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Bioware, what are you thinking?


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....... ignoring the fact that the vast majority of MMOs never take this step because they actually like the idea that their factions have identity, that is their prerogative.


Do you know this to be the reason "that the vast majority of MMOs " do whatever "the vast majoirity of MMOs" do? Even if you are correct, why does BW have to follow this path? Do you see what you did there? :rolleyes:

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You have no idea idea what you're talking about. There's nothing in any Star Wars lore that says members of a race can't belong to a different society.


We really, except for the Pureblood Sith? Yeah Chiss Jedi. OK not a huge issue. Imperial Miralians why not. A better spread of Twilecks across the classes sure thing. But the Sith Purebloods were sort of Bioware's inclusion to the lore, weren't they? And they had not been seen anywhere in centuries until the shooting started in the opening cinematic. So that is sort of a hard one to shoehorn in over on the Republic side.

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Have they announced exactly the list of unlockable races yet?


You mean what race can play what class?


As I understand it, any race you have unlocked can play any class. So if you have a lvl 50 Sith you can play a Sith of any class, Republic or Empire.


Sadly my one and only 50 is a human... :p

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he said Race....not character of any class






Getting to level 50 will unlock that character's race for all classes you create thereafter, bypassing the regular class and race restrictions. "If you were to play a character to level 50 with all the races, you could create any class of any race," said Ohlen




Sorry that was a typo on my part. Which if you would l2read, you would have realized by the fact nothing in my argument or this ENTIRE THREAD is about "character of any class" but is about "race as any class".

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You mean what race can play what class?


As I understand it, any race you have unlocked can play any class. So if you have a lvl 50 Sith you can play a Sith of any class, Republic or Empire.


Sadly my one and only 50 is a human... :p


No. I just mean what new races are unlockable? -Thnx in adv

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You mean what race can play what class?


As I understand it, any race you have unlocked can play any class. So if you have a lvl 50 Sith you can play a Sith of any class, Republic or Empire.


Sadly my one and only 50 is a human... :p


I think he was referring to new playable races. Which initially he (and I) thought there would be. /sadface

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But the Sith Purebloods were sort of Bioware's inclusion to the lore, weren't they?


No not at all. The Sith race is actually fairly old in terms of the EU lore, not in age of the race, but how long ago they were first mentioned.


And they had not been seen anywhere in centuries until the shooting started in the opening cinematic.


The Sith Empire was in hiding, that doesn't mean there were no pureblood sith floating around.

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Do you know this to be the reason "that the vast majority of MMOs " do whatever "the vast majoirity of MMOs" do? Even if you are correct, why does BW have to follow this path? Do you see what you did there? :rolleyes:


No, I don't "see what I did there". I think a lot of you forum lurkers need to get out in the world and understand how rational people engage in argument, and stop believing the internet rule that says you can just throw out a meme and WIN, or that there is never a possibility to arrive at some kind of truth simply because people have opinions.


Anyone capable of making even the most minor rational connections, and who has played MMOs for a while, KNOWS that developers separate factions using races...that is a long, accepted and understood concept in MMOs. Sure there are exceptions, but I don't have to read the minds of all the MMO developers in the world to use a WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED reality as a basis for an argument.


As to whether Bioware has to follow the path or not...if you are going to break something that works, you had better do it for a good reason, and have something to replace and fulfill the function it previously held, neither of which is the case here.


So yes, I do think Bioware has an obligation to stop screwing around and throwing solid game mechanics out the window simply to provide "perks" because they are too lazy to create meaningful and original content.

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Hmm, I am surprised the method they are using to allow additional race/class combos is so . . . simple, I guess? I had supposed that it would be more difficult (such as require a higher legacy level) to unlock certain combos than others, for lore reasons. For example, from what I have read, force sensitive Chiss are extremely rare, and there probably aren't a lot of Twi'lek that get to be Sith Warriors. On the other hand, Twi'leks being BH's or Chiss being Smugglers doesn't seem like that big of a deal.


So I do see your point, OP. With the way this is being implemented, we will probably see a disproportionately high number of characters with class/race combos that are, lore wise, very unlikely to exist and thus should be rare.


Of course, it comes down to how you look at it. From an individual player point of view, you can be the most unlikely race/class combo ever and it is okay because your character is unique and special and is the hero of their own story (which they are!). But if you look at it from a broader perspective (noticing three Chiss Jedi while browsing the GTN, or being in a group with two Twi'lek Warriors), it could possibly be irksome.

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You make sweeping generalizations and assumptions about my point of view and then call me the neckbeard, that is laughable.


This is about making STUPID changes that make a mockery of the game and the franchise, it isn't about RP. It is like Blizzard all of a sudden letting Alliance roll Tauren and Horde roll Night Elves...it is just silly when there are SO MANY other things they could of done. It is LAZY and it dilutes the game's image and reputation.


Simple as that.


well if you simply don't like it don't play the game. Too bad , its going to happen wither you like it or not.

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No, I don't "see what I did there". I think a lot of you forum lurkers need to get out in the world and understand how rational people engage in argument, and stop believing the internet rule that says you can just throw out a meme and WIN, or that there is never a possibility to arrive at some kind of truth simply because people have opinions.




Anyone capable of making even the most minor rational connections, and who has played MMOs for a while, KNOWS that developers separate factions using races...that is a long, accepted and understood concept in MMOs. Sure there are exceptions, but I don't have to read the minds of all the MMO developers in the world to use a WIDELY ACKNOWLEDGED AND ACCEPTED reality as a basis for an argument.




As to whether Bioware has to follow the path or not...if you are going to break something that works, you had better do it for a good reason, and have something to replace and fulfill the function it previously held, neither of which is the case here.


Yup. Nobody was screaming for Jedi Sith Purebloods. I think that was so far into the realm of the surreal that no rational person would ever ask for it. In essence, Bioware is satisfying an unbelievably small minority of people out of touch with reality in this choice. It should not be available.


So yes, I do think Bioware has an obligation to stop screwing around and throwing solid game mechanics out the window simply to provide "perks" because they are too lazy to create meaningful and original content.




Tera pulls into the harbor in less than 60 days, folks. Yes, it's hardly the most innovative thing in the world, but I'd kill for a conventional approach to MMOs at this point. I'm utterly exhausted with 'give the people what they want,' particularly when 'the people' don't even exist.

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Riiiight, give us things like this that no one was really asking for, and not give us things like a viable lfg tool that a lot of us have been asking for. And they honestly wondering why people are leaving this game in droves??
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Its a game....besides there were thousands of jedi running around on SWG when jedi in that era are suppose to be non-existent, didn't see anyone complainin about that(I mean ya obviously at first, but then it died down).


There were thousands of jedi after the CU and NGE. Before then they were very rare and could be permanently killed. Of course, they could also tear a 20 man BH team complete with docs and medics apart, so it balanced out, but when SWG started they were rare and hunted non-stop.


Edit: As for the OP's point, he's got one. This is supposed to be part of the Star Wars IP and they are deviating from its norms pretty heavily.

Edited by RobNightfall
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I am fine with it. If I made my brother, child, grand child, whatever, a Sith pureblood bounty hunter who can shoot lightning like my Sith Pureblood SI then let me do it. It satisfies my rp abilities and doesn't break lore. Its not even going to be widely seen considering it isn't happening in Warzones or raids, and unless these powers somehow make up for missing an ENTIRE player from a flashpoint, I think we are rarely going to see these in our dungeons.


Over all, I feel this is overly paranoid.


To take an example, a Chiss race. How many Chiss do we see anyway? I barely see enough Agents, let alone Chiss agents so I doubt I will see more than one or two Chiss Jedi Knights.


This is not even an issue imo.

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There were thousands of jedi after the CU and NGE. Before then they were very rare and could be permanently killed. Of course, they could also tear a 20 man BH team complete with docs and medics apart, so it balanced out, but when SWG started they were rare and hunted non-stop.


I miss my circa 2003 jedi kinght :(

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I was under the impression that this was not a cross faction feature. As it stands you cannot have a cyborg be a jedi. However if you raise a cyborg all the way to 50, then you can roll him as a jedi also. Thats it. Not a Zabrak to become a scoundrel.


Zabraks can already be scoundrels. Do you mean Iridonian Zabraks (Darth Maul style)?

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Now that it has been confirmed that getting a character of any race to 50 will allow you to roll that race as any class, I have to ask: Bioware, what are you thinking?


This is a HORRIBLE idea. It makes a total mockery of Star Wars lore, and will completely ruin the game's atmosphere and integrity. Simply from the perspective of a Republic player, I do not want to see a bunch of Purebloods and Chiss running around on Carrick Station, it will just look completely stupid.


It is lore breaking in the worst way and for the WORST reason: convenience. I for one am willing to forgo this "feature" until REAL new races are released...whether that be in the near future or several years down the road...or frankly...never.


This decision is so bad and so detrimental to the integrity of the game and even, given the fact that these games are being used these days as a source of "canon", to the Star Wars franchise as a whole, that this is something I would NEVER want to see in the game for any reason whatsoever.


For those who may think "well you have to have the race at level 50 to make one..." you should realize that that is an extremely minor limitation which will not significantly change the fact that you will be seeing an impossible number of these cross faction races running around once the patch hits.


I personally will not be able to suspend disbelief, and I ask that Bioware SERIOUSLY reconsiders this move, both for the health of the game and Star Wars as a whole. Star Wars is too significant and admired an IP to trifle with things like this simply so you can provide people with a "perk".


EDIT: Since so many people seem to want to pick and choose which aspects of this they want to respond to so they can have the last word without actually addressing the issue, and keep bringing up the notion that "there will always be X number of any race that switches to the other side etc. etc." without reading the 2 or 3 posts I made explaining why that is meaningless in the context of these changes, I will state reason that is so here.


Allowing that there will always be a percentage of a race that does not follow the normal political or ideological affiliations the majority holds...that is NOT what will be represented in the game if this change goes through. What we WILL see is an INORDINATE and UNBELIEVABLY large number of cross faction races, MUCH larger than anything that could EVER be explained by the idea that there will always be some who change sides.


That argument holds no water.


I see that you make some possibly very faulty assumptions.


First, not everyone playing a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor does so with a sith pureblood (not even sure that most do), which would significantly lower the amount of possible "defectors".


Second, not everyone playing a Sith Pureblood does and/or will play both factions on the same server, which will even further lower the amount of possible "defectors".


Third, not all of the people who does play a Sith Pureblood and play both factions on the same server will create a republic Sith Pureblood character.


Fourth, considering that there are even sith purebloods that are slaves at this time there actually exists some grounds for quite a number of sith purebloods to defect to the republic (I mean why wouldn't a slave want to escape).

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