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Clickers are ok. I know a few people who click pretty well. I feel that you CAN be more effective if you keybind but TBH if clicking is working for you, great.


Keyboard turners make me want to slap the person around with a big trout.

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I've been a clicker for many, many years. I never thought that it was hindering my play experience , until I purchased a Naga 2 months ago.

Once I became use to it (a few days), I noticed a huge improvment in my PVP play.

While I don't think that every player should look to gear to improve their skills, there are some of us that will find a marked improvment in the hardware and method of play.


This being said, I certainly would not tell another player how to play THEIR GAME. If clicking works for you, and you're happy with that playstyle, more power to you.

Edited by Noxinfernus
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Hello, my name is Kilmar. I used to be a clicker/keyboard turner.


Once I started PvP'ing at level 50, I learned how inefficient it was. I was always accidentally clicking the unlock button and accidentally moving/deleting skills and then taking 10 seconds of finding a place to hide to put the skill back in the bar. As an Inf Shadow, this was debilitating considering the amount of skills we have and the amount of mobility we need to be effective.


I was awkward. I was just plain bad. Then I unbound my keyboard turns and mapped A/D to strafe. I bound my main attacks to Q, E, R, F, C, G, V, T, X. It became a whole new game for me. I was effective. I was actually having fun.


I am sure there are clickers/keyboard turners that are good. Are they effective? Probably. Are they efficient? I can't see how.


Play how you like. Don't let anyone tell you how to play. I only suggest you try it for a little bit and if you don't like it, switch back. However, I think many will be surprised.


Once again, my name is Kilmar and I used to be a clicker.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Hello, my name is Kilmar. I used to be a clicker/keyboard turner.


Once I started PvP'ing at level 50, I learned how inefficient it was. I was always accidentally clicking the unlock button and accidentally moving/deleting skills and then taking 10 seconds of finding a place to hide to put the skill back in the bar. As an Inf Shadow, this was debilitating considering the amount of skills we have and the amount of mobility we need to be effective.


I was awkward. I was just plain bad. Then I unbound my keyboard turns and mapped A/D to strafe. I bound my main attacks to Q, E, R, F, C, G, V, T, X. It became a whole new game for me. I was effective. I was actually having fun.


I am sure there are clickers/keyboard turners that are good. Are they effective? Probably. Are they efficient? I can't see how.


Play how you like. Don't let anyone tell you how to play. I only suggest you try it for a little bit and if you don't like it, switch back. However, I think many will be surprised.


Once again, my name is Kilmar and I used to be a clicker.


Same setup i used untill i got my naga mouse took me days to change from clicking to keybinds then days to change from keybinds to mostly naga lol


but each to there own i see it from both sides off the fence

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Have fun trying to dps while clicking and moving out of fire (and/or other boss mechanics) and pvping without keyboard turning.


I do just fine actually. I don't see the problem, I dislike doing something just because it's more efficient. I'm actually playing an Assassin which would benefit more from the keybinding method, and yet I'm still 1-4 in every warzone I play.


To each there own, I really don't care if people call me a newb, because in the end it really doesn't matter, it's just a game.

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if thats how they choose to play who cares?

and to say it is less efficent you should see my wife.. shes a clicker..and one of the best healers i have ever seen. and in pvp shes always hovering around the mid range of players in a game and she doesnt even like pvp i drag her along to heal me...


so some clickers can get pretty damned efficent with clicking


Clicking is a whole different story for healers since you don't need to strafe as much.

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I do half and half. I won't argue that not clicking can be faster, but I will argue that if you're not pvp'ing, 99% of the time that little bit of difference doesn't matter.


So, I use the keyboard more when it's necessary (boss fights), but it rarely is needed.

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Im a binder and a clicker, I see advantages in both areas. Im pretty quick at clicking and moving the mouse simply because i use a mouse everyday for pinpoint correction on images which has made me extremely precise with a mouse. I also use bindings cause its handy for starting a fight or escaping one.
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if thats how they choose to play who cares?

and to say it is less efficent you should see my wife.. shes a clicker..and one of the best healers i have ever seen. and in pvp shes always hovering around the mid range of players in a game and she doesnt even like pvp i drag her along to heal me...


so some clickers can get pretty damned efficent with clicking


You must not play with many "good" players.

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being a clicker or a keybinder is one thing that sets apart the good players from the bad ones.


i am actually shocked how many people on this thread defending clickers. and i am further shocked at how many people on these forums are against combat logs. it would seem we have a casual majority.

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I used to be a clicker, then switched to keybinding and it makes a world of difference. It's not fair to say that a clicker can't be good at this game, but put 2 people of comparable skill and gear in a 1v1 fight and the keybinder will always win.


Sure, some of you may have trouble with it, I used to. It takes practice.


Play how you want, but the fact is that keybinding is better.

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If there wa no such thing as a global cooldown I would agree but mmos arent fast paced enough to make a difference. The only time I can see,it maling a difference is in huttball whete you have less than one second to aim and trough the ball but for the most part this arguement is stupid. People just want to feel special in mmos. Oh and im a keybinder
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By all means, continue clicking. I'll just be running through you and running circles around you because I turn twice as fast as you can.


Just keep telling yourself that clicking is just as efficient though, :D


You are just so pro. I am sure all we have to do is ask you and you will tell us all about it. :rolleyes:


This argument over which is better is pointless. Keybinding is more efficient than clicking, this much is truth; but in the end, play with what you are comfortable with and ignore the tools looking to reinforce their already overinflated egos by calling you "bad".


Just like the guy above, this arguement was originally generated so that some keybinders could ridicule players who do not use their playstyle. It's petty really, as are so many things on this forum.


Oh, and I'm not a clicker, haven't been for years. So don't bother going there.

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maybe you should try being a melee class and click.


this game is so easy for some classes you can get away with being a clicker. but that is because the game is not competitive in the least.


players with past experience in competitive aspects of mmorpgs will use keybinds. the others didnt reach the competitive environment

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I use to be a clicker like you but then I...
































Did Heroic Ragnaros and realized keyboard turning is for bads and I needed to keybind more and mouse turn.


Bet you were expecting another stupid meme.

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Nobody hates clickers, its just that its inferior in comparison to keybinding in nearly every way.


No one I've grouped with in 5 years has found it to be a problem, and in LOTRO, a lot of the minstrels (my preferred class) were also clickers. Yes, you use target selection keybinds at times, but it works, and I've never had someone die because I was to slow getting to a particular skill with my mouse. And on my dps, my most used skills in my rotation were grouped together, so there wasn't a lot of mouse movement then.


But I don't play a healer here. I play dps - even my sage is dps. But I do find that clicking, not only for the reasons I need to listed above, makes it easier to avoid global cooldowns - click when the cd is over.

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Meh, it's a game and you use whatever method you enjoy using. :) But two facts:


  1. Mouse clicking on abilities will never be as fast as key pressing because there is an extra delay in moving the cursor.
  2. Keyboard keys for turning, such as A and D, will never be as accurate as mouse movements to turn, such as right-click dragging. The difference is digital press/depress (on/off) vs. finite DPI (dots per inch) tracking of a mouse. If you're strictly a keyboard turner, prepare to have more difficulty making those jumps and walking those pipes or edges for datacrons.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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This pretty much encapsulates why people dislike "clickers". Additionally nobody is rounding up people who click their skills and sending them off to camps, get over it.


Stereotyping is useful. It's unfair, but useful.


Stereotyping is sometimes uncomfortable to talk about, but usually true. There are not too many huge conspiracies to make something arbitrary up about a large group of people.

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