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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 is "The Messiah of all Patches"


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Massive AOE spam fests that completely lag out top end machiens just like this game. If you have watched or followed any of the beta reviews from the past few weeks then you know that GW2 is not all people are making it up to be. Is it a good game? Sure. Will it be the death to all other games? Not even close.


The content will be consumed within 1 month and the problem with f2p mmo's is they don't release updates enough. But I'll let you keep telling yourself how great it's going to be because the game itself will only crush your hopes that much faster if you believe your own hype.


It's B2P, not F2P. Please get that right. F2P games rely on cash shops to support it, offering exclusive and needed items to compete or do content. GW2 is not going this route. I do expect them to milk it with expansions but that's ok and not suprising.


As to performance, after watching it being played personally: I can safely say it will handle mass PvP 10x better than TOR ever will. It will break down at certain player amounts for sure, but its breaking point is considerably higher. You know why? They made their own engine and not buy sum 3rd party one from a garage sale.


Anyways, I actually expect GW2 to be crap....it's just to good to be true, honestly. But at this point I have lost faith in BW and now have to look else where for 'a new hope'. Yep, three months after release. GG.

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Yes because they don't need it, they are competition cars, f1 cars don't have ac either. Difference is swtor actually does need a dungeon tool unlike those cars don't need ac.


As i said, you should think before replying, you're just replying for the sake of replying, without making any sense and taking things out of context cause when faced with the FACT that people like me are RIGHT, you'd rather go off and argue about the examples that are being made, failing at that too for a lack of logic, i may add.


How can you possibly be right in an analogy comparing a game to a car?

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As to performance, after watching it being played personally: I can safely say it will handle mass PvP 10x better than TOR ever will. It will break down at certain player amounts for sure, but its breaking point is considerably higher. You know why? They made their own engine and not buy sum 3rd party one from a garage sale.


Anyways, I actually expect GW2 to be crap....it's just to good to be true, honestly. But at this point I have lost faith in BW and now have to look else where for 'a new hope'. Yep, three months after release. GG.




LMAO. You really haven't even taken one single look at any blogs from people that are Beta testing this, have you? You poor soul.

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Hey folks,


We've had to go ahead and do a bit of cleanup in this thread.


We do know that Patch 1.2 is a hotly debated topic in the forums right now. That being said, as a gentle reminder, please ensure that your posts are constructive, regardless if your feedback is positive or negative.


Please also note that you should be discussing a difference in opinion respectfully. Rude comments or insults do not help promote good discussion, and should not be posted or responded to in kind. If you do see a post you feel is rude or insulting, or otherwise in violation of the Rules of Conduct, please Flag the post and move on.


Thanks for your understanding, all.

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And actually they DID address the framerate issue. They said theyre working on tweaking and making the game playable on low end systems, and that many of the tweaks will benefit everyone. And honestly, not everyone even has the issue, so common troubleshooting would point at either the users end or the ISP, thats the only variable really.


The issues have nothing to do with internet connection, the problem is the engine. Maybe if you have an extremely recent rig the problems are diminished to the point where they aren't noticeable, but trying to deny that they exist is ridiculous. But in other threads even people who get 100 fps notice the hitching, so yeah.


The same could be said of trying to compare games released in 2004 and 2011. There is no comparison. What you don't seem to comprehend is TOR is not competing with EQ 2002 or EQ2 2004 or WoW 2004. It is competing with WoW 2011, Rift 2011, LotRO 2011, etc. Comparing features of current games is entirely appropriate. Comparing strengths and weaknesses is entirely appropriate. Whether the particular strengths or weaknesses of TOR keep you playing or cause you to unsub is up to you.


Rift 2010 was missing these same features, but now that it has them it's being used to support your argument against SWTOR 2012. And eventually SWTOR will have the same features. People act like the game will never improve. The fact of the matter is that every game since WOW has been compared to WOW, and all have fallen short in terms of features. I literally can't understand why people are always surprised by this.


LMAO. You really haven't even taken one single look at any blogs from people that are Beta testing this, have you? You poor soul.


Can you elaborate on this?

Edited by releena
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Once again things that should have been implemented b4 launch in game development.


Comments like that aren't even necessary anymore because the reality is we are past launch, and that's that...so stop trying to put the game down by saying pointless comments like that. The fact is, you should be VERY happy this stuff is going in. You can go around life saying "..sigh...this is what it SHOULD have been" and not look to the future..but that is very, very negative and not good for the outlook in your mind. Stay happy and optimistic! It is much better for you, and more importantly those around you :)

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At least yall didnt get kicked out of Alderaan civil war warzone at the very end after your side won the match. Kicked a split second before the stats window pops up and you didnt get credit. All because the speeders didnt spawn and the ingame support replies with they are sending the reportto developers instead of making things right by giving you credit where it is due. With screens shots to boot.
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Anyways, I actually expect GW2 to be crap....it's just to good to be true, honestly.


I do too, but even if it's not, it will get beaten in their forums like an ugly stepchild with leprosy. That's what happens in game forums, a minority gank the game until they find a new game to go bullyfest-rant on.

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Anyone else think 1.2 got pushed back a month just to get people to sub for one more month?


Those who wear tinfoil hats maybe, because it wasn't pushed back they never gave a date for it.


Around March is not the same as in March.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Anyone else think 1.2 got pushed back a month just to get people to sub for one more month?


Nope, while possible I'm more inclined to believe that all that content takes time to develop and test which caused it to take longer then the PR person hinted at/people clung to as the date it would come out.

Edited by Draekos
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Seriously, they are adding:


1. Ingame events

2. New warzone

3. New flashpoint

4. New Operation

5. Better Crafting

6. Legacy

7. More RP places

8. Chat bubbles

9. Animal Mounts

10. Ranked WZ's


AND much much moree!!1


This is like a wow expansion!!!


STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


EDIT: Also, to all the people saying these features should've in launch, you're wrong, was launch not the best? Sure, but they are delivering, I've seen more people playing today then I have in the past couple weeks. Lets not mind that BioWare NEVER MENTIONED ANY of the features that will be realeased in 1.2, to have been in launch.


Well, I explain to you:


Now we buy unfinished games.



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So does April really mean April or around april? and if its pushed back to May then what is the excuse then? ohh thats right extensive testing just like the beta.


Early April is the time frame they gave, so probably around this time next month.

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Where did they say they were adding chat bubbles and animal mounts? I haven't heard about that yet.


Chat bubbles were in beta however they found that for some reason that they could not pin down at the time they were causing a huge preformance loss. So they took them out for launch and now they have the preformance issue fixed and they will be back.


Daniel Erickson wants his own Tauntaun and when he said that one of the other dev's, I forget his name just now, said something about it and Daniel replied, "Yes, but can I ride it?" Like he was as pissed off as we were that it was not already in the game...they will be coming I got that from the discussion, can't say when though.

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That's true but at least Rift had a working UI, a decent engine with AA(at launch), nice shadows, high resolution textures, dual specs, gear dyes, more than one type of weapon per class, training dolls, world events, incentives for exploration, multiple speccing, interesting talent tree options, well made instances, world PvP, a decent crafting system, swimming, day/night cycles, chat bubbles and... much much more™.


Please do not compare SWTOR with Rift at launch.


Note: Rift budget was like 1/4th of SWTOR one.



Excuse me... But RIFT was Booooooooooring. The only thing interesting about RIFT was the RIFTS.


I played for approx 60 days. I started playing at their 1.2. They didn't have guild banks yet. I think that was added in 1.4?


RIFT wasn't worth my money.


The problem with WoW is.. well after playing it off and on for years I got so bored of doing everything. I got Cata. But got bored in less than 30 days. I haven't played since.


I don't see how WoW veterans go back. And do all the WoW content... you know... for the millionth time.

Edited by Geoteknate
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Arguing with fanbois is sooooooo hard.


Dear fanbois, of course you can't compare a 7 year old game with a 3 month game, but i think that the point is, how the hell did Bioware not learned anything from others mmo? 6 years in development? A gazzilion dolar budget? And all for what? Cinematics and voices and rolling alts until you get sick of it?


No one at Bioware had the presence of mind to sub for wow or rift to see the features that those games have?


When you don't learn with the mistakes from the past, you will cr@p again in the future.


I'm not coming back to this game, no matter what. Why wait 4 year for this game to have the same features a lot of other mmo have? Just to swing a lightsaber? Don't like Sw that much


Happily playing WOW --> D3 --> GW2



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Something I heard misrepresented thoroughly today.


"Warzones are popular, we have millions of warzones played since launch."


No. Warzones are not popular, they are just the only current form of actual playable PvP.


Ilum, is not playable.

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Arguing with fanbois is sooooooo hard.


Dear fanbois, of course you can't compare a 7 year old game with a 3 month game, but i think that the point is, how the hell did Bioware not learned anything from others mmo? 6 years in development? A gazzilion dolar budget? And all for what? Cinematics and voices and rolling alts until you get sick of it?


No one at Bioware had the presence of mind to sub for wow or rift to see the features that those games have?


When you don't learn with the mistakes from the past, you will cr@p again in the future.


I'm not coming back to this game, no matter what. Why wait 4 year for this game to have the same features a lot of other mmo have? Just to swing a lightsaber? Don't like Sw that much


Happily playing WOW --> D3 --> GW2




Dear fanbois, of course you cant compare a 5 year old game with a 3 month old game bu i think the point is, how the hell did Blizaard not learn anything from other mmo? Years in development? A gazzilion dollar budge? And all for what? Mobs I can't loot, no raids, no battlegrounds, and I can't even log into the freaking game because it's so broken?


No one at Blizzard had the presence of mind to test the servers to make sure they actually freaking worked? Was there even an open beta lol?

When you dont learn with the mistakes from the past, you will crap again in the future. I'm not coming back to this game, no matter what. Why wait 4 years for this game to have the same features a lot of other mmo have? Just to play an orc? Don't like Warcraft that much.


Happily playing UO > Everquest > DAOC

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Dear fanbois, of course you cant compare a 5 year old game with a 3 month old game bu i think the point is, how the hell did Blizaard not learn anything from other mmo? Years in development? A gazzilion dollar budge? And all for what? Mobs I can't loot, no raids, no battlegrounds, and I can't even log into the freaking game because it's so broken?


No one at Blizzard had the presence of mind to test the servers to make sure they actually freaking worked? Was there even an open beta lol?

When you dont learn with the mistakes from the past, you will crap again in the future. I'm not coming back to this game, no matter what. Why wait 4 years for this game to have the same features a lot of other mmo have? Just to play an orc? Don't like Warcraft that much.


Happily playing UO > Everquest > DAOC




Ahhhhhhh I see what u did there :p

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