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The only class I like is the Sentinel. Need alt help.


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I am being dead serious here, I have tried a bunch of alts, even gotten a couple almost to 30 (Gunslinger and Vanguard) but it all comes back to the only class I really gel with is the sentinel. Having hit 50, there is only so much I can do because I don't PvP. Not ragging on PvP it is just not my thing. Yes, I do my dailies and hard modes with my guild on occasion but that does not give me a lot of play time.


So what am I asking? For all the other sentinels out there which classes do you find as enjoyable and challenging to play? I know I could make a Marauder and explore that for the story but I like interacting with my guild so want to stay Republic. Still it is an option I am considering along with making another sentinel just so I can enjoy PvE.

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I am being dead serious here, I have tried a bunch of alts, even gotten a couple almost to 30 (Gunslinger and Vanguard) but it all comes back to the only class I really gel with is the sentinel. Having hit 50, there is only so much I can do because I don't PvP. Not ragging on PvP it is just not my thing. Yes, I do my dailies and hard modes with my guild on occasion but that does not give me a lot of play time.


So what am I asking? For all the other sentinels out there which classes do you find as enjoyable and challenging to play? I know I could make a Marauder and explore that for the story but I like interacting with my guild so want to stay Republic. Still it is an option I am considering along with making another sentinel just so I can enjoy PvE.


Install some voice chat like TS and play a marauder. Your guild mates can let you know that way, when they want to run something. Leveling a second sentinel sounds boring , you've already seen the story once.

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You know I totally forgot about using vent to keep in touch with my guild. Thanks :)


Yeah leveling another sent would not be the greatest thing because I have already done the story but I am finding that is the same for any Republic toon I level since the class story is a small part of all the story I have to go through.

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Have you tried a shadow? They seem like they could be fun to play. I do agree though Sentinels are crazy fun. My main is actually a Seer Sage and I get bored on him so I created a sent to try it out and it is hella fun. I do want to try shadow though eventually they seem like they could be fun and annoying to people in pvp as well.
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I have an assassin, a sniper, and a sentinel. I have tried all the classes to a point but these 3 are the ones I have spent the time to level because i found them the most fun. My sniper and assassin are level 50, my sentinel is only level 24 atm (currently leveling). I really enjoy the playstyle of all 3 of these classes and find them very fun to play. You already have a GS so you know what that is like so I guess i would suggest the assassin/shadow, even try it tank spec as it still does pretty decent dmg.
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I recommend either Marauder (for same class but new story, companions, and quests planets) or Assassin/Shadow. I have a Jedi Conselor and I'm not a fan of the companions, but the story is nice. Like a galactic diplomat. Either way, it seems you want to wield a lightsaber and be a bamf. So stick with Force-users.
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I do have a shadow right that is only lvl 15. I am trying to like it but finding the combat a bit clunky. I know it is more than likely me and not the class so I haven't given up hope on it.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions so far. :)

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I know how you feel. Sentinel is a very "busy" class. You are constantly hitting abilities and you use so many of them. Very fast paces.


I also have been leveling kinetic shadow and its not bad, it is a good second republic job because since I am leveling in more or less the same areas as before, I can sneak around and do objectives faster. It can get a bit more hectic once you get some of your higher abilities, before that it can be tough.


I want to try sith side, was going to level a sorcerer but man I die a lot before level 10 on elite mobs. Maybe I should level a maruder. Now that I read in 1.2 you can send mail from republic to sith (or at least thats how I read it) I want to cover more crafts.


Have artifice and its gathering skills maxed which was a godsend for sentinel being always prepared. Got bio almost maxed on shadow, I need someone to make the mods and armor plates, then an alt for slicing for crew mission quests for the harder to gather items.

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I started with shadow. It's great for group stuff, especially, but the story is real hit/miss for some players.



If you like the always-busy aspect of being a Sentinel, I'd recommend vanguard. Good luck!

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I do have a shadow right that is only lvl 15. I am trying to like it but finding the combat a bit clunky. I know it is more than likely me and not the class so I haven't given up hope on it.


Thanks everyone for the suggestions so far. :)


I couldnt find shadow enjoyable either, same clunky combat and lacking leap really did it for me.


It really comes down to... do you want damage dealer again? or a different role?


I play all 8 advanced classes and the ones i enjoy most are roughly in order...


Sentinel > Guardian(Tank) > Sage(Healer) > Commando(Grav Spammer) > Gunslinger > Vanguard(Tank) > Scoundrel(DPS) > Shadow(Tank)

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