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Is there a reason to roll any other class than an Assassin?


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You telling me that the Assassin is balanced is the most insane thing you can say. Sorry, won't buy it fellas.


Who said we had to sell you anything? Matter of fact quit bumping your stupid post, go learn something of the class, and stop whining.

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31/0/10 may need some adjustment. It is overall pretty strong, especially in 1v1.


I switched from infiltration (middle tree) to 31/0/10 (kinetic-tank) and my dps went down a little (burst went down a lot, but overall dps not too much) and my survivability went up a lot.


I use BM stalker (dps) gear with a shield generator, most of my survival increase comes from healing (Harnessed Shadows and Impact Control). I find in WZs I do about as much damage on average (less dmg but alive more often) and I can get about 50k healing in addition.

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I have no problem with their tank spec on my sawbones scoundrel. It's my favorite class to 1v1 because just my hots keep my health high enough to never need to stop and cast. Their DPS specs don't have the interrupts to be anything more than annoying either. I'm much more afraid of DPS Operatives.


Their utility is nice in huttball and no stealth ganking squad is complete without one, but I wouldn't put them any higher than "slightly above average."

Edited by Teirdome
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Fast Run.



Insane DPS.

Ability to Tank.

Damage Immunity.


Am I missing something? Someone tell me why this class isn't absurd.


I didn't realize there was a marauder/assassin hybrid spec.


Now that an informed and educated thread creator calling OP has informed me of this, I am scared and now rolling an assassin.

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Well Assassins can't heal other people, but otherwise we can do virtually everything else.


Assassins gets unreasonably focus fired by most classes which makes the class look weaker than it really is, and it's already plenty strong right now. That is, most people really SHOULD give up trying to kill an Assassin because they're hard to kill and attack a Sorc or something easier instead, but because most people do not give up we die more often than we really should which deflates our overall leaderboard numbers.


Darkness probably does way too much damage for being one of the hardest guys to kill in the game. Madness is about right, and Deception sort of sucks because you can't stay anonymous with Darkness Assassins requiring 3 guys to focus fire to put down, and 3 guys focus fire on a Deception = instant kill but it's not like your enemy will say 'oh that guy is Deception, no need to send 3 guys after that guy'.

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Just Reroll, Honestly Snipers/Gunslingers are terrible in pvp. I am a BM full BM gear sniper, I crit for like 6k on people in wzs. However Snipers are the most useless class vs 90% of this game because of the following list:


1. Evasion doesnt work vs any energy attacks, so its basicaly a worthless cooldown

2. Shield probe protects for what like 1k damage? Worthless

3. Ballistic Shield Great if you are entrenched otherwise removed due to punt/blind/stun

4. Life total, less than most classes medium armor doesnt make up for the difference.

5. Our punt doesnt root long enough and our abilities have to long of a cast time to make them effecient burst vs moving targets. (OH 1.5 second Ambush LOS HIM QUICK)

6. We do not have a ranged stun, so when we fight someone we cant keep them at ranged, so ranged classes like sorc can just pound on us while we cant do anything but Counter spell them.

7. Zero Utility, no pull, no sprint, no instant moving punt, no ranged stun, we have a ranged snare that is very good but thats all we have for utility and its just not enough to stop a ball carrier, we have zero damage on the move abilities.



Many things need to be fixed for snipers/gunslingers to be useful in pvp.

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Hmm, the times that I've played tank in pvp hasnt feelt like I had really good DPS. Obviously the survivability is better, but there is still the shield charge issue.


Which spec do you say gives a lot of dmg to tanks?


To op: Yes I assume you're bad cause you didnt realize that we cant push, and you post seem to be more QQ than valid arguments.


As a Shadow DPS I think we do a high amount of dmg but struggle against heavy armored classes.

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The 31/0/10 spec needs a very good look at by the devs as it offers one of the largest amount of utilities in a spec with great mitigation and very good damage.


At the moment if you want to play the most versatile class, no there is no reason to roll any other class, but things change so go ahead and roll the FoTM.


You mean the spec they specifically forced everyone into because of the destruction of the hybrid specs? When they also have pointedly not done anything about all the hybrid specs of the other ACs? How exactly is an Assassin/Shadow supposed to spec in your world?

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Only Arsenal Merc have relatively little problem with high armored targets. There just isn't that many ways to bypass armor effectively in this game.


The problem with Assassins is that the fear of the class builds on itself. If your server has at least a couple good Assassins you should have games where a good Darkness Assassin absolutely wrecked the opposing team. Now all classes can do this but the problme is that Darkness Assassin is the tank. What happens is people say we'll make sure we shut this guy down next fight by sending 3 guys at him at all times. Now obviously 3 on 1 will take down anybody, except you're sending 3 guys at a tank whose role is to take damage, which means your DPS is used in the least useful way so the less tanky members of the Assassin's team gets a free pass to do whatever they do, and you still end up losing. And then you think you must not have killed the Assassin fast enough and the cycle repeats itself. This also has an unforunate side effect of causing Deception Assassin (who really do rely on being subtle) wonder why the moment he shows up 3 guys turn around and instant kill him even though he's not a threat so great that must be killed on sight, because it's not like you can tell your opponent 'I'm not the Assassin you're looking for' even if it's true.


Mercs are the effective 1 on 1 counter against Assassins but it must be 1 on 1 because once you focus fire a tank Assassin, the other side already won and PUGs don't have the discipline to do this. Note that counter here doesn't mean 'win'. This fight is really close to 50/50. The Merc, with his heavy armor, is probably most well equipped to take the Assassin's DPS. Assassin, especially Darkness, only has one interrupt on longish CD (12s), so you'll still take a lot of Tracers. The Assassin can't ignore the Merc because Darkness really hates armor debuff stacks (it's a huge part of our survivality). On my merc alt I can usually neutralize even a BM Darkness Assassin. No I won't come close to beating them but I can make sure they don't much else besides killing me on every spawn, because a good Darkness Assassin will notice you the moment he has any Tracer stacks on him and this lets you peel him away from more valuable members. And if you're equally geared/skilled, you might even win half of the time.

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I have no problem with their tank spec on my sawbones scoundrel. It's my favorite class to 1v1 because just my hots keep my health high enough to never need to stop and cast. Their DPS specs don't have the interrupts to be anything more than annoying either. I'm much more afraid of DPS Operatives.


Their utility is nice in huttball and no stealth ganking squad is complete without one, but I wouldn't put them any higher than "slightly above average."


Weird I feel like when in my "dps" spec on my assassin I have more interrupts and stuns then any other class. And my scoundrel doesnt have close to enough stuns / interrupt.

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You mean the spec they specifically forced everyone into because of the destruction of the hybrid specs? When they also have pointedly not done anything about all the hybrid specs of the other ACs? How exactly is an Assassin/Shadow supposed to spec in your world?


^ I make this remark in every one of these posts but no one gets it, if they didnt change it everyone well a lot of them would still be doing the spec

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OP should go to the actual class forums and do some reading. Of course you survive longer because your tanking. Damage is good not great. You aren't killing healers thats for sure something you can do as infiltration.


There is a post in the shadow forums basically explains how assassin/shadow tanks far against the other tanks in the game. They are lowest on damage mitigation and I think 1st or second in damage compared to other tanks.

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just had a 32 person dueling tourney on my server



guess who won, tank hybrid assasin


guess who came in second


tank hybrid assasin



guess who the best overall classes were


tank hybrid sin's



with ridiculous dmg showcased by a couple pt pyro's





guess which class did the worst?



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The answer would be: you're a gunslinger.


...or sniper. My series of shots crit a tank today for 500 per tick and I have 5 pieces of BM gear (I applied shatter shot but maybe it got parried).


Yeah, those marksman specially trained to find vulnerable spots are sooooooo great that you should only target squishy targets. What a joke

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