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Guild Summit General Discussion

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Enjoyed this quite a bit.

First off, I really like these guys! They just seem to have the general gaming bug we all seem to have.

Second of all, classy move of Mr. Live Stream Question Wrangler when it came to the dreaded SGRA question.

That brings me directly to "MOAR STORY!" which will be "this year!"

Which I find awesome. I'm not done with the stories I've got so far, so... yay!

I've expected that the legacy system will dictate my future alts, and right at the moment I'm not quite

sure how to proceed, although "killing stuff" is probably a solid course of action...

And for some reason, the PvP panel really made me want to play a couple of matches for siths and giggles.


My conclusion: well done on the summit, even though I'm not in a guild at the moment

I didn't feel left out. I'm wondering though... will this be an annual event? Bi-annual?

Anyway, Bioware, you did good! I'm going to play now! :D


p.s.: Daniel actually looked kinda pissed when they've talked about achievements....

Topical? Or just his nervousness before having to talk before an audience...?

Edited by Talahar
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However, as a player feedback forum, I want people who have minimally reached level 50. A level 50 can give feedback on level 20 content, but a level 20 cannot help with 50 and post-50 content at all.


I do not have a level 50 character. I have a 43, a 39, a 33, a 29, three or four below 20 and another three at 10. I have levelled through missions on one char, through PvP on another, through mostly Flashpoints and Heroic missions on the third. I have played different classes, have played tank, healer and dps, and have played both Republic and Empire.


I have experienced a ton of things a player with exactly one level 50 has never experienced.

A player with exactly one level 50 has experienced a ton of things I have never experienced.


I also believe that the majority of currently active subscriptions does not yet have a level 50. So that one guy out of 150 might be underrepresentation. Take into account that for an endgame player with no Alts, the whole levelling experience fades fast and becomes unimportant. Not so for all the people still levelling.


And that's not even taking into account the fact that he might be the guild leader of the friggin biggest roleplaying-guild in the whole game, or whatever. There are a lot of people there and having a VARIETY of people with different backgrounds was one of the things they aimed for.


I think it's good to have input from different perspectives.

Edited by TerrorTigr
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I won't be calling anyone names.


I thought the purpose of this summit was to get player input into how to improve the game. This will most likely be the ONLY chance this year to give this input.


I did not think this was meant to be a party that lucky people get invited to. If it is just a party then you are right, everyone is equal and should get to go.


However, as a player feedback forum, I want people who have minimally reached level 50. A level 50 can give feedback on level 20 content, but a level 20 cannot help with 50 and post-50 content at all.


Yes cause the in game feedback has absolutely no purpose at all. As a matter of fact I bet in game feedback has a much better chance at being read and put on a Bioware to do list than complaining in a forum.


This was a guild summit of guild leaders, I am kind of curios as to which word is tripping you up? I don't see the words uber or high level or hard core in there at all.

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I don't have any desire to level up another character what so ever, I barely have the time to focus on having one which is semi competitive on the republic side. I'm not alone on this either as I play with just a couple friends who feel exactly the same. I like to play one character not amass an army of alts! So is the up and coming Legacy System just going to put my guildless jedi knight at a further disadvantage?
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I don't have any desire to level up another character what so ever, I barely have the time to focus on having one which is semi competitive on the republic side. I'm not alone on this either as I play with just a couple friends who feel exactly the same. I like to play one character not amass an army of alts! So is the up and coming Legacy System just going to put my guildless jedi knight at a further disadvantage?


You can spend in game credits to get the same benefits. Many when it launches, though some will be delayed to let those who worked hard to get their legacy level high feel an accomplishment. They took into account players who only play one character...


Kudos to them for including both camps...

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You can spend in game credits to get the same benefits. Many when it launches, though some will be delayed to let those who worked hard to get their legacy level high feel an accomplishment. They took into account players who only play one character...


Kudos to them for including both camps...


Fair enough, that is a bit of consolation. However, what of my Legacy points? Just because I choose to focus on a single character doesn't mean I don't put a decent amount of effort into him or haven't accumulated legacy points as well, he has been level 50 for about 2 months now after all.

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I hope I'm able to keep my 8 imperial characters & not feel that I'd be missing out on interesting content because I did't create 4 of them as republic classes (& likewise for those that made 8 Republic characters already).


Without 8 more slots on the server being added, & no "species/faction" changes being considered they have totally ignored players like myself, although I suspect I am in a minority.


I think the Legacy system has a lot of good sides but I have to take my hat off to the guy that stood up & denounced the cross-faction "enticements" because they erode guild membership, I don't think the idea that having characters of both factions could be a cause of friction had even crossed the developers minds until he broached the topic.


If they added quest content that *required* you to have had created classes on both factions then I'd basically be locked out of it, because I've invested too much time & credits in playing my alts & developing their crew skills to ever consider re-rolling them from scratch.

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Any recorded / playback videos of what happened...? I was trying to watch it Live, but it kept cutting out - so would definately want some links of vid's that happened...


Also so i can post those links on my guild page.




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Any recorded / playback videos of what happened...? I was trying to watch it Live, but it kept cutting out - so would definately want some links of vid's that happened...


Also so i can post those links on my guild page.





Here is a James Ohlen opener view. Worst part so far of the whole setup I have seen, since his speech was purely PR focused.



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I'm sorry if this has been answered, but have they said when or where they are putting these videos up for us to watch?


I was unable to watch today but would really like to see the videos.




i am also wondering about this.

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Have they said when they will upload the videos? Some of us can't watch them at work, and would love to be able to watch them....


What kind of barbaric job doesn't let you watch frivolous videos about video games while on the clock? I bet you can't play 16 man halo lan matches at work either? You poor sob...

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I missed it. When is F2P coming?


If ever, not for a long while. Might as well go somewhere else for the time being. Aion did not get the critical reception nor the initial success of TOR and it took that game more than 2 years to even begin the process of going F2P. Considering what EA and Bioware have riding on this title they'll fight tooth and nail before they throw in the towel and declare it subscriptionless.

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Ok, let me explain the situation for my question first. I'm an Oceanic player with a 50 character on a USEAST server. I don't want to transfer him at the present moment as the guild I'm with are longtime friends. I've also started a new character on the Oceanic PVP server, which means that I'll have to do Legacy all over again (Obviously). However I was told if I transfer a character from the other server to the Oceanic, it will take priority and transfer the Legacy.


Since I'm keeping my 50 there, if I transfer a lower level character that is part of that Legacy, will it transfer my legacy over still meaning I'll have the same Legacy on both servers? Also, if we can have cross server pvp warzones, could we also introduce cross server legacy? - This would solve my problem, and for those who have multiple characters on several servers.

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I won't be calling anyone names.


I thought the purpose of this summit was to get player input into how to improve the game. This will most likely be the ONLY chance this year to give this input.


I did not think this was meant to be a party that lucky people get invited to. If it is just a party then you are right, everyone is equal and should get to go.


However, as a player feedback forum, I want people who have minimally reached level 50. A level 50 can give feedback on level 20 content, but a level 20 cannot help with 50 and post-50 content at all.


So by your logic someone with 1 level 50 character is more qualified to be there than someone that has 1 character of each class leveled to 40 even though that person obviously has a much better idea of how class mechanics interact with each other.


You're also implying that just because someone is level 50 they'll haven inherently better questions than someone that isn't.


I'd much rather have a theory crafter that dissects his class apart from every angle but has only got to 40 represent me than some mouth breather just because he face rolled his way a few levels higher.


And yes there would be some things that a lower level character wouldn't be able to comment on but most of the information discussed concerns players of every level not just level 50's and it certainly doesn't and shouldn't disqualify someone from asking questions that essentially effect everyone anyway because at some point everyone has to go through every level to get to 50.

Edited by Droxius
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We seem to have completely forgotten about the 10s of thousands, probably even 100s of thousands who dropped $150 for the Collector's Edition SOLELY to have access to the CE Vendor!!! We have been absolutely neglected!! The items available on the CE vendor are crap, even compared to the Security Vendor who you only pay $4 to access. :mad::jawa_evil::mon_trap:
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