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1.2 = best pvp gear for free, and no reason to play rated. people are quitting


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If the game had a dozen warzones and engaging world pvp in several areas that worked, then yes, I think the fun factor would be enough to carry a game with no endgame gear progression and more of a level playing field.



But this isn't ever going to be THAT type of game.


So you dont enjoy the pvp? Gear grind wont change that

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No, I am aware of what this game is, and who it caters too. I am just waiting for the next game and voicing my opinions which have been for a while, disappointed and underwhelmed.


I wanted the game to be more, but it is what it is, ALL I can do is watch it sail off into the sunset, and sink....


So you are just hanging out until something else comes up.


Ok then, no reason for anyone to listen to anything you have to say about SWTOR then. Bye

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.




and bioware specificly mentioned that swtor is for the casual gamers and will not be a grind fest.


although the pvp system is a shambles and a mess you shouldnt have to spend 24/7 on a game to get anywere. suffering for months while the nolifers faceroll you for monthso n end while you gear up yourself is just pathetic.



let the scrubs quit. they dont like the fact they wont be able to faceroll new 50's with 2 abilitys anymore and will actualy have to put effort into pvp to win.



i think bioware are weeding these players out and i totaly agree with it :)

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WOW sucked, I played DAoC, WAR, vangaurd, and SWG pre cu mainly, among many other MMO's.


This game is too much like WOW honestly. And IMO that's a bad thing.



Yet, you want a pvp gear progression system just like WoW? Which none of those other games had..

Edited by Tic-
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So you don't believe that this game will ever have more than 4 WZ's and a working world PvP system (most of this can always be blamed on the playerbase)? Damn man, pretty set on that considering the game has been out what, a little over a quarter year? I'll choose to believe that patches will continue to come with new content, probably an expansion or two, etc.


Endgame gear progression will always be there for PvE until someone breaks the mold and has dynamic skill-based combat for PvE encounters (more akin to crazy intense FPS singleplayer gaming, only co-op) where the holy trinity of tank/healer/dps isn't necessary and tab targetting/gear checks are looked upon as archaic novelties.


Don't get me wrong, game isn't shutting down anytime soon. And im sure by this time next year you will have 5 or 6 warzones maybe. But I don't think we will EVER see huge open world PVP battles numbering in the hundreds, on any scale. The hero engine just can't swing it with this game.


It's sad, this game is flat out a "mini MMO". I'm sure PVEer's will remain happy to an extent, even though the OPS are so easy. That and the Star Wars name is enough to carry the game for a while, but as far as the majority of PVP players, this game already lost A lot, and is going to lose even more me thinks.


I would love bioware to prove me wrong, and make epic PVP, but, I just don't see it happening. Come on GW2!

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But you want a pvp gear progression system just like WoW? Which none of those other games had..


WOW had that? I thought wow had even level gear?


Don't know, never liked wow too linear and easy.



And some of those games had gear progression like WARHAMMER.


And my point was, all this game had for pvp was gear grind, now it's gone. The rated wz will go stale quick, ppl will lose incentive to even play the same old boring huttball. They will stop paying to play,, game will be left with PVE casuals.

Edited by Dego_Locc
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So... PvP = Roflstomp fresh 50ers?


Some kids like to be the "Gosu L33ts" on their servers.


They usually dont work, live with their parents and dont pay any bills....so they have all day to boost their alter-ego (a.k.a ingame char) and feel the greatness of stomping other ppl in the face.


When someone takes this from them, they usually cry, smash their keyboards with their heads, ask mommy for cookies and milk, cry a lil more, go to bed, and then wait to move to another MMO.

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Listen to all crybabis that defend their option to get free almost free gear and no rquirments.


This will be end of pvp. Competive pvper need ranked gear to work for, not free for all gear that everyone can get. What the hell is point with ranked then?

Competive pvpers with skills should have higher tier to work for, that shows their skills, not random gear like every no skilled retard pvper.

There must be a diffrence, and back to reply that one guy said; Yes ppl that spend more effort and time into the game should HAVE BETTER gear. That is kinda reward.


Sick and tired of you noobs that complain " we want free gear, but i dont wnna work for it". I want same gear as that top rated player, but my self are just a scrub.


As for my self and use wow as an example: 2.2k ahcive, i worked 2 season to get it, and finnaly i got it, and could collct my new gear, felt like I acomplished something. I was diffrent from all under 2.2, and they didnt have my gear.


what if you get high rated in swtor, and you go to iperial fleet, and beside you are a scrub with no skill and no rating with same gear!! LAME


I dont care about "better stats" by maybe much cooler colors, and color crystal on the high rated gear, and the low rated no so fine, just an example

The whole point of rated WZ is kinda gone then.


And "ranked WZ with only 4 man?? yet another FAIL http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=3326416#edit3326416

Edited by carbocat
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Competive pvpers with skills


If you have skills u dont need a gear to make u far superior to others.


That kinds of BS comes from ppl who likes to trust on their gear to be superior.


U can see that on the lower bracket: ppl from all sorts of levels smashing each other without this "i got better gear" crap.

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If you have skills u dont need a gear to make u far superior to others.


That kinds of BS comes from ppl who likes to trust on their gear to be superior.


U can see that on the lower bracket: ppl from all sorts of levels smashing each other without this "i got better gear" crap.


Did i say something about better stats on the gear? no, inb4 read the whole post before you open your mouth

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Listen to all crybabis that defend their option to get free almost free gear and no rquirments.


This will be end of pvp. Competive pvper need ranked gear to work for, not free for all gear that everyone can get. What the hell is point with ranked then?

Competive pvpers with skills should have higher tier to work for, that shows their skills, not random gear like every no skilled retard pvper.

There must be a diffrence, and back to reply that one guy said; Yes ppl that spend more effort and time into the game should HAVE BETTER gear. That is kinda reward.


Sick and tired of you noobs that complain " we want free gear, but i dont wnna work for it". I want same gear as that top rated player, but my self are just a scrub.


As for my self and use wow as an example: 2.2k ahcive, i worked 2 season to get it, and finnaly i got it, and could collct my new gear, felt like I acomplished something. I was diffrent from all under 2.2, and they didnt have my gear.


what if you get high rated in swtor, and you go to iperial fleet, and beside you are a scrub with no skill and no rating with same gear!! LAME


I dont care about "better stats" by maybe much cooler colors, and color crystal on the high rated gear, and the low rated no so fine, just an example

The whole point of rated WZ is kinda gone then


all i see is is pooh after pooh after pooh



there is no skill it all comes from your gear and the overpowerd broken class you play that use's 1 ability to faceroll.


get a life

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all i see is is pooh after pooh after pooh



there is no skill it all comes from your gear and the overpowerd broken class you play that use's 1 ability to faceroll.


get a life


Oh someone got butthurt...poor you /cry


Since you disagree, i bet your one of the low rated nabs that still keyboard turns ? :)

Edited by carbocat
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Listen to all crybabis that defend their option to get free almost free gear and no rquirments.


This will be end of pvp. Competive pvper need ranked gear to work for, not free for all gear that everyone can get. What the hell is point with ranked then?

Competive pvpers with skills should have higher tier to work for, that shows their skills, not random gear like every no skilled retard pvper.

There must be a diffrence, and back to reply that one guy said; Yes ppl that spend more effort and time into the game should HAVE BETTER gear. That is kinda reward.


Sick and tired of you noobs that complain " we want free gear, but i dont wnna work for it". I want same gear as that top rated player, but my self are just a scrub.


As for my self and use wow as an example: 2.2k ahcive, i worked 2 season to get it, and finnaly i got it, and could collct my new gear, felt like I acomplished something. I was diffrent from all under 2.2, and they didnt have my gear.


what if you get high rated in swtor, and you go to iperial fleet, and beside you are a scrub with no skill and no rating with same gear!! LAME


I dont care about "better stats" by maybe much cooler colors, and color crystal on the high rated gear, and the low rated no so fine, just an example

The whole point of rated WZ is kinda gone then



Skilled pvpers dont want gear to be the deciding factor of why they beat someone, they want to beat them by being better, not by being better geared.


There are a few gear based pvp systems in other mmos, WoW is one of them. Try that game out then once you realize how unrewarding it is having to outgear your opponents you can come back to swtor and have fun knowing that winning through skill is a much more rewarding experience.

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And here I thought the point of rated warzones was to enjoy oneself while playing with a team of one's friends against another comparably geared team. My mistake.


Exactly man I know what you mean.


I pvp because it can be a challenging experience that allows me to learn my toon better, winning through gear crutches on the other hand is not rewarding or fun.

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Skilled pvpers dont want gear to be the deciding factor of why they beat someone, they want to beat them by being better, not by being better geared.


There are a few gear based pvp systems in other mmos, WoW is one of them. Try that game out then once you realize how unrewarding it is having to outgear your opponents you can come back to swtor and have fun knowing that winning through skill is a much more rewarding experience.


I dont care about "better stats" by maybe much cooler colors, and color crystal on the high rated gear, and the low rated no so fine, just an example

The whole point of rated WZ is kinda gone then


Did you read that line?

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Did i say something about better stats on the gear? no, inb4 read the whole post before you open your mouth


Wait, wait...lemme get this straight: all your qq above was because u dont care about the stats (expertise included) but because u want something to distinguish yourself from others players?


Like, an unique "godofwar" gear for u? :rolleyes:

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Wait, wait...lemme get this straight: all your qq above was because u dont care about the stats (expertise included) but because u want something to distinguish yourself from others players?


Like, an unique "godofwar" gear for u? :rolleyes:


Yes better looking gear for those who are better in WZ at high rating. That is something to work for, a gear that seperate you by look from a bad player.


Dont get me wrong, i love this game, and i have real fun pvping, but whats the point of rated if you just play with your friends to have fun?

Bioware implant rated warzone so t can be competive, aka you need to have some kinda rward for doing it well. This is just fact, if good pvpers play rated with no rewards/better gear/ bettter look on gear, they will just quit. Its as simple as that

Edited by carbocat
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There need to be items that you need a minimum rating to purchase.


You baddies are the types of people who think trophies of any kind are bad. EVERYONE who shows up to the Olympics should get a medal for showing up. It's really not fair that people who are better and work harder get Gold while others have to settle for bronze.


No, that is a very bad analogy. Should we give the winners of the foot races motorcycles to use in the next race or should we give them something nice like a trophy to keep at home that doesn't give them an advantage in the next competition.

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


If you keep wanting more and more people to quit, this game will fail. You have to find a middle ground or else you will be the cause of your game failing guy.

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If you keep wanting more and more people to quit, this game will fail. You have to find a middle ground or else you will be the cause of your game failing guy.


The thing is, those players were going to quit soon anyways.


Playing a game for the rewards without enjoying the game itself will not hold your interest regardless of any sort of gear crutch

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Let them quit. I'd rather those type of people were not in the game to start with. Warzones need to be competative and not all about geeks who play 24/7 and have the best gear.


So you're saying warzones need to be competitive, but people should not be playing competitively.


Also, people who are prepared for PvP are geeks.


I can't tell if you're being serious. This has to be trolling.

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