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For 8 man Premades, Lets talk about class makeup.


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Just wanting to get some thoughts and a good discussion for once. This forum is filled with BS 90% of the time and QQ for another 9%.


What do you think will be a good class makeup for 8 man premade.


How many tanks, heals, dps?


Which Classes for tanks, for heals and for DPS?


Is it warzone dependant? Would u change the makeup for a different warzone?


Lets just get some good chatter and theory going on.


Have fun in SWTOR guys. Im Sith Assassin Darkness spec on Deadweight server. Mayhem guild.

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I'd probably go with something like:


2 sage - healers

1 shadow - for passing/capping objectives, offtank and taunt

1 vanguard - guarding and carrying ball

2 gunslingers - crit buff/armor debuff/scrambling field/DPS/ranged interrupt

2 sentinel - healing debuff, single target DPS, tank killer and group buffs


Only map right now I'd switch up for is voidstar, where on attack DPS is the most important facet of the game. In voidstar I'd probably go heavily commando/sentinel/gunslinger/scoundrel/shadow and drop the tanks and maybe also drop the healers. Theory being, massive massive DPS can put the enemy team in the respawn, whereas massive heals will endlessly fight without making forward progress.

Edited by dcgregorya
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Just wanting to get some thoughts and a good discussion for once. This forum is filled with BS 90% of the time and QQ for another 9%.


What do you think will be a good class makeup for 8 man premade.


How many tanks, heals, dps?


Which Classes for tanks, for heals and for DPS?


Is it warzone dependant? Would u change the makeup for a different warzone?


Lets just get some good chatter and theory going on.


Have fun in SWTOR guys. Im Sith Assassin Darkness spec on Deadweight server. Mayhem guild.


I think its simple 2 different types of healers, 2 different types of tanks and a variety of 4 dps.

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Teams that give Bounty Hunters/Troopers the ball for them to sloooooowly walk over the line are the teams I love to beat. Give the ball to a Jedi and let them score twice in the time it takes you to walk one over.


Cept any team that doesn't suck will make sure there's no place for jedi/sith to force charge too.


I'm a great ball carrier with predation and my defensive cooldowns..but I would much rather hand the ball over to an unkillable vanguard/powertech with his whole team supporting him.



Which is why for hutball probably having a jugg/guardian and vanguard/powertech would be best. You have both options.


1, if the team sucks give the ball to your jugg and setup intercedes


2, if the team is good..give ball to your powertech and support while making for the goalline.


Thats my plan anyways.

Edited by Foxcolt
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My ideal team:


1 Vanguard (tank) - The guy is your defensive back 4, pulls, guards, taunts, he's your man

1 Shadow - (tank) - He's your vanguards number 2. Awesome huttball runner to boot

1 Guardian (sustained dps) - The single best class in huttball, good dps and part of the melee pain train

2 Sentinels (burst dps) - Speed buffs and damage/healing buffs make this class the ultimate melee pain train candidate

1 Commando (sustained dps) - this guy makes your melee train look good with armor debuffs.

1 Sage (sustained healer) - Best sustained healer and all around shielding maniac

1 Scoundrel (burst healer) - Emergency medpac ... nuff said.



I'm sorry gunslingers, our token gunslinger left the game early. I'm not sure how you perform in group pvp so a sentinel took your spot.

Edited by Orangerascal
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The other night, my premade (operative healer, sorc healer, powertech tank) wrecked another huttball premade (sorc healer, marauder, juggernaut, and something else I forget). Don't underestimate powertech ball carriers. They can leap just fine and are incredibly hard to kill. Also, they have a pull and a leap, which neither of the other tanks have.


I would probably bring 1 of each tank--assassin "tanks" do pretty good dps and are very tough--a merc healer, a sorc healer, a sniper, a marauder, and either a merc dps or another marauder.


Edit: this is a team designed to work in all 3 WZs.

Edited by Sinemetu
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On the Sentenal note I think 1.2 will cause alot more variety in spec for Sents. I play combat on a 50 mara and 43 sent on different servers, and the extra utility is the reason why. Once we have premades with 8 there will be less reason for one of the 2 sents to take combat spec for the 2 extra roots. The other can be keeping up on the party heals while the combat sent keeps up trans.
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My ideal team:


1 Vanguard (tank) - The guy is your defensive back 4, pulls, guards, taunts, he's your man

1 Shadow - (tank) - He's your vanguards number 2. Awesome huttball runner to boot

1 Guardian (sustained dps) - The single best class in huttball, good dps and part of the melee pain train

2 Sentinels (burst dps) - Speed buffs and damage/healing buffs make this class the ultimate melee pain train candidate

1 Commando (sustained dps) - this guy makes your melee train look good with armor debuffs.

1 Sage (sustained healer) - Best sustained healer and all around shielding maniac

1 Scoundrel (burst healer) - Emergency medpac ... nuff said.



that's almost our exact makeup, but we'd drop the commando (too easy to LOS/interrupt) for a balance sage, who has better offheal utility, similar burst, much better LOS/interrupt counters, but granted lacks the armor debuff.

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I've been thinking about this for awhile and this is what I've come up with.


While certain War zones would benefit from abusing one or 2 classes the ideal group needs to make sure it is ready for any War zone.


This is just my personal preference, some people might say u HAVE to abuse one class or another, but I prefer to be realistic and think of using every class's abilities to the fullest




Empire Configuration:


x2 Juggernaut both Immortal


x1 Marauder (not sure what spec is best for pvp)


x3 Healers





x1 Assassin Madness or Darkness (debatable)


x1 DPS This is an open DPS slot and could be anything from Arsenal Mercenary to Sniper etc etc just a matter of preference and what players are online, in guild etc.




Anyways this is my idea of the ideal pvp group, hope this helps open debate on this subject.

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To be honest I think I would have 1 of each advanced class:


Guardian (tank). Two words Hutt Ball. Floats guard between the ranged in back, throws bad people away.

Sentinel (heal debuff, group speed, MDPS)

Vangaurd (MDSP) pull for when charging in is bad also Hutt Ball, Tank buster.

Commando (RDPS) Ranged pressure with armor debuff and good burst.

Sage (Heals, CC)...

Shadow (tank-hybrid). CC speced tank with decent DPS, would float guard from sentinel to vanguard as needed.

Slinger (RDPS). The massive AE is needed on voidstar, or any place you control a point of contention.

Scoundrel (burst heals). Has good peeling capacity.

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Cept any team that doesn't suck will make sure there's no place for jedi/sith to force charge too.


Except a), Jedi Guaridans can jump to friendlies and b) Jedi Sages can pull and sprint.

Pfft, like we need the enemy team to play bad to score.


Troopers should be tanking/healing/dpsing mid so that they can get the ball to the Guardian after scoring.


they have a pull and a leap, which neither of the other tanks have.


AND a knock back. Add that to their grapple as you said and that's why they should be holding mid. Not trudging the ball over the line.


Hold mid, grapple them back down or knock them back down if they get it and pass or leap, get them back down again. Get the ball to the Guardian and let them score twice as fast while being immune to CC while they do it.


Statements like "a good team won't let you jump to them" is rubbish, they either stay in their respawn or they come out and that score line runs the length of their respawn and Guardians will be totally immune to CC once they do it. And if a good team hold mid, they'll be more than a few coming out of that respawn.

Edited by CapuchinSeven
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I play a 50 SS Gunslinger, to be honest I don't see myself much useful in any of the WZs especially in Hutball. Anything I can do, someone else can do just as good with more support and survivalibity.


I'm not saying I'm bad, I utilize my abilities to its full potential and I'm usually top 2 or so in kills and in damage with 5-8 medals. But this is ranked WZs where you'll be going up against organized groups where they won't let a GS burst them to death. We'll be the first to die if anything. We lack survivalibity and we lack abilities to help our team win.


Other characters have guard, shield, heal, other support abilities

-We don't have anything besides 5% crit lol


Other characters have leap, push, pull, sprint (all good for Huttball)

-Stand there and burst? Can't do that when you play against a good and organized team since Huttball is all about being in position to leap, sprint, pull to the goal line.


As far as the other WZ's, well we do good damage but anything I can do in there, any other class can do with more survivalibity and more support.


I'll defintely play ranked WZs with my GS from time to time, but my Trooper healer will end up being my main.

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IMO, the place setup is most important is in Huttball so making a good team for that is most important.


Here is my suggestion:


I am splitting the team into two parts, defensive team and offensive team.


Defensive team's job is to make sure the area around ball spawn is clear, kill/knock down anyone running ahead for passes/pulls.

Ideally you want two ranged dps with knockdowns that is on the ramp closest to mid, these are rarely moving over the mid of the map at all. A Commando and a sage dps or two commandos. Defensive team also have one melee dps (pref sentinel) in the mid togheter with a healer, just about any healer will do for this. But maybe a smuggler is best beacuse that is the only place you would get the smuggler buff unless you change out one commando for a sniper.


Offensive team: 1 Guardian tank, this is the main ball carrier if that is needed over a pass chain. 2 healers where one have to be a sage. The other can be a commando or another sage, at least another person with aoe knockback.

And 1 shadow dps (can be a tank for huttball without it making any difference, but then you have to many tanks for the other WZ's). His main job is to stay stealthed at their goal area. Be the target for passes, Guardian leaps and knocking people into the enemy pit or into fire if somebody tries to stop the offensive team.



This is also a setup that works well for other wz's. Leave a dps and a healer defending one door/turret while 1 tank/2healers/3 dps attack or defend the other one. Or mix it up a bit as needed.

Edited by Kokkos
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IMO, the place setup is most important is in Huttball so making a good team for that is most important.


Here is my suggestion:


I am splitting the team into two parts, defensive team and offensive team.


Defensive team's job is to make sure the area around ball spawn is clear, kill/knock down anyone running ahead for passes/pulls.

Ideally you want two ranged dps with knockdowns that is on the ramp closest to mid, these are rarely moving over the mid of the map at all. A Commando and a sage dps or two commandos. Defensive team also have one melee dps (pref sentinel) in the mid togheter with a healer, just about any healer will do for this. But maybe a smuggler is best beacuse that is the only place you would get the smuggler buff unless you change out one commando for a sniper.


Offensive team: 1 Guardian tank, this is the main ball carrier if that is needed over a pass chain. 2 healers where one have to be a sage. The other can be a commando or another sage, at least another person with aoe knockback.

And 1 shadow dps (can be a tank for huttball without it making any difference, but then you have to many tanks for the other WZ's). His many job is to stay stealthed at their goal area. Be the target for passes, Guardian leaps and knocking people into the enemy pit or into fire if somebody tries to stop the offensive team.



This is also a setup that works well for other wz's. Leave a dps and a healer defending one door/turret while 1 tank/2healers/3 dps attack or defend the other one. Or mix it up a bit as needed.


Pretty much totally agree with you.

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2 commando/merc healers (by far the hardest to kill)

1 hybrid sorc/sage healer (bubble, CC and decent DPS and heals)

1 assassin/shadow tank

1 guardian/jugg DPS

1 VG/PT tank

1 mara/sentinel



merc healers are far and away the hardest to kill with an organised team. They will dominate ranked matches. Combined with a hybrid sorc you have tons of healing CC and knockbacks to make your backline a huge PITA to kill.


After the backline you could really have a lot of different classes. The assassin tank could easily be replaced by anoher VG/PT or guardian tank. Assassin are just amazing for running the huttball with force shroud + speed against teams that are smart with their CC. In fact there are a multitude of options at that point as long as you have 2 good huttball carriers you should be fine.


Honestly I could even see running 5X VG/PT DPS with that and just burst down anything instantly with damage that ignores armor. Would just have problems in huttball but you may be able to kill fast enough it wouldn't matter.

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8 Shadows and Scoundrels.



Imagine playing against a team that you can't see until they're on top of you bursting you dead? >=)


Those 2 classes have everything covered for Tank, DPS, and Heals. Maybe not all the best utility, but imagine what could be done with an entire stealth team.

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3 sage healers

1 vanguard tank

1 guardian tank

1 shadow

1 commando spamming grav round

1 sentinel


has just about every base covered.


Grav roud/tracer missile spammer will have no place in organised PvP, they are incredibly easy to shut down with interrupts. If they can't use their main ability they are useless.


3 sage healers don't overlap well with the mechanics on bubbles. You only need 1 for that and they are by far the easiest healers to kill.

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I hope they buff Gunslingers with something useful for their parties or for WZ in general. If you disagree, look at the team make up from all the posters. Only 1-2 said Gunslinger for dps/aoe which I lol'ed because anyone else can AOE/DPS and still be more of a benefit to the team than a Gunslinger.
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