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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

In the 1.2 video, Did I see this right?


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I am concerned about the way they are handling the legacy. If I were Bioware, I would start with letting more race/class combos in and they making swappable companions. So my Jedi consular could have Vette and Mako if I chose to.


Maybe some enhanced xp during leveling. But new abilities or any kind of end game combat bonus makes legacy a requirement for endgame, making rerolling a requirement of endgame.


Not too fond of that idea.

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Are you kidding? A New WZ, new FP, New Raid, Appearance mod (no more mismatched troopers!), UI mod, legacy system..... that's a ton of content.


Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years

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I am concerned about the way they are handling the legacy. If I were Bioware, I would start with letting more race/class combos in and they making swappable companions. So my Jedi consular could have Vette and Mako if I chose to.


Maybe some enhanced xp during leveling. But new abilities or any kind of end game combat bonus makes legacy a requirement for endgame, making rerolling a requirement of endgame.


Not too fond of that idea.


You got all that from a short video? You might want to wait for more details. Knee-jerking is too common as is on this forum.

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Which is just insane..If you don't level the hell out of ALTS, you are SOL. Lol


We have no idea how it will be implemented yet but right now it is far easy to get legacy exp on 50 than on an alt.

Edited by Drewser
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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


This makes no sense. A MMO has to launch at a certain level. The product they launched with isn't a flawed or lacking product. Was it 100% ideal for everyone everywhere, no. Nothing will ever be that. I think it's great that they have worked hard to get these features out quickly and I hope they keep this level of dedication to listening to the community and providing fixes that the **majority** of players want.

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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


What lack of content? Did you play SWG perhaps and mistake it for this game?

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Looks basic and not at all interesting.


Will add tons of balance issues to, I'm sure.


And I have zero faith in Bioware being able to think objectively about such balance issues.


Oh well. This game never really had much of a chance after Launch anyway.




That said, a Smuggler using the force is not at all strange. Cade Skywalker, anyone? Legacy operates on the assumption that those in your Legacy are part of your 'family'. Ergo, a Smuggler with a father (or main) who uses the Force, will probably be able to use it, too.


But as said, it opens up the game for game crushing balance issues.

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Think you guys are missing the most crucial feature.


Min 1:44,


****"Ship Droid Gains Affection"****



That's actually kind of cool. I mean, people say that the SD is useless, but if you actually deck it out with AIM (it comes with no equipment), it makes a pretty decent healer for classes that don't have a healer until in their 30's/40's.

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Tons of that stuff should have been in the game already, like the new legacy system, the UI mods, the appearance mod. but if your happy with them throwing you things that should already be in the game and telling you to wait till april thats fine I will keep laughing at the lack of content the game launched with and the fact people are happy its being added slowly over the course of years


You sound like one of those screamers on the JG Wentworth commercials:



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We have no idea how it will be implemented yet but right now it is far easy to get legacy exp on 50 than on an alt.


Leveling alts does help. I am sitting on 14 leg points now running a lvl 50/ 45 PvP rank, 30 Gunslinger 10 PvP rank and a 27 Vanguard. Leveling the alts is a great way to make Legacy points. But not the only way, no.

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This legacy system just seems completely silly. I hate that Sith and Chiss will be playable on Republic side.


Just because you hate it doesn't mean everyone else does. They're trying to make this to where the majority of the players enjoy the Legacy System...

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Oh my .. goodness! I'd squee if it didn't make me more girly then I actually am >.< I'm glad they held off on some of this stuff so that it apparently atleast from the video looks friggin bad-***! If this stuff had been in at launch there's no ttelling how much chaos would of been caused on trying to get a few things more balanced out.


I personally can't wait to get my hands on the legacy system, color matching, and the UI. I'm betting anything thats ability swapping is a fairly high level legacy choice and I'm sure like Everquest 2 you only get a smattering of points for every so many levels they usually dont want you to have everything. I remember everquest 2's AA system would give you a set list per so many AA levels and once you pickd those other choices were not available again unless you reset your points.

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This makes no sense. A MMO has to launch at a certain level. The product they launched with isn't a flawed or lacking product. Was it 100% ideal for everyone everywhere, no. Nothing will ever be that. I think it's great that they have worked hard to get these features out quickly and I hope they keep this level of dedication to listening to the community and providing fixes that the **majority** of players want.


SWTOR launched with a basic template filled in. That was it.


You could go out, download 50 MMORPG's F2P, B2P, P2P and all of them would have more features than SWTOR has.


You know what it feels like? It feels like this game's multiplayer/features were decided upon in 2005. By the time GW2 will drop, SWTOR will be so far behind in features, it'll be collecting dust until EA pushes it F2P with a B2W cash shop.


Games done. They made horrible, horrible decisions ala Warhammer, and they'll suffer for it, again.


That's the saddest part. Learn from your mistakes, and grow. They learnt nothing from Warhammer.


They better hope no private servers starts popping up. You'll see an Aion type situation then (Private server had more players than Official NA ones). Only SWTOR is less complex than Aion, so a private server would probably have the entire game working within 6 months.

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A Sith with a lightsaber, and the bounty hunters wrist flame thrower??



Sounds like part of Legacy will be the ability to pick up an ability or two from their "parent" for flavor. So you could see things like, oh, a force-sensitive Smuggler that's inherited some minor tricks from one side of the family, or a Sith who still uses the family flamethrower he mastered as a kid with his Bounty Hunter mom. Whether it replaces or adds to a standard class tree is the question.


This could make for some rather interesting flavor.

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SWTOR launched with a basic template filled in. That was it.


You could go out, download 50 MMORPG's F2P, B2P, P2P and all of them would have more features than SWTOR has.


You know what it feels like? It feels like this game's multiplayer/features were decided upon in 2005. By the time GW2 will drop, SWTOR will be so far behind in features, it'll be collecting dust until EA pushes it F2P with a B2W cash shop.


Games done. They made horrible, horrible decisions ala Warhammer, and they'll suffer for it, again.


That's the saddest part. Learn from your mistakes, and grow. They learnt nothing from Warhammer.


They better hope no private servers starts popping up. You'll see an Aion type situation then (Private server had more players than Official NA ones). Only SWTOR is less complex than Aion, so a private server would probably have the entire game working within 6 months.



So, when if your last month up?

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What I find funny is the people upset at the fact a smuggler can force choke...guess no one had heard of Aurra Sing? or the fact the legacy system is making alts reletives...so maybe that smuggler is the son of some Sith lord/Jedi master who decided not to go into the family business....man people will cry just about anything...and yes I am crying about people crying!! :D
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lol @ mini-pets.


Did they do something about the boring, linear gameplay? Nope, didn't think so :(


It's just a trailer, i'd wait until the guild summit info starts coming out in a few hours or until you see the 1.2 patch notes on the test server of the forum before making that assumption. "Oh look, a cuddly pet... they must have done nothing else!".

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