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Let me phrase it this way


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I just got home from work and I've been trying to read the forums for as much info about the guild summit as I can. To be honest, I am happy these changes are being made, but at the same time as a paying customer I am very disappointed. I've read several posts of trolls who I think want this game to fail (for reasons I don't understand why), but I've read an equal amount of posts of people who seem like sheep (no offense). Their replies go something like "Well, its here now. So be grateful!"


Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later? Or an internet/tv package you'd only get rights to 4 months later? etc. That argument is weak, and you guys know it. As a paying customer of their product, after reading these upcoming changes I feel like I've been paying to beta testing their game.


I can 100% guarantee that this was EA's doing, trying to get the game out for the holiday season. But honestly, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's fault it was. I feel violated now. Like I paid for an unfinished product. They are going to have to work now to get my faith behind them again, and hopefully 1.2 is a start. I look forward to reading the patch notes for that when they become available and giving it a go myself when it goes live.


This is just how I feel. I'm sure others feel similarly and others don't. To keep this thread productive, as well as to help BW regain some of my trust. What are 1-2 things you guys really feel like this game has brought to the table (not just 1.2 but the entire game as a whole) that will keep you playing for a long time? Be it a specific FP you find fun, or some ability you love to spam.... anything. I know I'm going to get story as a main answer from people, but keep in mind other games (even other BW games) have done story better. I guess I'm looking for something "innovative" that this game has, and others don't, that has really caught your interest.

Edited by Darne
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As a paying customer of their product, after reading these upcoming changes I feel like I've been paying to beta testing their game.


You'll get used to it, i've felt this way with every single MMOG i've played.

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I don't defend shoddy rushed to market products.


However, although SWTOR was rushed to market it was not shoddy. Not perfect by any means, but fun and playable, with a great base to build off of.


Yes, EA is the devil. Anyone with a brain cell knows this. But it turned out ok in the end, with a lot of room to get better.

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The game is moving forward and the developers are working to keep us entertained. If you don't like "the car" then don't drive it. Go buy whatever. Most of us biodrones are sick of those who continue to "drive this car" and gripe the entire trip. Its like riding with a grouchy old lady and its a long trip. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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You'll get used to it, i've felt this way with every single MMOG i've played.


I won't claim to be any kind of hardcore MMO vet or anything, but I've played a few here and there. Each brought something to the table. What do you thing THAT SOMETHING is for SWTOR?


I don't defend shoddy rushed to market products.


However, although SWTOR was rushed to market it was not shoddy. Not perfect by any means, but fun and playable, with a great base to build off of.


Yes, EA is the devil. Anyone with a brain cell knows this. But it turned out ok in the end, with a lot of room to get better.


The game has played beautifully since launch. THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS THREAD IS ABOUT! Maybe I should bold my OP. What do you enjoy about this game? Give specifics!


The game is moving forward and the devlopers are working to keep us entertained. If you don't like "the car" then don't drive it. Go buy whatever. Most of us biodrones are sick of those who continue to "drive this car" and gripe the entire trip. Its like riding with a grouchy old lady and its a long trip.


I don't think comments like that help anyone. If someone who enjoys the game can't even think of 1-2 things you actually like about and thing is game changing, what hope do you have or recruiting new players? Or keeping current players? Don't hate me for expressing an opinion. Express yours. I'm much more open than the average forum troll.

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I don't think comments like that help anyone. If someone who enjoys the game can't even think of 1-2 things you actually like about and thing is game changing, what hope do you have or recruiting new players? Or keeping current players? Don't hate me for expressing an opinion. Express yours. I'm much more open than the average forum troll.


I was just addressing one of your metaphores, nothing personal. I spoke in context to it.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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I was just adressing one of your metaphores, nothing personal. I spoke in context to it.


It's all good. Takes more than that to upset me.


But just to be a jerk, you still haven't answered my original question :p

What do you, sir or ma'am, enjoy about this game and believe no other game can offer you?

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Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later?


Here's where you lose me. A) Online video games aren't commodities, they're services. If you don't feel that you get some value from the service, you aren't required to continue to subscribe. B) Car analogies are always bad. You really should resist the urge to use them.


Your Internet/TV analogy is closer, but even then, you have MUCH more influence over what happens in this game than what happens on TV - and you should view that as a good thing. Much of the changes we're going to see in 1.2 and future updates are a direct result of feedback from these forums. That's awesome, and should be lauded, not derided.


Edit: missed your request

To keep this thread productive, as well as to help BW regain some of my trust. What are 1-2 things you guys really feel like this game has brought to the table (not just 1.2 but the entire game as a whole) that will keep you playing for a long time?



This is an MMO but it has a Bioware story. Confirmed in the guild summit is that there will be MORE STORY. This isn't just a case of you finish the class quests and maybe some FPs and grind for 3 years to do whatever Op is available then - they will be adding fully voiced, well-written, Bioware quality story. TO AN MMO!


This will keep me as a very happy Bioware customer for years to come.

Edited by kisharrr
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I just got home from work today and decided I'd write a dissertation about a Video Game.




I've bolded and increased font size on the relevant parts for the TL;DR people.


I'm just wondering why certain people can come up with huge laundry lists of what this game needs improvement on, yet no one has produced a SINGLE THING that this game does the best.


I'm not trying to troll here, honestly. I am trying to spark some sort of discussion. Anything.

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It's all good. Takes more than that to upset me.


But just to be a jerk, you still haven't answered my original question :p

What do you, sir or ma'am, enjoy about this game and believe no other game can offer you?


The game starts at level 1. I like that.

The game has drawn me into the lore, I like that too.

The planets are vast and beautiful, like it.

The companions bring yet another aspect....I could write an essay on everything I like. Instead of an essay I will just come and write short replies that embody my overall satisfaction.

Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Here's where you lose me. A) Online video games aren't commodities, they're services. If you don't feel that you get some value from the service, you aren't required to continue to subscribe. B) Car analogies are always bad. You really should resist the urge to use them.


Your Internet/TV analogy is closer, but even then, you have MUCH more influence over what happens in this game than what happens on TV - and you should view that as a good thing. Much of the changes we're going to see in 1.2 and future updates are a direct result of feedback from these forums. That's awesome, and should be lauded, not derided.


Service... commodity, whatever. I'm no economist. Let's not get weighed down by the vocab I used. Also, I agree with you 100% that 1.2 will be good. I'm not, and will never, contest that. It does seem they are reading our suggestions.


Maybe I shouldn't have posted anything but the bolded part.....

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Service... commodity, whatever. I'm no economist. Let's not get weighed down by the vocab I used. Also, I agree with you 100% that 1.2 will be good. I'm not, and will never, contest that. It does seem they are reading our suggestions.


Maybe I shouldn't have posted anything but the bolded part.....


Edited my post to address the bolded part.

And thanks for not being a complain-y d-bag, but actually wanting to have real discussion, btw.


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I like that the game is showcased with high resolution textures in marketing videos but we don't have them in game. (1.2 will have increased textures, but hard to tell really if it is HIGH resolution)


The game I use to love in early beta isn't really here anymore. Sure they added and updated somethings, (major example the old UI was 1000000x worse than current UI) but all the feedback ignored and given during beta, and seeing it largely ignored has left a sour taste in my mouth.

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The game starts at level 1. I like that.


Other games don't? I don't understand that one I'm afraid.


The game has drawn me into the lore, I like that too.


Agreed. SW lore is sweet. But did KotOR not do that too? Or any of the other 100s of SW games out there?


The planets are vast and beautiful, like it.


Also agree. The load times somewhat detracts that, but I'll give you this one. I enjoy the Voss planet as well. Completely new stuff there.


The companions bring yet another aspect....I could write an essay on everything I like. Instead of an essay I will just come and write short replies that embody my overall satisfaction.


All BW games have companions.

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This is an MMO but it has a Bioware story. Confirmed in the guild summit is that there will be MORE STORY. This isn't just a case of you finish the class quests and maybe some FPs and grind for 3 years to do whatever Op is available then - they will be adding fully voiced, well-written, Bioware quality story. TO AN MMO!


This will keep me as a very happy Bioware customer for years to come.


There we go! The story! I'm interested to see what new story will be like. Whether they will have to increase the level cap or if it'll be more legacy system perks or epic purples or what. I've only played through the Sith Warrior and Sith Inquisitor stories, and they were both entertaining for sure.


I think making the story areas more accessible to other people would be cool too. Me and a buddy basically leveled from 15-50 together on our main and it was cool to see the Imperial Agent's story through his eyes. Not sure many people take advantage of that though. I always see solo players.

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Sorry for the triple post, but I just wanted to say that it looks like no one wants to try and discuss this further. I'll go back to Netflixing for the night, as you guys unfortunately gave me no reason to log on.


I tried.


Anyways, thanks for reading my "dissertation." If this was hard to read, you should check out my actual dissertation....


I'm unimpressed that people couldn't even back this game up for more than 2 posts. I probably won't check this thread again, so feel free to lock it. I don't mind. Have a good night.

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Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later? Or an internet/tv package you'd only get rights to 4 months later? etc. That argument is weak, and you guys know it. As a paying customer of their product, after reading these upcoming changes I feel like I've been paying to beta testing their game.


Tremendous comparison, and accurate relevance.

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I have a stickied thread of Healer Suggestions and Requests on the Healer forum. It is quite large...there are a lot of things that can use changing.


Just because you think things can be improved is not the same as complaining. This game is great. I played WoW from 2004 until Early Access for this game. I love this game and I'll be here for quite some time. It is exactly because I love this game that I feel the need to try and do all I can to improve it, and that includes pointing out its flaws. If you never tell someone there is a problem, how do you expect them to address it? And sometimes the answer will be "working as intended" because their vision for the game and mine don't line up. That's fine, but it is still important to get those suggestions and observations out there, in a constructive and polite manner.


Things I love about this game:


  1. Story. The story while leveling is amazing compared to anything else on the market I've played (admittedly only a handful of them, but most come and die so fast it's hard to even give them a try).
  2. End-game story. I think this gets overlooked, but it is quite well done. No spoilers, but there is story when you start Karragga's Palace, and the story when you complete it foreshadows future Ops. Similarly, the new Kaon FP is the beginning of a chain.
  3. Mechanics. Yes, there is nothing new under the Sun, and its all been done before. That doesn't mean that they didn't produce some interesting mechanics. As a long time WoW healer, I am very happy with the Ammo mechanic. Resource management while playing whack-a-mole is far more interesting than just playing whack-a-mole. Sure, some turned out better than others (looking at you terribly boring Scoundrel healer rotations, and the somewhat painful cover mechanic), but it is nice to have a variety of mechanics in place for more than just DPS.
  4. Puzzles. These are common in single player games, but rare or non-existent in MMOs. The only other one I can think of is the Chess Event from BC era WoW, and that barely counts. Sure the current puzzles in the Operations are pretty simple, but they are present and that's a start.
  5. Custom-gear. Currently pretty sparse, but the 1.2 info is going to make this far more viable as end-game gear, and with more than light armor for social. Looking how you want is a big deal for a lot of people.
  6. Crafting. It doesn't touch the old SWG system, but it is a hell of a lot better than WoW's "grind out 57 grinding stones, then 23 bracers" system.
  7. Setting. Not just that it is SW...George Lucas killed a lot of my love for the franchise on its own when he did those terrible things to it...*shudder*. The whole of the setting. KOTOR (the first one) was a great game, and this is a good successor. There are lots of nods to the original story, both large and small. Plus, blasters are a lot cooler than elves.
  8. Choice. My Trooper had a number of quite interesting choices during the story. The Consular story was pretty bad in comparison, but still better than anything I'd seen before in terms of choice in an MMO.
  9. Companions. Leveling as a Combat Medic, I can run with a tank and heal it, a healer pet and be invincible, or a DPS companion and kill faster but have to heal it more. All 3 are viable choices while leveling, and you can go with the pets you like most.
  10. Non-DPS leveling. Leveling as a healer or tank has traditionally been painfully slow. In SWTOR it is not just viable, it is fun.
  11. Combat Medic Commandos: I love mine. She is awesome. Tons of fun, excellent survivability, a new resource mechanic, efficient heals, a fun cooldown that provides choices of action (toss out a no CD heal or that defensive shield? better think fast, you only have 10s before the buff expires!). I'd really like smart-healing on my AoE, a battle-rez, and less orange on all my armor, but in general just a great class.
  12. Shadow tanks. Holy crap are these fun. Stealth, light armor, melee-magic user tank with self-healing. It's like someone took all the best parts of an enhancement shaman, a rogue, and a DK tank from WoW and slammed em together, and cut out the worst parts with a double bladed lightsaber.
  13. Cinematic Combat. My lightsaber actually deflects the incoming blaster bolts when I'm tanking. I don't care who you are, you have to admit that that is cool.


Is that enough? 13 off the top of my head isn't bad.

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Sorry for the triple post, but I just wanted to say that it looks like no one wants to try and discuss this further. I'll go back to Netflixing for the night, as you guys unfortunately gave me no reason to log on.


I tried.


Anyways, thanks for reading my "dissertation." If this was hard to read, you should check out my actual dissertation....


I'm unimpressed that people couldn't even back this game up for more than 2 posts. I probably won't check this thread again, so feel free to lock it. I don't mind. Have a good night.


48 minutes from the OP to this post...


Perhaps more people would have answered your question if you started with it and not a huge long ramble.

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I just got home from work and I've been trying to read the forums for as much info about the guild summit as I can. To be honest, I am happy these changes are being made, but at the same time as a paying customer I am very disappointed. I've read several posts of trolls who I think want this game to fail (for reasons I don't understand why), but I've read an equal amount of posts of people who seem like sheep (no offense). Their replies go something like "Well, its here now. So be grateful!"


Let's take that same approach to other commodities in which you pay for. Would you buy a car knowing the wheels would only be coming in 4 months later? Or an internet/tv package you'd only get rights to 4 months later? etc. That argument is weak, and you guys know it. As a paying customer of their product, after reading these upcoming changes I feel like I've been paying to beta testing their game.


I can 100% guarantee that this was EA's doing, trying to get the game out for the holiday season. But honestly, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who's fault it was. I feel violated now. Like I paid for an unfinished product. They are going to have to work now to get my faith behind them again, and hopefully 1.2 is a start. I look forward to reading the patch notes for that when they become available and giving it a go myself when it goes live.


This is just how I feel. I'm sure others feel similarly and others don't. To keep this thread productive, as well as to help BW regain some of my trust. What are 1-2 things you guys really feel like this game has brought to the table (not just 1.2 but the entire game as a whole) that will keep you playing for a long time? Be it a specific FP you find fun, or some ability you love to spam.... anything. I know I'm going to get story as a main answer from people, but keep in mind other games (even other BW games) have done story better. I guess I'm looking for something "innovative" that this game has, and others don't, that has really caught your interest.


To clarify, you haven't been paying to beta test their product. They released a product and if you think that product is worth your sub, you pay the sub. Bioware has never asked you to pay for an entertainment product that doesn't entertain you. If this game failed to entertain you, you really should have canceled your sub and check back later. If it did entertain you, then you aren't paying to beta test anything. You're paying to be entertained.


I'm playing because it's fun. It's engrossing, it's star wars, it doesn't feel like a race to end-game, and I'm genuinely interested in the story. Others disagree, and that's fine. But that's why I'm playing. And if I don't find it fun, I'm not going to continue to pay. Future promises have no impact on that decision, and I think Bioware understands - and even agrees with - this approach. They've never asked me to do otherwise.


And I'm looking forward to 1.2 because it's making (IMO) a good game better. If I felt it was making a bad game good, I wouldn't be subbed right now.

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Like you I have been leveling with a buddy. Neither of us have a lot of time to play the game so when we do get on at the same time I enjoy actually seeing his story as he sees mine. I'ts kind of a spoiler though as I plan to level all classes eventually.


As mentioned earlier the environments are unique. Not some medieval castle or jello mold cutout environments, but actuall unique planetary areas that have a character much like those in the stories. While there are other RPG's and games out there, some from BW (ME series), that also have great environments these are uniquely SW and have that SW feel something not easy to achieve. KOTOR II environments had a bit of that issue.


Not to jump off topic but for anyone that thought there wouldn't be anymore story mode after 50 you have to remember.....that was Chapter 1. BW isn't likely to just leave you hanging with no Chapter 2.....etc.


Not sure you can count this as something I like about "The Game" but the developers certainly are listening and implementing changes that the player base wants. That shows me they care and want this MMO to continue beyond the typical 1 year or less. Only a few other Dev teams I know ask for inputs as much as these guys, and they are Devs for successful MMO's. I really like that.:D

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What do you, sir or ma'am, enjoy about this game and believe no other game can offer you?


1. The most balanced PvP any MMO has had at launch, ever.

2. My IA Ship.

3. A Jawa Companion.

4. A Wookie Companion.

5. A fairly decent storyline that partially masks the questing grind fest so I only think I want to kill myself while leveling rather than actually desiring to do so.

6. Companions in Slave Girl outfits.

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What are 1-2 things you guys really feel like this game has brought to the table (not just 1.2 but the entire game as a whole) that will keep you playing for a long time? [/b] [/size]Be it a specific FP you find fun, or some ability you love to spam.... anything. I know I'm going to get story as a main answer from people, but keep in mind other games (even other BW games) have done story better. I guess I'm looking for something "innovative" that this game has, and others don't, that has really caught your interest.


1. PvP as a Marauder.

2. Crew skills, some people hate this, but I love that my companions did the work and I just queued missions. Sitting in a crafting hall doing repetitive tasks isnt my cup of tea.


There are a bunch of other things I like about this game and are why I choose it over the many other MMOs I have played, but you asked for 1-2.


Also as to story, I didnt list it because you made the point other games(in all genres) have done story better and I agree, but I have never enjoyed or cared about the story in a MMO like I have in this game.

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