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Queue growing and growing and growing...


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I just checked and 15 of them were not full, but heavy or very heavy. I'm not suggesting they shouldn't open more. What I'm saying is...how many people would be willing to abandon their 2-3 day old characters for a new server? Doesn't seem many here would, but expect free transfers for their entire guild instead LOL.


At the time I posted my post all English servers was Full and a couple of German servers was Very Heavy. But it has changed since then(se my previous post). Don't get me wrong, I gladly delete my 8 lvl 10 characters and change server... but there was no free server at the time. :cool:

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The reason because queue are growing is simple, non-english communities made the mistake of choosing only 1 server to join. How could one put an entire community in one server? It's unreasonable.


Yeah .. and then english comminuty like UK decided that they want one server as well ^^. Makes sense :)

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this is why they did the invites over time. now that more and more get in we have Q's. but hey people Cry about not getting in and now cry about the Q's.



this is why they did the invites over time. i just wish it lasted longer QQ lol.




but hey in a week i am sure more servers will go up and they will offer server transfers.




all in due time people.




RELAX i am in a long Q as well. 40+mins.



but hey they servers dont crash and the game runs smooth THEY ARE DOING IT RIGHT. so CHILL OUT PEOPLE.

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Really hoping they increase Server Cap at Launch or very closely after. I don't mind waiting for something this epic and good (done it in Multiple WoW Expansions for example.).


Just hoping that they do it fairly soon, sucks when you work to about 20.00 CET like today, and I'm barely halfway through the queue now (over 2 hours).

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Sorry but we were deployed on that server. We got assigned this server if we could move we would but our guild is here. so shoo


And i agree people saying get over it you have not been involved in an MMo launch before if you have not qued either have more free time than others or have not been in a mmo launch themselves.


I have never ever qued longer than 30 mins to get in a server and i dont mind 30 mins - hour but 2 hours + is not acceptable, and i dont care if people think im QQ'ing. We need some sport of reply to what will happen with this over the coming days going into release because its only going to get worse. Theres some of us who around the Holiday season are really busy.




you do need to get over it.



we remade our guild on another server. sadly its getting full. (THE FATMAN) But better then our old one in time waiting.

Edited by Mrpoodles
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They are adding more resources over the next week or so to allow more users on the servers. Have patients. It does suck but you're logging in at peak hours which doesn't help. And remember, this is early access, not launch. People screamed loud and they allowed more than they were planning to stagger in. That's the double edge sword of complaining. Ask and you shall receive.


Im on the same server. The situation is the same at 11AM, at 4PM and worst it is at evening "peak" hours.........1200+ ppl in qeues!!!!

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This is simply TOTALLY UNACCEPTIBLE! I have paid for this ****. I have been in queue now FOR THREE HOURS AND 15 MINUTES. And don't tell me to change server, they are all friggin full. *** is this???? EA knew how many ppl they let in on early access, and they don't have room for them???? What the hell
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Really hoping they increase Server Cap at Launch or very closely after. I don't mind waiting for something this epic and good (done it in Multiple WoW Expansions for example.).


Just hoping that they do it fairly soon, sucks when you work to about 20.00 CET like today, and I'm barely halfway through the queue now (over 2 hours).


They got to, probable doing final stress test to check the queue works lol, Im at 250 now, might just get in to see my bounty hunter then log on again lol

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only ones who are happy are those who got in in first 4 waves, rest is just screwed over


ive got in the second wave. im not happy. 4.15 hours an pilling up. 170 on queue started at 2008

Edited by Lopys
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I have now waited 2 hours and 45 minutes to get in on Bloodworthy. Theres still 168 people in queue before me.. I really hope Bioware have some neat solutions to this problem. Letting more people on each server or free guildwide migrations or something.
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confirmation +


Get em to Release Cap state NOW!


Funny part, I just had my wife log in from our house and our server had no wait time. <shrug> I still asked that she go by and tap the space bar from time to tme until I get home. ;)

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