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Grind Valor 55-60


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It only took 12 hours of grinding warzones to go from valor 59 to 60. And this is from a BM who didn't use exploits. Hell, I refused to step foot on Ilum when the Repub farming began after the first patch. I am also a full spec healer so my medal count is almost always dead last.


If anything, I think the level requirements to 60 are way to low. I leveled my toon mostly doing warzones from 1 - 50 and there were times when I actually lost valor because I needed to gain another character level before I could earn more valor.


(For those of you who don't know, valor level is capped to correspond with your character level until you hit 50. It is only at that point that your valor can exceed your character level.)


Now I am working on valor level 66 and I got there simply running pvp weekly and daily quests. Even with valor requirements in excess of 50k / level, it just seems like every few days I gain another level.


I don't even notice it anymore. I suppose I will probably have to hit level 70 to gain access to the next tier of pvp gear coming out soon, but the funny thing is I don't even have a full BM set yet. I still have 5 pieces to go.


Maybe I will get them before I hit 70.

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I am sure that the Ilum turret exploit had nothing to do with that.:rolleyes:


He is always on ilum since he clearly like pvp, never seen him doing any kill trading. Who wasn't part of that turret exploit if you played when we got 1.1 patch? If you wanted to kill repubs you had no other option.

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Aions grind trumps SWTOR by about 10 fold.




That sounds like a fun game. Maybe I can stick my head in vicegripes and tighten the nuts.


That is what pvp in the game is for me at this point. The fun aspect goes away when you must grind.

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Isn't champion freebie enough?

Seriously, you instant gratification people are sad excuses of pvpers to say the least.


Free? I've opened some 100 bags. Gotten mostly centurion. I am rank 56. I had 1000/1000 to start at 50. I had expertise when I hit 50 with about 7 enhancements. I had all orange armor with purple armor/mods (cybertech).


I've grinded out plenty.


So why don't you its free newbie probably doesn't even have 50's go troll pve boards where ya play anyways.




I've played enough and won enough. It doesn't help being an a/c that cannot medal farm healing.


It's no longer fun to log my 50. It was good as I progressed. Now? It's a bit much.


Did I start this thread to say shutdown valor? NO. I said between 55-60 its way to grindy for someone putting in massive time in pvp in a video game.


So your useless unconstructive feedback should be kept to yourself. Go back to the imp I get free valor yippie! side. I don't get free valor/armaments all day/everyday on my server. Not to mention the population is not very dense.

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Am I in the minority for enjoying the current BM valor grind and feeling that it's just the right length? It really isn't THAT long and it gives you something to work towards. Current pvp progression and the time/effort to attain your goals feels about right to me.


It's a good carrot on a stick that enhances pvp to me. Once you reach the rank and get your gear believe me, warzones start losing their luster.


Some people say "Why not just pvp for pvp's sake?" Well I do. It's definitely more fun with the carrot though. Once you eat the carrot one of the draws is gone.


As far as performance in pvp with lesser gear in the meantime...Having plenty of champion gear is more than sufficient. Other than the titles over people's heads I probably wouldn't even notice the difference between a champ geared and a BM geared player. The gains of BM gear over champion are more effective at entertaining you on your character sheet than they are at making you more effective in pvp itself.

Edited by ShadowOfVey
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trolling a troll. troll-la-la-la la la!


I think I have a valid point. But if you want to come in to my thread please do so. Just know when you insult me I bite back.


Rank from 55-60 is to slow. Its the point of the thread. Don't think so? give a reason. Otherwise your trolling


It's not "too slow". It's gear progression.. that's what MMO's are.


You are a gimmi gimmi casual player that thinks they should get all the rewards with 10-12 hours a week game time. It doesn't work that way bub.


I can't wait to see you get to BM and then go 0/10 on comms. Oh to be a fly on the wall...

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It's not "too slow". It's gear progression.. that's what MMO's are.


You are a gimmi gimmi casual player that thinks they should get all the rewards with 10-12 hours a week game time. It doesn't work that way bub.


I can't wait to see you get to BM and then go 0/10 on comms. Oh to be a fly on the wall...


I will rage. No doubt. your welcome to join my vent/ts/mumble whatever chat client I am on.


10-12 hours a week of pvp should be enough to progress. That is casual to you? 1 days waking hours a week of playing a video game is newbie?


Mind you I am investing more than that now, but you are being serious?

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Am I in the minority for enjoying the current BM valor grind and feeling that it's just the right length? It really isn't THAT long and it gives you something to work towards. Current pvp progression and the time/effort to attain your goals feels about right to me.


It's a good carrot on a stick that enhances pvp to me. Once you reach the rank and get your gear believe me, warzones start losing their luster.


Some people say "Why not just pvp for pvp's sake?" Well I do. It's definitely more fun with the carrot though. Once you eat the carrot one of the draws is gone.


As far as performance in pvp with lesser gear in the meantime...Having plenty of champion gear is more than sufficient. Other than the titles over people's heads I probably wouldn't even notice the difference between a champ geared and a BM geared player. The gains of BM gear over champion are more effective at entertaining you on your character sheet than they are at making you more effective in pvp itself.


At least I can respect this point of view.


Have you hit 55 yet? It was fine until that point for me at least to progress. there is plent of pvp after hitting 60 as well. BM gear grind just starts then.


Which is at least going to not have the RNG elements.

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I agree with the OP.


MMO PVP is already the only place in this world where the unemployed (with lots of time to kill grinding gear) are Kings. But a business can only live so long by catering to people without full time jobs. I think the OP is right that Bioware should allow folks without gobs of free time to at least be somewhat competitive.

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Free? I've opened some 100 bags. Gotten mostly centurion. I am rank 56. I had 1000/1000 to start at 50. I had expertise when I hit 50 with about 7 enhancements. I had all orange armor with purple armor/mods (cybertech).


I've grinded out plenty.


So why don't you its free newbie probably doesn't even have 50's go troll pve boards where ya play anyways.




I've played enough and won enough. It doesn't help being an a/c that cannot medal farm healing.


It's no longer fun to log my 50. It was good as I progressed. Now? It's a bit much.


Did I start this thread to say shutdown valor? NO. I said between 55-60 its way to grindy for someone putting in massive time in pvp in a video game.


So your useless unconstructive feedback should be kept to yourself. Go back to the imp I get free valor yippie! side. I don't get free valor/armaments all day/everyday on my server. Not to mention the population is not very dense.

So assuming you bought 65 bags (52,000 commendations) and the other 35 came from dailies/weeklies, you're saying you've played around 700 warzones (assuming 75 commendations averaged per warzone)? Pending the lengths of the matches and all.... I mean, maybe I'm off here, but how are you not a battlemaster yet? Maybe you didn't buy 65 bags, maybe less. In fact, maybe you're just a liar about everything in your post because if you had told the truth, you would have 700 champion commendations, enough to buy many complete sets times over. And if you play the before the patch changes excuse, then it just goes to show you aren't a PVPer, as even if you warzoned for 5 hours a week you would be farther ahead than you claim.


In essence, stop lying.

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I agree with the OP.


MMO PVP is already the only place in this world where the unemployed (with lots of time to kill grinding gear) are Kings. But a business can only live so long by catering to people without full time jobs. I think the OP is right that Bioware should allow folks without gobs of free time to at least be somewhat competitive.


Not like it is hard to shell out the measly monthly charge. . . even if you have no job. And needing gobs of free time is a joke, I work full time and am in school, and hitting BM was a breeze. Just because you are not "competitive" the day after hitting 50 doesn't mean it doesn't take long to get into champ gear, and if you are not "somewhat competitive" in champ gear, maybe you do need gobs of free time to l2p. . .


Have you people seriously never played an mmo before?

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You are complaining about this 3 months too late... lol.




If you think 55-60 is bad, then this guy would like to have a chat with you.


Nut up or shut up :D


Nice link.

I assume this guy have been banned or had his Vrank deleted, otherwise we will take care of that right now:-)


Back in the days you could glitch and farm vrank in ilum by farming opponent sides turrets.

Many did this and the banhammer fell on many as well.

This picture is one of the guys who did this, as it was impossible to reach this at that time.


It takes roughly a week of grinding to get from 55-60 if you log on for around 8 hours per day.

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I agree with the OP.


MMO PVP is already the only place in this world where the unemployed (with lots of time to kill grinding gear) are Kings. But a business can only live so long by catering to people without full time jobs. I think the OP is right that Bioware should allow folks without gobs of free time to at least be somewhat competitive.


i work 40+ a week and go out almost every weekend and i have BM i do not get your logic

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you employed gentlemen (and ladies) earn a steady salary and enjoy an independent way of life. Us unemployed people have more time to play and earn valor ranks faster.


Believe me when i say that yours is a better deal. Honestly :p



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At least I can respect this point of view.


Have you hit 55 yet? It was fine until that point for me at least to progress. there is plent of pvp after hitting 60 as well. BM gear grind just starts then.


Which is at least going to not have the RNG elements.


The valor 50 - 60 literally only took me two weeks of PvPing. You just need to:

A. Find a group of people who you really enjoy doing WZs with

B. Make sure they all vote for you since you're the only one below valor 60

C. Win about 95% of your matches


It only seems like a grind when you are solo queing with lots of bad players and are getting steamrolled by pre-mades. Now most people in my group are already rank 66+. We don't just log on and do our dailies and log off, we actually WZ as much as we can. Here is hope that I'll get to 80 before 1.2 comes out :)

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Your going to get flamed for having an opinion that says why the heck is this so much of a grind?


Maybe I can get war hero by kill trading. I know that any tardo with that ranking only gained it that way.


well i'm rank 72 valor and 100% battlemaster. i didn't kill trade or use ilum exploit. if you can't get to 60 valor that sound like a personal problem.


i reach this valor rank by playing a few hours daily cause i work full time and have a family.

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The grind to 60 isn't that bad at all. Here's a fun fact though! If you average about 100 warzone commendations a game, you will need to play 40 warzones to get the 1000 merc and 1000 warzone comms for an automatic battlemaster commendation.


Assuming you get the new ~2000 valor a game, you will have gained 80,000+ valor while getting that commendation.



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