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WoW Clone?


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Hello everyone thanks for viewing this.


I have been hearing WoW clone thrown around alot on this game and on this forum, so i thought it needed to be stated that this is not the correct term.


Time for a history lesson, in the beginning long ago RPG's (role playing games) were single player games that were primarily turn based. They used this system because it offered strats as apposed to just use the same move over and over until you win.


When the internet came out they invented things called mudds (look it up) after that they said "hey how do we take this turn based rpg into real time?" that is when they invented the cooldown system, all mmo's use it, WoW didn't do it first.


Ok so go here kill this, well guess what that is every game ever made. Try to think of something action based that doesn't revolve around go here kill this.


Basically what I am trying to say is this, all MMO's have a "template" it is not a copy, it is the format that all games in this genre use. Please take a moment to look outside the template and see what they did different.


Customizable gear (orange gear) this is a new feature that gives you almost the customization options of a game like City of Heroes, with the benefits of gear drops from other mmo's.


Ship combat, yes its on rails but it is a work in progress, it will be better later.


Fully voice acted quest lines, this really takes away from the dullness of lvl'ing.


All in all Star Wars the Old Republic, has a great foundation from which to build upon, unlike WoW, who made an expansion to go back and redo what they did wrong in the first place.


Not every MMO is a WoW clone, WoW didn't do it first, they just did it best.

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Not every MMO is a WoW clone, WoW didn't do it first, they just did it best.


Point of clarification... they were most successful, which doesn't mean they did it best. Whether or not they did it best is subjective.


Edit: My apologies for being nitpicky there. I just couldn't resist the comment as I happen to think a few other MMOs did it better but didn't pull in the sub numbers.

Edited by Vecke
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Main reason why wow was success is simple.It can run on a TOASTER.Yep that why.I mean i use to play it on a pentium 4 with a 256mb card and had 20 FPs in 25 man ***??



BUt yea not everyone can afford a PC for new games so WOW work very well if you can live with subpar graphic and the other things...

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Not every MMO is a WoW clone, WoW didn't do it first, they just did it best.


You're two-thirds right.


Not every MMO is a WoW clone.


WoW didn't do it first.


However, they may have the most players, but that certainly does NOT make them the "best" IMO.


Since 1999, out of the 18 MMORPGs that I've tested and/or played, I'd rank WoW at #10... about mid-way down the pack. Better than some, worse than others.



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You're two-thirds right.


Not every MMO is a WoW clone.


WoW didn't do it first.


However, they may have the most players, but that certainly does NOT make them the "best" IMO.


Since 1999, out of the 18 MMORPGs that I've tested and/or played, I'd rank WoW at #10... about mid-way down the pack. Better than some, worse than others.




Thanks for your OPINION.

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You're two-thirds right.


Not every MMO is a WoW clone.


WoW didn't do it first.


However, they may have the most players, but that certainly does NOT make them the "best" IMO.


Since 1999, out of the 18 MMORPGs that I've tested and/or played, I'd rank WoW at #10... about mid-way down the pack. Better than some, worse than others.




Out of curiousity what was the best in your opinion?

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And I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned, but the Star Wars universe is older than the Warcraft universe. I'm sure Blizzard copied ideas (20 years ago) from Star Wars stuff. And no, I'm not saying Star Wars was first. Just that it's natural for things to influence other things.
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Most everything is a culmination of what EQ has done since it's inception and is the heart of the MMO formula. WoW simply ran pretty good on a Commodore 64 and at it's launch was highly accessible to the extra casual gamer who didn't have a whole lot of time to game but could hop on for an hour or 2 and feel like they got something done otherwise it's not much different from other MMOs. Edited by Asuka
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Totally disagree that wow did things the best. Only thing that did was steal ideas from all MMORPGs ever made from 1996 to 2011.


Yes every time a new MMORPG comes out Blizzard steals its best ideas then just adds them to wow. And they never make the better lots of times made the worst.

Edited by Romiz
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It's pretty simple-minded when people try to say other games aren't based on WoW just because WoW didn't do "go here, kill this" first. The UI, hotbars, the map, mounts, the 3 skill trees per Advanced Class, (I could go on and on) those are the kinds of things WoW made standard.


I remember beta testing Vanguard, which was from the original designers of EQ ... and even that was a WoW clone. If you can't see it in TOR, you just don't want to because it's definitely there ... but it's not necessarily a bad thing

Edited by Aeryl
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It's pretty simple-minded when people try to say other games aren't based on WoW just because WoW didn't do "go here, kill this" first. The UI, hotbars, the map, mounts, the 3 skill trees per Advanced Class, those are the kinds of things WoW made standard.


I remember beta testing Vanguard, which was from the original designers of EQ ... and even that was a WoW clone. If you can't see it in TOR, you just don't want to because it's definitely there ... but it's not necessarily a bad thing


Things wow did not invent or make better on you list. UI, hotbars, mount and advanced trees. Them are all from other MMOs that did them better.


Only thing wow is famous for is addons that did not help the games. It just made for lazy gamers.

Edited by Romiz
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Out of curiousity what was the best in your opinion?


DAoC, pre-ToA, is my all-time fave and is the one that I have the fondest memories of. I loved my wee Lurikeen Mentalist. The RP servers had the most awesome communities. And, it's the only one that I've actually enjoyed PvPing (RvRing) in.



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Things wow did not invent or make better on you list. UI, hotbars, mount and advanced trees. Them are all from other MMOs that did them better.


Only thing wow is famous for is addons that did not help the games. It just made for lazy gamers.


I didn't say they invented them. You read that right? I said the way WoW did them became standard. You can't really compare an EQ hotbar to WoW's abilities can you? You had 6 buttons per page and just text on them. :rolleyes:

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Everyone is taking the wow did it best part a bit too far, and missing the point, i'm simply tired of the term "WoW clone".


For the record numbers talk, which means that yes in fact WoW did it best to date, whether your opinion is that one is better then the other doesn't matter. They have a very accessable UI with an engine that runs on just about anything.


In the future i would like to hear the term MMO template used more often.

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Everyone is taking the wow did it best part a bit too far, and missing the point, i'm simply tired of the term "WoW clone".


For the record numbers talk, which means that yes in fact WoW did it best to date, whether your opinion is that one is better then the other doesn't matter. They have a very accessable UI with an engine that runs on just about anything.


In the future i would like to hear the term MMO template used more often.


In the same boat has you. People forget wow is only a clone.

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/agree with OP


If you are saying TOR is a WOW clone, first you must answer one simple question: "Do you believe that WOW was the first MMO?" From there a conversation can either continue or end based on your answer.

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It's pretty simple-minded when people try to say other games aren't based on WoW just because WoW didn't do "go here, kill this" first. The UI, hotbars, the map, mounts, the 3 skill trees per Advanced Class, (I could go on and on) those are the kinds of things WoW made standard.


I remember beta testing Vanguard, which was from the original designers of EQ ... and even that was a WoW clone. If you can't see it in TOR, you just don't want to because it's definitely there ... but it's not necessarily a bad thing


You forget one minor detail, wow is an eq clone, wow is a poor man's eq.

Simplify and strip eq/eq2 of 80% of gameplay elements and you get wow.

wow is and always was an eq2 for kids, or eq2 light if you prefer.

To call vanguard a wow clone is hillarious. Diplomacy, crafting, harvesting, factions, flying mounts....call that a wow clone?

wow is the clone of everything else, a simplified clone.


P.S. when people say they beta tested, they want to add weight and credibility to their posts, but they achieve the contrary.

If you beta tested Vanguard and you saw a wow clone.....i'll just stop here.

Edited by kaboro
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Personally I think MMO's took several steps backwards in terms of what the player could do in the game world since Ultima Online, one of the very first MMO's and is still going today.


In UO you could write in books, and leave them in game. Some of the books I wrote way back in 1997 might still be there today....You could use these books to make up quests for players to take part in and the books were clues for the players to discover. You could even draw pictures in books.


You could decorate your house with items you found in the game. Some players were so good at house decoration that they hired themselves out to decorate other players house.


If you were a skilled thief you could steal items out of another players pack and they would never know it... once as I was entering the city of Trinsic, and all of a sudden a trade window comes up and it has two of my grandmaster crafted bows in it and the players says to me..."I just stole these from you, would you like me to show you how to stop a thief from doing this in the future?" And he proceeded to show me how to put magical traps on the bags inside my pack so when a thief tried to open them I would be alerted.


Almost any item you saw in the game world you could interact with it in some way. Combine the ingredients for bread and even bake it in an oven....


MMO'S have taken a HUGE step backwards!

Edited by Rahl_Windsong
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/agree with OP


If you are saying TOR is a WOW clone, first you must answer one simple question: "Do you believe that WOW was the first MMO?" From there a conversation can either continue or end based on your answer.


For a lot of people WoW has been their 1st MMO and only MMO. Heck, for some people it has been their 1st video game.

Edited by Magnijung
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DAoC, pre-ToA, is my all-time fave and is the one that I have the fondest memories of. I loved my wee Lurikeen Mentalist. The RP servers had the most awesome communities. And, it's the only one that I've actually enjoyed PvPing (RvRing) in.




Damn hibbies! Troll Thane FTW :p

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