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Server population is dropping...


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This thread is a monument to peoples inability to wait for anything, its a sad thing really.


If you want things like your legacy, gear, quests completed, companion gear, affection, crew skills, and the hundreds of other thing attached to your character intact when you get off your "dead" server... your going to have to wait for it.

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I have given up on +2 missions - not enough takers. Says as much as it can for myself. Wasting time trying to find one partner in an area. Time to go back to Star Trek Online. At least there is a community.
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This thread is a monument to peoples inability to wait for anything, its a sad thing really.


If you want things like your legacy, gear, quests completed, companion gear, affection, crew skills, and the hundreds of other thing attached to your character intact when you get off your "dead" server... your going to have to wait for it.


My server has been dead for a long time. And it's annoying to pay money to NOT be able to pvp or do fp's...The whole concept of the game kinda falls through... I can level an alt? Already got 4...

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My server has been dead for a long time. And it's annoying to pay money to NOT be able to pvp or do fp's...The whole concept of the game kinda falls through... I can level an alt? Already got 4...


If its been that way for a while now(lol @ a long time game is 4 months old), and is causing you heartache and grief way on earth are you still there?




You say you have 4 alts and you never considered to make one not on your "dead" server, sounds a bit fishy to me.

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This thread is a monument to peoples inability to wait for anything, its a sad thing really.


If you want things like your legacy, gear, quests completed, companion gear, affection, crew skills, and the hundreds of other thing attached to your character intact when you get off your "dead" server... your going to have to wait for it.


Sitting around on a dead server doing the same dailies over and over by yourself isn't an option either. BW/EA painted themselves into a corner, and a lot of people like me aren't going to stick around for XX months doing nothing till they can get it right, if they ever do.

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If its been that way for a while now(lol @ a long time game is 4 months old), and is causing you heartache and grief way on earth are you still there?




You say you have 4 alts and you never considered to make one not on your "dead" server, sounds a bit fishy to me.


Cause I enjoy the game..or at least used to. The Kumumgah was unfortunately for me and my friends one of the servers who never even got passed light population. And now at primetime it's currently 6 ppl on imp fleet. 12 50s online. You don't think this is a priority issue? Then you're blind...

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Sitting around on a dead server doing the same dailies over and over by yourself isn't an option either. BW/EA painted themselves into a corner, and a lot of people like me aren't going to stick around for XX months doing nothing till they can get it right, if they ever do.


I would recommend unsubbing and coming back when they implement server transfer. Paying $15 a month while waiting for them to fix low pop server is a gross waste of cash.

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How can you expect a game to make money when those of you ************ about nothing to do at 50 were the ones to jump in game when it came out and rush to 50? How can a game last years if it hands everything to the player from the start? How can it last if it hands out content from the beginning? This game is still new and you all want everything handed to you. Go back to WoW if thats what u want. Now with the low pop servers, simple. Move to a new server. If you honestly have had time to level to 50 and plus other toons from when it was released then you have time to move to another server that has the population you want. Even WoW has LOW POPULATION servers. It's the name of the game. As stated above, if you have time to run dailies on a LOW POP server over and over... Then you obviously can move to a more populated one and build a toon. Your statements only show you are lazy and want BioWare to make everything easy for you and even with that said leveling is still not to hard.. MooOooove to another server and stop *****in about a game still in its infancy. You guys expect wwaaaaayyy to much to early. Your like women. Want everything right away and even if you did you still wouldnt be happy unless you complained about something else.
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Cause I enjoy the game..or at least used to. The Kumumgah was unfortunately for me and my friends one of the servers who never even got passed light population. And now at primetime it's currently 6 ppl on imp fleet. 12 50s online. You don't think this is a priority issue? Then you're blind...


12 people vs 1.7 million... no sorry its not a priority issue, not saying it's not an issue just not a priority one.


Also if your server has always been this way then it's totally all your fault for staying there, let alone making 4 alts on it. Rolling on a server that was perpetually light from the start is not something they can fix, you did that to yourself, there are always a few like yours in every game...some people even like it.


If it bothers you that much then you should have seen the signs long before #2 alt and bailed.

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Yet your still here, still peddling the doom and gloom.


1.7 million subscribers at the end of February (Asia Pacific Launch was 1st March so NOT included) the majority not in thier free month.


If you don't like the game just move on, don't waste our time or yours spouting misinformation and nonsense.


Um, I love the game. I just wish more people were on my server. I had to re-roll on a heavy server just to see Heroic/FP/Op content.


My old server had TWO people on the fleet this morning. Compared with my new one at 50-60. Weekend 180+


I came to play an MMO. Not a Single player game. Where's the massive? I had to abandon two 50s and several alts between 20-40, in order to re-roll, and go through the linear, starter planets for the 9th and 10th time. That sucks.


Bioware rules out tools that could make things bearable like cross-server LFG, etc.. In the name of Community. I think if Community were priority, we'd have the option to transfer, and the dead servers merged so we could actually play with other people. That makes up a large part of the draw to MMOs. Multiplayer. And I'm just a PvE player. This has got to be awful for those who enjoy pvp/rp servers.

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12 people vs 1.7 million... no sorry its not a priority issue, not saying it's not an issue just not a priority one.


Also if your server has always been this way then it's totally all your fault for staying there, let alone making 4 alts on it. Rolling on a server that was perpetually light from the start is not something they can fix, you did that to yourself, there are always a few like yours in every game...some people even like it.


If it bothers you that much then you should have seen the signs long before #2 alt and bailed.


Anyways back to the topic at hand, I really don't think there are 1.7million subscribers. We can logically assume it didn't grow to 2 million so the question is where is it at? Judging from how things are going I say roughly 1.65m? Just a fun guess. If things are bad or stagnating I don't think they'll tell the numbers till after 1.2 launches.

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Anyways back to the topic at hand, I really don't think there are 1.7million subscribers. We can logically assume it didn't grow to 2 million so the question is where is it at? Judging from how things are going I say roughly 1.65m? Just a fun guess. If things are bad or stagnating I don't think they'll tell the numbers till after 1.2 launches.


There may well be 1.7 million subs. But the questions is-- how many of them are still actively playing as against just waiting for their subs to run out.


E.g. I am still subbed. But haven't logged on in 14 days.

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Um, I love the game. I just wish more people were on my server. I had to re-roll on a heavy server just to see Heroic/FP/Op content.


My old server had TWO people on the fleet this morning. Compared with my new one at 50-60. Weekend 180+


I came to play an MMO. Not a Single player game. Where's the massive? I had to abandon two 50s and several alts between 20-40, in order to re-roll, and go through the linear, starter planets for the 9th and 10th time. That sucks.


Bioware rules out tools that could make things bearable like cross-server LFG, etc.. In the name of Community. I think if Community were priority, we'd have the option to transfer, and the dead servers merged so we could actually play with other people. That makes up a large part of the draw to MMOs. Multiplayer. And I'm just a PvE player. This has got to be awful for those who enjoy pvp/rp servers.




WHAT server? I would like to move there

Edited by Desperer
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Anyways back to the topic at hand, I really don't think there are 1.7million subscribers. We can logically assume it didn't grow to 2 million so the question is where is it at? Judging from how things are going I say roughly 1.65m? Just a fun guess. If things are bad or stagnating I don't think they'll tell the numbers till after 1.2 launches.


Good thing what you think has no bearing on reality.


And last I hear, this month actually, it's stabilized at 1.7 million.



Edited by BlackZoback
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Good thing what you think has no bearing on reality.


And last I hear, this month actually, it's stabilized at 1.7 million.




Server population is dropping on the server i play also, beginning to be hard to complete warzones when there is no one to play with.

Please BW, act now before its too late. People will find something else to do with their time if there isnt no one to play with and its getting worse day by day.


Guess ill hang around until the start of 1.2 and if BW isnt doing anything about the population issue im cancelling my sub. No point paying good money for sitting on a abandoned server hoping for wz ques.


Update. After 2 hours there was a wz against the reps on civil war. 4vs4 that ended prematurely. Think im giving up...

Edited by Helistin
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Good thing what you think has no bearing on reality.


And last i hear, this month actually, its stabilized at 1.7 million.




If you can't post something constructive to the thread BlackZoback, please don't post at all. If you actually have updated numbers that prove me wrong or stupid please post them, i'm really curious. Me saying there is 1.65m currently and reports from the end of February suggesting just under 1.7m makes me not with reality?


Anyways, for others are in interested in logic and reason. Those numbers are old and we just passed another roadblock with the 21st so a bunch of subs just lapsed. Judging from the lack of inactivity this might take all the steam out of the free trial and asian launch + some.

Edited by Touchbass
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Um, I love the game. I just wish more people were on my server. I had to re-roll on a heavy server just to see Heroic/FP/Op content.


My old server had TWO people on the fleet this morning. Compared with my new one at 50-60. Weekend 180+


I came to play an MMO. Not a Single player game. Where's the massive? I had to abandon two 50s and several alts between 20-40, in order to re-roll, and go through the linear, starter planets for the 9th and 10th time. That sucks.


Bioware rules out tools that could make things bearable like cross-server LFG, etc.. In the name of Community. I think if Community were priority, we'd have the option to transfer, and the dead servers merged so we could actually play with other people. That makes up a large part of the draw to MMOs. Multiplayer. And I'm just a PvE player. This has got to be awful for those who enjoy pvp/rp servers.


I had 2 50's and a handful of alts as well and I started to reroll on a high pop server and then my memory kicked in and the same quests I had done 10 times were too fresh in my memory. Im actually sad, I enjoyed logging on in a fresh mmo with a friend and seeing a full guild, last week I was the only one on and the fleet numbers were slowly dropping at peak from 230/200/180/160/130/100/80 at peak from week to week. Not exact numbers but you get the picture.


Now my options are wait for SWTOR to catch up to speed which could take awhile, GW2 which is yet another WoW spinoff with self heals and more pvp oriented skill sets, or Tera with its innovative combat but ultra time sink grind. It looks like there is no perfect answer, probably just set on the sidelines a bit and see how things evolve.

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I had 2 50's and a handful of alts as well and I started to reroll on a high pop server and then my memory kicked in and the same quests I had done 10 times were too fresh in my memory. Im actually sad, I enjoyed logging on in a fresh mmo with a friend and seeing a full guild, last week I was the only one on and the fleet numbers were slowly dropping at peak from 230/200/180/160/130/100/80 at peak from week to week. Not exact numbers but you get the picture.


Now my options are wait for SWTOR to catch up to speed which could take awhile, GW2 which is yet another WoW spinoff with self heals and more pvp oriented skill sets, or Tera with its innovative combat but ultra time sink grind. It looks like there is no perfect answer, probably just set on the sidelines a bit and see how things evolve.


As an altoholic from WoW I can't stand the leveling process in this game after the first 50. Each zone has significantly less quests, you can't skip zones, flashpoints are hard to find as a break, it takes forever to pick up quests and whole process is darn repetitive. However I am seeing a lot of people roll of alts instead of play their 50's so I guess people are enjoying the process, guess it didn't jive with me.

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I dont base server population on how many are on the station. Although that is a valid number, but the purpose of being on a pvp server is world pvp. I used to have encounters daily with imps as i lvld. Now i have gone 3 weeks without any encounters or even seeing someone to who is enemy player. i even went on illum on lower lvl toon and only found enemy rarely.
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If you can't post something constructive to the thread BlackZoback, please don't post at all. If you actually have updated numbers that prove me wrong or stupid please post them, i'm really curious. Me saying there is 1.65m currently and reports from the end of February suggesting just under 1.7m makes me not with reality?


Anyways, for others are in interested in logic and reason. Those numbers are old and we just passed another roadblock with the 21st so a bunch of subs just lapsed. Judging from the lack of inactivity this might take all the steam out of the free trial and asian launch + some.


Shouldn't that be the other way around? since I'm not pulling things from my posterior....


The link I post for you has things like this in it:


In other EA news, the CEO also gave those in attendance an update on Star Wars: The Old Republic. Riccitiello said there were currently 1.7 million active subscribers to the online game. As Venture Beat indicates, this isn’t much of a change from the numbers EA reported during their earnings call last month, save for one small detail.


Many of those in the initial subscriber count were using 30 day free trial subscriptions. The majority of those trials have probably run their course and the revised 1.7 million count is likely comprised of paying customers only. Riccitiello said that Star Wars was the most successful MMO through this period in the history of the industry but there is a much larger opportunity in front of them moving forward.


Here is the actual link: http://www.techspot.com/news/47755-ea-ceo-talks-mass-effect-3-and-star-wars-numbers.html and it's dated March 13th, 10 days ago


So unless they are fibbing, we wont know till next month.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Asking you for a source =/= calling you a liar. Didn't realize they released a report a few days after the early March report. They've been very sparatic with releasing those numbers. Damn, looks like server populations are dropping in NA, that just confirms that. The boon from the Asian markets isn't compensating for the drop in NA subs, not a good sign. We'll have to see till we get more numbers both from after 21st here and patch 1.2


EDIT: Anyways that article is 3-4 days after the article i first posted to prove that this game didn't have 2 million subs to the Biodrones. That really isn't an impressive find to be honest, you really shouldn't hinge an insult based on that, makes you look petty.


EDIT2: I'm still going with my numbers that after the 21st we are dropping down to 1.65m as my prediction.

Edited by Touchbass
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Here is the actual link: http://www.techspot.com/news/47755-ea-ceo-talks-mass-effect-3-and-star-wars-numbers.html and it's dated March 13th, 10 days ago


So unless they are fibbing, we wont know till next month.


In the article it says the following: 'Many of those in the initial subscriber count were using 30 day free trial subscriptions. The majority of those trials have probably run their course and the revised 1.7 million count is likely comprised of paying customers only.'


Here in th UK, you couldn't just buy the game with a 30 day trial and play, you had to subscribe for one month immediately or pay a 60 day pre-paid card and then you would get the 30 day free trial on top that came with the game.


So my 90 days in total (60 from pre-paid card + 30 free trial) ended earlier this week and I had to buy another pre-paid card.


So the article is dated March 12th which is just before all those free trials + pre-paid cards ended. This week is a crucial week, because by now all the people that bought the game on release + pre-paid card, will decide to play on or not.


Just saying.

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Asking you for a source =/= calling you a liar. Didn't realize they released a report a few days after the early March report. They've been very sparatic with releasing those numbers. Damn, looks like server populations are dropping in NA, that just confirms that. The boon from the Asian markets isn't compensating for the drop in NA subs, not a good sign. We'll have to see till we get more numbers both from after 21st here and patch 1.2


EDIT: Anyways that article is 3-4 days after the article i first posted to prove that this game didn't have 2 million subs to the Biodrones. That really isn't an impressive find to be honest, you really shouldn't hinge an insult based on that, makes you look petty.


EDIT2: I'm still going with my numbers that after the 21st we are dropping down to 1.65m as my prediction.



You know....


Calling other players who you disagree with "Biodrones" doesn't exactly make you look good ether.

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