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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Battlemaster Titles


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Since it will be easier to reach BM after the next patch, wouldn't it be appropriate to give a special title to everyone who's reached valor 60 before that? We put in a lot more work then will be necessary after 1.1.5, so why not give us something to show that?


Or, how about prorate our valor to be what we would have received if this system was in place all along?


Or do I not understand the new system? Because it looks like people will be getting at least double valor at just 4 medals earned.

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There's no way to differentiate the people who exploited/killtraded their valor from those who made their eyes bleed grinding it through warzones. Battlemaster means nothing, forget about it. Ranked warzones is the only thing that will separate the bads from the worse.
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Ranked warzones is the only thing that will separate the bads from the worse.


That's a good point, but are they keeping the historical data? If not, then none of it really matters anyway. I suppose it's not the worst thing if that was all reset, but would be nice to see the leaderboard with past data as well.


@Skillmare. It was borderline fun since every game won might have not counted. I had days when I'd go 4 or 5 games won in a row and none counted. Sure now that they fixed that, it's better, but after a few hundred huttball matches, calling it fun is subject to opinion. :)

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meh, titles are pointless imo. I hit BM before the change and thats all i need to know


The only thing titles are good for is confusing the enemy in the thick of things when they try to make out your name in the middle of a huge title and legacy name to call out on vent.

Edited by Kabaal
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I logged last night with 3k xp needed for BM. I never kill traded or exploited anything to get it. What a waste of time. I could have been leveling my alts and then start getting my valor when easy mode hits . I do feel cheated in a way. Such is life /shrug
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Ok, I think we can all agree that titles don't mean much. I think my point was missed. Until 1.1.5 (if I understand the updated system correctly), significantly more time was required to reach 60 and beyond. After 1.1.5 it will be almost 40-50% faster. So what I'm saying is that it would be nice to reward that time spent. Otherwise, it means at minimum 30% of the time you have already invested is a complete waste. If we had this system from the start, we'd have at least 5 or more ranks more then we do now. And that is a lot of time!


You can call it fun, you can call it whatever you want, but the fact remains that time is not free and we're paying for it so why not get what we pay for? Shoot, even a piece of BM gear would be good for those that are 60+ before 1.1.5.


As for exploiters...If BW didn't think it was important to identify them, then it probably means it was only a handful of people. Even a smaller % of those are probably even spending the time necessary to gaining more valor.

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You have to remember that besides us all thinking 60 means nothing, it probably doesn't in the devs eyes either due to what they'll have in store for us. We're getting new tiers of gear etc and 60 is going to seem really low soon enough i imagine.
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Battlemaster rank (and valor rank in general) means nothing. Believe me. It's not an indication of anything. It can suggest more PVP experience, but it's very fallible. Edited by Redmarx
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As for exploiters...If BW didn't think it was important to identify them, then it probably means it was only a handful of people. Even a smaller % of those are probably even spending the time necessary to gaining more valor.


I can't believe people actually buy into bioware's ******** excuse surrounding kill trading and ilum exploitation.


"It was a small percentage of players and not a progression breaking exploitation, so nothing that we need to take action to stabilize."


"Now we are going to make sweeping changes to the Valor system which in essence make gaining valor completely trivial and everyone will be a BM within a week of patching."





A non-issue.


No need to take action.


Then they completely flip the valor system over on itself.


My ***.


IMO, it's their way of saying "We were forced to do this by the players of the very game that we created, but we are going to try to maintain a veneer of calm and control while we tear the system apart from the ground up because we allowed it to be taken advantage of."

Edited by Celebrus
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your title should be



"orignal ilum exploiters" or "kill trading grandmaster"


This is rude to the people that actually did the grind the right way. I just got BM last week and I spent a massive amount of time grinding WZ's and having fair fights in Ilum to do it. As a healer it took me 50-60% longer than a lot of other because it is harder to get medals than DPS or tank.


The title means nothing to those that dont have it, but just like anything else you put a lot of time into, it is nice to know it meant something before they start giving out welfare BM's to everyone.

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This is rude to the people that actually did the grind the right way. I just got BM last week and I spent a massive amount of time grinding WZ's and having fair fights in Ilum to do it. As a healer it took me 50-60% longer than a lot of other because it is harder to get medals than DPS or tank.


The title means nothing to those that dont have it, but just like anything else you put a lot of time into, it is nice to know it meant something before they start giving out welfare BM's to everyone.


Even if you are not "exploiting" or "kill trading" Ilum, what you went through compared to the ilum changes are nothing compared to what it was before patch to make the gain easier. I remember when it was just warzones you got it from, back when being a battlemaster actually meant you put forth some sort of effort. Now you see people running around in centurion armor with one piece of champion sporting battlemaster tags, its sickening.

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I'm going under the assumption of honest players, which most of us are by a very large margin as compare to exploiters.


I wish that were true. I am probably one of about 5 people on my server (high pop) that does not killtrade. Every day all day there are people either killtrading or setting them up.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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Since it will be easier to reach BM after the next patch, wouldn't it be appropriate to give a special title to everyone who's reached valor 60 before that? We put in a lot more work then will be necessary after 1.1.5, so why not give us something to show that?


Or, how about prorate our valor to be what we would have received if this system was in place all along?


Or do I not understand the new system? Because it looks like people will be getting at least double valor at just 4 medals earned.


I went from 55-59 in one evening in a few hours on Ilum on my alt...I did it as republic, heavily outnumbered and using turrets. Oh yeah...it was a melee class.


The whole ranking thing became pointless with the Ilum change. The same 55-59 took me DAYS of hardcore grinding on my first char.


If you want special titles there will be a way to get them. Ranked Warzones. Ilum killed anything having to do with rankings.

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If Battlemaster means nothing why have titles in the game at all...I agree it was just a grind but if was far harder for us honest players from release till now than it will be from 1.1.5 on wards.


While I agree with gearing ppl up faster as new content draws near in any MMO, I don't see why new ppl should get the titles and mounts easier than the ppl who done it when it was current.


If the title/mount was only available to players who completed the task before any type of nerf then having them in-game would be worth something...as it stands certainly in this MMO they are not worth the devs time to put them in

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If Battlemaster means nothing why have titles in the game at all...I agree it was just a grind but if was far harder for us honest players from release till now than it will be from 1.1.5 on wards.


While I agree with gearing ppl up faster as new content draws near in any MMO, I don't see why new ppl should get the titles and mounts easier than the ppl who done it when it was current.


If the title/mount was only available to players who completed the task before any type of nerf then having them in-game would be worth something...as it stands certainly in this MMO they are not worth the devs time to put them in


Your just ignoring the buff before the "Nerf" Illum was rediculous, I know I was there. I dont play the toon I took part in that mess with, but his valor is still the same today. IF bioware had rolled back our valor as they said they would Battlemaster would be worth something. As it is, its not.

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