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Conscular Class need to be redone


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Im a Conscular Sage Lvl 50 and I have somewhat good gear but when I'm in a Pvp with other Lvl 50's im getting my *** handed to me I know I need to get my Valor up and I'm doing so but its too slow to get there 9 more and I Hit valor 60. There needs to be a change in this class we wear light gear 80 durability so why can't they compensate with higher hit point so it would take longer to take Councular class down..


It getting pointless to go do pvp cause all the guys have better armor and better ability plus I swear most are use somesort of cheat to get what they want and use to their advantage.. Whats the point of Playing when poeple cheat or find some way to improve faster and better then the rest...


It also seems un fair playing agains siths and Agents there constanly stunning u and you get nowhere in the matches they all either cordinate and attack you all at once and BOOM BOOM!! your down with in seconds.. How fair is that.


Please do somthing on the Pvp's I dont know what but something cause its getting to the point why go in.


I know there is alot of people out there that feel the same way but they don't want to say anything without someone coming back and saying deal withit cause the makers don't care there in it for the money. I' m sure that thats not all in tierly true


But do something at least for the Concular Class


By the way there is a site that promote cheats at least that part should be shut down the rest is ok it helps you find the datcrons and what you should get for your skills and all, but not if it shows you how to download a cheat code to get throught so you can have many creds and best gear and levling up quicker...thats just down right ridiculiuos,

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  • 2 weeks later...

I say some at times might be Cheating,,,But being a Sage to try and help heal others in the party is getting to hard to do I get into lets say hutball you try to get in posistion and the Imps have the ball way before we do and we run out just abotut the same time yet they seem to get the ball. Then as soon as im about to deal a Mid crush there on top of me like fly's on well you know. It's has just become more and more to why bothere playing in pvp or in anyof these types of games where people..Bot Cheat Exploit or just the simple take down of all parties killing you off ...there is no fun in the games like these anymore...For instance play say Battlefeild war games your a medic...hey some has to,to try and help the team but then bam soon as they the other team notices who you are then your getting your aass handed to yea and all the time and the game becomes no fun..


I like the stories in this game but you dont make enough credis to get the stuff you want or need so they make it so you have to adventualy go Pvp Wz. I rather have Open Pvp and make your creds and valor that way then at the most your ehter one on one or mabey two but not the hold damn team piling on you at once cause your a HEALER.


I Know that some of you know that's what happens when your a healer so you don't choose it no you rather go IMP/Sith side and dominate..No wonder ther are fewr Reps then Imps cause every one wants better powers.. I hate to give up on a game but I dont see this game going to far if they dont fixes the issues that I read in other posts...

AS I said before..The creaters are out only for the money.

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All i half to say is this! LEARN TO PLAY YOU'RE CLASS!!

Just because you suck at you're class does not mean other's do, hell i have a lvl 50 Sith Sorcerer and yes i suck at playing him, but i do not call nerfs for all the other Sorcs just because i suck playing him. Hell i rolled a Jedi Shadow who is now lvl 50 and am having a fun time with him because i have em set right and the keys set right i can tank and do damage at the same time! And alot of the 1 vs 1 PvP i pwn, there is a few instances i do not, and i do not have a single heal, but my Biochem reusable one!

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in your OP you say


"they all either cordinate and attack you all at once and BOOM BOOM!! your down with in seconds.. How fair is that"


I think the key word is coordinate here, players working well together and communicating will always dominate so get yourself in a team and l2p

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What a strange post. I have a champion Sentinel and a lvl 20 Sage and I can already tell a huge difference in WZs. I think the problem is Sages in WZs require very little effort (basing this off of my sent) to post big numbers. When they finally get caught sitting back and casting they aren't sure what to do so they just die.
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You heard it here first. Sages are so powerful that if they get killed they actually think the other team is cheating.


This is an opposite of smart comment.


I know the difference between being focus fired upon and players running hacks.

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I dont know what you are talking about tbh. All classes are viable against one another, the person playing the character has to know how to play it effectively to do anything decent.


90% of games i come top damage or heals as a sage. Yes you will die fast, but you can kill fast and have a lot of character functionality.


High damage allways pays for it by being squishy as ****.

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I dont know what you are talking about tbh. All classes are viable against one another, the person playing the character has to know how to play it effectively to do anything decent.


90% of games i come top damage or heals as a sage. Yes you will die fast, but you can kill fast and have a lot of character functionality.


High damage allways pays for it by being squishy as ****.


Not entirely..


A stealth op/scoundrel will pretty much almost always tear a sorc/sage apart 1v1, but it's the sorc/sage's job to make sure they're never caught alone.


Scoreboard numbers are a really, really poor indicator of an overall class's effectiveness. Sorc/sage is very good at spreading damage around, but they are not killing anyone "fast". If bubbles counted as protection instead of healing on the scoreboard, the healing numbers (for non-dedicated sorc/sage healers) would be a LOT lower as well (I imagine they DON'T count as protection because it would be really unfair medal-wise; you'd end up with sorc/sages with 6+ medals per match simply from existing without even trying).


Sorc/sage is extremely versatile and a very good support/utility class because of it. They are NOT, however, a singular force solo rocking everyone's faces off.

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This has got to be a troll. You are going to be focused down in WZ's especially if you are a healer. I dont have a problem on my sage, I get focused all the time, I expect it as I am a healer, even when I go dps I get focused becaue most people recognize me as a healer.


You need to L2P, sorry but thats all there is to it.

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This might be a troll but he is right in a way ...


The survivability of sorcs just sucks ... ok in hutball sorc == god mode but in every other warzone most of the "utility" a sorc has is rather pointless and wont get you out of trouble.


I am not talking about people fighting in greens and such ... but once all in a warzone have at least champ gear their damage output is just way to high for a sorc to do ****.


Just look at the number of deaths ... no other ranged class gets killed that often in a match.

On paper it looks nice but in actuall pvp (not counting mass zerging on ilum) a sorc that gets attacked by someone goes down.


Sorcs just don't have the damage in single combat (all the nice numbers come from aoes)

and like i said before, except in huball there is just no good way to break line of sight fast enough to still be able to contribute to the goals of your team.


right now a fight in equal gear (vs another dps spec) ends nearly always in the death of a sorc.

I would glardly give away my "so awesome" utility for some survivability.

You just have to look at the numbers that pop up in a battle vs a sorc ... vs a sorc you always have the highest hits you will ever get (thx to light armor and a bubble that hardly scales at all)


So while sorcs were imba when people had "crappy" gear (pre lvl50 bracket or the first weeks/month in lvl50 wz) now they just go down within seconds.


I know people won't believe it and it will take a few months before the omg sorcs are imba fear is gone, but sorcs (who aren't ignored) are realy no thread to anyone.

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Im a Conscular Sage Lvl 50 and I have somewhat good gear but when I'm in a Pvp with other Lvl 50's im getting my *** handed to me I know I need to get my Valor up and I'm doing so but its too slow to get there 9 more and I Hit valor 60. There needs to be a change in this class we wear light gear 80 durability so why can't they compensate with higher hit point so it would take longer to take Councular class down..


It getting pointless to go do pvp cause all the guys have better armor and better ability plus I swear most are use somesort of cheat to get what they want and use to their advantage.. Whats the point of Playing when poeple cheat or find some way to improve faster and better then the rest...


It also seems un fair playing agains siths and Agents there constanly stunning u and you get nowhere in the matches they all either cordinate and attack you all at once and BOOM BOOM!! your down with in seconds.. How fair is that.


Please do somthing on the Pvp's I dont know what but something cause its getting to the point why go in.


I know there is alot of people out there that feel the same way but they don't want to say anything without someone coming back and saying deal withit cause the makers don't care there in it for the money. I' m sure that thats not all in tierly true


But do something at least for the Concular Class


By the way there is a site that promote cheats at least that part should be shut down the rest is ok it helps you find the datcrons and what you should get for your skills and all, but not if it shows you how to download a cheat code to get throught so you can have many creds and best gear and levling up quicker...thats just down right ridiculiuos,


People like you ruin this game. You struggle because you obviously dont manage to play a fairly easy class (easy to be competitive) and then you claim that because of your failure BW needs to change the whole class.


Stop crying and try to get BW to Cater the game to casual losers like you.

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It's becoming more well known how weak sorcs actually are. The people who struggle with them are usually just bad.


As more people pvp at 50, the "Sorc R OP!" is slowly dying down. The vast majority of the hue and cry has always been from either 10-49, where sorc/sage has an advantage from getting many of their key pvp abilities a lot sooner than other classes get theirs, or from Huttball.


When they add the 4th warzone and same-faction Voidstar/Civil War, you'll see a lot of the Huttball complaints start going away too.


..unless of course they do what they SHOULD do and improve the tops of the two sorc/sage DPS trees. This would cause the hybrid builds so many complain about to go away, but it won't matter because your average forum dweller would just see "OMG, they're getting BUFFS?!?!?!" regardless of what the actual effect is.

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Being what essentially is your imperial equivalent ...... I disagree. I'm valor 65 (full champ gear) and I get creamed by your republic counter parts.


Smugs/Troopers - They take me down Pretty quickly regardless of my heals. On my server there are at least 3 of these in most warzones and i'm fairly known ... thus I'm focused and dead. The troopers are already getting a rework of their grav round spam ... now for something to even out the smugs burst from stealth :D


Jedi Sentinal - I think this is the tank right? If so .... they can't really kill me by themselves. They don't hit hard enough and I can heal through it until reinforcements come.


Jedi Knight - Unless I have Knight and Sentinal backwards ..... I can heal against 1 of these fairly well too, however, I'm still pretty much toast unless I get help in the first maybe 10 seconds. They do decent damage, but the saber throw is the most deadly ... and the root off charge (not effected by resolve) is kinda silly.


Jedi Councilars - healing spec .... Well as far as I can tell either most of them are running a good heal/dps hybrid or I just simply can't figure them out. Then again I don't get alot of 1 vs 1 on healers as their friends come and cream me :)


non healers ... pretty much cream me. I can heal a bit, but like my lightning or Madness friends your non healers do some pretty good damage at a pretty good clip.


Shadows - about as bad as smugglers, but not QUITE that bad. I can get a few more heals off, but with the stealth, stun, and interrupt combo I'm pretty much toast after 10 seconds or so due to heals being on cooldown.




The problem I run into in most warzones is that the republic side (on our serve mind you) usually has at least 2 heals and often 3 .... Cross heals are so entirely nasty that you can never kill anyone. It's the same the other way around though ..... I was in a warzone earlier today that I was able to take a beating against the Jedi knight tank, 2 shadows, and 1 Jedi knight DPS. I was casting whatever heals I could and I was getting heals from somewhere else. While the 2 of us were cross healing and maybe 1 or 2 DPS trying to pick off the guys attacking me we planted the bomb on the other door.


I won't be surprised if we get some kind of a nerf to cross healing at some point because it is quite frankly pretty disgusting.


The object for the apposing team in pvp 9 times out of 10 is to kill the healer. You do that then the other people go down faster. As a healer you get focused ... it happens. Learn that and move on. I'd like more DPS but then most people cry 'nerf sorcs' as it is, but as a healer all I do it tickle people.

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I want to see all those tears when sage/sorcerer get buffed. lol


I hope everyone gets what they want, I hope they gut most of our utility and escapes...and then actually give us the tools and damage coefficients to melt someone's face off.


People actually think Bioware is just going to nerf us into a free kill or something, boy are they in for a rude awakening.

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