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So about the new 1.2 Smuggler gear!


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Hide the hat and it will be kinda nice i guess. I mean its not even finished yet, how can you judge?


Nevermind since since next patch we will be able to use any orange gear with endgame mods.

Edited by Kazomir
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This reminds me of... some kind of hilarious Bravestarr action figure... the whole color scheme, the hilarious hat...


But you know. Smugglers will be phased out of raids anyway. Nothing useful, neither DPS nor heals...Even the 5% crit buff can be used by another player that brought a Smuggler or Agent to 50... So, this armor is not used anyway, only a placeholder.

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And in update 1.3 we will get even better gear! Dress up as the republic army's mascot Garry the Gungan Gunner.. The new hat will be an oversized Gungan mask matching the new boots that will be oversized feet...


I can just see someone at Bioware already working on an idea like that...

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1.2 is going to have all the orange stuff that we can use, right? Because I sure as heck am NOT going to look like THAT monstrosity.


I feel the same way :( that gear its horrible!! all the 50's gear are the same, except the color, please!! this one its horrible :'(

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...Even the 5% crit buff can be used by another player that brought a Smuggler or Agent to 50...


Not true. That ability you can borrow from another class you leveled can only be used when you have your companion out. It is for solo play only. Not group or PvP content.


Back on topic: that suit really sucks! :mad:

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hopefully it changes between now and then. there is still quite a bit of time and i remember the placeholder for the current smuggler gear and it was much different. at least in a worse case scenario we can just use orange gear. and with the ability to get augment slots will probably be better anyways.
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classic. as for modding orange gear, why should we have to pay to look decent just because the art guys draw inspiration from bowel movements after half price burrito night at taco bell?

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hopefully it changes between now and then. there is still quite a bit of time and i remember the placeholder for the current smuggler gear and it was much different. at least in a worse case scenario we can just use orange gear. and with the ability to get augment slots will probably be better anyways.


getting oranges (lvl 49+ to use best augments) will take time and loads of creds and TBH there is limited number of craftable oranges that look good. IMO nothing available now stuns with good looks. Maybe there will be some more of those when 1.2 hits but I bet, unless you are armormech or have armormech alt, you should start saving millions of creds for that gear.


Personally I bought all available lvl 49 purple augments I will need just before prices went sky high. Recommend doing the same tho maybe prices will not be that bad as few crafts will be able to make those. We'll see. Anyway my #1 priority will be getting as much as possible Oranges with augment slots no matter how they will look.


Oh and I would love to see PvP weapons been made as moddable. PvE weapons will be able to be slotted with expertise crystals so it will be a bit unfair IMO.

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I agree the Smuggler 1.2 gear looks like crap! Please change it BW.


Aside from the headslot, I think the biggest problem with smuggler gear is they make it look to much like Han Solo.


This is the direction I would like see our gear go...






http://forums.xkcd.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15130 (2nd and 3rd pics)

Edited by Darth_Toxus
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I simply and truly cannot believe that THAT is our new design---are u freaking kiddin me?!?!




Nerf us....then spit on us with that gear design??


Oh...u better believe I'm 'madbro'


You can take your beer-goggle-bug-eye--whatever the fudge that helm is and shove it where the sun dont shine.


.............I dont even use a knife as a scoundrel--yet u stick one in my boot?


...why dont u add a padded bra and tail to our repertoire if your just add things, to add things



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we need to make our voice heard.


What made me pumped for new patches on wow was my tier armor. Everyday i was camping MMO champion to get a sneak pic of my armor. When i saw it.. and was please, i was SOOOO motivated to play since im driven by gear.


That just killed my fun and will have to keep wearing my cape

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Who is in charge at the art section at these mmo places. Zillions of sp games Ive gotten to the end, and look/feel all ******ery, almost every mmo Ive played all I can do is think .. wth?


I guess what they don't understand is that sometimes less is more. If I was a great uber-hero would I really wanne look like a shining ostrich on speed?

Why don't they just give you a neat white suit (for a jedi at least) and not those flaps, wings, plumes and whatnot?

The detail to make the clothing different could be in the quality of the textures used (just like in real life) not in the "add-ons".

For smugglers they could let themselves be guided by the MATRIX dresses for example (not that much Latex, if you don't want to :p). A nice pair of sunglasses would be much cooler than those kind of helmets?!?!

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