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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In the 1.2 video, Did I see this right?


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There's plenty of Smugglers who have discovered that they are Force-Sensitive. I don't have a problem with that at all.


The only thing that ticks me off is the Sith Pureblood Jedi. That's just...not right.


So you're not ticked off about Miraluka becoming Sith?

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Lol, talk about jumping the shark.


When do we get some force sensitive love scenes?


You could satisfy the sgro crowd by having your male jedi knight and sith emperor fall in love, and "bring balance to the force"



Everybody wins!


I feel my midochlorian coumt rising just thinking about it.

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The only suggestion I would have for them would be maybe locking a Sith Pureblood into only being Darkside. That way they can still be a Jedi but have a Darkside streak in everything they do.


I have an Sith, who is a Sorcerer....who doesn't have a single DS point, period.


SWTOR already allows for light-side Sith characters, having one go Jedi doesn't seem like a big step...any more than seeing supposedly "good" races managing the reverse.

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I have an Sith, who is a Sorcerer....who doesn't have a single DS point, period.


SWTOR already allows for light-side Sith characters, having one go Jedi doesn't seem like a big step...any more than seeing supposedly "good" races managing the reverse.


How do you generate force lightning without any hate or anger? I thought force lightning was caused by a PO'd Jedi that sneezed during a force push?

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I have an Sith, who is a Sorcerer....who doesn't have a single DS point, period.


SWTOR already allows for light-side Sith characters, having one go Jedi doesn't seem like a big step...any more than seeing supposedly "good" races managing the reverse.


As a reference, theres a certain repub companion who's a pureblood sith...

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People are posting things like "Sith pureblood republic :rolleyes:" and so on... but... why not? Red Sith, as a *race*, aren't all pro-Imperial absolutely by definition. They're a scattered, fairly abominably treated, highly tribal, very warlike people, true, but it's *far* from unrealistic to suppose that at least *some* might well have just walked *out* on the frothing lunacy of their assorted leaders, or been cut off, over the years. Yes, they'd face persecution as Jedi- in much the same way as non-Human Imperials do... and it would be cool if that were reflected in game conversations, but not a deal-breaker if it isn't.


I'll just leave this here as well, as far as the whole "SITH ARE DARKSIDE ALL THE TIME HURR DURR" arguments:




Because that's exactly what's happened in canon. Sith that didn't go Dark Side but were practicing Force users.

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So because it "almost never happens" somehow validates your claim that it shouldn't happen?


This is the Star Wars Universe, not your Star Wars Universe.


Please then, Grand Master Poobah of Lore, cite more then 2 specific example of Pureblood Sith who go to the lightside in the EU.


Hell, even if you can cite me more then 2, explain to me how it makes sense for something that has only happened once or twice in 1000's of years time to become commonplace in an extremely short time period.


"Sith? Being Jedi? Only happened 3 times in 1000's of years: Darth Evil back in the old days, and Master something something Darkside. And then for [number of years this game exists for], it happened fairly regularly, and then suddenly never again. No one batted an eye though, cause that's completely normal"


Its nearly never happened because its an extreme. There aren't multiple incidents of this happening. There was never a time where it was commonplace. Its not something that would be considered to make sense in any way, shape or form. There is no extreme specific set of reasons that led to it happening in this game like it did the 2-3 times it happened in the lore.


Being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative doesn't make you sound smart, it makes you look like a jerk.

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I just hope people will catch a glimpse of potentially new speeders, now that others are getting tossed out in the bargain bin.


I'd love to see 2 person Manta Speeders so me and a buddy (or companion in case of riding solo) can cruise around together!!! :cool:


Next to that I truly hope BioWare is going to add something similar to an 'Augmentation Device' to make augment slots available to those who want to add augments to their current gear.

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Please then, Grand Master Poobah of Lore, cite more then 2 specific example of Pureblood Sith who go to the lightside in the EU.


Hell, even if you can cite me more then 2, explain to me how it makes sense for something that has only happened once or twice in 1000's of years time to become commonplace in an extremely short time period.


"Sith? Being Jedi? Only happened 3 times in 1000's of years: Darth Evil back in the old days, and Master something something Darkside. And then for [number of years this game exists for], it happened fairly regularly, and then suddenly never again. No one batted an eye though, cause that's completely normal"


Its nearly never happened because its an extreme. There aren't multiple incidents of this happening. There was never a time where it was commonplace. Its not something that would be considered to make sense in any way, shape or form. There is no extreme specific set of reasons that led to it happening in this game like it did the 2-3 times it happened in the lore.


Being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative doesn't make you sound smart, it makes you look like a jerk.


Again, because it doesn't happen a lot or is considered extremely "rare," it shouldn't be allowed at all?


If so, then why even allow the Sith a light side option? Better yet, why even allow the Miraluka the option to go to the Empire?


One thing we've learned throughout the Star Wars Universe is that the races of the Universe are not mindless drones who always conform to the rules of their race or faction alliance. Light Side Republic have jumped ship and gone to the Dark Side Empire side of things. The same could be said about Dark Side Empire jumping ship for the Light Side Republic side of things.


This is Star Wars. Not 'your' Star Wars.

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A Sith with a lightsaber, and the bounty hunters wrist flame thrower??



yes not only are all of our character from every end of the galaxy in the same family, but we can now summon magical flame throwers out of sheer will.


for a company who prides themselves on their ability to deliver an awesome rp experience, they are hitting rock bottom with **** like this.


make some changes bioware because y'all are looking pretty inept and sad in many areas.

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Not in the slightest. Miraluka Sith/Dark Siders is canon as hell.


See Visas Marr and Jerec.


Are you saying that there is no canon on pureblood sith becoming Jedi?


I was under the impression that one PB Sith actually helped in forming the original Jedi Order. I could be wrong though ...


Also, Jerec was a Dark Jedi ... not Sith.

Edited by Alkiii
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Again, because it doesn't happen a lot or is considered extremely "rare," it shouldn't be allowed at all?


One thing we've learned throughout the Star Wars Universe is that the races of the Universe are not mindless drones who always conform to the rules of their race or faction alliance. Light Side Republic have jumped ship and gone to the Dark Side Empire side of things. The same could be said about Dark Side Empire jumping ship for the Light Side Republic side of things.


This is Star Wars. Not 'your' Star Wars.


Cool, ignored my question.


Secondly, it is not a question of a small percentage of any race crossing over...the number we will see will be too large to account for using the logic you and others are arguing for.

Things that happened all the time -

Jedi of all races falling to dark side.

Less common but still occurring -

Dark Jedi redeemed to the light.


Things you couldn't even name and hasn't happened more then once or twice in 1000's of years -

Pureblood Sith turning to the light



If so, then why even allow the Sith a light side option?


The idea behind "light" side Sith is that they are still loyal to the empire. Sith showing some kind of mercy while still serving empire is and was not uncommon, any more then Jedi doing dark things while still serving the republic was.


PUREBLOOD SITH, however, being complete and full lightside Jedi, has only happened once or twice in thousands of years. Having it happen at the pace this game will provide is absurd.


why even allow the Miraluka the option to go to the Empire?


"Miraluka Sith were seemingly rare, as the species' own outlooks on life and the Force were largely incompatible with Sith teachings. However, as with all who felt the Force, a fall to darkness was possible with the Miraluka just as with any other species."


Happened. As in, more then once or twice.



This isn't "it happened once or twice in 1000's of years so its ok to do now on a much larger scale wars" its Star Wars.

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Cool, ignored my question.


I didn't feel like answering your question. I'm not on trial here. Your opinion is flawed in logic in my opinion.


Secondly, it is not a question of a small percentage of any race crossing over...the number we will see will be too large to account for using the logic you and others are arguing for.

Things that happened all the time -

Jedi of all races falling to dark side.

Less common but still occurring -

Dark Jedi redeemed to the light.


Things you couldn't even name and hasn't happened more then once or twice in 1000's of years -

Pureblood Sith turning to the light


Regardless of the numbers, to say that it "isn't allowed" is flawed logic in and of itself. You do realize that a PB Sith helped in the formation of the original Jedi Order, right? So what now? Again, if it happened, it is part of canon ... therefore it's usable.





The idea behind "light" side Sith is that they are still loyal to the empire. Sith showing some kind of mercy while still serving empire is and was not uncommon, any more then Jedi doing dark things while still serving the republic was.


PUREBLOOD SITH, however, being complete and full lightside Jedi, has only happened once or twice in thousands of years. Having it happen at the pace this game will provide is absurd.


Saying it twice in the same response doesn't get your point across any better. I get your point, but disagree with it.




"Miraluka Sith were seemingly rare, as the species' own outlooks on life and the Force were largely incompatible with Sith teachings. However, as with all who felt the Force, a fall to darkness was possible with the Miraluka just as with any other species."


Happened. As in, more then once or twice.


I know of 1 and she was pretty much forced into it. I'm no lore guru, and I could be wrong, but I only know of 1 that actually fell to Sith. I know of one other, but he was a Dark Jedi, not Sith.


Miraluka becoming Sith is also extremely rare, yet you are okay with it. Pureblood Sith becoming Jedi is extremely rare, yet you're not okay with it?



This isn't "it happened once or twice in 1000's of years so its ok to do now on a much larger scale wars" its Star Wars.


I got it the first time ...

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To all you people arguing about there being a million Pureblood Sith, remember that while yes it will look like that. Storywise, it will still be very rare. Because even in MMO's, storywise you are part of a small elite group capable of doing everything you are.


For example, did 500 Sith go and steal Revan's mask or kill Darth Thanaton? No, just you playing through the story, and that other guy also playing through the story.


Story / lore wise. Still rare.

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To all you people arguing about there being a million Pureblood Sith, remember that while yes it will look like that. Storywise, it will still be very rare. Because even in MMO's, storywise you are part of a small elite group capable of doing everything you are.


For example, did 500 Sith go and steal Revan's mask or kill Darth Thanaton? No, just you playing through the story, and that other guy also playing through the story.


Story / lore wise. Still rare.



This ^^^




Thank you.

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I didn't feel like answering your question.


Because you couldn't.


Regardless of the numbers, to say that it "isn't allowed" is flawed logic in and of itself. You do realize that a PB Sith helped in the formation of the original Jedi Order, right? So what now? Again, if it happened, it is part of canon ... therefore it's usable.


the fact that it only happened once or twice is the cannon This is the part you continually misunderstand. Screaming "It happened!" over and over and over again whilst ignoring the rarity of the event in question is the problem.


Saying it twice in the same response doesn't get your point across any better. I get your point, but disagree with it.


...you realize you are doing the same exct thing with your argument, right? "


I know of 1 and she was pretty much forced into it. I'm no lore guru, and I could be wrong, but I only know of 1 that actually fell to Sith. I know of one other, but he was a Dark Jedi, not Sith.


Miraluka becoming Sith is also extremely rare, yet you are okay with it. Pureblood Sith becoming Jedi is extremely rare, yet you're not okay with it?


I already addressed this. They are not "exceedingly rare" to the point that only 1-2 existed in the entire Star Wars EU. Read up on your lore.


They named three, and that is just on the ****** Wiki article. Further, I'm pretty sure the first Miraluka were Sith (Jacues and Vissa)

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Looks basic and not at all interesting.


Will add tons of balance issues to, I'm sure.


And I have zero faith in Bioware being able to think objectively about such balance issues.


Oh well. This game never really had much of a chance after Launch anyway.



How is that going to have tons of balance issues???????????????????????????????????????

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To all you people arguing about there being a million Pureblood Sith, remember that while yes it will look like that. Storywise, it will still be very rare. Because even in MMO's, storywise you are part of a small elite group capable of doing everything you are.


For example, did 500 Sith go and steal Revan's mask or kill Darth Thanaton? No, just you playing through the story, and that other guy also playing through the story.


Story / lore wise. Still rare.


Both a very good point, and a hysterically funny image. Unless you're Darth Thanaton. Or Overseer Harkun, for that matter, suddenly confronted with every Sith Inquisitor he's ever mistreated, all walking into his office, one after the other, lining up and smiling nastily.


Including the Miraluka ones :D


I wonder if the whinier variety of PvPers are actually beginning to realise just how tired the rest of us, PvEers and PvPers alike, are getting with them crying "B.. b..but what about balance", as their attempt to torpedo anything interesting. You lot are the ones who are responsible for assorted classes getting their abilities hobbled, and for crying against pretty much anything, left, right, or centre, which might be different from the 'expected', just because you can't be bothered to try, or to adapt to something new... and then the first to complain that you're bored. I've even heard members of this breed cry that all Jedi Knights, etc, should look the same so they can be instantly identified on a War Zone, so the Whiner immediately knows who to attack and how... because apparently reading the mouseover character description is too difficult.


Grasp this, because you're embarrassing the rest of the PVP population, the majority of whom are very skilled and capable players, who are an asset to the community. 'Something which makes the game more complicated' is not 'a balance issue that costs me valour'... it's an opportunity for you to use the little grey cells more.

Edited by RowanThursday
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Especially on the Empire side, where a display of such powers legally mandates you to enter the academy and become a Sith or die trying.


Except.. Ensign Temple for Imperial Agent has limited force powers... she uses force push as i recall.

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