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Bioware, what are you thinking?


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Yes, because it is completely against lore and canon.


You could not be more wrong if you tried. Name me one species that is exclusively Light or Dark side and I'll give you a cookie.. And no Yoda's race doesn't count because it doesn't even have a name other than "Yoda's Race".

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Because it doesn't matter. So a bounty hunter can use force lightning once every 20 minutes as long as he's not in a flashpoint or PvP. Who cares?


People who love and respect Star Wars. The real star wars. When these people decided to make a video game based on a story that they did not themsleves make they should not be allowed to change the story. If thats what they planned to do they should have made this game called "Star battles" or something and then they can make or break whatever the #$%^ they want.

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People who love and respect Star Wars. The real star wars. When these people decided to make a video game based on a story that they did not themsleves make they should not be allowed to change the story. If thats what they planned to do they should have made this game called "Star battles" or something and then they can make or break whatever the #$%^ they want.


You are ignorant (PS calling someone ignorant is not an insult.. it's a statement of fact based on the websters definition of the word, if a person takes offense to it, it's their own problem as ignorance unlike intelligence can be corrected since it only measures accumulated knowledge not potential to think) as are all the other people here QQing about this addition. There is not 1 single shred of evidence that says all force users must be jedi or sith. There is further more proof that it is specifically NOT the case. That means a Bounty Hunter COULD be a force sensitive. To claim otherwise is writing your own version of lore. And on top of that.. to say that bounty hunter are the only people in the entire universe to use an incineration device is a joke. Luke Skywalker used pistols, Harpoons, flew jets, and any thing else he could get his hands on. A force user makes the best of what they have available.. Only in the prequels did we get this concept that "younglings" started using lightsabers at age 4.. Which no self respecting fan buys.


Races are like rectums just because you got one and it stinks doesn't mean you use the same brand of toilet tissue. I advise you use that tissue to dry your eyes.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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People who love and respect Star Wars. The real star wars. When these people decided to make a video game based on a story that they did not themsleves make they should not be allowed to change the story. If thats what they planned to do they should have made this game called "Star battles" or something and then they can make or break whatever the #$%^ they want.


Riggggghhhhht, because no force wielding Jedi ever shot a blaster pistol in the "real star wars" lore right? http://www.originalprop.com/blog/movie-guns/star-wars-episode-iv-a-new-hope/.

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People who love and respect Star Wars. The real star wars. When these people decided to make a video game based on a story that they did not themsleves make they should not be allowed to change the story. If thats what they planned to do they should have made this game called "Star battles" or something and then they can make or break whatever the #$%^ they want.


There are various levels of canon. The highest level canon are the movies. Fact is, much of this game is already out of that level of canon, some even is outside of expanded universe and Lucas himself has stated in the past that SW MMOs simply follow the theme of lore and do not set and are not restricted by canon. If it's fine with George, it should be fine with any true SW fan as well.

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People who love and respect Star Wars. The real star wars.


I love Star Wars and I don't mind what they're adding.


To me the only "real" Star Wars is the movies. Nothing else is canon as far as I'm concerned, not even TOR or any of KotOR as much as I love those games.

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Hmmm, complaining about something that should be a non-issue. Yep, I am definitely on a forum today. :)


Just going to leave this here in case anyone wants to make the argument of Star Wars not supporting Chiss force users.

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It cracks me up how people can be all "this is the only true canon" or "this isn't lore!!!!"


Check this out....courtesy of the SW wiki....


In 2000, Lucas Licensing appointed Leland Chee to create a continuity tracking database referred to as the "Holocron". As with every other aspect having to do with the overall story of Star Wars, the Holocron follows the canon policy that has been in effect for years.

The Holocron is divided into 5 levels (in order of precedence): G-canon, T-canon, C-canon, S-canon, and N-canon.


G-canon is absolute canon; the movies (their most recent release), the scripts, the novelizations of the movies, the radio plays, and any statements by George Lucas himself. G-canon overrides the lower levels of canon when there is a contradiction. Within G-canon, many fans follow an unofficial progression of canonicity where the movies are the highest canon, followed by the scripts, the novelizations, and then the radio plays.


T-canon[2] refers to the canon level comprising only the two television shows: Star Wars: The Clone Wars and the Star Wars live-action TV series. Its precedence over C-Level canon was confirmed by Chee.[3]


C-canon is primarily composed of elements from the Expanded Universe including books, comics, and games bearing the label of Star Wars. Games and RPG sourcebooks are a special case; the stories and general background information are themselves fully C-canon, but the other elements such as character/item statistics and gameplay are, with few exceptions, N-canon.


S-canon is secondary canon; the story itself is considered non-continuity, but the non-contradicting elements are still a canon part of the Star Wars universe. This includes things like the online roleplaying game Star Wars: Galaxies and certain elements of a few N-canon stories.


N-canon is non-canon. "What-if" stories (such as stories published under the Star Wars: Infinities label), crossover appearances (such as the Star Wars character appearances in Soulcalibur IV), game statistics, and anything else directly contradicted by higher canon ends up here. N-canon is the only level that is not considered official canon by Lucasfilm. A significant amount of material that was previously C-canon was rendered N-canon by the release of Episodes I-III.


Notice that according to Lucas Licensing...the only true authority of what is or isn't lore/canon, SWTOR would be S-canon. This does give a lot of maneuvering for developers in an MMO.

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One thing I hadn't noticed mentioned, but in order for that pureblood sith jedi to show up in the Republic fleet that means that the player had to have come from playing on the Sith side. So while you see -1 lore, I see +1 faction balance. And in my opinion that trumps any possible lore issues.
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Yaay! So all my new alts can be human then!



And also a green human!

Yaaay again!



Adding races AFTER people rolled their mains and some alts is stupid, got it? I think you didn't... but I just think you had a zombie invasion at Bioware because all your brains seem to be eaten. What a poor meal it was.

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Riggggghhhhht, because no force wielding Jedi ever shot a blaster pistol in the "real star wars" lore right? http://www.originalprop.com/blog/movie-guns/star-wars-episode-iv-a-new-hope/.

That was in the game in which you could be a mix of moisture farmer, pistoleer, jedi...way before the clone wars (or would I say after!).


Yaay! So all my new alts can be human then!



And also a green human!

Yaaay again!



Adding races AFTER people rolled their mains and some alts is stupid, got it? I think you didn't... but I just think you had a zombie invasion at Bioware because all your brains seem to be eaten. What a poor meal it was.

Not surprised they aren't adding any new races at all here, especially non humanoid ones.


Thing is, seems people who already rolled and leveled alts will have to delete and regrind their alts. Have fun space tabbing through 50 levels guys.

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This completely befuddles me.


I spend a fair amount of time on these forums and I don't recall anyone anywhere asking for this. Its possible I might have missed it but this really came out of the blue.


Clearly you were not paying attention during pre-launch there was countless of threads made about this issue. Many people wanted to be able to play a pureblood on the Republic side and vice versa.

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Apparently you can also use other classes abilities as a "perk" in PvE...there is video of a Smuggler using Force Choke and one of the Force using classes using Flame Thrower. While I understand there will be limitations on this, I find it completely ridiculous and in fact insulting that they even thought to include this kind of nonsense.


After waiting for this game for years, I cannot express how disappointed I am with this. It says to me that Bioware really has no respect for the integrity of the Star Wars IP, and is more interested in creating a Star Wars flavored carnival ride than a serious Star Wars MMO.


Bioware can't implement anything in this game lore wise without the approval of Lucas so if you want to blame anyone look to him then

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Sometimes less is more, and I ~REALLY~ hope Bioware reconsiders keeping some races stuck to one side of the fence. Including Sith Purebloods, almost all Purebloods enjoy an elite societal status within the Empire, are the ones who are responsible for the damn Sith order, and didn't even ever see anything the Republic has to offer, especially since their first encounter wasn't until about thirty years before the start of the game. So it's highly improbable that you'd ever see an adult Sith Pureblood Jedi, if not downright impossible.


It's a bad idea all around. Doubly so for RP servers where you'll now see a sharp increase of stupid little Mary Sues who will do everything they can to be the most special little unique snowflake the galaxy has to offer.


And why would a Mirialan defect to the Empire? Mirial has been one of the Republic's longest running and most loyal allies. It'd make little sense for an ALIEN race to join up with the XENOPHOBIC Empire.


So again I implore you Bioware to reconsider this frankly idiotic move.


There's this whole thing called "fallen to the dark side" maybe you have heard of it

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You are not the IP and Lore police, Lucas Arts is.


If Lucas Arts approves it, that's good enough for me, being as they own the IP, the lore trademarks and they decide what is/is-not part of the lore and the IP



So you are okay with LA destroying their own established lore or letting others do so?



I really can't grep that people are upset about species unlocks from the Legacy system.


Just... wow...



What's so hard to understand about people that care(d) about SW lore being upset about the way BioWare tries to rape said lore?

Edited by Ticara
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So when they say that leveling up with a race will allow you to play that race with any class combination - does this mean factions still apply?


For example... I am a Mirialan Sage, level 50. Would I be able to make a Mirialan Inquisitor (republic)? Or would he have to be an Imperial?


What determines the faction? The race or the class?


It's species only. You can't be a Mirilan Inquisitor on the Republic side. You can be a Mirilian Iquisitor now on the Imperial side or a pureblood on the republic side but classes cannot switch

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who are these people who have to delete and regrind to 50?

Ex: you have a lvl 50 human smuggler and now the Chiss is available for this class you'd like to change it == you have to restart from zero.


Thing is it would not be that much of an issue if you would not be obliged to go, once again, through all the V.O. content. And players have some reasons to be upset as they made alts, as suggested by the devs, now to be punished for having done so too soon. Like before the new classes/species combinations.

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Not saying I don't believe you, but is there anywhere you can point me to that confirms this?


I was just wondering if perhaps they intend to unlock all races for all classes, but races still bind the person to the faction (rather than the class).


Just looking for a clarification link. Thanks in advance :D


They specifically said classes will not be unlocked, only SPECIES. If they allow classes to switch factions then it would create a balance nightmare for them


Also James Ohlen already said it would be WAY to expensive for them to allow classes to switch factions.

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Riiiight, give us things like this that no one was really asking for, and not give us things like a viable lfg tool that a lot of us have been asking for. And they honestly wondering why people are leaving this game in droves??


You clearly don't know what your talking about. People were asking for this months before the game even launched

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