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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.2 is "The Messiah of all Patches"


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9. More mounts is always good. I'm not sure why they are deciding to retire other mounts.


I think its fairly obvious. They will drop the prices on mounts to entice those with a major over abundance of credits to buy them and add them to their collection, the fact that they are taking them out and making them unavailable in the future is a good way to prompt people to buy em and drop a ton of money into a big money sink. This helps remove a large amount of credits from the economy as does the 1-2.5 million crystal money sinks.

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Stop with the Trion worship. RIFT had a good launch, but so did SWTOR and RIFT added way too many servers more. RIFT, as well done as it is, is a game of lesser scope. Just compare the RIFT capitals to Coruscant, for example. It's also very traditional storytelling for MMOs, unlike in SWTOR. Voice overs and cinematicals put SWTOR on a plateau above all other current MMOs.


I'm satisfied with the game as it is, and looking forward to most things in 1.2. I hope the game gets back on a growing track with it.

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Lol this just shows how hopeless you are in your argument, i mean, really? Trying to argue how long it took for ac to become standard in cars? It's beside the point. It's standard and they all have it. cross server and such are just as standard when it comes to GOOD and FUNCTIONAL mmos and they should all have it out of the box, especially when they spend 98437598437543985743985 MILLIONS in development.


NASCAR would like a word with you on ac...

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Then why did so many people leave Rift?

I stopped playing because there wasn't enough stuff in the game that differentiated it from other MMOs.


That said, Rift is doing well enough that Trion secured $80 million in VC money and is expanding to new regions. While it is not a WoW killer, it is a respectable MMO that is profitable.

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Lol this just shows how hopeless you are in your argument, i mean, really? Trying to argue how long it took for ac to become standard in cars? It's beside the point. It's standard and they all have it. cross server and such are just as standard when it comes to GOOD and FUNCTIONAL mmos.


The Artist should never have won best picture...it doesn't have nearly the technology that Avatar set the bar on....and it doesn't even have basic features like talking!


There is no way that can even be considered a good movie, right?

Edited by Skoobie
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Lol this just shows how hopeless you are in your argument, i mean, really? Trying to argue how long it took for ac to become standard in cars? It's beside the point. It's standard and they all have it. cross server and such are just as standard when it comes to GOOD and FUNCTIONAL mmos.


No MMO has had LFG, or cross server anything, from the beginning... not a single one.


At least in the ones I have played, into the teens now.

Edited by BlackZoback
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Then why did so many people leave Rift?


Because by the time they actually implemented cross server and dungeon tool the game was already basically dying to not say dead, which is the same that will/could happen with swtor.


Swtor may have a little more time since it's sw and got crazy fans compared to a random new ip, but that's it.

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The same could be said of trying to compare games released in 2004 and 2011. There is no comparison. What you don't seem to comprehend is TOR is not competing with EQ 2002 or EQ2 2004 or WoW 2004. It is competing with WoW 2011, Rift 2011, LotRO 2011, etc. Comparing features of current games is entirely appropriate. Comparing strengths and weaknesses is entirely appropriate. Whether the particular strengths or weaknesses of TOR keep you playing or cause you to unsub is up to you.


Comparing them as they stand now is fine, but to EXPECT such features right away is wrong when thats a different basis of comparing. You compare that stuff at their launches. Like I said before, it takes time and resources to create those features. Those games implemented certain things as years went by, therefor its unfair to compare those types of things when they had more time to implement them after launch.


So yes comparing them as they stand now, regardless they have the head start is a different argument and people can do that. But the problem is with those who expect to have more in TOR launch then any MMO before it at their launched.


I guess if EA would have held the release date off until April, none of this would even be an issue to a lot of people. Which would make arguing about this “should have been at launch” completely useless.

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so much hate!

I can sympathize with those who claim that certain features should have been included at launch are now being added, you feel cheated, and to a certain extent i get that. However, now you are getting many features, and have heard about new features in the pipeline (harder nightmare mode ops come to mind off the top of my head) why dont you get excited about the new stuff coming in, instead of being bitter at the fact that the SWTOR launch was not perfect (and perhaps no better than mediocre?)

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No MMO has had LFG from the beginning, not a single one.


At least int he ones I have played, into the teens now.


And they've all failed in horrible ways apart from wow, i wonder why that is.


I'll give you a hint: BEFORE wow, it wasn't the standard, nobody had it so nobody felt outraged by the lack thereof, after the current wow if you don't have it you're OUT.


Cavemen didn't complain about the lack of cellphones or electricity either.

Edited by Arzhanin
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Comparing them as they stand now is fine, but to EXPECT such features right away is wrong when thats a different basis of comparing. You compare that stuff at their launches. Like I said before, it takes time and resources to create those features. Those games implemented certain things as years went by, therefor its unfair to compare those types of things when they had more time to implement them after launch.


So yes comparing them as they stand now, regardless they have the head start is a different argument and people can do that. But the problem is with those who expect to have more in TOR launch then any MMO before it at their launched.


I guess if EA would have held the release date off until April, none of this would even be an issue to a lot of people. Which would make arguing about this “should have been at launch” completely useless.

Without going down to things like housing there are few features that you should not launch a MMO without.


Things like bubble chat, resizeable and moveable UI frames are a must to have. Even things like gear dyes are now expected by the players and features like appearance tabs (or similar) are becoming a standard. Also how can you make PvP servers without world PvP? In SWTOR you simply can't world PvP because most planets are locked to the other faction. A MMO needs world PvP and a big instance (planet) isn't world PvP at all.

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I stopped playing because there wasn't enough stuff in the game that differentiated it from other MMOs.


That said, Rift is doing well enough that Trion secured $80 million in VC money and is expanding to new regions. While it is not a WoW killer, it is a respectable MMO that is profitable.


Wasn't trying to argue the point of success. I have respect for Rift and almost all other MMOs. (The latest Final Fantasy being an exception)


I was merely pointing out that the features some complain about being absent here were also absent in Rift and pretty well all MMOs at launch.

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Seriously, they are adding:


1. Ingame events

2. New warzone

3. New flashpoint

4. New Operation

5. Better Crafting

6. Legacy

7. More RP places

8. Chat bubbles

9. Animal Mounts

10. Ranked WZ's


AND much much moree!!1


This is like a wow expansion!!!


STOP complaining, have fun, if you don't have fun dont play, bye :)


I could have waited for all of that. They're not fixing the framerate problem. They're not even acknowledging that it's a software problem rather than the user's hardware.


You're right. My curiosity is satisfied, so bye.

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And they've all failed in horrible ways apart from wow, i wonder why that is.


I'll give you a hint: BEFORE wow, it wasn't the standard, nobody had it so nobody felt outraged by the lack thereof, after the current wow if you don't have it you're OUT.


Cavemen didn't complain about the lack of cellphones or electricity either.


You know the LFG feature wasn't introduced until about 2 1/2 years ago?

Edited by Arzhanin
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Without going down to things like housing there are few features that you should not launch a MMO without.


Things like bubble chat, resizeable and moveable UI frames are a must to have. Even things like gear dyes are now expected by the players and features like appearance tabs (or similar) are becoming a standard. Also how can you make PvP servers without world PvP? In SWTOR you simply can't world PvP because most planets are locked to the other faction. A MMO needs world PvP and a big instance (planet) isn't world PvP at all.


I hope you aren't a GW2 supporter then, cus world PvP won't exist to the best of my knowledge.

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You know the LFG feature wasn't introduced until about 2 1/2 years ago?


And that undermines my statement in what way exactly? First you mention nascar cars completely missing the point, now this.

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And that undermines my statement in what way exactly? First you mention nascar cars completely missing the point, now this.


You compared SWTOR to cars with AC


I felt it appropriate to point out that the most expensive cars in existence don't have air conditioning.

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Some people still have illusion Bioware is capable to deliver content in timely manner. It was a huge mistake to release all those 1.2 features at once instead of monthly updates - it delayed release + devalued new features to a single month subscription fee. Devalued for those who want to pay for +2 months (1 month to wait, 1 month to play) of this boring game - unlike me.


Also there is rumor about D3 release in mid-April (17).


P.S. Most valuable lesson I've got in SWTOR - don't buy Bioware / EA MMOs right from start - even if it's StarWars - wait for 3-6 months to avoid boredom and frustration caused by underdeveloped product.

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I hope you aren't a GW2 supporter then, cus world PvP won't exist to the best of my knowledge.


They have a kind of cross-server PvP. But that game is going to fall so heavily if the GW2 fans here on the forums would be honest. If they are bored with SWTOR, they will bore their way to the Earth's core after a month with GW2.

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I think upset people are just trying to find things to be upset about.


"____ wasn't included at launch!!! Blah blah blah"


"Have patience, these things will come..Oh look! Here they come!"


"<blank stare> um........These features should have been in launch!"


Ok, we get it. There are things that you feel should have been included at launch. But now that many of these are coming, what point is it in being upset that they weren't included at launch? You are getting what you want. Just not when you wanted it.

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Did I read the summary wrong at MMORPG.com or something.. lemme check.


In 1.2


New operation, Explosive Conflict, considered Tier 2

Harder than current operations

Nightmare mode to be a more serious challenge

Needs serious testing and balancing, will not launch in 1.2


ok, this is confusing. Does it mean no operation will launch in 1.2 or the nightmare mode won't be available in 1.2? I think it means no nightmare mode in 1.2.

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You compared SWTOR to cars with AC


I felt it appropriate to point out that the most expensive cars in existence don't have air conditioning.


Yes because they don't need it, they are competition cars, f1 cars don't have ac either. Difference is swtor actually does need a dungeon tool unlike those cars don't need ac.


As i said, you should think before replying, you're just replying for the sake of replying, without making any sense and taking things out of context cause when faced with the FACT that people like me are RIGHT, you'd rather go off and argue about the examples that are being made, failing at that too for a lack of logic, i may add.

Edited by Maltra
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Did I read the summary wrong at MMORPG.com or something.. lemme check.




ok, this is confusing. Does it mean no operation will launch in 1.2 or the nightmare mode won't be available in 1.2? I think it means no nightmare mode in 1.2.


No, they said the new nightmare mode with more boss mechanics and different loot will release when "Story Mode" does, and that timeline was "this year" not 1.2

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Some people still have illusion Bioware is capable to deliver content in timely manner. It was huge mistake to release all those 1.2 features at once instead of monthly updates - it delayed release + devalued new features to a single month subscription fee. For those who want to pay for +2 months (1 month to wait, 1 month to play) - unlike me.


Also there is rumor about D3 release in mid-April (17).


I have no interest in D3, whatsoever. It's an eternity project set to fail because people expect too much. Blizzard should have made D3 and D4 in the time they have spent redoing and tinkering D3.


Torchlight II, on the other hand, is a more sympathetic venture.

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