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Will your guild be ready for Rated?


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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.

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What are you ideas on class makeup?


i'm sure it will be pretty standard setups, depends really on the guilds composing of rated and how hardcore they are taking it. i.e. not just filling up the 8 man

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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


You don't have top DPSers, except for you and Envii, and an Assassin in DPS spec is somewhat dubious for 'serious' rated. I haven't seen Envii in just about forever, and a Scoundrel is similarly dubious for "rated combat", although I suppose it could work for warzone objectives.


Edit: The only really good Republic DPS on Anchorhead that comes to mind is Endeav?. There are some pretty solid ones, but he's the only "Good".


On the Imperial side, the only good DPS that I've seen often enough to remember are: Deega, Norian, Initiative(Intuition?) (Ops), the Sniper in Brutality who may or may not still play. There's one Sorc whose name escapes me. Half a dozen solid Sorcs and so on, but only that one guy was really good.


my current analysis of the market (competition) is heavy republic dominance


Pretty much.

Edited by EasymodeX
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lol you're on my server, your statements furthermore are un-credible to talk about top talent




No **** I'm on your server, that's why I'm telling you that the only highly threatening DPSers I've seen with the <Matchless> tag since release have been Envii and you when you're in DPS spec.


Honour is pretty solid, but not great. Blitzwing is pretty solid and apparently he has some balls because he solo queues. But they take ~4th and ~5th place for their respective classes. Off the top of my head I can't think of any other Shadows in your guild.


Sioghlarlarl is solid, but not amazing.


Glory never DPSs.


Unfortunately, those are the only names that come immediately to mind. Imperials get other Imperials too often in WZs, eh?


Anyways, that's why I was asking, so you could refresh my memory.


Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not trolling: I'm being objective here based on what I recall. You're the one tooting your horn because you can roll the legions of terribads on this server.

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So it begins, the rise of the FOTM comps. When lack of skill is covered up by out of whack specs.


Assuming the RWZs are still based on the same Warzone maps with the same objective focus, I think the specs will still be varied to the degree they are currently. In some cases you will see slightly more variety because premades can support certain specs better than pugs (e.g. Carn/Combat spec for Mara/Sents, and Snipers/Gunslingers in general).


The removal of viable specs will happen when the focus of the RWZs or potentially arena narrow down to raw fighting.

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My guild went inactive over the past 2 months. And the majority of guilds on my server either support killtrading or don't deter members from participating in it, and I'm afraid my hatred for killtraders knows no bounds. I refuse to group with or guild with anybody that does it. I'm not interested in cheating my way to victory, and alas, I appear to be alone on that.


I expect to be participating in the solo queue.

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What's your toons in game name? I'll give ya a holler.


I'll let you guess, but it shouldn't be too hard based on the specifics of what I've already posted or have not posted.


I generally spend nearly 0 time in Ilum, so I tend to miss a lot of players that camp out there most of the time.



I enjoy playing against Brutality and MoD, and chromie + friends. Always fun games.


Brutality ... :(. They used to be great, but they recruited a ****ton of fat, which is fine for PvP. But, a lot of their old core seems like they've gone ... they still have a few good players, but meh. Then again they rolled on this server as some flavor of merger with other PvP guilds, hoping to pull in / find good competition, and Matchless is the only Republic guild that brought that.


MOD is interesting. I can't think of a single player in MoD off the top of my head that is really good individually. On the flip side, they have very solid teamwork and coordination, which makes their premades more threatening than most other Imperials.

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I'm afraid my hatred for killtraders knows no bounds. I refuse to group with or guild with anybody that does it. I'm not interested in cheating my way to victory, and alas, I appear to be alone on that.


I expect to be participating in the solo queue.




You are a rare breed in this game, dude.

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Our guild Matchless will be fully functional and ready for rated warzones come patch 1.2


This is another thread to get a headcount on how many guilds are getting pumped for participation in such epic action.


Can check my stream link down below to check up on our progress.

Yep. Everyone who likes to PvP in the guild I'm in, is ready for the the ranked warzones and we are actually waiting for them to come! Had some talk about premades already. Going to be fun :)
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I'll let you guess, but it shouldn't be too hard based on the specifics of what I've already posted or have not posted.


I generally spend nearly 0 time in Ilum, so I tend to miss a lot of players that camp out there most of the time.


I gather you play a Marauder Imperial Side. I mean if you don't want to say who you are it's cool. I just like to say sup to people when I see them in Warzone or Ilum.


I have almost no cognisance of who is considered the best or worst for imperial side. I just go by the fun and good games factor.


When I pvp, I just want people to know, it's all fun and no hard feelings. Are you Norniax? I forget if that toon is a juggy or a marauder.

Edited by nickelplease
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