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Should we all late preorders cancel?


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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?


At a minimum you will get at least one day early access. At the very worst you will get one day.


If that is not worth it to you then yea, Just cancel and wait till the 20th.


However, depending on when you entered your code you could still get more early access time. There are still 6 days worth of early access time waiting.

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4/5 waves a day? whats the point of this? in beta stress test we enter all whit not any problem,and now we have to wait for what? u want to create more hipe? just let us know when should be possible to enter,so we dont stay here F5ing all the day!!! The early access is a fake,is needed only for upload stress
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WHY! The point of the pre-order is just to get the game, the early game access was a BONUS. Wow, if people can't figure this out, how will you ever read and understand all the text in the game....oh wait, it talks to you, damn, bring on the morons.


I paid for the "BONUS", champ.

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They never said that.


Hey everyone, good morning and welcome to the first day of Early Game Access for Star Wars: The Old Republic!




At the very beginning of pre-orders, which started on July 21st, we had a massive influx of pre-orders. A huge spike. After that, things settled down. As a result, today especially, you're going to see a fairly narrow band of dates from those admitted to Early Game Access. From tomorrow, it'll spread out to a wider date range.




Update: Wave 3 was just sent.





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Everyone will be getting at least one day of Early Game Access - unless you pre-order on the 19th, in which case it could be less depending on the speed of your game download, etc. If you do pre-order less than a day before we end Early Game Access, you'll get access granted very soon after you redeem your pre-order code.


Very soon... now i love that ...


Any chance you guys could be more specific, like oh i dont know, whats the LEAST amount of days you get for paying $5 in a preorder fee? See preorder is not free, there is a fee involved which covers a .... undisclosed amount of time could be 7days, could be 1 day which for most people would be the same as .. a few hours (with work and christmas and everything else)


So i would concur on the whole logic of defeating the purpose of preordering

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I paid for the "BONUS", champ.


nope, paid the same as everyone else... sonny(champ really ***). I pre-ordered in july, still not in yet, and I paid the same amount as you. Back then there wasn't even talk of early game access. So, as I said, so many words, so little brain cells.

Edited by TheOzzmanDPG
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they are aren't they. Just big squishy animals wanting nothing but to be loved...... and to get into the (*#*(*@^&@*&^#( game early


I have seen so many MMO launches. The community is just a nightmare around launch time.


I don't know which I enjoy most. Actually getting in and playing at launch, or laughing at all the adults fighting like children.

Edited by XOrionX
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I pre-ordered! I wanna Play NOW!!!!!


If Bioware doesn't let me in now I'm canceling my pre-order!




Never mind the fact that Bioware said that it would be first come first served when pre-orders were put on sale!


Never mind that its 7 days the 20th will be gone forever and I'll lose all my pre-order stuff that will last as long as the servers are up!



Dagnabit, Bioware needs to provide a dictionary definition for the word "may" otherwise its thier fault and not mine! And. . .and, I'll sue!!!!!



Stoopid Bioware for making a game that is so popular!!!!

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I don't know if somebody mentioned it yet (as I skipped a dozen pages of trolling), but I recall some BW rep said that


the EA has ben shifted 2 days earlier, so everyone who preordered has AT LEAST 2 days of early access.


(the process will take 5 days, and so the last person that preordered would log in on 17th Dec.). CBA to fetch the source for this, but that's what some guy at BioWare said when they announced movinf the EA from 15th to 13th.

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WHY! The point of the pre-order is just to get the game, the early game access was a BONUS. Wow, if people can't figure this out, how will you ever read and understand all the text in the game....oh wait, it talks to you, damn, bring on the morons.


Dont know about you but i payed a FEE to pre-order, now that means its not free...

2nd.. there is no such thing as a free lunch, all perceived free content is payed for by the base price, ie. early access (which have become the STABLE since EQ2/WoW launch) i can assure you is MOST defiantely covered in the base price and fee's.

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I have seen so many MMO launches. The community is just a nightmare around launch time.


I don't know which I enjoy most. Actually getting in and playing at launch, or laughing at all the adults fighting like children.


What?!?! Are these guys adults?!?!

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Sucks for me, when we could redeem our pre orders I was in Iraq so never got the chance to do it early. Hope I can still get in tomorrow or Wednesday


Hey man. Welcome back.


And thanks for what you did over there. Many may not agree with the wars, but the majority of us will always be thankful for what you guys do.


* I petition to have this guy moved to the front of the line! Let him in! He earned it.

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considering is very unlikely that we get an email sent before the 20th (release date) what's the point of preordering then?


in my opinion this staggering system for early access, defeats the purpose of doing a preorder now.


should i just cancel my preorder and wait till the 20th ?


Yes. Cancel your order and I'll send you updates on the game while I play today :cool:

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Cancel asap.


This means you will not have 100% assured game copy at release and we might be lucky enough to not have you in for a longer period, with some luck you will emo quit before the game even released and community will be that much happier.




I'd prefer if everyone who's this childish would quit now. I'd rather not hear the sort of whining you'll do in general chat.

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Dont know about you but i payed a FEE to pre-order, now that means its not free...

2nd.. there is no such thing as a free lunch, all perceived free content is payed for by the base price, ie. early access (which have become the STABLE since EQ2/WoW launch) i can assure you is MOST defiantely covered in the base price and fee's.


Really, you paid a FEE to pre-order a game...... Wow, your a moron then for a different reason. It is called a down payment, it goes toward the price of the game, I'm sorry that math is just too hard for you. Not sure about the STABLE your talking about but your probably looking in the wrong place for a pony. Get your parents to help you.

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For myself, I think I am on the last day or so for EGA. I had a month and a half fight between me and my gameing retailor where they just outright ignored my e-mails. When I finally gave up on them and reverted back to SW:TOR customer support it took another week for me showing game purchase's and codes given before I was granted a new code.


So even tho I purchased my game back on 10/28 my pre-order code that actually worked wasn't added until 12/10. So far this has been one really long boring vacation because I gave up on playing EQ, EQ ][ and WoW. Now if I can only last another 17 more days of this 36 day vacation without nothing to do.


To all those in congraduations, I still having a tough time trying to decide Sith Warrior or Jedi Knight. Not wanting to do the PvP thing anymore I'm stuck between PvE or RP-PvE, and the story of the class I choose. Tell you going Republic the story choices seem much easier then going Sith, because of light/dark side answers.

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whats the LEAST amount of days you get for paying $5 in a preorder fee? See preorder is not free, there is a fee involved which covers a .... undisclosed amount of time could be 7days,


No, the preorder fee is a deposit to ensure that if a retailer puts aside a copy of the game, that he could be selling , you will actually bother to pay the remainder.


It's not a fee to get you early access. It doesnt entitle you to anything beyond a copy of the game being there for you on release. Everything else, the dinky little crystal, the possible additional time in game before the launch is a bonus, you didnt pay a penny for it.

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