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Guild Summit: Mac users better really want it...


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SWTOR runs terrible under bootcamp due to the old drivers from 2011 or later that many of use forced to use (.


That sucks :( I'm not seeing any new drivers coming out before Mountain Lion is released and Apple updates the set of drivers in bootcamp.

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Generalizations don't serve anyone very well. I think you'll find that the truth is vastly different than what you think it is.


In other words, most of the Mac-savvy people I know also know far more about computers than the general Windows population. Certainly there is a large group of users of both platforms that know very little about their machine other than it works or doesn't work and that will buy a new machine rather than learn how to upgrade their hardware.


Trying to pigeon-hole the thoughts and knowledge of gamers within either platform with the thoughts and knowledge of non-gamers is pretty much a moot point and really doesn't have much place in this discussion.


You whine at someone for making a generalisation and go right ahead and make one yourself. Seriously? How short is your memory?


"In other words, most of the Mac-savvy people I know also know far more about computers than the general Windows population."


Well played.

Maybe some people you know do know stuff about computers. But every single person I know that owns a Mac knows absolutely nothing about computers. They just buy it cause it's "pretty" or a "slick bit of kit"

See? I can make sweeping statements too.

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The post will obviously be removed, because it's off topic, and I don't believe you want to get into a pissing match on how many Windows machines are infected - even as a percentage of installed base.


You love to hate don't you. A few posts up you post a link to Blizzard. Is that not off-topic?

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You love to hate don't you. A few posts up you post a link to Blizzard. Is that not off-topic?


Possibly. I think since the poster was looking for Mac OS X native games and there aren't any offered here, that was a logical answer.

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SWTOR runs terrible under bootcamp due to the old drivers from 2011 or later that many of use forced to use (.


Funny, my 2007 iMac with VERY old drivers (ATI/AMD no longer updates them) runs SWTOR perfectly.


Granted, I only get about 30FPS, but still.

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I realize that creating a client for another system is harder than optimization for one system, but being so dismissive of a decent chunk of the population is not helpful, nor does it engender goodwill in the customers who did pay an extra $100-$180 just to play your game.


You didn't pay that money to BioWare/EA. You paid it to Microsoft. It's not fair for you to attribute that cost to BioWare/EA for a personal decision.


Also, got stats on that "decent chunk of the population"? I'd like to see the numbers to see how justified a Mac client release would actually be. If it's not worth the cost, BioWare/EA isn't going to do it. I also don't blame them one bit for that. I understand your frustration, but both of us took the idea of gaming into consideration when purchasing a Mac. If you didn't, then that's on you as a consumer. I knew that buy my MacBook would virtually prohibit me from playing video games on my computer, but the use of Mac OS rather than an operating system that makes me sick was worth that trade-off.


As an almost unrelated example, I don't complain that I can't play ME1 on my PS3. I knew when buying my PlayStation that I'd be barred from Xbox exclusives. It was my choice to buy a PS3 instead of an Xbox for all the other benefits that I obviously value more.


I'm not going to say "go buy a PC" mostly because you have already solved your own problem. You're running it with Boot Camp, and I didn't see you complaining about performance in your post either. That extra $100-180 that you spent was a personal decision and not really BioWare's fault.


This may be news to them: BioWare, no one wants to play your game that bad, especially as it was delivered.


Seems like you and OP do, if you're both subscribed and posting on the forums. I'm also a Mac user, but I play the game on an old PC. That PC's sole purpose is to play TOR and hasn't opened another application in months. However, I would be willing to pay the extra cost for Windows if I had to in order to play.

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Why am I not surprised that someone would come out with this one? LOL!

Tell how much of these kind of situations happen on the Windows realm every year. All computer platforms have vulnerabilities so... let's move on people.


Oh I know. I just posted that to show that the reason Macs were so "invulnerable" to malware was due to it's low user base. But due to more and more people using macs (as mentioned in the article) the Mac OSX will become as targeted as Windows computers are for malware.


edit: Basically OSX is no greater or lesser than Windows. It's just a different flavor of OS, and people have their preferences.

Edited by Apocalypsezero
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You whine at someone for making a generalisation and go right ahead and make one yourself. Seriously? How short is your memory?


"In other words, most of the Mac-savvy people I know also know far more about computers than the general Windows population."


Well played.

Maybe some people you know do know stuff about computers. But every single person I know that owns a Mac knows absolutely nothing about computers. They just buy it cause it's "pretty" or a "slick bit of kit"

See? I can make sweeping statements too.


LOL, you actually got my point--even if you then took it out of context.

In other words, most of the Mac-savvy people I know also know far more about computers than the general Windows population. Certainly there is a large group of users of both platforms that know very little about their machine other than it works or doesn't work and that will buy a new machine rather than learn how to upgrade their hardware.

I was responding to someone who stated specifically that Mac users don't know anything about computers.


To paraphrase myself, there are users on both platforms that fully understand computers. There are users on both platforms that know nothing. And that was the point.

Trying to pigeon-hole the thoughts and knowledge of gamers within either platform with the thoughts and knowledge of non-gamers is pretty much a moot point and really doesn't have much place in this discussion.

That was my second point. So many of the arguments we see in these threads are comparing gamers on PC systems with non-gamers on Macs.


Instead of apples to oranges, we need to be comparing apples to apples--i.e. if we are talking about the computer-literate crowd using Windows, then we need to be talking about the computer-literate crowd using OSX rather than the general population.

Edited by Onyx
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Well, I just unsubbed. I've come to realize that the lack of a Mac client (or actually, the lack of ever intending to make one) is just one of the many problems with this game.


I was actually this close to giving up my Mac and building my own gaming rig. I even had the specs and parts all picked out. I configured a nice decent system for about $700 that would play almost any modern game as high-ultra settings for at least a couple of years. I pictured my self in front of my new computer, taking up at least twice as much space as my old Mac, happily playing a wide range of Windows only games. I even imagined adding stuff to it: a TV-tuner so I could have my own free Tivo, a nice speaker system to play music on, maybe getting one of those ultrabooks i've heard so much about and sync my files using Windows Homegroup and taking my media on the road. Yes, I could see it all now...my new Windows PC would be my own little electronic hub.


And as I sat there, I realized,


I couldn't do it. I couldn't give up something that I've loved and have had no problems with whatsoever for something that "I could make work". I didn't want to leave the so-called "walled garden". I didn't want to stop "drinking the cool-aid" as so many PC fanatics have poetically put it.


Yes, my old 2007 Mac is getting on in years and I will have to replace it one of these days. Heck, I'm still waiting for at least one of the parts inside it to break so I can at least justify an upgrade. I mean, how long do hard drives last these days? Jeez! And yet, I sit here typing and looking at my trusty Mac and can't help but be impressed with it's reliability. Not to mention the fact that it can even play a 2012 3D game. What's more, I can't help but think there's no way I'm giving something like that up.


So when I do finally upgrade my computer, IT WILL BE ANOTHER MAC. Yes, sir! You can bank on that. And if I want to play another Windows game (GW2 looks good), I will use bootcamp (or parallels if my system can handle it). But, you can guarantee it will NOT be SW:TOR. So, to respond to the thread title: NO, I do not really want it.




Hmmm, here's a TV Tuner for Mac on elgato.com :)

Edited by Toxen
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Well, I just unsubbed. I've come to realize that the lack of a Mac client (or actually, the lack of ever intending to make one) is just one of the many problems with this game.


I was actually this close to giving up my Mac and building my own gaming rig. I even had the specs and parts all picked out. I configured a nice decent system for about $700 that would play almost any modern game as high-ultra settings for at least a couple of years. I pictured my self in front of my new computer, taking up at least twice as much space as my old Mac, happily playing a wide range of Windows only games. I even imagined adding stuff to it: a TV-tuner so I could have my own free Tivo, a nice speaker system to play music on, maybe getting one of those ultrabooks i've heard so much about and sync my files using Windows Homegroup and taking my media on the road. Yes, I could see it all now...my new Windows PC would be my own little electronic hub.


And as I sat there, I realized,


I couldn't do it. I couldn't give up something that I've loved and have had no problems with whatsoever for something that "I could make work". I didn't want to leave the so-called "walled garden". I didn't want to stop "drinking the cool-aid" as so many PC fanatics have poetically put it.


Yes, my old 2007 Mac is getting on in years and I will have to replace it one of these days. Heck, I'm still waiting for at least one of the parts inside it to break so I can at least justify an upgrade. I mean, how long do hard drives last these days? Jeez! And yet, I sit here typing and looking at my trusty Mac and can't help but be impressed with it's reliability. Not to mention the fact that it can even play a 2012 3D game. What's more, I can't help but think there's no way I'm giving something like that up.


So when I do finally upgrade my computer, IT WILL BE ANOTHER MAC. Yes, sir! You can bank on that. And if I want to play another Windows game (GW2 looks good), I will use bootcamp (or parallels if my system can handle it). But, you can guarantee it will NOT be SW:TOR. So, to respond to the thread title: NO, I do not really want it.




Hmmm, here's a TV Tuner for Mac on elgato.com :)


A well placed drop of water can give you a reason to get a new Mac ;)

See you in Guild Wars 2, I'll be there :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
There are serious concerns about this game surviving on PC. Probably makes the issue of a MAC client moot. Although it would certainly breath some new life into the game. Maybe a MAC client is part of a future re-introduction of the game.
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Yes, I am interested in a Mac client.

I really don't wanna split my memory by getting a boot camped windows on my mac device.


thank you,

boch :rak_03:

Boot camp shouldn't be holding any of your memory back when you boot into Windows. It should be using all of it.


Or do you mean hard drive space? That's storage. RAM is memory. Just a heads-up on the terminology, as I was really confused as to how your particular installation of Boot Camp would be working.


So, yeah, you'd need an NTFS partition for Boot Camp. Your RAM would be fully utilized.

Edited by JacenHallis
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what a lot of people don't get is this, i bought my mac back in late 09, i had wow on it because i knew i could play wow without a prob. Now when i heard about TOR i said to myself "ok if their bring out a MMO game that's like wow then i should be ok on my mac as well and i don't need to buy windows 7 so i can bootcamp it." now down the line me and like a LOT of other people hit hard times and now can't go out to buy windows 7 to bootcamp it, because that hundreds of dollars can be use to buy things i need to live. So Bioware should have made a mac version or at least still plan on making one so we don't have to go out and drop X amount of $$ to bootcamp and that way people can enjoy the game on windows AND mac's.
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Any AAA game coming out for Mac gets a lot of free advertising. Just to give you an idea, every time Blizzard said something about Diablo III, all the Mac sites and blogs talked about it. Also, with the recent drop on subs, trying to get some more players from the Mac community would be helpful for the game itself. I don't know how much BW changed the HeroEngine but with Mac client support for later this year, Mac people may get lucky.
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  • 3 months later...
Ditto on the mac version. The game is going free to play which means you guys are going to need a broader base with cash to spend. Sure you get the hard core mac gamers with bootcamp, but the casuals, the app store types, will need a native version.
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