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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In the 1.2 video, Did I see this right?


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lord praven was a sith pureblood who went jedi.. in the jedi knight story line.. and lord scourge helps the jedi


so what is wrong with sith pureblood jedi again?


Nothing on the surface of it. I'm a big fan of 1.2 but I do sympathize with my fellow lore junkies on this one because while defections do happen in Star Wars (Scourge and Praven being the two biggest examples), it shouldn't be as common as these changes will make it.


And bear in mind that neither Scourge nor Praven began their training as a Jedi. That's a big difference.


I would have ZERO problem with these changes if Sith Purebloods were allowed to be played as Bounty Hunters or Imperial Agents and Chiss were allowed to be played as Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors.


It's the cross-faction aspect that has a lot of us going "eh, not so much."


But like I said, other than that one thing, the rest of the update looks nothing short of stellar.

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What a joke. I really hoped BioWare would stay true to their concept of a story driven MMORPG in which lore is atleast partially respected and important, and now we get Jedi Purebloods and Chiss Smugglers working for the Republic...what a fucking joke...



I would have ZERO problem with these changes if Sith Purebloods were allowed to be played as Bounty Hunters or Imperial Agents and Chiss were allowed to be played as Sith Warriors and Sith Inquisitors.



Then it seems you aren't much a lore junky afterall.

Edited by Ticara
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So, when if your last month up?


My guess is never. Some folks enjoy doing this on the forums much much more than they do playing the game itself.




Go to any MMA gym in your home town and you'll see 2x as many people sitting around "coaching" other guys as you will see guys who actually fight. Some people are much much better at sitting on the side lines criticizing.

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And bear in mind that neither Scourge nor Praven began their training as a Jedi. That's a big difference.


The only suggestion I would have for them would be maybe locking a Sith Pureblood into only being Darkside. That way they can still be a Jedi but have a Darkside streak in everything they do.

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She's an Imperial Agent.



Plus, between brain washing and a possible execution order, the Dark Council proves it's perfectly willing to coerce you to do what it wants. So again, the guy is wrong.


So, she's a spy/blaster fodder. Still an Ensign, still a Star Wars equivalent of a red shirt. Oh, and PCs are willing and quite able to resist what the Dark Council tries on them, especially considering how many high-level folks the PCs kill off.

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The only suggestion I would have for them would be maybe locking a Sith Pureblood into only being Darkside. That way they can still be a Jedi but have a Darkside streak in everything they do.


Yes, making evil genetic . . . Eugenics, look it up . . . not something that should be adhered to.

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It took them about 3 1/2 months post launch to finish the legacy that was suposed to be on launch. Would you rather them release swtor in april with 1.2 (with legacy finished) or in december with the legacy in progress while you can enjoy the rest of the game?

What I would rather have is irrelevant to my statement. People are acting like this is a huge event and proof Bioware is on the ball. They don't get credit from me for botching their timelines and failing to deliver things at launch, then delivering them 3 1/2 months later.

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That has to be a joke, thats all they are adding and they had to push it back?


roflmao this looks incredible and will probably bring a ton of people back.


  • UI Customization
  • New WZ
  • New FP
  • Armor Color Matching system
  • New OP
  • Guild Banks
  • Legacy System
  • Quest Useables
  • Tons of other smaller things (More pets :D)


This will be incredible and they just locked me in for another month for sure.

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roflmao this looks incredible and will probably bring a ton of people back.


  • UI Customization
  • New WZ
  • New FP
  • Armor Color Matching system
  • New OP
  • Guild Banks
  • Legacy System
  • Quest Useables
  • Tons of other smaller things (More pets :D)


This will be incredible and they just locked me in for another month for sure.


It doesn't look incredible... All of the things you listed either were meant for launch and didn't make it or should have been present at launch. And whats worse...I don't even want this content that much...I want them to fix what they already released.


Patch 1.2 is by no means impressive. Its just an attempt to hold onto as many subs as possible.

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It doesn't look incredible... All of the things you listed either were meant for launch and didn't make it or should have been present at launch. And whats worse...I don't even want this content that much...I want them to fix what they already released.


Patch 1.2 is by no means impressive. Its just an attempt to hold onto as many subs as possible.


I for one am glad that no one is listening to you.

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Well, I actually like the look of this.


The blog post makes it pretty clear that one's 'legacy abilities' are tied in to Heroic Moment, and thus one's smuggler is *not* going to turn into a Force-wielding do-anything-superhero...


This gives some interesting RP tools. I'd been considering for a while creating an alt who wasn't yet another sister of my mains, but instead a 'the road not travelled' alternative *fork* of a pre-existing character- namely, what would have happened if the slave ship carrying the slave who eventually became my Sith Assassin had been attacked by space pirates, and she never got to Korriban, never became Sith, instead became a smuggler or a bounty hunter, complete with a few scars and cybernetics from the firefight... no Force training, but some latent abilities.


This patch looks like the one that will really empower that character choice, so :)


In another note, of course, I *distinctly* remember some people complaining about not being able to play a Twi'lek Imperial Agent (on the grounds that Twi'leks are cool, are a logical choice for a 'seductor/seductress' part, and having "Imperial standard" race choices only for an undercover agent was silly)... so... here you go :) Twi'lek Imperial Agent *with* gravel-throwing powers, now possible :) (If you level a Twi'lek consular first).


I really don't see how empowering people to have more variety in their characterisation is a bad thing... I mean, it's a big galaxy!


People are posting things like "Sith pureblood republic :rolleyes:" and so on... but... why not? Red Sith, as a *race*, aren't all pro-Imperial absolutely by definition. They're a scattered, fairly abominably treated, highly tribal, very warlike people, true, but it's *far* from unrealistic to suppose that at least *some* might well have just walked *out* on the frothing lunacy of their assorted leaders, or been cut off, over the years. Yes, they'd face persecution as Jedi- in much the same way as non-Human Imperials do... and it would be cool if that were reflected in game conversations, but not a deal-breaker if it isn't.


Please don't do the usual thing of "Oh, this person isn't joining in our hateorgy, let's shout "Fanboi/fangrrrl!" ... this is the first Bioware game I've played, and there are plenty of things I like, and plenty of things I don't like... and I'm a sci-fi fan in general, far from being a Star-Wars-in-particular fan, so it's simply not accurate :p... however, I do genuinely think this lot looks pretty *good*.

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But your ok with jedi going to the darkside?


...Don't they already have a ton of humans that go darkside?



Its fairly common for people of all races to fall to the darkside. It is NOT common (as in almost never happens) for Sith to turn light.

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...Don't they already have a ton of humans that go darkside?



Its fairly common for people of all races to fall to the darkside. It is NOT common (as in almost never happens) for Sith to turn light.


So because it "almost never happens" somehow validates your claim that it shouldn't happen?


This is the Star Wars Universe, not your Star Wars Universe.

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Dear Lore Defenders,


Please know the lore that you're so adamant in preserving, has force-using Smugglers and Pure Blood Sith Jedi in it.




Gamers with some Lore knowledge


There's plenty of Smugglers who have discovered that they are Force-Sensitive. I don't have a problem with that at all.


The only thing that ticks me off is the Sith Pureblood Jedi. That's just...not right.

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...Don't they already have a ton of humans that go darkside?



Its fairly common for people of all races to fall to the darkside. It is NOT common (as in almost never happens) for Sith to turn light.


So just because its not common, means it can't happen? Of course it can happen, the sith are STILL beings of morals and understanding they aren't mindless drones.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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It doesn't look incredible... All of the things you listed either were meant for launch and didn't make it or should have been present at launch. And whats worse...I don't even want this content that much...I want them to fix what they already released.


Patch 1.2 is by no means impressive. Its just an attempt to hold onto as many subs as possible.


I hope you realise you'll have almost no one supporting your arguement and agreeing with you. Opinions are opinions, but even though you might not like it, they're doing a hell of a good job with 1.2

Edited by Atarufighter
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