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Dots/bleeds/elemental damage will be weaker in 1.2 because...


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With the Legacy system, everyone will gain access [if they invest the time] into receiving the Inquisitor Buff on all of their characters, all the time. Usually, this buff is only gained by noninquisitor at the start of a match, or if you're lucky enough to die at the same time as a Sorcerer on your team. The buff provides a 10% reduction in damage from Elemental and Internal Effects, as well as a 5% stat boost to every main stat except Endurance. This means, classes that rely on those damage types will be weakened significantly.


Anyone have a full list of all internal and elemental effects? [using all Empire Terms, the same should be true for the Republic versions.]


Specs Effected:

Operative -> Lethality, Concealment.

Sniper -> Lethality, Engineering.

Sorcerer -> Madness

Assassin -> Deception, Madness.

Juggernaut -> Vengeance

Marauder -> Annihilation

Powertech -> Pyrotech, Advanced Prototype, Shield Tech.

Mercenary -> Pyrotech


Every other type of damage is affected by mitigation and defense stats so even if everyone had 10% reduction to internal/elemental, you're still coming out ahead by using those types. You also have to level cons/inq so not everyone is going to have this as soon as 1.2 hits.


But really, this is already in the game and it's not like people don't recast their buffs during the warzone. Most good PvPers on my server do that already.


Buffs are not legacy abilities. That would be like using force choke with your Agent. When talking about buffs, they specifically used the example of being in a warzone and asking your team to rebuff you and how you could now just "do it your dang self."


They did 100% say that the "ability swaps" would be under Heroic Moment.


The buffs however were mentioned separately and are not the "abilities" everyone is mentioning as this thread goes more and more off-track.


The purpose of all buffs on 1 player is to stop teams going "oh ****, we need a sorc to join us because we lack the buff". There is no point at all in that if you need a companion with you. (Also a 30 min buff on a 20 min cd should itself tell you that it is wrong to assume it is a heroic moment)


Complete chapter 2 – unlock class emotes – unlock current classes buff for all other legacy characters (i.e. get sith warrior buffs for bounty hunter alt)


Complete chapter 3 – unlock heroic abilities for all your legacy chars – these new heroic abilities will require companions to use like the heroic moment abilities you have right now – so you can’t use them in operations.


Source: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/05/swtor-guild-summitlive-blogging/#4


Note the distinction. One requires Heroic Abilities and thus companions, and the other does not.


This. Some legacy abilities, those being tied to Heroic Moment, are not usable in Endgame content. Not all legacy-unlocked abilities fall into that category.


In fact, they explicitly gave the example that you wouldn't have to moan "Buff me you n00bs" at the start of WZs any more if you unlocked all four buffs.

Edited by KyoMamoru
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With the Legacy system, everyone will gain access [if they invest the time] into receiving the Sorcerer Buff on all of their characters, all the time. Usually, this buff is only gained by nonsorcerers at the start of a match, or if you're lucky enough to die at the same time as a Sorcerer on your team. The buff provides a 10% reduction in damage from Elemental and Internal Effects, as well as a 5% stat boost to every main stat except Endurance. This means, classes that rely on those damage types will be weakened significantly.


Anyone have a full list of all internal and elemental effects?


I thought Legacy abilities were disallowed in PvP. I had assumed that this included the buffs. Is that not the case?

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I don't believe the buffs have any requirements, that's how it sounded anyway. But tbh, so what?


If someone can just res with a sorc all the time, or have a sorc fight near them and press the buff for the same effect, what does it matter if the players can do it themselves instead??


^To above, the improved buffs are not Heroic Moments like Force Grips etc...

Edited by Hahkil
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I don't believe the buffs have any requirements, that's how it sounded anyway. But tbh, so what?


If someone can just res with a sorc all the time, or have a sorc fight near them and press the buff for the same effect, what does it matter if the players can do it themselves instead??


^To above, the improved buffs are not Heroic Moments like Force Grips etc...


This. Even if they are PvP enabled (buffs), it's not a big concern as it really changes virtually nothing.

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They never stated that the acquired class buffs from getting to Chapter 2 required a companion. They stated that specific powers that are gained by getting a character to level 50 required a companion/heroic moment. It was noted, in the presentation if I recall, that this was also meant to help players do flash points with full buffs without having all the separate classes. It's also clearly a change designed to aid rated teams so that they won't be coaxed into grabbing one particular class over the other.


Updated the main page with specs that I'm aware this will hurt.

Edited by KyoMamoru
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They never stated that the acquired class buffs from getting to Chapter 2 required a companion. They stated that specific powers that are gained by getting a character to level 50 required a companion/heroic moment. It was noted, in the presentation if I recall, that this was also meant to help players do flash points with full buffs without having all the separate classes. It's also clearly a change designed to aid rated teams so that they won't be coaxed into grabbing one particular class over the other.


Updated the main page with specs that I'm aware this will hurt.


You should rewatch the summit. They explicitly stated that legacy abilities will be categorized as heroic moments requiring companions. I think there's even a dev response in the tracker from today or yesterday.

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They will only be allowed in PVE. Listen to the recordings of the whole talk. He said they will not work in pvp. Also who cares if the buffs work. You team should be buffing anyways. Edited by Badlander
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Every other type of damage is affected by mitigation and defense stats so even if everyone had 10% reduction to internal/elemental, you're still coming out ahead by using those types. You also have to level cons/inq so not everyone is going to have this as soon as 1.2 hits.


But really, this is already in the game and it's not like people don't recast their buffs during the warzone. Most good PvPers on my server do that already.


I thought Legacy abilities were disallowed in PvP. I had assumed that this included the buffs. Is that not the case?


Buffs are not legacy abilities. That would be like using force choke with your Agent. When talking about buffs, they specifically used the example of being in a warzone and asking your team to rebuff you and how you could now just "do it your dang self."

Edited by ViperI
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Everyone already got the buff from just grouping up in WZ.


And once you die, it's gone. You then have to hope that the Sorcerer recasts it, which is rare.


They stated the abilities tied to Heroic Moments, ie the ones that allowed Force Choke for all your characters required companions. The stated that those abilities are meant to be overpowered [capable of stunning Flash Point Bosses], and that's why they cannot be used in PVP. They then stated separately [and later in the conversation], that you will be able to gain the buff for all your characters when you press your buff power. They did not state that it required a companion, and even mentioned that you could use it in Flash Points/Operations.


If it's not tied to a companion, then it can be used in PVP. If anyone has a link to the audio, I'll gladly rewatch it to fact check, but most of the players I chatted to were under the same impression that I garnered from it.

Edited by KyoMamoru
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They never stated that the acquired class buffs from getting to Chapter 2 required a companion. They stated that specific powers that are gained by getting a character to level 50 required a companion/heroic moment. It was noted, in the presentation if I recall, that this was also meant to help players do flash points with full buffs without having all the separate classes. It's also clearly a change designed to aid rated teams so that they won't be coaxed into grabbing one particular class over the other.


Updated the main page with specs that I'm aware this will hurt.

A companion is required to use Heroic Moment.

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A companion is required to use Heroic Moment.


A buff isn't a Heroic Moment. Heroic Moments are being able to use your unlocked level 50 class ability such as Force Choke. They stated you could use the buffs in parties, flash points, etc, which means they can be used without companions.

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They did 100% say that the "ability swaps" would be under Heroic Moment.


The buffs however were mentioned separately and are not the "abilities" everyone is mentioning as this thread goes more and more off-track.


The purpose of all buffs on 1 player is to stop teams going "oh ****, we need a sorc to join us because we lack the buff". There is no point at all in that if you need a companion with you. (Also a 30 min buff on a 20 min cd should itself tell you that it is wrong to assume it is a heroic moment)

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Complete chapter 2 – unlock class emotes – unlock current classes buff for all other legacy characters (i.e. get sith warrior buffs for bounty hunter alt)


Complete chapter 3 – unlock heroic abilities for all your legacy chars – these new heroic abilities will require companions to use like the heroic moment abilities you have right now – so you can’t use them in operations.


Source: http://dulfy.net/2012/03/05/swtor-guild-summitlive-blogging/#4


Note the distinction. One requires Heroic Abilities and thus companions, and the other does not.

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A buff isn't a Heroic Moment. Heroic Moments are being able to use your unlocked level 50 class ability such as Force Choke. They stated you could use the buffs in parties, flash points, etc, which means they can be used without companions.


This. Some legacy abilities, those being tied to Heroic Moment, are not usable in Endgame content. Not all legacy-unlocked abilities fall into that category.


In fact, they explicitly gave the example that you wouldn't have to moan "Buff me you n00bs" at the start of WZs any more if you unlocked all four buffs.

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I was watching when this came on and they said you could get a group of 8 troopers and go on a rampage. Now they did not say this was in PVP.


Please explain how a Jedi could or would want a Sith buff. This goes completely against the what Star Wars is all about. I am shocked that this would be allowed as the Star Wars name is closely guarded by SS.

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I was watching when this came on and they said you could get a group of 8 troopers and go on a rampage. Now they did not say this was in PVP.


Please explain how a Jedi could or would want a Sith buff. This goes completely against the what Star Wars is all about. I am shocked that this would be allowed as the Star Wars name is closely guarded by SS.


You'll get the Republic version of the buff when you cast it. I only used the Sith Terms since that's what I know everything by. Buffs don't stack.

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It amazed me that not everyone did their respective buffs in warzones at level 50, sometimes pre matches but usually during interlude in voidstar and deaths. Just could not believe the amount of people who don't think of playing to the best of their ability (and class)
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