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So, am I supposed to just get wrecked for a month?


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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(

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Short answer: yes.


Longer answer: It won't take a month. You'll get better without gear, you can get 2 champ bags a day(3 if you buy another with the comms you get from the WZs), you can buy champ bags whenever you want to grind 800 WZ comms, and on Tuesdays, you can do both weeklys and the dailys and get 8 champ bags (and probably another from comms).


I just went through it, it's not that bad and the *** kicking you will be doing soon is sweeter after the all the trouble you went through.

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


You skipped the bit regarding L46 pvp weapons and L49 epic mods.

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


i have to agree before i hit 50 all i did was pvp and i was always int he top 5 of every wz and now i cant even get 100k damgae off as a tank

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


Did you buy a champions bag before hitting 50? Did you save up 1000/1000 merc/WZ commendations before hitting 50, and bought 5 bags after you've opened your first? Did you spent WZ commendations to grab some expertise mods from the pvp weapons and put them in your gear before you hit level 50?


300 expertise can be easily reached if you "did a ton of pvp while leveling."

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


I've been 50 for about 3 weeks and I am 3 piece coloni 1 pc rakata, the rest champion. I have about 480 expertise and im only valor 55 since I only play nights.



It isn't that long at all. After about a week I was full centurion and was doing fine. Tough it out, you got this

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I hit 50 on a character 3 days ago. 4 if you count today.


I have 9% expertise, 3 champion pieces, and 6 centurion pieces if I remember correctly.


Also, I prepared for hitting 50. I modded my gear with epic level 49 mods/armorings/enhancements. My lightsabers were in all epic mods too, even the color crystals.


I already have 15k health unbuffed, and can do respectable damage, and hold my own against most other players.


Buy pieces properly, and don't be afraid to grind out another couple bags with wz/merc comms. You'll be fine.


EDIT: Also, if you can scrape up the time to do your weeklies right away, that will help by leaps and bounds.

Edited by Rheeling
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You skipped the bit regarding L46 pvp weapons and L49 epic mods.



I actually do have the 42 PvP weapon, with another 17 Expertise on it. Where are the 49 Epic mods, I totally have no clue. Thanks.


And really folks, I'm not complaining about there being a gate to entry but unless you've gotten to 50 recently I don't think you realize how bad it is. I've done harsh pvp grinds in the past and I've got no qualms about doing it now, I honestly am just looking for advice beyond "get a stable group", since that's not an option for me.

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There have been many posts on this. IMO the gap between beggining 50 and cent gear is too big, and so is the gap between cent and champ (champ to BM gear is very minor in comparison)


There are some changes in the pipe to remove the first gap (blue pvp gear iirc), and getting to champ gear is very fast.


I'd rather see much less gap between gear lvls but it may not be possible without making pve gear too strong


I imagine the gaps are there because of pve (to match the lvl of the equiv pve gear - so pve gear doesn't end up better than pvp gear)

...and I imagine you need the gaps in pve to force people to progress through content (if there wasn't a gear check, people would just skip to the highest content)

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


i hit 50 on thursday with my vanguard, had 1k/1k wz/merc coms for 5 bags, then did the weekly for ilum/wz and the dailies for thur/fri/sat/sun. that gave me enough cent coms to get full cent minus boots and enough champ coms for my gun. thats 4 days worth of dailies and 2 weekly pvp quests.


so 4 days is what it takes to get into gear that will let u not get owned every time u play. to get champ, which makes u able to fight battlemasters toe to toe its going to take about a month i think.

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Did you buy a champions bag before hitting 50? Did you save up 1000/1000 merc/WZ commendations before hitting 50, and bought 5 bags after you've opened your first? Did you spent WZ commendations to grab some expertise mods from the pvp weapons and put them in your gear before you hit level 50?


300 expertise can be easily reached if you "did a ton of pvp while leveling."



Thanks for the input - as I said, I had five bags ready but it looks like I made a mistake when I bought my low level stuff. I probably should have just kept those points and raided weapons for extra mods/enhancements.


Really though, if there's no answer for the gateway other than to spend 20k or 30k Warzone commendations on gear you can't use until you hit 49/50...that seems a bit out of whack.


Definitely looks like there should be a crafted starter set of gear, you know? Gimme some blues that mean I'm not fighting at a 15% disadvantage in damage dealt and received. :)

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I actually do have the 42 PvP weapon, with another 17 Expertise on it. Where are the 49 Epic mods, I totally have no clue. Thanks.


And really folks, I'm not complaining about there being a gate to entry but unless you've gotten to 50 recently I don't think you realize how bad it is. I've done harsh pvp grinds in the past and I've got no qualms about doing it now, I honestly am just looking for advice beyond "get a stable group", since that's not an option for me.


Starting from Belsavis all Bonus quest missions are Dailies that grant Daily Comms. On Ilum you can buy some lvl 51 mods for those as well as some armor parts (without expertise ofc).


Top space mission Daily also gives Daily comm. So even if you dont hurry you should be able to buy few missing mods within a week or so.



I've been PvPing mostly solo as my time to play varies like hell and it all is managable. ATM almos all my companions are at least Centurion geared and I still have over 500 Cent/Champ comms rotting in my bags and I don't even do WZ dailies everyday.

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Definitely looks like there should be a crafted starter set of gear, you know? Gimme some blues that mean I'm not fighting at a 15% disadvantage in damage dealt and received. :)


Others have given you advice on what to do now but there is a new starter PvP set being introduced in the next couple of patches. Not sure if its the 1.2 patch in early April or one before though.


Stick with it, hitting the 50 tier can seem frustrating at first but even simple things like wearing centurian gear which is REALLY easy to get can make a big difference. You'll be less of a target for the less knowledgable on the other side meaning you won't get focused so much and even full centurian has a decent amount of expertise.

Edited by Kabaal
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Starting from Belsavis all Bonus quest missions are Dailies that grant Daily Comms. On Ilum you can buy some lvl 51 mods for those as well as some armor parts (without expertise ofc).


Top space mission Daily also gives Daily comm. So even if you dont hurry you should be able to buy few missing mods within a week or so.



I've been PvPing mostly solo as my time to play varies like hell and it all is managable. ATM almos all my companions are at least Centurion geared and I still have over 500 Cent/Champ comms rotting in my bags and I don't even do WZ dailies everyday.



I can't thank you enough - it's going to sound like a bad dream but I literally stopped doing bonus series stuff and space missions because I was really overleveled for my class quest. I hit 50 when I was still on Voss. I haven't done any of the Belsavis bonus, Hoth bonus, Voss Bonus...and I'm actually still working through Corellia's main quest line.


Thanks, that sounds like a pretty straightforward way to make up some of my lost ground.

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How can you have less health than centurion? Get a full set of level 49 purple crafted gear with augments OR at the least, moddable gear with 49 purple mods (or do some dailies for better). Should have 13k health or so at 50, which is about what a cent has- you'll just be down expertise, but will have other stats to make up for it.
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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


today your objective is get your weeklies done. Alot ahrder today than after the weekly maintenance when is when you normally want to do them. You get like 3 bags for each weekly plus your 2 dailies a bag apieece.


Then as soon as your weeklies come up again do them again the same day everyone is out doing them they go fast 3-4 hours of play and done. Get all the bags again you'll be geared in a mix of mainly cent and champ gear by thursday even with bad luck on tokens.


If you knock out the weeklies today.

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You can easily get decked out into full centurion gear + 2-3 champion gears in about a week if you just keep focusing on medals, regardless of winning or losing and by only doing Ilum daily/Weekly quests for bags. Just keep flipping Warzone Comms to Mercenary Comms and get bags. Hopefully, you already have some large stacks of warzone Expertise Adrenals and Warzone Medpacs (about 100 of each should last you a week of casual nighttime WZ queues) in order to afford champion gear bags.


And once you reach battlemaster, it becomes easier to get champion gear... unfortunately, however, I've only gotten 1 BM comm out of 17 BM bags, so getting to full battlemaster gear is even harder. Battlemaster bags ALWAYS have 15 champion comms and a chance to get a BM comm.


Some good methods to go from valor 50-60 are to hit up Ilum Monday nights and Tuesdays/Wednesdays since this is when unbalanced server populations tend to get 50v50 battles out there, so you can amass a ton of valor quickly. Another option for the slow days on Ilum is to sit out there near the cave that links to Ilum battleground to the other side of Ilum and just cross the flags nearby so that you refresh your Ilum Control Buff while you run warzones. Good luck, and enjoy the grind.

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Just hit 50, did a ton of pvp while leveling. Opened my 6 bags as I hit 50, queued up...and immediately got ruined in 3 WZ straight.


Just looking at some stats, I'm about 3-4k HP down on people who are in full Centurion gear, and I'm rocking a righteous 40 Expertise. I did everything I could to prepare for the 50 bracket, but this seems a bit ridiculous for an entry point, no?


A War Hero Consular threw a rock at me for something like 3600. I understand I'm going to be at a disadvantage but is there no way to ameliorate the pain? Sadly, I'm a pugger for now because I play at odd hours. :(


So because you couldnt be bothered to get out of your level 40 questing items, its the game's problem?


And how did you only have 40 expertise?


6 Champ bags (from the moment you hit 50) is 90 Centurion tokens and 42 champ tokens... thats 3 pieces of Centurion gear and a 1 piece of champ gear...


and that's without doing both the illum and pvp weeklies on the same day for EIGHT more bags - or 120 more centurion tokens and 54 more champ tokens - another piece of champ gear and 3 more centurion pieces.


on day one.


Or you could have not been lazy and had full rating 124 purples waiting for the day ou hit 50 (actually, you could have had them at level 49... ).

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