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Invite a Friend Program - What's My Incentive?


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unless you are of that new generation of people who dont want to do anything unless you get something out of it.


thats the real world as it is today.


is the power company going to give you power out of the kindness of their heart?

the cable company?

your mortgage bank?


the guy standing on the corner with the "will work for food" sign wants to get paid too.




if money is the root of all evil, then evil won

Edited by -Fritz-
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You are absolutely correct. Bioware is one of the best in the business with PR.


Customer Service is another story, but good thing i've never called Customer Service in my 15+ years of MMOing.




any of you that think that a company is doing you a favor by having you refer new customers to them, must have slept through business 101.



its a business move, and timed perfectly. if you have a friend on the fence, but you have been bugging them to play, well the added allure of 1.2 combined with a free trial will net them _____ new customers.



if not for the timing, they would have to look at other ways to get you off your butt to work your friends into playing. so if it were not such a close proximity to launch, and 1.2 was not hitting soon to grab up those who have been interested but have not bitten, they would need to offer you a free space pony or something.



never forget, we are customers of BW/EA. we pay them $ to make and update this game. in business, satisfied customers and word of mouth = $$$$$$$

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Ah yes, the new trend of "entitlement".


Now if it were a company phoning up to ask for market research, I might wonder how much they're making from me and where's my cut? Obviously I'm using my personal time to line their pockets, doing something utterly boring and of no value to me personally. I might then say "what's in it for me?".


However, if I buy a football and teach a friend to play and he then goes and buys a football to practice so we can have more fun together next time, I would not speak to the manufacturer and demand a cut of the price of the ball.


It's pretty cut and dry in my mind but then again, I'm over 30 years of age ;)


Except the ball doesn't have a $15 a month service fee attached to it, and your friend didn't give the manufacturer demographic info in order to play with you.


I'm a little confused about accusations of "greed", "entitlement", and being "selfish" that's shown up in this thread.


From a marketing standpoint, it absolutely makes sense for EA to incentivize the offer. Exclusive items, game time, faster leveling, etc.


From the customer side ... Do you guys have short memories? No matter my goodwill for this game, the fact is videogame companies are a notch below your cable provider & the phone companies in terms of their willingness to screw you over.


If you're actively helping them market their product, they should be willing to give you something for it. That's not an unreasonable expectation or request.


Heck, some companies give you discounts for just @replying a tweet. That's less involved and less intrusive than what EA is asking you to do here.

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


no, playing with you friends is reward enough.

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This is a limited time offer. They are not hurting on subscriptions like so many think. If people know others who are on the fence of even trying it, this is a great opportunity for them. The others offer fluff for inviting others to subscribe because they need subs and need you to be their salesman. TOR doesn't need you to be their salesman, they are offering you a reward as a subscriber to invite anyone you want for free trial which is not yet available. That other game has a free trial aka f2p version.
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If you need a reward or an incentive as you say, for giving your friends the option to try out this excellent game for free and maybe have fun and play with you in the long run, then you have a serious problem.
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If you need a reward or an incentive as you say, for giving your friends the option to try out this excellent game for free and maybe have fun and play with you in the long run, then you have a serious problem.


They can really try it, if 1 free week is what they give, well thats quite enough to lvl to 50 and see all FPs. Still cant see it as a good move...

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They can really try it, if 1 free week is what they give, well thats quite enough to lvl to 50 and see all FPs. Still cant see it as a good move...


You won't be able to get to 50 and experience everything, simply because no free trial in any game has ever allowed that, some limitations will exist definitely.

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my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'


If the game is doing as poorly as you believe, then why aren't there player incentives in the Invite a Friend program?

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TLDR all the replies so far...

Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?

The reward is playing with your friends. If you don't want to invite your friends don't?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts.

People have been clamoring for an "Invite-A-Friend" option for a long time now and most MMO's have a 7 day trial or a play to lvl 20 for free option to new comers. Also see above referrence to playing with your friends.


Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?

I don't think it smacks of desperation, I think it smacks of industry standard.

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Honestly this s a free trial to members friends not an incentive program as with say Everquest 2 and so many others this is something that will help those of us who have friends that don't know if they want to spend 60 bucks to try a game they may not like this is a win for sure.!
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If you referred a friend in WoW and they kept their account active for 60 days you got a free Zebra Unicorn mount. Clearly they're hurting for sub's to provide such an incentive for you to recruit your friends. And now I believe it's a rocket that seats two?
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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


Yeah, it's a little curious they wouldn't bait it with something like a vanity pet. But, if you really want three friends who are on the fence, now you've got the chance.



I'm sure an incentivized program will emerge at some point, depending on the success of this.

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I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?





You know what desperation is? It's paying you or rewarding you to invite friends. :rolleyes:

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If you referred a friend in WoW and they kept their account active for 60 days you got a free Zebra Unicorn mount. Clearly they're hurting for sub's to provide such an incentive for you to recruit your friends. And now I believe it's a rocket that seats two?


As SWTOR is my first MMO, I find this statement so incredibly funny. Like, coffee out my nose funny.


Perhaps a better complaint is "I have no friends." No one is forcing anyone to tell a friend about the free trial. It's not like selling girl scout cookies where the top seller gets a prize. It's more of a response to "Hey, this game should have a free trial so we can see if we like it/if it will run with our computer/etc." so they said, "OK."


My friends (IRL, that is, for those unfamiliar with the concept) told my husband about the game and convinced me to get him a copy for Christmas. I did and he loved it. He encouraged me to roll a toon on his account. I loved it so much I went out and bought a copy of the game AND a new computer.

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If you're actively helping them market their product, they should be willing to give you something for it. That's not an unreasonable expectation or request...


Way I see it, I am getting something for it. A better game. More players = more money = more stuff in game = more fun!

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As SWTOR is my first MMO, I find this statement so incredibly funny. Like, coffee out my nose funny.


Perhaps a better complaint is "I have no friends." No one is forcing anyone to tell a friend about the free trial. It's not like selling girl scout cookies where the top seller gets a prize. It's more of a response to "Hey, this game should have a free trial so we can see if we like it/if it will run with our computer/etc." so they said, "OK."


My friends (IRL, that is, for those unfamiliar with the concept) told my husband about the game and convinced me to get him a copy for Christmas. I did and he loved it. He encouraged me to roll a toon on his account. I loved it so much I went out and bought a copy of the game AND a new computer.

Welcome to SW:TOR. I am enjoying my time here like you (though this is not my first Bar-B-Q) and wish there was a mac version so a friend can check it out.

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When I invite friends to come over, I don't demand that they pay for the pizza. I seriously hope this is a troll post, because there shouldn't have to be any incentive for playing with your friends. God today's youth feels entitled.




Spoiled brats is what they are :p

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