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NEW GEAR PICS: Out With the Old


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I still hate the Inquisitor stuff.


Seriously, their armor just gets worse and worse the higher level you go. I'm crawling back into my Black Talon stuff that I've worn for 40 levels and not coming out until there's some actual decent Sorcerer robes and/or armor. Not whatever that.... revolting mutant dressed in rags and tatters thing is.


I'm a member of the Dark Council, for crying out loud. I think I can dress in better than whatever-the-heck-THAT-is.



What the sorc gear looks sooo amazing.. better than the stupidly large shoulders they have now.

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That THING. On a smuggler's had. Take it off, and make designer who did THIS wear it 24\7.



Hard leather is better thn current darkwing\zorro style. But that's probably because going worse is just next to impossible.


Sorry, till you wear that counselor flat top hat.. or the 'fan' hat.. You have nothing to complain about..


k next thx bai

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Trooper reminds me of Metriod and SW looks like Darth Krayt.


They do need to think before they design on alot of armor though. Like smuggler, I would imagine them wearing stylish sunglass, bandana, or even eyepatches. I mean they are rough and gritty outlaws after all.


P.S. Add a shoulder slot and then add an option to hide shoulder slot. Some people don't like have a 3 foot shoulder pad.

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The JK armor is pretty weird. The color proportions are off. The gloves should be the same color as the boots. And wth are those shoulder pads? They either need to leave out those shoulders or put actual pads on them. Otherwise they are all pretty cool. Except the Smuggler....poor, poor, Smugglers. Edited by Frostythefett
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Oh and those cankles on the JC really make me Lol.


The lower half of her reminds me of a sherpa for some reason. I'm still trying to work out what's going on with her legs exactly.. but I do like the top half part of the outfit a lot.

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The SW looks good but once again no hood ??? ok BW your gonna make me cry soon I WANT A HOOD GOD DAMM IT !


I think their reasoning behind the SW not having much hood options is the fact that the Jedi are more like the Warrior Monks of the game. And Sith are like Warrior Barbarians. They even said back in an old video that most of the Jedi armor would be "Monk" like.

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The lower half of her reminds me of a sherpa for some reason. I'm still trying to work out what's going on with her legs exactly.. but I do like the top half part of the outfit a lot.


Right? My gf and I were talking about this yesterday. We weren't sure if they were really really white pants or she needs a tan lol. The top part is definitely cool.

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Seriously, what is wrong with the guy or gal designing smuggler gear... I liked the suggestion earlier in the thread; the devs should be forced to actually wear what they design for a week to work. Maybe we'd see some cool stuff then, and not...whatever the heck that trainwreck of a hat is supposed to be :)
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I think their reasoning behind the SW not having much hood options is the fact that the Jedi are more like the Warrior Monks of the game. And Sith are like Warrior Barbarians. They even said back in an old video that most of the Jedi armor would be "Monk" like.


The problem is Kinda Vaders look ( juggernaut ) vs Mauls look ( marauder )


The problem is people see juggernauts as Vader and the marauder like Maul, all we have had so far is the juggernaut look

Edited by WNxAbaddon
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You know... its not bad or anything. But seems kind of cooky.


The knights shoulders and hood look weird.


Don't even ask about the smuggler.


The consular looks pretty good, and I can't really tell with the inquisitor. I think I like it but the energy is kind of hiding the gear.


The sith warrior looks kind of boring. The bounty hunter and trooper are okay I guess, nothing really amazing.


The Agent is kind of odd looking.


But none of them are outstanding. At best they are a good looking piece of gear, at worst, mediocre and cheesy looking.


A little disappointed, some of the gear changes are good, some are not.

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