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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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I for won CHEER that that kind of people are leaving, ya know them dont you, soon as other team plants first bomb in voidstar they bail, soon as first score made by other team in huttball gone, soon as 2 turrets down in civil war they bail. GOOD BYE


Bioware I will be more than happy to subscribe twice as long now


i bet you will all the good players leave then your a pvp killing machine as it is now your just MEAT

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Hell I'll actually pick up my sentinel again for PvP instead of leaving her sidelined. It's too time consuming trying to grind up gear on multiple characters. If people want to quit. Let them. What do I care?


sweet you can play with all the nubs then what they should is make A server for all the weak player and put them all on there might have to make 50 server's lol

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sweet you can play with all the nubs then what they should is make A server for all the weak player and put them all on there might have to make 50 server's lol


Haha a server for all the casual players. That'd be somewhat nice :p

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Haha a server for all the casual players. That'd be somewhat nice :p


Yeah I brought this up, but you know the casual players would cry about being on casual servers because of what that 'implies'.


Basically we're not allowed to progress more than they think we should over any given time period. Even if you have, say six hours on a Saturday to play, the casuals think you should only get two hours of progression.


That's the law of progression from the eyes of a casual where we all live in a socialist warzone.

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ppl are quitting because they really don't know what PvP will become. The New War Hero gear, is not only a new colored gear. It has higher mitigation and damage, like Bm has higher than Champion, which has higher than Centurion.


While the do not add greater numbers, more strenght, more vitality, more low and high damage, the increase in mitigation and damage still will exist and it is greater than the difference between champion and batlemaster!


Expertise will have more weight than now. So PvE gear will have an increase in status (STR, WIl, VIT) while PvP will not.


BW is doing that because they want to keep the gear from PvE separated from the PvP gear! Also the top Mods will be inside the ranked PvP WZs.


Besides the new and more powerful (increase damage and mitigation) that the War Hero gear will get, the ranked WZ will give even better gear and mods to be added


Also it was not the 40 ore damage, 20 more vit, 25 more strength that makes the difference now. A full BM gear is much more powerful than a Full Champ gear! If you look to the status numbers, they are not so much powerful; because it is its increased mitigation and damage that makes the difference!


And still will still be there. War Hero has no more Status, but has an even bigger damage/mitigation difference from BM gear than it to the chmpion one.


Be merry, be happy! :) the casual won't stand a chance :) hey will however still reach the top gear playing less, true, but by then you have better ods!

Edited by HallowedMarcus
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1.2 isnt even out yet?!? I'd like to know who has played and experienced these FINAL changes to the game lol... Quit assuming that everything is going to suck balls. Nobody knows the exact changes that are going to happen until its live.
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You care because if people leave this game will die, cause we're not talking about your random QQ idiot that whines, its a large part of the PvP community. I dont like people threatening to quit more than you do, but its bad for all of us if people leave.


By it's very definition "hardcore" players are the small minority, and casuals make up the majority. So if BW wanted to keep the most subscribers, they will do what the casuals want, not the hardcore.

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By it's very definition "hardcore" players are the small minority, and casuals make up the majority. So if BW wanted to keep the most subscribers, they will do what the casuals want, not the hardcore.

Helping casuals indirectly makes it easier for us hardcores/


Is good either way :)

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If people only play PvP so then they can say "I have better gear then you so you can't kill me" instead of just having fun and playing, then let them leave. They should have stayed with an MMO that supports those kind of people.
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It seems to me alot of you really just want to pve but against other people. It's like you want to "farm" each other and thats just ****ed up imo. I dont want to win because my car is faster I want to win on my driving skills. I think a system where you can move up from the "go-cart" circuit to the "F-1" series would be cool and those who are true PVPers would like it. Those who just want to pve and farm would rather have a "carrot on a stick" to chase. My "carrot on a stick" is smashing your face and the satisfaction that comes with knowing I did it on a even playing field.


I agree with this that is what i was talking about in my previous post when I talked about different brackets.


I think you summed some of them up well. They just want to pve but against other players.


It is weird how none of them mention that rolling people because you have better gear is not fun. Fairly telling in my opinion.

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If that rumour is true then OP could have a valid point but to just rage quit sums up the type of player they are an i think the more these types quit the better it is for our SWTOR comunity so byebye.


Well I can see that from their perspective Bioware has just presented shortcoming after shortcoming with regards to pvp. You cant blame them for being dissapointed and when pushed far enough people feel their only option to vent is to rage the game. Its very normal and would be unfair for us to be so dismissive of such players.


The reality is that pvp for gear is a bad idea. Gear is a means to facilitate pvp, not pvp a means to facilitate gear. However if the rating based gear truly is just "different colors". Its a bit stupid. I mean the high end pvpers want something to say "hey look, I am THAT good". End of the day it is all about e-peen. The game needs a ladder system, ranks. Titles based on your current rank, and visual indicators of who you are with regards to the rating system. And different color gear while cool doesnt quite cut it. Especially when you consider the aesthetics of this game are hardly something appealing. I mean I certainly wouldnt take a different color Jed Guardian battlemaster set, cause either way it will look crap.


What people need to understand is that while people shouldnt play for gear, you shouldnt be so quick to dismiss those who do. Reality is this game needs all the players they can get, and the very harsh reality is that even when ranked que comes, there will ONLY be about 4 competent premades PER SERVER. I mean thats not even competition. And if you get more pvpers to quit by saying "k we dont care" then you are only messing with the playerbase more.


In the end, if you are true competitive pvpers, you wont go around telling others to "just go quit" cause a competitive game needs all the players it can get and most of you simply dont realize it.

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Well I can see that from their perspective Bioware has just presented shortcoming after shortcoming with regards to pvp. You cant blame them for being dissapointed and when pushed far enough people feel their only option to vent is to rage the game. Its very normal and would be unfair for us to be so dismissive of such players.


The reality is that pvp for gear is a bad idea. Gear is a means to facilitate pvp, not pvp a means to facilitate gear. However if the rating based gear truly is just "different colors". Its a bit stupid. I mean the high end pvpers want something to say "hey look, I am THAT good". End of the day it is all about e-peen. The game needs a ladder system, ranks. Titles based on your current rank, and visual indicators of who you are with regards to the rating system. And different color gear while cool doesnt quite cut it. Especially when you consider the aesthetics of this game are hardly something appealing. I mean I certainly wouldnt take a different color Jed Guardian battlemaster set, cause either way it will look crap.


What people need to understand is that while people shouldnt play for gear, you shouldnt be so quick to dismiss those who do. Reality is this game needs all the players they can get, and the very harsh reality is that even when ranked que comes, there will ONLY be about 4 competent premades PER SERVER. I mean thats not even competition. And if you get more pvpers to quit by saying "k we dont care" then you are only messing with the playerbase more.


In the end, if you are true competitive pvpers, you wont go around telling others to "just go quit" cause a competitive game needs all the players it can get and most of you simply dont realize it.


But the people who are quitting are the whiners and facerollers who were only in it for the gear, not the PvP.


The actual PvP community of the game would benefit from cutting the fat, imo. It will be smaller, sure, but it will be far more focused on skill and strategy than on just outgearing your opponent.


Also, your arbitrary "4 competent premades per server" doesn't really mean anything to anyone, as this is just your opinion from the very limited number of servers you have played on.


If it really is about showing off your epeen, then different loojing gear sets/speeders/titles, etc would be plenty enough. It's not about that at all for the people you're talking about. It's about having BETTER STATS than their opponents, otherwise they wouldn't be getting all bent out of shape.

Edited by Varicite
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i bet when you play chess you like to just put the pieces on the board in the shape of a smiley face and say "OooOooohhh look how much fun it is we are having"


I play games to compete against other people, with no real measure of success there is very little reason to play.


PVE Raiding died in EQ1 when the competative nature of the PVE in EQ was killed by everyone getting their own instances to kill the pixels and play dressup doll with their loot.


PvP seems to be dying the same death now...


We can only hope GuildWars 2 can bring us an actual PVP game cause swtor pvp is worthless nonsense.


Winning is how people who win measure their accomplishments. Gear is awarded for entering warzones not winning.


I see a disconnect between those who want persistant stat progression and a lack of experience in winning. Not just in pvp but in an overall sense. For any moderately person it is about winning.


If you are not trying to win you are trying to lose.


They will have rewards and achievements for pvp. They simply will not come in the form of stat boosts. So you want your winning to be acknowledged you should be 100% fine with that. Unless you want to claim the only real recognition is stat gear. If that is the case you are being false.


There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp.


So no worries anyone.

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I understand what the OP is saying. Those of you who like to play for fun can play non ranked games where the atmosphere is more laid back.


Understand that there are people who try to take the game to another level, not everybody plays for ***** and giggles all the time. Don''t get me wrong, I enjoy messing around from time to time and having fun too, But when you say RANKED PVP it's supposed to be competitive, period.


Ranked games are supposed to FOSTER COMPETITION.


Why would a team bother getting on vent , planning strategies, PRACTICING/investing time to practice, if the rewards are all the same for everyone/rating doesn't matter?


The rewards need to be something worth all the time and effort it takes ,otherwise people won't do it! No one will take the ranked pvp seriously if all you get to do at the top is pat yourself on the back!


Ranked Seasons : Teams race for glory and best gear, when the season ENDS, that is when they get the best gear. Meaning it is mostly for show and if they wish to continue to play ranked/non ranked it won't give them an advantage that matters SINCE THE SEASON IS OVER.


When the NEW SEASON starts: have us all buy a new set of pvp gear that has BETTER stats than LAST SEASONS best pvp gear. So that the top teams of last season have to start on the SAME/EQUAL footing as everyone else when a new PVP SEASON starts.




1.People who are playing for FUN, go play random non ranked matches! Ranked Matches are for Competitive minded players/teams!


2. End game rewards for the best Ranked Teams: can be a cooler looking , more powerful set of gear but since you get it at the END OF THE SEASON, it won't provide you with an unfair advantage versus other teams.


3. When a New Season of Ranked begins = new set of pvp gear that has better stats than last seasons best gear. So everyone starts on EQUAL footing with the start of that new season.


I have a hard time believing someone is actually competive if they need incentive stat gear to play and win.


Competive and hyper competive people want to win. No matter what they do they want to win first and foremost. Getting a prize is not why winners compete.

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Winning is how people who win measure their accomplishments. Gear is awarded for entering warzones not winning.


I see a disconnect between those who want persistant stat progression and a lack of experience in winning. Not just in pvp but in an overall sense. For any moderately person it is about winning.


If you are not trying to win you are trying to lose.


They will have rewards and achievements for pvp. They simply will not come in the form of stat boosts. So you want your winning to be acknowledged you should be 100% fine with that. Unless you want to claim the only real recognition is stat gear. If that is the case you are being false.


There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp. There will be rewards for pvp.


So no worries anyone.


But....for PvP....will there be....rewards?

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I don't think a lot of pvpers will be willing to pay for a subscription with THAT as the reward. It's nice to think that it would work, and it might sound like a nice idea at first. But you will see, it will get boring as all hell, fast, once ppl realize the gear progression is gone and the carrot was eaten too fast when everyone got the best pvp gear in the game from afking in warzones for war hero comms that they can get win or lose.


You'll see. This ain't my first rodeo, seen this all happen plenty of times before in similar forms in similar games.





There will be stats progressions for those who have done it longer vs. those just starting out. Like it or not, it is not all cosmetic.


And even if it was, ppl would still play because there is a lot of pvp content, that will hopefully be fun. Fun pvp went out the window a long time ago in this game.



You have no understanding what pvpers do or why they do it.


You keep claiming people won't sub to do things people have subbed to do for 15 years. It is like you have zero understanding about mmog pvp, who plays them and why.


You are simply 100% wrong on this.

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IMO we should all get a PvP set when we hit 50. The best set possible. Then from WZs we should earn titles, mounts, differently colored crystals, armors and weapons with different models, same stats but other models/colors.


That would keep me playing even if I dont see a shiny stat increase. Heck, I'd pvp just for the sake of pvp. I used to play alot of games online that were only about pvp, only reward was to win over the opponent. Be it a fantasy game, ww2 game or a sci-fi game, 3D shooter, rts or rpg, only reason to pvp is to win and kill the opponent and have a fun time doing it.

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I think ive already said it but if everyone gets the same pvp gear for WZ's then everyone will start doing Open World PvP where their gear and time spent getting it can be used. Id probably do a WZ here and there for fun but I would probably stick to Open World PvP when they finally fix it lol.


Really all I keep reading about is how a bunch of PvE'ers want to spend all their time in Ops and dont want to spend time in pvp unless its a quick mini game that they dont need to put effort into.

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But the people who are quitting are the whiners and facerollers who were only in it for the gear, not the PvP.


The actual PvP community of the game would benefit from cutting the fat, imo. It will be smaller, sure, but it will be far more focused on skill and strategy than on just outgearing your opponent.


Also, your arbitrary "4 competent premades per server" doesn't really mean anything to anyone, as this is just your opinion from the very limited number of servers you have played on.


If it really is about showing off your epeen, then different loojing gear sets/speeders/titles, etc would be plenty enough. It's not about that at all for the people you're talking about. It's about having BETTER STATS than their opponents, otherwise they wouldn't be getting all bent out of shape.


I dont believe we need to trim any fat. Game has already lost a substantial amount of players. The ravager was like the 2nd most active EU English server behind Tomb of Freedom Nad and now has 80 people at repub fleet at primetime. Already takes 10-15mins for matches on a regular day. Frankly I need all the opponents I can get, good or bad, regardless of how they wish to play their game.


And my arbitrary 4 competent premade per servers at least means something to my server. Just cause its MY opinion doesnt mean it isnt a valid one. Especially as I have stated my server began as a very active one being on "FULL" most of the time, and now I dont even know if there are 4 guilds who can field 8 players, nevermind them being competent actually.


Point is, the game is bleeding subs, so people on these forums shouldnt be so quick to dismiss others and be like "k goodbye". Cause end of the day, if there is a pvp ladder with like 4 or maybe even 5 teams on it, no one will really care much about it.

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