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Such an under used class.


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I have an OP and it is my main- rank 65. I like pvp. Pve bores me. As an OP healer, we suck. I have done dps in pve and we suck. When I look at the only objective measure- battleground ranks, consulars heal for 600k, I am lucky to hit 300k and the most I have ever seen is 400k by any op at all. Sorcs heal for like amounts. BHs even beat us. We cannot tank. We heal poorly and our pvp dps sucks ***.


I do not count snipers. They are not OPs. They do fine.


The only reason I get in groups is because some people dont want to roll on gear, so I get dragged in.


I like the class because of the storyline and the gear look but I have no illusions. I will do a shout out in the imperial fleet with 104 on and ask "imperial OP roll call, and no one or one guy ever replies." We suck. Everyone knows it. If you play it you are stubborn or just like the class. Not because we are the best at anything.

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I have an OP and it is my main- rank 65. I like pvp. Pve bores me. As an OP healer, we suck. I have done dps in pve and we suck. When I look at the only objective measure- battleground ranks, consulars heal for 600k, I am lucky to hit 300k and the most I have ever seen is 400k by any op at all. Sorcs heal for like amounts. BHs even beat us. We cannot tank. We heal poorly and our pvp dps sucks ***.


I do not count snipers. They are not OPs. They do fine.


The only reason I get in groups is because some people dont want to roll on gear, so I get dragged in.


I like the class because of the storyline and the gear look but I have no illusions. I will do a shout out in the imperial fleet with 104 on and ask "imperial OP roll call, and no one or one guy ever replies." We suck. Everyone knows it. If you play it you are stubborn or just like the class. Not because we are the best at anything.


I think looking at the raw numbers is going to throw you off as to how well we do in pvp as healers. The things we bring to pvp as healers don't translate to straight healing amounts, but are very strong. I agree that getting above 400k healing is very hard, but I think that is due to over heals. We are great healers for focused targets since our main heal hits for over 2500-4500 and crit on a consistent basis. Combine that number with the probes going off for 400-800 and our follow up SP hits from 1000-2500. The reason this doesn't translate to raw numbers is because when things are going well and you are just topping people off most of that is over heal, while the other classes have quicker casting smaller heals to keep people topped off and shields.


I realize we don't have the tools that the other healing classes have, but we do have a couple things that we bring to the table that the others don't. We don't have shields, but we do have a spammed SP when target is below 30% which is very powerful. Having the ability to keep multiple targets alive while being completely mobile is very big. I don't know any other class that gets a free heal that hits for 1000 - 2500 that can be spammed and used while moving. We also have the ability to go from defense to offense very quickly and our offense will actually help our healing in the case of shiv and kills give us a TA for SP. People constantly underestimate the dmg I can do as a healer and are surprised when I go on the offense, I don't think the other healer classes do this.


I know I said raw numbers don't mean a lot, but in the WZs I am in that the sorc or merc has 500k - 600k healing, they have like 20k dmg. I may only have 350k healing, but I also have 150k dmg to go with that.

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I think looking at the raw numbers is going to throw you off as to how well we do in pvp as healers. The things we bring to pvp as healers don't translate to straight healing amounts, but are very strong. I agree that getting above 400k healing is very hard, but I think that is due to over heals. We are great healers for focused targets since our main heal hits for over 2500-4500 and crit on a consistent basis. Combine that number with the probes going off for 400-800 and our follow up SP hits from 1000-2500. The reason this doesn't translate to raw numbers is because when things are going well and you are just topping people off most of that is over heal, while the other classes have quicker casting smaller heals to keep people topped off and shields.


I realize we don't have the tools that the other healing classes have, but we do have a couple things that we bring to the table that the others don't. We don't have shields, but we do have a spammed SP when target is below 30% which is very powerful. Having the ability to keep multiple targets alive while being completely mobile is very big. I don't know any other class that gets a free heal that hits for 1000 - 2500 that can be spammed and used while moving. We also have the ability to go from defense to offense very quickly and our offense will actually help our healing in the case of shiv and kills give us a TA for SP. People constantly underestimate the dmg I can do as a healer and are surprised when I go on the offense, I don't think the other healer classes do this.


I know I said raw numbers don't mean a lot, but in the WZs I am in that the sorc or merc has 500k - 600k healing, they have like 20k dmg. I may only have 350k healing, but I also have 150k dmg to go with that.



This post contradicts itself so much. The poster also must have no clue how other healing classes perform, or how his own class mechanics work.


I seriously think it was a troll post.

Edited by Howbadisbad
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I think the short answer is that most ppl who go empire go with healers and dps force lightening, which to me is the "easiest" class to use in PvP as it's all stuns and self-healing that helps you win matches.


I didn't try PvP until my jedi guardian was lvl 50. Then I started playing PvP with my lvl 30s gunslinger, and most recently my imperial agent (sniper). I've had more success (kills, total damage, medals) with my imperial agent than probably my other 2 chars combined, and my agent is only lvl 24. I like the range agent has, you can get at ppl who can't get at you. I recently played a Huttball game in which approx. 75% of our team was made up of imperial agents, and we ruled the match.

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my original plan was to roll juggernaut tank, but I found the play style a little.. meh... I then made an agent alt, as I wanted to play all the stories on the imperial side. I loved my sniper so much that I had no second thought about switching to sniper as my main.


less played than classes with glow bats? Good, the more unique, the better


Oh and, OPs don't suck in PvP... their burst damage is very good. At least I think so, having been victim to it on my assassin... stunned until I have 10% hp left (from full) and then it's 1 or 2 stabs and I die. don't tell me op damage dealer sucks.

Edited by Fallerup
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I play a lvl 40 OP and while the burst damage is great I spend more time running for my life because or CD's are absolutely garbage. The minute I come out of stealth a good team will FF me and I will explode in a matter of seconds even with evasion and shield probe up. Our damage reduction CD's need an overhaul because they just don't cut it right now. The only thing evasion is good for is wiping dots as 90% of player attacks ignore it and the only thing shield probe is good for is the silly noises it makes when I use it. I think if they changed evasion to also apply to tech attacks we would be in a lot better place.
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Why is the imperial agent such a under used class? I was on dromund kaas today with about 50 people on the planet and I was one of the 2 imperial agents on the entire planet.Theirs nothing bad about the agent it has a good story and being a sniper is fun just taking people out from a far. Yes it is a more difficult class to play and might not be as good in pvp but im more of a PVE person and i think this is my favorite class after the Trooper. When this game came out everyone went for the guy with the lightsaber,The dude that can shoot lighting or the BH cause they are cool no one ever went for the IA even tho its a great class.


Because we weren't in any of the cool cinematics they put out.

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At least in the start of the game I think that one reason the Agent is under-represented is that, unlike the rest of the classes, there is no character in the star wars movies that the agent represents. It's easy to pick a class that represents Darth Vader, Han Solo, Boba Fett etc; The agent doesn't really capture any of the characters very well, as his character is an archetype from the greater sphere of fiction ... which personally appealed to me the most.


I enjoy my lvl 50 op - I do middling damage in both pvp and pve, generally not the best or the worst. I enjoy scouting Ilum and getting the jump on stragglers, decloaking in the endzone to catch the odd huttball. In MMO's as in life - like one Heraclitus said: Panta Rei. Everything is in flux - things will change, characters wax and wane. It's better to "forget all that and ... just enjoy yourself!"

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I enjoy sniper in PvP if I can sit down and snipe people. But when I get attacked I die so damn fast... no heals or anything...:(


Why people don't play it much? I think the slow attacks is one and that we must take cover alla the time. Kind of wierd the first 10 levels.

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As someone who plays the mirror class to the Imperial Agent, I'm finding much of the same problem. A class that I have assumed (probably wrongly ;3) is a CC-er or a burst damage glass cannon (Scoundrel) has been riddled with nerfs, leaving us uneffective when it comes to how other classes can cope with the same situations. This is from my point of view, but it seems that as of right now, other classes can top everything else I can do with my Scoundrel.


As for the Gunslinger/Sniper, I have a ton of fun on them, but I also feel like the class needs something more than just the pure sustained damage they have. They can obliterate in PvP, but they don't have many abilities to be used on the go. I understand how cover is meant to be a vital part of the class mechanics, but in a PvP game where it can be dominated by melee classes, cover and staying in the same spot is almost never effective, unless I can beat them before they get to me.


Just my two cents. ^^

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ive played a smuggler scoundrel (Ops) up to 50 to BM gear.


We are not wanted in Operation (raid)

We are not wanted in Hard Mode


this is for DPS and Healing. Some people take them, rare but they do.


We are in melee, bosses are not melee friendly

We are squishy , bosses hit us hard

We have a Really Good opening burst (=assassin) but cant maintain the dps

We heal less often and less stronger then a BH healer or Sorc healer

We dont put the damage of the marauder or the sniper

As a smuggler the gear look horrible.


This is why i rerolled. I was tired of not being invited to an Operation because of my classes. Im sure i could have done good, i was really good at pvp and i did alot of hard mode with my friends. But i know i cant sustain the damage

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