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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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I didnt actually mention any past MMOs, you did that.


I simply pointed out the flaw that a character which is your own and unique does not have continuous progression in all spheres of the game.


I would argue that improving your rating is a far more meaningfull form of progression from a pvp standpoint

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Doing PVP is not the same as being a PVP player on a PVP server. I am the typical PVE carebear so many decry, but I did warzone for fun. I only count , as most people do, people being on a PVP server, as being PVP player. If you are on a PVE server and do warzone you are NOT a PVP player.


You denying your PvPism doesnt make you less of a pvper :D


Doing PvP (be it open or isntanced) on daily basis makes you pvper, being on PvE or PvP server doesnt matter.


Neither are all PvPers exclusively on PvP servers, neither are all PvEers exclusively on PvE servers.


You want to argue things when you have BW provided info :rolleyes:

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40% whereas the other group is 60% is by all mathematical definition I know a minority. They are less than half the other (PVE) more than half.


Should we start argueing about it's real definition on this subject ?

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I only count , as most people do, people being on a PVP server, as being PVP player. If you are on a PVE server and do warzone you are NOT a PVP player.


lol. no. you don't get to decide how to define it. BW has defined warzones as PVP, so it is.

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If you are on a PVE server and do warzone you are NOT a PVP player.


that's so wrong that it may hurt.

even some of the biggest pvp guilds from wow moved over to a pve server on swtor.

a pve server makes no difference for a pvp player. some pvpers like to quest and level without watching their back.


well, if they knew that the servers on swtor are so small that it is unpossible to have such contacts anyway...

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If your on a PVP server in swtor, you are on a PVE server. There's no PVP on PVP servers... well except in Wz and Illium.. lol... puhlease... PVP on a PVP server... I wish.


Stinks anyones leaving I like this game and the pop is visibly down already. It's sad that people only stick around when they have a "upper hand" o well, guess it's human nature. Im at 460ish expertise... bet I make 500 before it's free to buy... lol ... could care less.

Edited by VoidJustice
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That could just mean you're a bored 50 with no plans of making an alt.

Actually, as SWTOR currently stands, a smattering of PVP gear is a nice complement to Mission rewards and world drops during the levelling process, especially if you are playing in a low population faction/server/timezone -- the Expertise doesn't take away from the item budget except on a few weapons from the mid-30s upwards, and it's probably the easiest way to get a good set of blue or orange gear if you don't have a higher level character to provide cash/gear/mods.


So, it might well go waay down once there is a "Dungeon Finder" that works from anywhere.

Edited by Ancaglon
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I have played since pre release. I have done one flashpoint.. one.


I pvp every day. I dreaded leveling the whole time and space-bared though the whole story on both my 50's. I look foward to the rated warzones and I could care less about gear. :D


No offense to the writers, I'm sure the story was as good as people say.


Though to be honest I'd prefer open world pvp to this 8 vs. 8 . I enjoy the big epic feeling battles of many vs. many. Though I understand this open world pvp is no fun for people that don't have ranged abilities. So I guess if this is all Bioware can afford to offer us, I will just have to do the less enviogarting warzones and as an aside know that all pvpers , no matter class, are having fun.

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what dose this new type of pvp-ing do to the players who are not in a pvp guild and can not get in to a premade all the time. The good thing about the way it is now is I can Solo to get where i need to be. it sounds like the new way will force be to be in a pvp guild i may or may not went to be a part of.
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Who cares about being a unique snowflake and getting super special gear? I want a level playing field against good competition.


If you are as good as you say, it won't matter that those back peddling ******* have the same gear, now will it?

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what dose this new type of pvp-ing do to the players who are not in a pvp guild and can not get in to a premade all the time. The good thing about the way it is now is I can Solo to get where i need to be. it sounds like the new way will force be to be in a pvp guild i may or may not went to be a part of.


no. why? if you aren't in a pvp team yuo will paly lower ranked and thus face players like you. you will have a fair match.


where exactly do you want to be?

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what dose this new type of pvp-ing do to the players who are not in a pvp guild and can not get in to a premade all the time. The good thing about the way it is now is I can Solo to get where i need to be. it sounds like the new way will force be to be in a pvp guild i may or may not went to be a part of.


Its no different really, you can still que solo for rated wz's, yes if you end up against a premade you will be at a massive dissadvantage, but thats the case now in non rated if you come up against a 4 man pre-made

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I couldn't agree more. But the satisfaction has DR when you've done it 100+ times :)


Dont take the following in a negative way.


It sounds like you talk out of a WoW perspective. And through that perspective that is very true. However, this game or well company seems more minded when it comes to pleasing the PvP crowd.


They are already releasing a new WZ along with a new FP and a new OP, this is something Blizzard never really did, they always ignored the PvPers. How many new BGs did we get in WoW? Uhm, 5 in a period of 6 years, that is horribly slow and will get people bored doing the same BG over and over. Oh and 4 arenas or something, woohoo...


I also enjoy Huttball very much and dont think it will ever get boring to me. I'm a big Blood Bowl fan and Huttball feels like some kind of space blood bowl to me. :D


If BW keeps releasing new WZs each time they release new instances the interest will be high. Especially if they release a new set of gear each patch aswell.


I dont see any problem with giving everyone the same gear and then vanity things based on ratings. The playing field should be equal, otherwise there is no point with ratings. Ratings are never accurate when different levels of gear come into play. Those that get the far superior gear first (those with time on their hands) will dominate, then those that join late, both new players and those that have less time to play, will never get a chance to obtain the gear that requires a ranking.


WoW just put too many bad things into effect that many people these days look up to and see as guidlines for an MMO. IMO its guidlines about things not to do.


Less WoW in this game and more DaoC/WaR.

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I guess people don't play games for fun anymore. What a useless post. And the reward is your rank and acknowledgment. I didn't realize you played ranked only for hopes of a present... assuming you would be good enough for it anyways.


Goodbye. Really don't need people on here who lost the "fun" in things. Mostly elitist anyways.


I love raiding and PVP. It's awesome to get new gear but I don't play for that sole goal and purpose. I play a GAME for FUN....imagine that.

Edited by WarheartZero
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i bet when you play chess you like to just put the pieces on the board in the shape of a smiley face and say "OooOooohhh look how much fun it is we are having"


I play games to compete against other people, with no real measure of success there is very little reason to play.


PVE Raiding died in EQ1 when the competative nature of the PVE in EQ was killed by everyone getting their own instances to kill the pixels and play dressup doll with their loot.


PvP seems to be dying the same death now...


We can only hope GuildWars 2 can bring us an actual PVP game cause swtor pvp is worthless nonsense.

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i bet when you play chess you like to just put the pieces on the board in the shape of a smiley face and say "OooOooohhh look how much fun it is we are having"


I play games to compete against other people, with no real measure of success there is very little reason to play.


PVE Raiding died in EQ1 when the competative nature of the PVE in EQ was killed by everyone getting their own instances to kill the pixels and play dressup doll with their loot.


PvP seems to be dying the same death now...


We can only hope for better and more comprtative pvp.


fixed, other wise spot on.

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Its no different really, you can still que solo for rated wz's, yes if you end up against a premade you will be at a massive dissadvantage, but thats the case now in non rated if you come up against a 4 man pre-made


I don't know if this has been discussed before, but as far as I can see, there are no restrictions on people wearing full rated war-hero gear queuing in non-rated warzones just to grief the newbs (I gather that from the 1.2 trailer screencaps, whether the option for queuing rated solo, rated group, non-rated solo, and non-rated group is presented).


Any idea anyone?

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I play games to compete against other people, with no real measure of success there is very little reason to play.


I think the real measure of success in 1.2 is simply your rating. That's "real" enough a measure for me. Unless you are talking about "rewards", then we're back to the same 80 pages of argument.


And in your chess analogy, everyone starts on the same footing, same number of pieces, each piece having the exact same capability.


Elite rated PvP gear just means that your pawns can now wtfoneshot 2 other pawns, your knight can solo 2 other knights, and so on, and so forth, you get the idea.

Edited by finkfad
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I understand what the OP is saying. Those of you who like to play for fun can play non ranked games where the atmosphere is more laid back.


Understand that there are people who try to take the game to another level, not everybody plays for ***** and giggles all the time. Don''t get me wrong, I enjoy messing around from time to time and having fun too, But when you say RANKED PVP it's supposed to be competitive, period.


Ranked games are supposed to FOSTER COMPETITION.


Why would a team bother getting on vent , planning strategies, PRACTICING/investing time to practice, if the rewards are all the same for everyone/rating doesn't matter?


The rewards need to be something worth all the time and effort it takes ,otherwise people won't do it! No one will take the ranked pvp seriously if all you get to do at the top is pat yourself on the back!


Ranked Seasons : Teams race for glory and best gear, when the season ENDS, that is when they get the best gear. Meaning it is mostly for show and if they wish to continue to play ranked/non ranked it won't give them an advantage that matters SINCE THE SEASON IS OVER.


When the NEW SEASON starts: have us all buy a new set of pvp gear that has BETTER stats than LAST SEASONS best pvp gear. So that the top teams of last season have to start on the SAME/EQUAL footing as everyone else when a new PVP SEASON starts.




1.People who are playing for FUN, go play random non ranked matches! Ranked Matches are for Competitive minded players/teams!


2. End game rewards for the best Ranked Teams: can be a cooler looking , more powerful set of gear but since you get it at the END OF THE SEASON, it won't provide you with an unfair advantage versus other teams.


3. When a New Season of Ranked begins = new set of pvp gear that has better stats than last seasons best gear. So everyone starts on EQUAL footing with the start of that new season.

Edited by burningcurse
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1.People who are playing for FUN, go play random non ranked matches! Ranked Matches are for Competitive minded players/teams!


2. End game rewards for the best Ranked Teams: can be a cooler looking , more powerful set of gear but since you get it at the END OF THE SEASON, it won't provide you with an unfair advantage versus other teams.


3. When a New Season of Ranked begins = new set of pvp gear that has better stats than last seasons best gear. So everyone starts on EQUAL footing with the start of that new season.


I'm not sure if BioWare is going to ban ranked players from queuing in non-ranked warzones though. Doesn't seem like they are.

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i bet when you play chess you like to just put the pieces on the board in the shape of a smiley face and say "OooOooohhh look how much fun it is we are having"


I play games to compete against other people, with no real measure of success there is very little reason to play.


PVE Raiding died in EQ1 when the competative nature of the PVE in EQ was killed by everyone getting their own instances to kill the pixels and play dressup doll with their loot.


PvP seems to be dying the same death now...


We can only hope GuildWars 2 can bring us an actual PVP game cause swtor pvp is worthless nonsense.


If you need a shiny special object to know your special to make you feel like a winner....I'm sorry but there's bigger issues present. And having fun doesn't mean your not hardcore. When I was a hardcore raider, I gave up all my time to be a hardcore raider cause it was fun. No time for that now unfortunately.

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I'm not sure if BioWare is going to ban ranked players from queuing in non-ranked warzones though. Doesn't seem like they are.


Why need to ban? You as a player have a choice too no? You can leave the warzone or just play it out till the end and wait for your comms/valor.


That is what I DO when I queue solo! If I don't feel like facing 2 premades then I leave and requeue! most times, I stay and just accept the fact that this match is lost, I get valor and commendations at the end if we lose anyway.


I play Republic by the way, so I've had my fair share of beat downs in warzones and Ilum.


Since we will have INTERSERVER queues in the future the chances of you facing the same top geared team in nonranked warzones again is really low so nothing to fear.

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