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Invite a Friend Program - What's My Incentive?


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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


getting your friends to play with you should be reward enough...


unless you are of that new generation of people who dont want to do anything unless you get something out of it.


personally i plan on inviting my nephew becuase his mom is on the fence about the game. this way they both get to see it and can decide if they want it..

Edited by Averran
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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


Either you're coming from the angle of "That MMO which starts with W" which promises ponies and etc fluff (promoting greed)


Or you could be those who sell "trial invites" for vile mercenary gains which again comes from "That MMO which starts with W".

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just to back up the OP here...FFXI gave equippable items to both the inviter and invited after the 1st payment made by the invited so they would level together and get bonuses whilst teamed up so its not just WoW that do it (P2P models)


my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


Go invite more people to W*W and you'll get your rewards you so desperately seek.

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I already invited a bunch of friends over two years ago. The reward was starting up a guild. Win win!


Anyone else I know that may be interested is smart enough to do their own homework and decide for themselves if they want to play.

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just to back up the OP here...FFXI gave equippable items to both the inviter and invited after the 1st payment made by the invited so they would level together and get bonuses whilst teamed up so its not just WoW that do it (P2P models)


my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'


they are offering the trial because they realize that money comes from people who pay for a game.. and if you have 3 friends who arent playing star wars maybe some more will pay for it...



it doesnt mean the game is dead.. at worst it means ea and bw are greedy... but if that brings more people then so be it..


really people complain there are not enough people on the servers then they might up the numbers a few with new subs..that isnt a bad thing either

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When I invite friends to come over, I don't demand that they pay for the pizza. I seriously hope this is a troll post, because there shouldn't have to be any incentive for playing with your friends. God today's youth feels entitled.


a better way to say it would be..


'when I invite friends to come over, I don't demand that my landlord pays for the pizza' :D

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they are offering the trial because they realize that money comes from people who pay for a game.. and if you have 3 friends who arent playing star wars maybe some more will pay for it...



it doesnt mean the game is dead.. at worst it means ea and bw are greedy... but if that brings more people then so be it..


really people complain there are not enough people on the servers then they might up the numbers a few with new subs..that isnt a bad thing either


dont get me wrong, i understand why from a business point of view, it just seems a little odd that after 3 months they are now offering free-trials....you usually see that kind of ploy further into something when subs are starting to drop off and they require new blood

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dont get me wrong, i understand why from a business point of view, it just seems a little odd that after 3 months they are now offering free-trials....you usually see that kind of ploy further into something when subs are starting to drop off and they require new blood


i consider it preemtive population control. either way im not going anywhere. and new players is all good for me.

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dont get me wrong, i understand why from a business point of view, it just seems a little odd that after 3 months they are now offering free-trials....you usually see that kind of ploy further into something when subs are starting to drop off and they require new blood



Why can´t we just be thankful and that´s it`?

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


what's with this kind of attitude. Do you need a reward for everything in life ? Do you get a cookie for getting out of bed in the morning ?

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just to back up the OP here...FFXI gave equippable items to both the inviter and invited after the 1st payment made by the invited so they would level together and get bonuses whilst teamed up so its not just WoW that do it (P2P models)


my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'


Probably because since the game released I've seen threads asking for a recruit a friend type option to be made available. So I would imagine BW has seen these types of threads also?

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This is an advertising ploy, it doesn't mean the game is dead or dying people, unless you think that companies like Apple and McDonalds are going bankrupt forcing them to advertise to bring in customers.


the mcdonalds thing was for the movie so try again

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Ah yes, the new trend of "entitlement".


Now if it were a company phoning up to ask for market research, I might wonder how much they're making from me and where's my cut? Obviously I'm using my personal time to line their pockets, doing something utterly boring and of no value to me personally. I might then say "what's in it for me?".


However, if I buy a football and teach a friend to play and he then goes and buys a football to practice so we can have more fun together next time, I would not speak to the manufacturer and demand a cut of the price of the ball.


It's pretty cut and dry in my mind but then again, I'm over 30 years of age ;)

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just to back up the OP here...FFXI gave equippable items to both the inviter and invited after the 1st payment made by the invited so they would level together and get bonuses whilst teamed up so its not just WoW that do it (P2P models)


my only query is 'if the game is doing so well as we are led to believe, why are they asking us to invite ppl to trial the game?'


You continue to market even when you are successful.

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?

~facepalm~ Let me get this straight. You people say servers are dying and empty with low population and you want a reason to invite your friend right?




Allrighty then.

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I think OP is like me... we are the new generation... although I'm 34... like the OP, we don't socialize and won't socialize without incentives.


We ask questions like why should we make friends? There is no reason to because we simply like to be left alone. If we make friends, there is no tangible benefits. Will they do our Laundry and Cook for us if we invite them to SWTOR? Will they be excited play SWTOR or will they hate you in the future for wasting their life?


Socializing is a lost art. None of us do it anymore. Socializing in a virtual game doesn't mean your good at socializing.


And because signing up friends actually requires us to step out the door and making friends and interaction... although this was the norm pre-internet / AOL chat days where reading a physical nondigital book brought delight.


Simply put... the OP says no to friends.



Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?

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Let's face it, if I am going to go to all the bother to convince up to three friends to sign on, shouldn't there be a reward for my efforts?


I guess they simply want us to do these things out of the goodness of our hearts. Anyway, doesn't this offer seem to smack of desperation?


I'm trying to figure out where the bother you speak of is. I just sent out a trial to a friend, was literally copy and past email address twice, pop his name on it and click submit, took 5 seconds. Not much bother there.


That is unless you need to first go out and find some friends to even send trials too.


There we go, I think I discovered the OPs issue with this! He has to do all that extra work!

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any of you that think that a company is doing you a favor by having you refer new customers to them, must have slept through business 101.



its a business move, and timed perfectly. if you have a friend on the fence, but you have been bugging them to play, well the added allure of 1.2 combined with a free trial will net them _____ new customers.



if not for the timing, they would have to look at other ways to get you off your butt to work your friends into playing. so if it were not such a close proximity to launch, and 1.2 was not hitting soon to grab up those who have been interested but have not bitten, they would need to offer you a free space pony or something.



never forget, we are customers of BW/EA. we pay them $ to make and update this game. in business, satisfied customers and word of mouth = $$$$$$$

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If you find that the ability to convince your friends to play something with you isn't incentive enough, then just don't partake in the program. Bioware doesn't really lose anything if you don't give free trials to people you know besides potential. Somehow, I think they'll be okay either way.
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