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Color Wars!


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if colors were faction specific, he'd have a point. but they aren't. and nver were. and its none of anyone's business if my character is light or dark. its a color, not an identity.


thankfully OP already lost.


Not an Identity, mmmmm.


The Sith Empire faction on SWTOR webpage is covered in RED.


The Republic/Jedi faction is covered in, you guessed it "Blue".


The CG for this MMO had nothing but RED light sabered Sith exiting the drop ship when battleing the Jedi's in the Temple. One of the established bosses AKA Darth Malgus is equiped with a RED light saber.


If you think the colors are not Iconic or a representation of that faction than your blind because BioWARE established the colors of the two with this all over there webpage and in there own CG movie that advertised this game to the general public.



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Well if that LS Sith learned to hide, he sure in hell won't be flashing a Green/Blue Light Saber because as you say Learned to hide his identity.

Why not? If you really need a story reason, he could claim he took it off some Jedi he was ordered to hunt down and slaughter... when he catches up with the Jedi, he swaps sabers or asks for the crystal from the Jedi's lightsaber before letting him go, then returns to the Sith and brags about his trophy.


The Sith would have to hide his light-side tendencies... but NOT the saber color. Again, Exar Kun--who our player characters are fully as outstanding as--had a blue saber throughout his career.


This is an MMO, but it has single-player stories running through it. As I've said before, it may be 'immersion breaking' or just silly to essentially have 20 Revans gathered around each other on the Fleet, but that's what our stories tell us is true. You need to learn to ignore the fact that every single player is a super-awesome-prodigy in the game, just like you ignore the fact that lightsabers don't lop off limbs or heads with one stroke, or that we can get resurrected if we die, or that we can be deep in a cavern or basement and get a shuttle to come pick us up.


In our class stories, we are awesome. So there's no reason we shouldn't be able to choose our own saber colors.

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Because everything is based off the OT, duh! Its like talking to a wall with half of you fashion lions :p


But having restrictions violates the movies. It flat out violates it.


In the movies, most Sith use red and most Jedi use blue and green.


In the movies, a few Jedi use other colors (Mace uses purple).


In the movies, a Sith can use a blue saber (Anakin).


In the movies, a character trained by Sith to use lightsabers uses blue and green sabers.


In the movies, it's not physically impossible for a character to use a cross-faction saber.


And most importantly for me, in the movies, Han Solo's iconic blaster always shot a red bolt. Your suggestion would make it absolutely impossible for my smuggler to do exactly what my favorite character does in the movies.


Now... in this game... if they have no restrictions...


You will regularly cross paths with thousands of characters that use the appropriate colors. Thousands of Sith that use red and thousands of Jedi that use blue/green. Pretty much every NPC you come across will use the appropriate color. Every NPC you fight will use the appropriate color.


You'll also come across thousands of players (like me) that use the appropriate colors.


And you'll come across some players that don't.


This matches what the movies established exactly. Most people you come across use the standard colors. Some don't.


Are you honestly suggesting that in a full-scale war with thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Sith, nobody would ever use the weapons they've acquired from fallen enemies?


Your entire argument is based on the premise that because people can do something, millions will do it. That's simply not true. No matter how you slice it, the majority of Sith you come across will be using red and purple sabers. And some won't. This is exactly the reality that was established in the movie.

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Not an Identity, mmmmm.


Sith Empire on SWTOR webpage is covered in RED.


Republic Jedi covered in, you guessed it blue.


The CG for this movie had nothing but RED light sabers exiting the drop ship that battled the Jedis in the Temple and one of the established bosses AKA Darth Malgus is equiped with a RED light saber.


If you think the colors are not Iconic or a representation of the faction than your blind because BioWARE established the colors of the two factions all over there webpage and in there own CG movie that advertised this game to the general public.




Because it looked cool nothing more!


Your side wanted restrictions they got them for launch. It was done wrong and those restrictions were removed.


I doubt they will add faction/class restrictions because EU has president for no restrictions. Game was big on choices as well.


Best I can say for purists ask for a OT look button that will make everyone look the way you want them to look. Grant you this ruins my immersion because people don't get to see my choices!!!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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Not to derail the color issues, if you wanna use red as a jedi or blue as a sith be my guest, but if my jedi guardian can use red, why cant the same guardian use a double bladed light saber? I understand there are certain abilities that double bladed saber users have, i have a shadow as well, but aparently what can be programed in can be programed out as well. End restrictions completly, I love to have a sentinel with a saber in one hand and a blaster in the other.

Every game I've played that has lost the vision of what they were trying to achive, from SWG to AoC has failed. Again while i really have no problem with saber color, at what point in time doess the basterization of the game end?

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But having restrictions violates the movies. It flat out violates it.


In the movies, most Sith use red and most Jedi use blue and green.


In the movies, a few Jedi use other colors (Mace uses purple).


In the movies, a Sith can use a blue saber (Anakin).


In the movies, a character trained by Sith to use lightsabers uses blue and green sabers.


In the movies, it's not physically impossible for a character to use a cross-faction saber.


And most importantly for me, in the movies, Han Solo's iconic blaster always shot a red bolt. Your suggestion would make it absolutely impossible for my smuggler to do exactly what my favorite character does in the movies.


Now... in this game... if they have no restrictions...


You will regularly cross paths with thousands of characters that use the appropriate colors. Thousands of Sith that use red and thousands of Jedi that use blue/green. Pretty much every NPC you come across will use the appropriate color. Every NPC you fight will use the appropriate color.


You'll also come across thousands of players (like me) that use the appropriate colors.


And you'll come across some players that don't.


This matches what the movies established exactly. Most people you come across use the standard colors. Some don't.


Are you honestly suggesting that in a full-scale war with thousands upon thousands of Jedi and Sith, nobody would ever use the weapons they've acquired from fallen enemies?


Your entire argument is based on the premise that because people can do something, millions will do it. That's simply not true. No matter how you slice it, the majority of Sith you come across will be using red and purple sabers. And some won't. This is exactly the reality that was established in the movie.


A true Sith like I stated on page one wouldn't dare touch a Jedi weapon because it is inferior to there beliefs and customs. Each crystal is hand crafted by the user of both sides, my god did any of you read the post or said "They taking my Pink blade away, oh no lets make up some BS to rebuttle lore".

Edited by Asturias
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Because it looked cool nothing more!

Your side wanted restrictions they got them for launch. It was done wrong and those restrictions were removed.


I doubt they will add faction/class restrictions because EU has president for no restrictions. Game was big on choices as well.


Best I can say for purists ask for a OT look button that will make everyone look the way you want them to look. Grant you this ruins my immersion because people don't get to see my choices!!!


You said enough and I see you don't care for lore or the immersion of other in a world that you share with them.


Like I said I want to play Star Wars not play dress up with the fashion lions!

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Oh hey, dont mind me.

























Breaking 'immersion' would be telling people they cannot utilize a specific color due to their moral compass lol


Oh I agree. You make my point for me. Choice to be a light side sith is the root cause there. Sith, light side...yeah.....Say good bye to immersion. PureBlood Sith Jedi weilding rainbow sabers of doom whilst charging through the cosmos on their sparkle ponies with no breathing aparatus whilst resisting the vacuum of space because they pwn so hard.


My issues with immersion go beyond crystals and colors, same faction pvp, goodie goodie mass murderers, etc...


It's a game....

Edited by DarthRaneDeer
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Not to derail the color issues, if you wanna use red as a jedi or blue as a sith be my guest, but if my jedi guardian can use red, why cant the same guardian use a double bladed light saber? I understand there are certain abilities that double bladed saber users have, i have a shadow as well, but aparently what can be programed in can be programed out as well. End restrictions completly, I love to have a sentinel with a saber in one hand and a blaster in the other.

Every game I've played that has lost the vision of what they were trying to achive, from SWG to AoC has failed. Again while i really have no problem with saber color, at what point in time doess the basterization of the game end?


Following established canon is bastardization?


FYI in the original movies there are Sith and Jedi there is no such thing as class or sub classes that was added by Bioware when they made KOTOR!

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Following established canon is bastardization?


FYI in the original movies there are Sith and Jedi there is no such thing as class or sub classes that was added by Bioware when they made KOTOR!


Actually KOTOR got them from the 3.0 D20 system PnP game. Yes, even the class names. They didn't follow it all exactly, but they got real close.


And yes, I know that wasn't the first star wars PnP game. I played the terrible d6 version that preceeded it.


Oh and Space Opera...totally unrelated....



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A true Sith like I stated on page one wouldn't dare touch a Jedi weapon because it is inferior to there beliefs and customs. Each crystal is hand crafted by the user of both sides, my god did any of you read the post or said "They taking my Pink blade away, oh no lets make up some BS to rebuttle lore".


The post I quoted from you was you stating that the movies are what matters.


Where in the movies did it say a "true Sith wouldn't dare touch a Jedi weapon because it is inferior to their beliefs and customs"? I've never even seen that in a deleted scene. You made up an arbitrary opinion about every sith that has ever existed and want the game to comply to that opinion. The movies and the EU show that this is flat out wrong. There are exceptions in both. Anakin and Obi Wan both used sabers that weren't theirs in the entire climax of Ep 2.


Also, why have you ignored every other point I made that shows how the restriction you're requesting actually violates the movies?

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Actually KOTOR got them from the 3.0 D20 system PnP game. Yes, even the class names. They didn't follow it all exactly, but they got real close.


And yes, I know that wasn't the first star wars PnP game. I played the terrible d6 version that preceeded it.


Oh and Space Opera...totally unrelated....




So since you played a D&D style of the universe than you would know that people had to role checks if someone stepped out of line or away from tradiition?

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The post I quoted from you was you stating that the movies are what matters.


Where in the movies did it say a "true Sith wouldn't dare touch a Jedi weapon because it is inferior to their beliefs and customs"? I've never even seen that in a deleted scene. You made up an arbitrary opinion about every sith that has ever existed and want the game to comply to that opinion. The movies and the EU show that this is flat out wrong. There are exceptions in both. Anakin and Obi Wan both used sabers that weren't theirs in the entire climax of Ep 2.

Also, why have you ignored every other point I made that shows how the restriction you're requesting actually violates the movies?


You stated it, it was a movie and they just USED it for a short period of time but they did not keep that weapon as there own, just like how Anakin had to rush off and kill the sepratist/Jedi.

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A true Sith like I stated on page one wouldn't dare touch a Jedi weapon because it is inferior to there beliefs and customs. Each crystal is hand crafted by the user of both sides, my god did any of you read the post or said "They taking my Pink blade away, oh no lets make up some BS to rebuttle lore".


you're wrong, crystal color is a choice, get over it

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So since you played a D&D style of the universe than you would know that people had to role checks if someone stepped out of line or away from tradiition?

You'd only have to roll checks if you stepped out of line with the established rules of the game's setting. This game's setting is IN THE EXPANDED UNIVERSE where color is a CHOICE not a REQUIREMENT.


All those Sith in the "Deceived" trailer? Run-of-the-mill, aside from Malgus. Malgus CHOSE red. So did all those other Sith. Your Sith Warrior is not a run-of-the-mill Sith, he's remarkable. He should be able to choose red if he desires, EVEN IF he chooses light-side. He should also be able to choose any other color he wants, because there were no restrictions on what colors COULD and COULDN'T be used over 1000 years before the films!

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You stated it, it was a movie and they just USED it for a short period of time but they did not keep that weapon as there own, just like how Anakin had to rush off and kill the sepratist/Jedi.


You still didn't answer any of my questions.


Where in the movies does it say that no Sith or Jedi would ever use another's lightsaber?


Why are you pushing a restriction that makes it impossible for my smuggler to use the same blaster color that Han Solo used in every movie?


Look. I agree with you about the lore. I think it's obvious (in the EU and the movies) that Sith traditionally use red and Jedi traditionally use blue and green.


But I think the restriction you're advocating works in direct conflict with that established lore. There are situations (in both the movies and the EU) where they use opposing colors. They're just in the minority.


And unless Bioware changes so every NPC uses a randomly generated color and every player like you and me are forced to use cross-faction colors, the number of characters using the the traditional colors will always dwarf the amount that don't.


Your restriction absolutely violates the movies and the EU. Having no restriction fits both. That's not my opinion. That's absolute. You are suggesting something that is refuted by the movies and the EU. In neither reality is it impossible for a Jedi to use a red saber.


No matter how many times you pull out one particular sentence and ignore the greater point in people's posts, that will still be true.

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So since you played a D&D style of the universe than you would know that people had to role checks if someone stepped out of line or away from tradiition?


lol. cute.


Not that you're seriously asking, but of course in that medium it was/is more free form. The difference is it was limited to a single table top. That instance of the SW Universe was never imposed on anyone else.


Bottom line, some people don't want to taste the rainbow. They like their peas and their potatoes separate. Some people like to mix them. These people will never agree. They will both always like peas and potatoes though. One just can't stand watching the other mix them.

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You said enough and I see you don't care for lore or the immersion of other in a world that you share with them.


Like I said I want to play Star Wars not play dress up with the fashion lions!


Perhaps but I am not a hypocrite!


I guess whatever floats your boat. Restrictions are gone they are not coming back and feel free to check every post I have made I never once posted asking for them to go!!! I have added to the whining posts (as you put it) on this subject. You say people whined to get the restrictions removed? Hate to tell you your post is no different than theirs just on the opposite side!


I would have lived with the alignment restrictions that were in place because frankly there are much bigger issues than crystal restrictions. Trust me when I say I hated alignment restrictions but they were not such a huge deal as to create a post about it.


I would have lived with the faction/class restrictions had they changed to that system as there are much bigger issues that need to be dealt with. I don't hate this idea I just think it is silly to restrict choice when evidence proves that choice is prevalent in EU and that this game based on choices.


I am more than happy that the restrictions are gone but still think there are way bigger issues to deal with than simple color restrictions.


I do love the fact that when people create a post about wanting changes opposite to your opinion it is whining. But when you create a post about it, it is not! Hypocritical or what? Rhetorical question I already know the answer!

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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If Lucas didn't say you can't do it, then you can do it.



Oh by the way, what's it say about Bounty Hunters and Agents using color crystals in their guns? What color crystal did Han Solo use anyways? Pretty sure it was red.

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Oh by the way, what's it say about Bounty Hunters and Agents using color crystals in their guns? What color crystal did Han Solo use anyways? Pretty sure it was red.


I've made that point at least a dozen times and it has yet to be addressed. Why can't my smuggler use the same color as the most famous smuggler in the movies?

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I've made that point at least a dozen times and it has yet to be addressed. Why can't my smuggler use the same color as the most famous smuggler in the movies?


He can't address your question without admitting he is wrong. He seems to be very good at ignoring anything that either disproves, contradicts or otherwise invalidates his points.

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I've made that point at least a dozen times and it has yet to be addressed. Why can't my smuggler use the same color as the most famous smuggler in the movies?


The majority of points made in this thread have been ignored. Certain people just seem to content to scream that they're right regardless of the points presented.


On a side note the restrictions applying to non force classes were ridiculous. As was their decisions being ranked as light side/dark side. It really should have been a mass effect renegade/paragon style system.

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There's a reason Luke chose green. There's a reason Palpatine chose red.


That's all I'm really saying.


Luke didn't chose Green. He used it because it was more visable against Tattooine's Sky (He originally used Blue). The blue blended too much into the background so they recolored the saber during post-production to make it more visually appealing. As for Palpatine, he actually used a blue saber for quite a long time, as it was his "trophy" saber. Regardless of how he got it, he used it a lot.


People can make up all the lore they want pre/post movies. But the only "official" lore is the movies and the movies -do not- create reasons why some use certain colors. They simply use them because Lucas wanted to differentiate the good vs evil and make it visually noticeable to moviegoers. The lore behind all the colors/characters etc comes from Novels/games/comics etc that are essentially fan fiction which is why it's called an "Expanded Universe."

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