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[Panel Discussion] State of the Game (10:30AM CST)

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Pretty sure that was ship droids.


The last screenfull of features in the preview video went by pretty fast; anyone get a good look?



Also interested in this...there was no way to read all that in the second it flashed on the screen.

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I like the fact that they've been promising 1.2 in March for a little while now, and they aren't going to deliver. How many subs are they going to lose do you think? Definitely canceling mine.


And people wonder why many game companies have stopped giving dates for things until the last minute.



The most confusing thing was a SITH USING A FLAMETHROWER!

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And people wonder why many game companies have stopped giving dates for things until the last minute.



The most confusing thing was a SITH USING A FLAMETHROWER!


Doesn't matter. 1.2 is going to be the only thing to save the game and it's not coming out when promised, start your testing NOW.

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And people wonder why many game companies have stopped giving dates for things until the last minute.



The most confusing thing was a SITH USING A FLAMETHROWER!


That's most definately a charmander!

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Excited for the Legacy System. I wonder if it means an alt of yours can lets say use force push.


Bounty Hunters who can throw Force Lightning? Crazy.


Gotta wait hours though. Gonna go grind on the PST.

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Well since the guild summit is about to begin and the chat is moderated on the stream itself..


I Trevyn of Lifetapt Gaming invite you all to come watch it with us and chat in our open chat room while watching it and seeing what is to come for SW:TOR!


Check us out and spread it around!


Link: Lifetapt Gaming



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I like the fact that they've been promising 1.2 in March for a little while now, and they aren't going to deliver. How many subs are they going to lose do you think? Definitely canceling mine.


How do you define "a little while" in a game that's only 2 1/2 months old? I've been hearing April for at least 2 weeks now, which works out to about 15% of the game's entire live existence.



Remember, when you rush a product, or run out of good ideas, you get pandas.

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This game is 3 months old and has a lot of content to be honest. It could obvioulsy use more content for hardcore players (those who have cleared all NM modes and are BM or War Hero's ) but I can wait a month for 1.2.



I almost feel bad for people that quit now because of little things and never give it another chance. In a year from now I bet this game will be amazing

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They defiantly need to work on their presentation skills. They went too fast. Go slower, leave slides up longer. Don't just read slide, but expand on the info on the screen.


They are releasing the videos afterwards, also they're expanding on most of the points for 1.2 throughout the day.


The only thing I felt went too fast was the video, but we'll be able to replay it in slow motion as soon as they put it up somewhere.

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This game is 3 months old and has a lot of content to be honest. It could obvioulsy use more content for hardcore players (those who have cleared all NM modes and are BM or War Hero's ) but I can wait a month for 1.2.



I almost feel bad for people that quit now because of little things and never give it another chance. In a year from now I bet this game will be amazing


I totally agree with you! I will be playing this game till they SWG it and shut it down because something even better came out. I will NEVER cancel my sub, unless I fall on money troubles and can't afford the 15 bucks a month (which is not that much honestly it isn't). But if that happens I will be quite sad... I hope to be a subbing member for years to come!

Edited by Master_Dragonson
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Crossing skills is a good thing in my HO, or humble opinion for those of you who are unfamiliar with the expression, that way a Jedi Knight might gain use of a Double-bladed lightsaber, which is what I think they should had had the option to do in the first place, but meh I'm not a developer. Have to believe that what their doing is in the best interests of the game.


I wonder how they will balance this. Imagine seeing a Jug with 2 sabers. ***.

Sorcs that can heal hide tank and damage

I'm more excited for the pets atm


BTW I am wondering about the sith assassin sparring with a training stand. Looks like the ship. Does that mean ship = player house?

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I wonder how they will balance this. Imagine seeing a Jug with 2 sabers. ***.

Sorcs that can heal hide tank and damage

I'm more excited for the pets atm


BTW I am wondering about the sith assassin sparring with a training stand. Looks like the ship. Does that mean ship = player house?


That would be cool, kind of like upgrading skills in other games, where you can increase your abilities power levels or practice fighting till you understand the best combination of powers for fighting. On board practice stations would be cool.

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