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I agree with this cause leveling alts is my thing, I would prefer it if the game wasn't so linear or if it was easier forming groups for Heroics + flashpoints to break up the grind.


Heroic quests are a mixed bag. In a way, they are neat but on the other hand, some are extremely frustrating. My brother and I were smashing all of our heroic quests off our quest logs over the past few nights - we were doing a heroic 4 on Voss that literally took an hour to kill over to objective 1, kill to objective 2 (on the opposite side of the bunker), then kill to objective 3 to open objective 4. It was just too long for the small amount of loot that was awarded.


I'm certainly not a fan of Heroic 4. Heroic 2 would be okay as long as they can be done with a well geared player and companion. I just don't feel that heroic quests are the way to go in TOR. Perhaps this will change with a LFG system to queue for them but my understanding from in-game and on the forums is many players skip the heroic quests altogether.

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I accept that there are 1.7 million subscribers. But where are they? I spent 3 hours on Tatooine (on a Saturday night) and was the only person to post in General. I really hope they either do merges or allow transfers soon; the game is great, it's just so damn lonely, and there are a lot of single-player games with less running around than this one.


I filtered off General to another window. No matter how many times you spam it, I'll never see it unless I, for some reason, have a need to see General.


I talk with my Guild and in /tells. I have no desire to interface with random dudes in the zone I'm in. I'm fine as long as I see a random dude drive by on their speeder every once in awhile.


Besides, it would break immersion for me if there was a dozen people stomping all over my mobs out in the desert, where it's supposed to be a barren and desolate place.

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This thread is sad. I don't know why but for some reason people can't accept the fact that the game is doing well. So they keep postponing their imaginary deadline of when the game is going to fail while continuing to contribute to its success by paying monthly for a game they apparently hate.


I wanted this game to succeed but the fanboys in here absolutely sicken me.


Yeah how dare fans of a product express their enjoyment on said product's forum, disgusting!

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This thread is sad. I don't know why but for some reason people can't accept the fact that the game is doing well. So they keep postponing their imaginary deadline of when the game is going to fail while continuing to contribute to its success by paying monthly for a game they apparently hate.




Yeah how dare fans of a product express their enjoyment on said product's forum, disgusting!


Nerds are the angriest people on the planet.


Did you see what 4chan did to ME3's rankings? Its completely ridiculous. There is a "bioware hit squad" that purposely trolls the internet to make bioware games look like crap.


I also find it hilarious when the haters tell the people enjoying the game to stop posting and go back to the game. What are they even doing on the forums? I guess some people have a little too much time on their hands. I would think the people enjoying the game but have some constructive critisism is a lot better than:




Edited by Arkerus
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Nerds are the angriest people on the planet.


Did you see what 4chan did to ME3's rankings? Its completely ridiculous. There is a "bioware hit squad" that purposely trolls the internet to make bioware games look like crap.


Yeah I read something about that. Apparently during sw:tor's launch there were a bunch of made up stories on the forum by them as well, about how a player would say he got banned for trivial reasons. As part of some retarded boycott plan where step one was giving Bioware their money and step three was apparently someone caring about their lies enough to stop enjoying what they were doing.


I also heard about harassment against a singled out Bioware employee. How disillusioned with reality does one have to get to attempt to make a person's life hell because you didn't have fun with a freaking video game.

Edited by Mordresh
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Yeah I read something about that. Apparently during sw:tor's launch there were a bunch of made up stories on the forum by them as well, about how a player would say he got banned for trivial reasons. As part of some retarded boycott plan where step one was giving Bioware their money and step three was apparently someone caring about their lies enough to stop enjoying what they were doing.


I also heard about harassment against a singled out Bioware employee. How disillusioned with reality does one have to get to attempt to make a person's life hell because you didn't have fun with a freaking video game.


One might wonder at the involvement other game developers may have in all this "hatemongering" going around against new releases.


It's not impossible for a game company to have some people on the payroll (of some type) doing some viral marketing for them indirectly by smashing other games.


Just speaking theoretically, of course.

Edited by Raeln
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I keep trying to get into the game, how can some of you make it through the SAME ZONES over and over again? Personal story? You STILL have to do the same side quests you just did on your other toon.


We don't have 8 unique classes we have 4 on each side that are MIRRORS, if you have played one you played the other.


I tried to like it, I don't see how some of you do, it's like you're settling just because it's star wars


I made a mistake trying to give it another fair shake, looks like I am waiting for Guild wars 2. le sigh

Edited by Liberate
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4chan is the butthole of the internet. Their little crusades are the equivalent of egging someone's window on Halloween.


Forget them, they're inconsequential.


You see this the world 'round -- when people don't like someone else, they're upset when they see success. We'll live :)

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Yes this game doesn't go down because:


1) Casuals keep playing because they like the easy mode

2) People just want to play with glowsticks and that's all they care about in an MMO


The people who actually came to play a good MMO, have all left or are about to.


What is defined as a "good" mmo is for each player to decide, people that don't like the game (like you) are free to leave at anytime and those that are still enjoying the game can stay and look forward to the 1.2 update etc.


No mmo is a perfect fit for everyone here is hoping you find your (good mmo)!

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I keep trying to get into the game, how can some of you make it through the SAME ZONES over and over again? Personal story? You STILL have to do the same side quests you just did on your other toon.


We don't have 8 unique classes we have 4 on each side that are MIRRORS, if you have played one you played the other.


You have 8 unique advanced classes per faction. You have 4 stories on each side. For example, if you play a Sage on Republic side you can play an Assassin Empire-side to get the mirror storyline with a significantly different gameplay experience.


You also have multiple options with respect to the leveling progression. If you feel like you've seen enough of the Republic side quests, you can skip them in favor of Warzones (pvp) and/or space missions and/or flashpoints.


Don't get me wrong; I'm sure the alt game can get stale. Frankly I haven't rolled an alt yet myself -- but from where I'm sitting the replayability in this game is as good as in any other, and much better than in most. People sometimes lament that Bioware should have made KoTOR III instead of SWTOR, but when you think about it KoTOR really only had two distinct storyline paths -- Dark Side and Light -- with the same basic quests for each.


Say what you will about the relative quality of TOR quests, we have more variety here than we would have had in a KoTOR sequel -- two entirely distinct progressions (Empire and Republic), eight class stories, two alignments. At the very worst, TOR is a good value as a single-player RPG, even if it doesn't float your boat.

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What I like is the people that say "ZOMG THERES NO INCENTIVE TO PLAY THIS GAME LIEK THERE IS IN OTHERES". Well if you need incentives to keep you playing a game then why in the hell are you playing it? You're obviously not having fun so just stop. It would be idiotic to do anything else.
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I am sorry to say the naysayers are wrong. I have tried 5different classes and the story lines are all different. So far my favorite is consular story line followed by gunslinger, however I am now starting to enjoy the sith inquistor line. I am very happy :D
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I am sorry to say the naysayers are wrong. I have tried 5different classes and the story lines are all different. So far my favorite is consular story line followed by gunslinger, however I am now starting to enjoy the sith inquistor line. I am very happy :D


The class story is different, sure. But each planets set of quests is the exact same thing, which is a majority of the questing you do. That is the problem.

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I keep trying to get into the game, how can some of you make it through the SAME ZONES over and over again? Personal story? You STILL have to do the same side quests you just did on your other toon.


We don't have 8 unique classes we have 4 on each side that are MIRRORS, if you have played one you played the other.


I tried to like it, I don't see how some of you do, it's like you're settling just because it's star wars


I made a mistake trying to give it another fair shake, looks like I am waiting for Guild wars 2. le sigh

If one is willing to pay attention, the planet stories get filled in from each different classes perspective, i.e. more information is gathered in each zone that talks about why/how/who did what, when to whom. So it is actually a lot of fun.


Yep, the classes are mirrors, but they 'feel' different. A Trooper may have the same similar moves as a BH, but the way they look when they are fighting is different. SO while the underneath math might be the same, the classes themselves are different.


No game can appeal to everyone, just like one flavor of ice scream won't satisfy everyone. TOR isn't 'settling' for me, which is why I subbed and will continue to do so as long as it remains fun.

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300K loss? Last months sub numbers were 1.7, this months sub numbers are 1.7( or ALMOST 1.7 depending on the article). Where is this 300K coming from?



That poster was using dumb logic, Akirator. There were 2 million box sales. So he figures everyone who purchased a box began a subscription. Who's to say how many of those 300,00 even began an account, let alone a subscription.


Most of those sales were holiday sales. I have games given to me as gifts this Christmas I have yet to open. Heck I ordered ME3 and have yet to install it.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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I keep trying to get into the game, how can some of you make it through the SAME ZONES over and over again? Personal story? You STILL have to do the same side quests you just did on your other toon.


We don't have 8 unique classes we have 4 on each side that are MIRRORS, if you have played one you played the other.


I tried to like it, I don't see how some of you do, it's like you're settling just because it's star wars


I made a mistake trying to give it another fair shake, looks like I am waiting for Guild wars 2. le sigh


These games are in some, even many, ways like books, movies or music. Some people will claim something is fantastic, some simply meh and others outright hate it. Sounds like you're in the "meh" group with TOR. *shrug*


Also, perhaps you're one of those people who experience something once, enjoy it but, aren't keen on repeating the experience. There are people who have seen the original Star Wars movie over 100 times and there are those who've only seen it 1-3 times who both think it's a great flick.


I raised all ten classes in WoW to 85. There were NOT ten different paths to level. And regardless what zones you leveled in, there were, just like here, a finite number of places to get the best gear for your level.


And despite what you may believe, yes there are 8 classes. When you can tell me you can heal as an assassin or tank as a marauder because they have a spec that supports those roles, etc. we can revisit it.


And at least with different conversation options on almost all quests you can still vary it up on subsequent passes through.


However, if you're one of those people that have it set in your mind that the game doesn't begin until 50, then ANYTHING that slows your progress to that point is likely to get labeled in your head as trivial and annoying.


Just tossing out possible reasons you might not find the replay enjoyable.

To each their own.

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Again though the sub numbers (if correct) show what Torstatus has show, that people just aren't playing.... just for some reason they are still subscribing (accounting those that have unsubbed and been replaced by new sales).


Now whether SWTOR will continue to have huge number of very low playing subs...... I honestly have no idea.



I just visited the forums to read about what is coming up in 1.2 and saw this huge thread...


I subbed for 3 months and still have 35 days game time left, however I have not played the game now for over 5 weeks - a lot of people I joined the game with in my guild are in the same boat (and some continue to play and have fun).


I just have/had no interest in what I felt was a very basic, over simplified boring MMO - I expected to be in the game for a long time, hell it's Star Wars and I am a life long MMO player this game should be my nectar. Sadly it has not turned out that way.


I expect there are a lot of people like me, subbed but not playing. I will check the patches to see if there is anything worth coming back for, but I suspect my sub will just run out and I will vanish of the games radar.


To those that like the game, good luck - I hope they continue creating content for you to enjoy. To those that do not like the game, move on, let it rest, check back for improvements but don't slate others for having fun.

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