal, like a championship trophy, a warzone rating, or a title, is simply a form of recognition.


Last I checked recognition/bragging rights/accomplishment seem to be sufficient motivators for true competitors (see Madness, March).

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Yes, let's have anyone who actually tries to PVP quit, so the bads can be kings.


I'm not one to demand better gear by far, but for **** sake, stop making gearing up in this game so gosh darn easy.


So if bad players beat you while wearing the same gear you have on.... what does that make you?

Edited by Seriasx
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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Now I wonder, who's idea was it that "rated" pvp, would not mean squat? All they are doing now is seperating normal warzones from rated warzones, even if they will basically be exactly the same, just that rated will give better free gear.


I will cancel sub and prolly play my month out like 80% of my pvp guild already have, but pvp just gets boring when there is nothing worth "working" for by playing organized.


High warzone rating = no rewards worth mentioning, A LOT more effort.

Low warzone rating = the same rewards as high rating, a lot LESS effort.


Endgame pvp gear worth working for = None.

Chance of getting bored from lack of worthwile "goals" pvp wise: High.


You failed with Ilum, and now you fail with this. Both had good potential.


Clickers and backpeddalers that run around playing rambo in pvp with no tactics in their head should NOT be awarded 100% as much as those who put more effort in it and play organized.

Just like hardmodes gives better rewards than story mode in pve.


You srsly need to get a life,or enjoy the playing itself ,not playing for rewards.If you played for fun,you would not care that less skilled people that don't do premades get same gear,which means you need to get a life.

.PLs dont bring wow arena mentality here.


If you like the idea of being more powerful,then be so,with skill,not with gear.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Yes, it should, and it does. That advantage is called increased experience and skill.


If the only reason Mr. War Hero (who logs 8+ hours per day) is able to beat Mr. Casual (who plays a few hours at night/on the weekend) is a gear advantage, then Mr. War Hero needs to work on his pvp game. If Mr. War Hero is able to stand on his skill and experience, then why would he care if Mr. Casual fights him on equal footing? A true pvper and competitor would prefer that all matches be based on who is actually better, not who has a distinct gear advantage because they grind more.


Gear is not, nor should it be, a reward for hours logged. If you are unable to take advantage of the the vast hours played advantage you might have over other players and use it to out-skill or out-technique them, then you need only blame yourself.


So everyone whos mr war hero is actually bad player and everyone whos mr casual is good? Nope , I tell u why


Because im mr war hero and all casuals in this planet are not close to my skill ,why? Because mr war heroes practice more than mr casuals and + mr war hero are actually these "talented" ones ,so please bi tch dont insult mr war heroes arround here which is pretty high amount of them. So why would I like that bioware give same gear to those noobs i already beated when we were on ame lvls?No,I want something more because I deserve it ,I want a deserved reward actually.


Answere me only simple question,and answere me it in 1 or 2 sentences not on whole text : Why would BW reward (same as me) the noob who actually got carried by me in so many warzones? Its not so logical,right?

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So everyone whos mr war hero is actually bad player and everyone whos mr casual is good? Nope , I tell u why


Because im mr war hero and all casuals in this planet are not close to my skill ,why? Because mr war heroes practice more than mr casuals and + mr war hero are actually these "talented" ones ,so please bi tch dont insult mr war heroes arround here which is pretty high amount of them. So why would I like that bioware give same gear to those noobs i already beated when we were on ame lvls?No,I want something more because I deserve it ,I want a deserved reward actually.


Answere me only simple question,and answere me it in 1 or 2 sentences not on whole text : Why would BW reward (same as me) the noob who actually got carried by me in so many warzones? Its not so logical,right?


Again, you are drooling over gear while the rest of us dont care at all.


I'll say it again.


We could all be wearing loin cloths and rock hammers, if the pvp is fun then I really dont care because I will get better than you with my rock hammer than you are.


That is where pvpers find their enjoyment in the game and satisfaction after winning, we enjoy beating people in pvp through superior class, game and terrain knowledge, we do NOT enjoy winning at pvp because we out geared our opponent, its not fun or rewarding for either party.


If YOU are enjoying yourself currently by beating ungeared players then you have the problem, not the rest of us.

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I can't wait till these ppl who think everyone deserves a trophy try out GW2 and we still face roll them. Let them stay here and whine about how pvp is unfair cuz of premades and gear.


They will go to GW2 and see that pugs will still get rolled and even though the gear advantage is gone they still get rolled cuz they suck at pvp.


But remember folks win or lose everyone deserves a trophy..what a bunch of crap.


The argument that allowing everyone the same level of gear is akin to "handing out trophies for participation" is just plain silly. Olympic medals and championship trophies, like warzone ratings and cosmetic gear/titles, are recognitions of excellence. Gear is not.


Gear is the equipment you use to compete. A more astute analogy would be that allowing everyone the same level of gear is akin to handing out standardized helmets/pads/cleats/ to both football teams. Which is a good idea. I've never heard Oklahoma complain that it isn't fair because up-and-comer Boise State gets to wear the same equipment.


True competitors and pvpers understand this, as evidenced by the plethora of posts in this thread. Those that use their gear as a crutch in pvp are the only ones crying foul that outcomes will be determined by skill, not hours logged.


Let your skill, not your gear do the talking.

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The argument that allowing everyone the same level of gear is akin to "handing out trophies for participation" is just plain silly. Olympic medals and championship trophies, like warzone ratings and cosmetic gear/titles, are recognitions of excellence. Gear is not.


Gear is the equipment you use to compete. A more astute analogy would be that allowing everyone the same level of gear is akin to handing out standardized helmets/pads/cleats/ to both football teams. Which is a good idea. I've never heard Oklahoma complain that it isn't fair because up-and-comer Boise State gets to wear the same equipment.


True competitors and pvpers understand this, as evidenced by the plethora of posts in this thread. Those that use their gear as a crutch in pvp are the only ones crying foul that outcomes will be determined by skill, not hours logged.


Let your skill, not your gear do the talking.


You, and others, continue to miss the point. Read a bit more and you will see in said plethora of posts that MMO's are progressive by nature. Meaning people spend TIME and MONEY to advance their avatar.


Be that abilities, be that gear, be that skill. All of it adds up that the more time you put in the better you are at it.

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Again, you are drooling over gear while the rest of us dont care at all.


I'll say it again.


We could all be wearing loin cloths and rock hammers, if the pvp is fun then I really dont care because I will get better than you with my rock hammer than you are.


That is where pvpers find their enjoyment in the game and satisfaction after winning, we enjoy beating people in pvp through superior class, game and terrain knowledge, we do NOT enjoy winning at pvp because we out geared our opponent, its not fun or rewarding for either party.


If YOU are enjoying yourself currently by beating ungeared players then you have the problem, not the rest of us.


You totally misunderstood me. The point is I want to say this casual cry makes me sick,because I owned them 1337x time when I was undergeared and im just bored because theres nothing to do and theres no any rewards to pros like me,anyways when new gear comes out and everyone get it I will again pew pew this lowbies and whats point in that? I dont enjoy it,actually I would enjoy pwning these noobs again if theres reward,I repeat REWARD its not horrible thing,if people deserves REWARDS in why wouldnt u give it ot them,one good reason? why so much crying about gear as REWARD.

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Just wanted to inform bioware that tons of the members of several pvp guilds on my server are quitting after the news that rated warzones will be the new valor grind, except any requirements at all. One large pvp guild also disbanded yesterday.


Not surprised whatsoever. A lot of "PvPers" that were actually just PvE carebears in disguise are quickly disappearing before the launch of Rated WZs where they would have to prove their skill and competency, rather than faceroll lesser geared opponents.


Probably said they are going to go play GW2 as well and that this isn't a real PvP game. lulz

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So everyone whos mr war hero is actually bad player and everyone whos mr casual is good? Nope , I tell u why


This is not even close to what I said, in fact, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what I was implying. Either you did not read my post, or you did not understand it.



Because im mr war hero and all casuals in this planet are not close to my skill ,why? Because mr war heroes practice more than mr casuals and + mr war hero are actually these "talented" ones ,so please bi tch dont insult mr war heroes arround here which is pretty high amount of them.


Again, you completely misunderstood my post. I 100% agree. The "rewards" for playing more should be increased skill and technique, NOT better gear. Because, hey, if you are more skilled, why do you need a built-in external advantage?


Insult war heroes? I applaud them. I only reserve my insults for the war heroes who succeed by their gear alone, and not their ability. I'm sorry if my post did not make this blatantly clear.


So why would I like that bioware give same gear to those noobs i already beated when we were on ame lvls?No,I want something more because I deserve it ,I want a deserved reward actually.


Wait a minute - you just admitted that your increased play time resulted in increased skill. You want more on top of that? That is where you lose me (and all of the other true pvpers/competitors).


Answere me only simple question,and answere me it in 1 or 2 sentences not on whole text : Why would BW reward (same as me) the noob who actually got carried by me in so many warzones? Its not so logical,right?


To be fair, this is actually two questions :cool:.


I never said the reward should be the same for you or the noob - I specifically said the reward should be different. You would get a higher rating, just like the fastest guy at the Olympics got the gold medal, and the people he beat didn't.

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Personally I think they should make PVP gear ONLY usable in PVP. You all start with the same gear (different looks for classes) and then you UPGRADE as you progress in valor so it will be easier, so people like me don't spend 3-5 weeks trying to battlemaster. Your upgrades will be your choice, and easily changeable with say WZ commendations (for example). Say your a medic, you upgrade Alacrity, and using other commendations you upgrade it's looks etc OF COARSE with a limit that keep every game fair. Done deal to me . You can strongly disagree if you wish, or try to improve my idea.
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You totally misunderstood me. The point is I want to say this casual cry makes me sick,because I owned them 1337x time when I was undergeared and im just bored because theres nothing to do and theres no any rewards to pros like me,anyways when new gear comes out and everyone get it I will again pew pew this lowbies and whats point in that? I dont enjoy it,actually I would enjoy pwning these noobs again if theres reward,I repeat REWARD its not horrible thing,if people deserves REWARDS in why wouldnt u give it ot them,one good reason? why so much crying about gear as REWARD.


I hope they add rewards as well, hopefully playing ability replaces time played as pre-reqs for aquiring said rewards.


Titles, mounts, armor colors, unique appearance gear, all of these should be awarded for those you gain specific ranks in pvp.


Sorry for the confusion on your last reply~

Edited by Seriasx
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You, and others, continue to miss the point. Read a bit more and you will see in said plethora of posts that MMO's are progressive by nature. Meaning people spend TIME and MONEY to advance their avatar.


Be that abilities, be that gear, be that skill. All of it adds up that the more time you put in the better you are at it.


All I hear is "I <3 PVE."


Seriously though, I'm ok with pvp progression, to a degree, but ultimately the deciding factor in pvp should be skill. I know this comes as a shock to the hardcore MMOers who think that time played = win, but in optimal pvp, skill/technique/ability/teamwork = win.

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All I hear is "I <3 PVE."


Seriously though, I'm ok with pvp progression, to a degree, but ultimately the deciding factor in pvp should be skill. I know this comes as a shock to the hardcore MMOers who think that time played = win, but in optimal pvp, skill/technique/ability/teamwork = win.


But I want to win, even though I'm bad.

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This is not even close to what I said, in fact, this is the exact OPPOSITE of what I was implying. Either you did not read my post, or you did not understand it.





Again, you completely misunderstood my post. I 100% agree. The "rewards" for playing more should be increased skill and technique, NOT better gear. Because, hey, if you are more skilled, why do you need a built-in external advantage?


Insult war heroes? I applaud them. I only reserve my insults for the war heroes who succeed by their gear alone, and not their ability. I'm sorry if my post did not make this blatantly clear.




Wait a minute - you just admitted that your increased play time resulted in increased skill. You want more on top of that? That is where you lose me (and all of the other true pvpers/competitors).




To be fair, this is actually two questions :cool:.


I never said the reward should be the same for you or the noob - I specifically said the reward should be different. You would get a higher rating, just like the fastest guy at the Olympics got the gold medal, and the people he beat didn't.


You are not real pvper cause if u are u would like to have gear with better stats for 0.1% as REWARD so please dont speak about whos pvp here,I know in all games where best pve gear used in pvp ALL real PVPERS rushed into raids to obtain best gear as fast as they can,MMO is about gear progression its in MMO nature u cant change it and if this game change it she will lose many subs,but its not important now,lets back to the theme;


yeah in life take two guys one is training 1h per day,the another is training 3h per day and whos going to be better player later? I just gave u example its in every job/sport/esport/bla/bla/bla u put in more time the better results come out,so yeah I proudly can say that im 2skilled and I want reward,I dont wanna have same gear as lowbies all the time in swtor and that logical, I just ask for reward and It has to be gear with better stats NOT much just 0.1% but I will work for it.


You asked me if im more skilled why do i need better gear?Mate im MUCH more skilled and i prooved it to my self and to players on my server,and I DONT NEED BETTER gear to beat people who already got beaten by me when i was UNDERGEARED , I want gear as REWARD whos just better for 0.1% because I Deserved it.

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All I hear is "I <3 PVE."


Seriously though, I'm ok with pvp progression, to a degree, but ultimately the deciding factor in pvp should be skill. I know this comes as a shock to the hardcore MMOers who think that time played = win, but in optimal pvp, skill/technique/ability/teamwork = win.


Actually - I'll agree with you Gadian.


Just not sure how you can address the skill & progression for PvP play. For the record I don't think anyone is saying time. Time is referenced only to show that MMO's progress forward. We pay to play for dynamic content otherwise we would all play consoles are fps. MMO players a lot of people don't understand because of the love for their avatar - crazy as that sounds, it is true. I still remember to this day some EQ dudes I knew who bragged about /played, gear, etc. Crazy.


My stance is that PvP needs some work. It needs an incentive other than just the color of my gear.


Give me open world pvp whereas I can earn valor and climb a rank. Tie my valor rank to something unique - stat, ability, legacy, I don't really care. Something other than what it is today. Give me a web portal so that my prowess (or lack thereof) is known throughout the universe. Give me a board so I can go to and see who the @holes are who are murdering my faction so I in turn can pick up the bounty, kill them, and collect my reward.


Color of gear isn't it. There is no incentive at the end of the day as it now stands to do anything more time consuming or harder within a rated warzone than if I can get the same thing, minus color, doing normals.


It just doesn't add up.

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Because in the guild summit they said "OMG!" Look at how popular PvP is. True story.


Why? Because the gear is easier to get than it is to in PvE.... Hence the name welfare epics. People flock to the easier path in life. Virtual and real world. This isn't Utopia where everyone is equal. People work and earn money. People who don't work go hungry and starve. People who strive for more power become something those that don't are average.


One thing we all here on the forums "DO" have in common though is that we pay Bioware anywhere from 12 to 15 bucks a month to play a stupid video game. Why? Because we all want to have fun.


MMO's again are progressive by nature. They have hooks which make people want to login the next day. By logging in they also pay a monthly fee otherwise it is over and they don't login. Simple. Call it a carrot, hook, I really don't care.


If you are constantly getting facerolled by geared out 50's then you are the problem, not bioware. They provided a means for you to gear up you just chose not too. No more than what I would have to do in order to raid. Again...


Welfare epics was coin'd by another MMO player base because people didn't want to do the effort or time in order to get shiny objects. That is a FACT!


If you enjoy the grind that MMO's have become, hats off to you.


Most everyone I know enjoys playing the game, not logging on to do dailies/grind valor/etc.


How about a paradigm shift. Instead of spending your free time and effort to get the shiny objects, why not spend time and effort using the shiny objects!


Welfare epics were coined by people who played WOW way too much but failed to develop the commensurate level of skill/technique befitting of their days played. When they went from steamrolling people who simply played less to suddenly losing overnight in an equally matched fight, they coined that phrase as an excuse for their ineptitude. I have no sympathy for those people.


If you are legit, who cares if noobs have the same gear. If anything now they don't have an excuse when you beat them.


If your fancy is tickled by character progression, then you should be perfectly happy with ratings/rankings and/or cosmetic gear/titles.


Comparing the PVE grind to PVP is apples and oranges.

Edited by Gadian
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You are not real pvper cause if u are u would like to have gear with better stats for 0.1% as REWARD so please dont speak about whos pvp here,I know in all games where best pve gear used in pvp ALL real PVPERS rushed into raids to obtain best gear as fast as they can,MMO is about gear progression its in MMO nature u cant change it and if this game change it she will lose many subs,but its not important now,lets back to the theme;


yeah in life take two guys one is training 1h per day,the another is training 3h per day and whos going to be better player later? I just gave u example its in every job/sport/esport/bla/bla/bla u put in more time the better results come out,so yeah I proudly can say that im 2skilled and I want reward,I dont wanna have same gear as lowbies all the time in swtor and that logical, I just ask for reward and It has to be gear with better stats NOT much just 0.1% but I will work for it.


You asked me if im more skilled why do i need better gear?Mate im MUCH more skilled and i prooved it to my self and to players on my server,and I DONT NEED BETTER gear to beat people who already got beaten by me when i was UNDERGEARED , I want gear as REWARD whos just better for 0.1% because I Deserved it.



So you pvp for rewards?


Cause real pvpers have never needed rewards outside of titles.


Maybe pvp just isnt for you WoW guys, I know it must be hard enough trying to hone 2-3 hotbars when you guys are use to what? 1-5 buttons? Please go back to pve, it has everything you want, unchallenging gameplay, repetitive npcs and all the gear rewards you could ever want, I'll keep pvping where losing to someone means I have to figure out how he beat me or when I beat someone I can enjoy my accomplishment knowing that I was better than my opponent as opposed to better geared.

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You may be the first person I know who plays the grind that MMOs have become...for the sake of the grind.


Most of us have fun, you know, playing the game, not logging on to do dailies/grind valor/etc.


How about a paradigm shift. Instead of spending your free time and effort to get the shiny objects, why not spend time and effort using the shiny objects!


Welfare epics were coined by people who played WOW way too much but failed to develop the commensurate level of skill/technique befitting of their days played. When they went from steamrolling people who simply played less to suddenly losing overnight in an equally matched fight, they coined that phrase as an excuse for their ineptitude. I have no sympathy for those people.


If you are legit, who cares if noobs have the same gear. If anything now they don't have an excuse when you beat them. But if you are complaining about "welfare epics," well then...


If your fancy is tickled by character progression, then you should be perfectly happy with cosmetic gear/titles.


And comparing the PVE grind to PVP just makes no sense.


I actually don't. I played Aion for a bit. Like the PvP, like the concept. Neat to fly. But the grind was way over the top for me. True story.


I played DaOC to the realm rank of 8 on a Thane. That is hard. Be that as it may I also towards the end PvP naked just to show off. I'm of the belief though that MMO's are an investment regardless if we pvp or pve. Pve gets a pass it seems whereas PvP ist he easier route whereas everyone wants to be equal.


I just don't see it that way is all. You are ok with people grinding for gear, doing instances in stages, then running it in nightmare. Steps. However, you are of the mind set that people have to be equal when it comes to pvp. Knowing full well that you can do the same process to obtain gear which would bridge the gap between fresh 50, centurion, champion, and then battlemaster.


That is the pot calling the kettle black. Both require effort. Both require team work. Poor players are carried. Read what I said a second ago. Incentive is fine. Right now we don't have one. Making everyone equal isn't going to all of a sudden make them better.


Like I said - treat your tier raiding rewards as you are asking us to - color change only. That won't go over well. It isn't with us and you have more options on the table than us.

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So you pvp for rewards?


Cause real pvpers have never needed rewards outside of titles.


Maybe pvp just isnt for you WoW guys, I know it must be hard enough trying to hone 2-3 hotbars when you guys are use to what? 1-5 buttons? Please go back to pve, it has everything you want, unchallenging gameplay, repetitive npcs and all the gear rewards you could ever want, I'll keep pvping where losing to someone means I have to figure out how he beat me or when I beat someone I can enjoy my accomplishment knowing that I was better than my opponent as opposed to better geared.


You are one of those jelly lowbies who will never be good in pvp....bads with serious l2p issuess :(

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I actually don't. I played Aion for a bit. Like the PvP, like the concept. Neat to fly. But the grind was way over the top for me. True story.


I played DaOC to the realm rank of 8 on a Thane. That is hard. Be that as it may I also towards the end PvP naked just to show off. I'm of the belief though that MMO's are an investment regardless if we pvp or pve. Pve gets a pass it seems whereas PvP ist he easier route whereas everyone wants to be equal.


I just don't see it that way is all. You are ok with people grinding for gear, doing instances in stages, then running it in nightmare. Steps. However, you are of the mind set that people have to be equal when it comes to pvp. Knowing full well that you can do the same process to obtain gear which would bridge the gap between fresh 50, centurion, champion, and then battlemaster.


That is the pot calling the kettle black. Both require effort. Both require team work. Poor players are carried. Read what I said a second ago. Incentive is fine. Right now we don't have one. Making everyone equal isn't going to all of a sudden make them better.


Like I said - treat your tier raiding rewards as you are asking us to - color change only. That won't go over well. It isn't with us and you have more options on the table than us.



I can fight the weakest dragon to get the lowest set of pve gear, in pvp I have to fight the best geared in my loin cloth and I have to actually beat him in order to get the gear he already has?


Might wanna rethink your position and/or argument.

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Actually - I'll agree with you Gadian.


Just not sure how you can address the skill & progression for PvP play. For the record I don't think anyone is saying time. Time is referenced only to show that MMO's progress forward. We pay to play for dynamic content otherwise we would all play consoles are fps. MMO players a lot of people don't understand because of the love for their avatar - crazy as that sounds, it is true. I still remember to this day some EQ dudes I knew who bragged about /played, gear, etc. Crazy.


My stance is that PvP needs some work. It needs an incentive other than just the color of my gear.


Give me open world pvp whereas I can earn valor and climb a rank. Tie my valor rank to something unique - stat, ability, legacy, I don't really care. Something other than what it is today. Give me a web portal so that my prowess (or lack thereof) is known throughout the universe. Give me a board so I can go to and see who the @holes are who are murdering my faction so I in turn can pick up the bounty, kill them, and collect my reward.


Color of gear isn't it. There is no incentive at the end of the day as it now stands to do anything more time consuming or harder within a rated warzone than if I can get the same thing, minus color, doing normals.


It just doesn't add up.


I agree pvp needs work. But the change is not to reward the people who play 5x more than everyone else with special gear that makes them that much stronger than everyone else. Their reward for increased playing time is and should be increased skill/tactics.


The purpose of pvp is in the competition, not the incentives. If you make a balanced, fun, competitive, engaging pvp system, then people will play it, regardless of the external rewards (i.e. uber gear). Don't entice us to play the game by adding more grinding, entice us by adding more warzones, more abilities, better balance, more world pvp, etc. Give us shorter queues (cross server WZ's plz) and dual spec to mix it up.


(Some tangents, I know).


Although I agree that there should be rewards, they just shouldn't be better gear.

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You are one of those jelly lowbies who will never be good in pvp....bads with serious l2p issuess :(


If by bad you mean I laugh at people who can barely handle 2-3 hotbars worth of abilities because I'm use to having 10 hotbars with 80 abilities/binds/macros I had to use in order to be competitive and better than most then yes I am horrible at this game and need gear to beat better players... Oh wait a second thats you who needs better gear to beat people in pvp combat.

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Do you call yourself a PvPer? All the things that is said about the pvp in the game is rubbish...There is no PvP without ranking. Swtor has no ranking->It doesn't even have PvP yet.


Take football. Why play superbowl? Let's just do random matches with no added falvour. Forget the winners. Oh better yet, let's give the winning team a handicap ('better gear') so

next time they can win with even greater numbers. What a great sport.


At some point I can live with the bare minimum of gear grind, as long as it only takes an amount of time so that everyone (with lives, family, studies, whatever) can get there and THEN start playing for real (getting gear to learn to play a little). I mean, a PvPer alrdy has to grind to LVL50. And if you want to really understand the classes...You have to do it a total of 8 times + check all 8 mirrors each. SERIOUSLY.


PS: Been full BM for a month now (well I quit after that, no incentive to do anything without ladder after that). I Did the insane grind and you know what? Instead of whining why everybody can now be on equal ground gearwise, I'm looking forward to 1.2 so that I can win, and not worry about people like you making it about gear. I win skill vs. skill. Get your cookies elsewhere. Good job BioWare (I really mean this).


LOL hey look, its one of those under 20ish chaps who thinks pvp is a minigame instance with ratings.


i got news for you, you yourself should not be calling yourself a pvper, as any real pvper knows REAL pvp is open world guild vs guild 50 v 50 with no real rewards but bragging rights.


but im guessing you think WOW was the first mmo, amiright?


bg/wz whatever you wanna callem are an open sore on mmos created by the cod wow gen.


LOL that you think this was an "insane grind" now i know you have only played the console era mmos.

Edited by vrgadin
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I actually don't. I played Aion for a bit. Like the PvP, like the concept. Neat to fly. But the grind was way over the top for me. True story.


I played DaOC to the realm rank of 8 on a Thane. That is hard. Be that as it may I also towards the end PvP naked just to show off. I'm of the belief though that MMO's are an investment regardless if we pvp or pve. Pve gets a pass it seems whereas PvP ist he easier route whereas everyone wants to be equal.


I just don't see it that way is all. You are ok with people grinding for gear, doing instances in stages, then running it in nightmare. Steps. However, you are of the mind set that people have to be equal when it comes to pvp. Knowing full well that you can do the same process to obtain gear which would bridge the gap between fresh 50, centurion, champion, and then battlemaster.


That is the pot calling the kettle black. Both require effort. Both require team work. Poor players are carried. Read what I said a second ago. Incentive is fine. Right now we don't have one. Making everyone equal isn't going to all of a sudden make them better.


Like I said - treat your tier raiding rewards as you are asking us to - color change only. That won't go over well. It isn't with us and you have more options on the table than us.


The problem is you seem to either require incentive or desperately want incentive and at the same time you want people who only want to have fun to suffer for your need. I PvP for the fun of it. I don't enjoy grinding, and tend to recommend PvE to people who do. I don't see why I should have to grind to make you happy when PvE exists. You can grind to your heart's content, and then come PvP with the rest of the gang when you're tired of grinding. If we don't see you as often, it'll be ok, we understand. Most of us have more than one circle of friends IRL and we get that in order to keep those friends you have to spend time with them too.

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