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Powertech nerfed. Merc and Sorc untouched


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pt pyros are OP my friend, with all instant casts and devasting rail shots the class is faceroll..





mercs i feel are weak, they are too dependant on tracer.



sorc's contrary to popular belief. they simply apply group aoe pressure and utility.


but as geared progresses its found that theyve scaled terribly and are an easy kill to any mara, operative, assasin, pt, or sniper that well.. feels liek killing them




if anyone thinks that sorc's are op need a reality check..

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this wwkingms guy is epic


every post he makes is in sorcs threads and he spews the same BS everytime...check his post history LOL


I don't think ive ever seen someone so dedicated to convince people their class is balanced

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this wwkingms guy is epic


every post he makes is in sorcs threads and he spews the same BS everytime...check his post history LOL


I don't think ive ever seen someone so dedicated to convince people their class is balanced



i play a 50 sorc and a 50 jugg


wehn my jugg hit 50 and had no expertise he was dominating sorcs



sorcs are so easily counterable and die so easy i dont see how anyone ever complains about them




saying a sorc is op only points out that you dont have a grasp on high end pvp balance

Edited by wwkingms
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If Vanguards and PT's are OP then they are by far the least *****ed about OP class to have ever existed in an MMO ever.


because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy

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people complain about sorcs because of their extreme utility and when we play a map like huttball 90% of the time it makes them PvP god tier. Your counter point is maras beat them 1v1...and generally they are not a very good 1v1 class....great that makes them fine right?
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Pyro PT is my pick for most dangerous spec in the game.


I don't know that I'd call them overpowered, mainly because of mobility issues and difficulty dealing with certain ranged targets. If there's a big melee going on at a turret in civil war or something and they're allowed to run around with impunity though, bodies really pile up.

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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy

So you know all of this from your time... playing a Sorc and Jugg? What? Don't talk about classes you don't know. Funny you talk about easy classes when you play a sorc.
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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


Wow! Your numbers are so far , you make it sound like PTs have a gun that shoots pre nerf operatives. I agree th pyro spec is very strong but the numbers you mention are beyond what a full BM pyro could do to a 0% expertise newb I have to wonder if you have some special power that lowers your character to about level 45 but still allows you to play with the grownups.


I do play a PT but I do not spec pyro as it does not fit my style. I can see that some plyers would have trouble with pyros but you would do much better in whining about real numbers. Currently the numbers you are claiming only make you look like a fool. Loosing half your health to one attack would mean you have about 10k health. If numbers that low are even possible at 50 I would be shocked.


Try making your point with real numbers and then we can decide if you are actually putting up a reasonable point.


Of course you will attack my spelling/grammar so let me save you the trouble. This post was sent from my phone and includes many such errors.

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because they are few and far between.


but rest assured is quite easy, hard hitting and un counterable dmg


rail shot is instant, can crit from 4-7k and its cd can be reset off of every flame burst which is also instant and spammable


thermal detonator can easily take out half my health and is what? instant



easy class is easy


I counter PT's easily. Saber ward FTW. totally negates their rail shot.

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