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Color Wars!


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Ironic you should imply that people have no clue.


Multiple instances are recorded and documented of Jedi using colors outside of those that you mentioned. Are we going to ignore them?


yes they are. it doesn't fit with what they like, so it just can't be true.

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You obviously need to reread his post with some comprehension. While he makes his case he also unmakes his case. No where in the wiki he got that information from states there's a PHYSICAL restriction. Only that its PREFERED or FROWNED apon by the corresponding sides. Jedi / Sith can still CHOOSE their own color. Many have always stuck with the par for course but that doesn't mean all.

Your talking about a tiny fraction across a large amount of time that chose to be different. It made their character interesting, stand out, unique. Do you get what I’m saying? Come 1.2 everyone will have a different color. And who cares why the distinction exists? The fact is it does and always has. You cannot deny that. Even Bioware followed it.


It is a choice. Its a personal choice. An RPer who wants to toe the line is going to choose the color thats right for their side and their looks.

This is just more selfish opinion to get what you want and twist someone else’s intellectual property.

Why should everyone be held to 1 person's preference instead of getting the choice?

Because the game is created on an existing story and a very popular one. This is like saying, why restrict who gets what ship, why restrict who gets what design of armor, why have any differences between factions?


The lore never ever specificially states there's a physical limitation or an actual rule limitation.


It’s implied. Very heavily in everything ever created for Starwars.

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Multiple instances are recorded and documented of Jedi using colors outside of those that you mentioned. Are we going to ignore them?


a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want. complete nonsense



And you want to talk about pissing on lore, why aren't you up in arms over Sith becoming Jedi in the next major patch?


dont even get me started on this

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a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want. complete nonsense


In your opinion.


In the time frame of this Game, in the Early EU, it was unusual but not completely unheard of.

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Your talking about a tiny fraction across a large amount of time that chose to be different. It made their character interesting, stand out, unique. Do you get what I’m saying? Come 1.2 everyone will have a different color. And who cares why the distinction exists? The fact is it does and always has. You cannot deny that. Even Bioware followed it.



This is just more selfish opinion to get what you want and twist someone else’s intellectual property.


Because the game is created on an existing story and a very popular one. This is like saying, why restrict who gets what ship, why restrict who gets what design of armor, why have any differences between factions?




It’s implied. Very heavily in everything ever created for Starwars.


So you prefer that no one gets a choice just because it doesn't fit what you like for the universe? Are you all self important or what. There is no PHYSICAL restriction and there should of NEVER been one in game either. Your not going to suddenly see 90% of jedi running around with red. Many are going to stick with something more traditional since many enjoy playing that way. But there shouldnt' be a PHYSICAL restriction that tells them they have to play this way or the highway.


The phystical restriction has affected all classes and thats so anti star wars its not even funny. Its also heavily affected artificing since its hard to get certain colors so that large percentages of their customer base can actually buy something. It used to take me forever or finding a new gun to find a proper upgrade for my weapons thanks to the color restrictions. This should of never been allowed to happen and infact beta testers when the rule was implimented late in game fought it. Thank god through "metrics" and complaints they finally fixed it.


Just because you want to keep things how you think they should look doesn't mean its warrented.

Edited by Kindara
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I can't believe this has gone on for 30+ pages. Can't we just agree that we will never agree. This argument hasn't been based in lore or logic for a long time.


Some want restrictions others don't. In the end Bioware will see which group is bigger and go with it.

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I can't believe this has gone on for 30+ pages. Can't we just agree that we will never agree. This argument hasn't been based in lore or logic for a long time.


Some want restrictions others don't. In the end Bioware will see which group is bigger and go with it.


They already decided and the small group is very angry that it doesnt' fit their personal thoughts on what the world should "look" like.

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This game is based around that your decisions mean something. You made a choice, either light or dark. get it?


THey still mean something. There's still dark gear, there's still dark relics. Crystals were a ridiculous limitation. Color was always meaningless. Next you'll want to say that someone having a tattoo in RL is a choice between looking like a scum bag or an excutive. I can tell ya right now there are plenty of rich executives and business people these days that have a tattoo somewhere and it doesn't mean a damn thing.


You'r egrasping at straws so that the world looks perfect to you. Here's a PRO TIP. The world isn't perfect.

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...and you havent presented any. Just some twisted logic that because a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want. complete nonsense


Info found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber


"Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters."


What if they kept them white? I mean after all it is lore and there has to be a deep hidden meaning to the colors of red and blue. Wait a minute you mean there was absolutely no thought on the color change it was just done to differentiate between the sides? It was an afterthought during post production, but it is iconic!!!


Green lightsaber iconic? What do you mean they changed it from blue to green because it did not show in the sky? But green is iconic. There was a deep hidden meaning to Luke choosing green! Oh wait it was an afterthought during post-production.


In the OT color is just color there is no hidden meaning. Guess you need to learn a little bit about the making of Star Wars.


First off I am a Darth of Sith and member of the Dark council who do you think you are that you can tell me what color I can use for my lightsaber? I am the strongest force user in the galaxy and you will not tell me what color my saber is. This is my movie I am the star and I will make my own choice!!!


I don't whine when you choose blue or green for your Jedi or red for your Sith why are you whining over my choice?

Edited by Lord_Scythe
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In your opinion.


In the time frame of this Game, in the Early EU, it was unusual but not completely unheard of.


"a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors" FACT


"therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want" the conclusion everyone is using to justify the change



"complete nonsense" absolutely my opinion and a very good one :D

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"a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors" FACT


"therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want" the conclusion everyone is using to justify the change


So what you are saying is we should only have 3-4 colors in game? Red, Blue, Green, Purple?


Seriously, the conclusion is more or less "It has a half decent showing in the lore, therefore its not worth ************ over especially since LS/DS Jedi/Sith can use Red/Blue anyway, and since force users are going to be stuck using a lightsaber from level 10 to the time they quit the game, it makes sense to give them as many choices as possible."

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Info found here: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Lightsaber


"Lightsabers depicted in the first two released films, A New Hope and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, had blades that were colored either blue (for the Jedi) or red (for the Sith). This color difference was a decision during post-production when the lightsaber blades were being rotoscoped, as the original blades were simply white. In Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, Luke Skywalker's newly-constructed lightsaber was colored blue during the initial editing of the film, and appears so in both an early movie trailer and the official theatrical posters, but in the final film, it was ultimately colored green in order to better stand out against the blue sky of Tatooine in outdoor scenes. It also appeared as green in re-release posters."


What if they kept them white? I mean after all it is lore and there has to be a deep hidden meaning to the colors of red and blue. Wait a minute you mean there was absolutely no thought on the color change it was just done to differentiate between the sides?


Green lightsaber iconic? What do you mean they changed it from blue to green because it did not show in the sky? But green is iconic. There was a deep hidden meaning to Luke choosing green! Oh wait it was an afterthought during post-production.


In the OT color is just color there is no hidden meaning.


First off I am a Darth of Sith and member of the Dark council who do you think you are that you can tell me what color I can use for my lightsaber? I am the strongest force user in the galaxy and you will not tell me what color my saber is. This is my movie I am the star and I will make my own choice!!!


I don't whine when you choose blue or green for your Jedi or red for your Sith why are you whining over my choice?


Who cares whether the distinction was intentional or un-intentional???? The fact is it exists. In everything starwars. So its really irrelevant if it was by design or not. The difference between red vs blue/green has existed most of my lifetime, that's good enough for me.

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Who cares whether the distinction was intentional or un-intentional???? The fact is it exists. In everything starwars. So its really irrelevant if it was by design or not. The difference between red vs blue/green has existed most of my lifetime, that's good enough for me.


The distinction only exists because you think it does, not due to any actual rules.

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The distinction only exists because you think it does, not due to any actual rules.


no the distiction exists period. In every movie that was ever made, tv cartoons etc. Look at the freakin box this game came in. How can you deny that its always been there intentional or not?

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"a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors" FACT


"therefore everyone should be allowed to use any color they want" the conclusion everyone is using to justify the change



"complete nonsense" absolutely my opinion and a very good one :D


A handful means that they had the choice to use whatever color they wanted. That means every force user has the choice of what color to use. Most choose traditional some do not. Remember in numbers on the server NPC Jedi use traditional colors so do NPC sith. They are force users in the game and even out the number of players going with other colors.


The change has been made. The original alignment restrictions were ridiculous as they neither had the look that you guys wanted (OT) nor did they follow any part of the EU. Faction restrictions would have given what you wanted but they would have destroyed the look of the OT, Han would not be able to have red blaster bolts. You purists seem to forget that red blaster bolts were on the side of the rebels.


I doubt that faction restrictions will ever be implemented. My suggestion is that those who want the look of OT you ask Bioware for an option that would change all Sith to red and Jedi to Blue/Green.

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"a handful of force users across an expansive timeline used different colors" FACT



A LOT of Force users across an expansive timeline. Many KOTOR-era/TOR-era Jedi used yellow. Purple was also common. In the NJO era, purple, bronze, orange, yellow, silver, and more are COMMON among Luke's Jedi Order.


And this part of your argument...


Your talking about a tiny fraction across a large amount of time that chose to be different. It made their character interesting, stand out, unique. Do you get what I’m saying? Come 1.2 everyone will have a different color. And who cares why the distinction exists? The fact is it does and always has. You cannot deny that. Even Bioware followed it.

...ignores COMPLETELY the fact that OUR CHARACTERS are interesting, stand out, unique. The Jedi Knight story, the Consular story, Warrior, Inquisitor... THEY ARE ALL OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUALS.


Why do you, and just about everyone else on your side of the argument, ignore that so completely?


Oh, and we can deny the distinction, because it HASN'T alwas existed. Originally, all sabers were to be white. Heck, even before THAT, just about EVERYONE in Star Wars was supposed to have lightsabers, from Han Solo to the Stormtroopers.


Red and blue only came about to tell the two saber-wielders apart. It was an arbitrary choice of colors. Green was only introduced because the first major action sequence in Return of the Jedi featured many shots with a blue sky background, making the blue blade blend in. If Vader were fighting on a world with a red sky, his blade color probably would've changed, too.


And the INDISPUTABLE fact of the OT is that there are only 3 Force-wielders who use sabers on-screen in the ENTIRE original trilogy. One of them gets a hand-me-down lightsaber, then makes his own when he loses the first. So of course there won't be MORE than three colors. How could there be? There's nobody around to display them! It's pretty close-minded to think that "Only 3 guys used sabers so only 3 colors were shown, so back when there were thousands of guys using sabers, they must only have used 3 colors."

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no the distiction exists period. In every movie that was ever made, tv cartoons etc. Look at the freakin box this game came in. How can you deny that its always been there intentional or not?


It is a personal opinion. There is a post with examples in the movies of people using blades you say they are not supposed to.


OP said that whining on these forums got it changed. Seeing as the people who wanted the change were on both sides and made post exactly like he did to get the change that must mean this is a whining post too.


Change has been made, guess we all have to just deal with it!

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no the distiction exists period. In every movie that was ever made, tv cartoons etc. Look at the freakin box this game came in. How can you deny that its always been there intentional or not?



Because, again, for the 50th time, the Star Wars universe isn't limited by what you've seen.


In the EU (which this game takes place in) Jedi and Sith use lightsaber colors outside of the 3-4 we see in the movies. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it doesn't or didn't happen.

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no the distiction exists period. In every movie that was ever made, tv cartoons etc. Look at the freakin box this game came in. How can you deny that its always been there intentional or not?


It has been conclusively shown in the movies and the EU that Jedi and Sith can use sabers that aren't the traditional colors. Granting it was rare, but it was done, by Anakin, Obi Wan, and Vader in ROTJ.


You are suggesting a change that makes it impossible to do what has been shown in the movies.


So to protect against the possibility that people might violate what you consider the lore established in the movies and the EU, you are suggesting something that 100% undeniably violates the lore that is seen in the EU and the movies.


So you're suggesting BW should violate the lore to protect the lore?


On a side note, I'll ask yet again a question that nobody has addressed.... Han Solo is the most famous smuggler in the movies. He has always used red blaster bolts. You are suggesting a system that makes it impossible for me to use red laser bolts with my smuggler. If the lore is so important to you, why is that okay with you?

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Well people am sorry to say this but, STAR WARS is NOT REAL !!!!




Really this is getting pathetic some of the comments here are just to much, am a star wars fan I like the lore, but am sure as hell not gonna troll a sith player for using a blue crystal. What dose it matter its not life and death guys, if a Jedi wants a red crystal as long as hes having fun who the hell cares.


Some people need to understand the meaning of fun.

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Well people am sorry to say this but, STAR WARS is NOT REAL !!!!




Really this is getting pathetic some of the comments here are just to much, am a star wars fan I like the lore, but am sure as hell not gonna troll a sith player for using a blue crystal. What dose it matter its not life and death guys, if a Jedi wants a red crystal as long as hes having fun who the hell cares.


Some people need to understand the meaning of fun.


I agree with you 100%. If someone wants to say their Sith uses sabers from fallen enemies or just likes the color blue, I don't care.


That said, what is irksome to me about this "debate" is that the premise is wrong. It does not violate the lore. It does not violate the tone. What they are complaining about is something that mathematically cannot happen. There are and will always be thousands upon thousands of Sith and Jedi using the correct colors. The people that use off-standard colors will never ever ever be in the majority (unless Bioware changes the blade color of every NPC and mob in this entire game), so they're complaining about a problem that does not even exist.

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I have both Republic and Sith Force using characters and I personally (<-- Key word there) prefer to use the traditional colors that have been displayed as traditional colors for my respective faction. Red for Sith, and Blue or Green for Jedi.


However I have no qualms with the color restrictions being removed and I actually support it. Even though I will more than likely be sticking with the colors that I feel are Iconic for my characters, I see no reason to deprive other players from being able to customize thier characters in any and all ways that they can.


Even in the OP's post, its full of words like- 'Frowned Upon'. 'Traditionally'. And 'Rarely'. Nowhere in the OP does it say- 'Forbidden', or 'Impossible'.


The reason why is because any being able to pick up a light saber can use the light saber regardless of its color. Wether it be a force sensitive Jedi, Sith, or even a Nerf herding Smuggler (Han Solo- Empire Strikes Back), there are no definate set in stone laws that restricts anyone from of any faction or any alignment from Choosing any color other than Preference. Wether it be Cultural or Personal it still boils down to actual choice. Not an impossibility.


And as far as those mentioned characters that use off colored Sabers as being Rare, and the exception to the rule:


Our Characters in this game are supposed to be Rare and exceptions to the rule according to the story lines. We are supposed to be the Exar Kuns, Skywalkers, Solos, Fettes, and Revans of this timeline. Why not allow a person to play thier characters as such?

Edited by Apache
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Looking for any consistency in this ill-conceived fantasy universe was your first mistake OP.



What is it again? This game takes place 3,000 years before the movies? And we are running around in the same burlap hoods they are? In the same galaxy? Yeah.......... about that..........

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