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Sorc Is not OP


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I dont really care if you were director of universe himself.


Once you correct all mistakes in your post and post wekanesses and conditions for skills you mention, post actual numbers and comparisons you are another noob QQing wothout any foundation :D

Edited by GrandMike
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Am i going to say my Sorc is powerful...yes but that is because i know how to use my toon. Any class is good if the player knows how to use it. This is my first mmo to be honest and yet ithink i can tell someone not using their toon properly from someone who is. And really there is no such that as a bad player or easy class. You say bad because easy to kill and you say easy because you get killed by them. Truely if everyone used the class they complain about wed have no problems
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And yet at Lvl 50, they are still the easiest class to kill, especially hybrid. Yawn.





It's easier to kill ops, snipers, dps powertechs, marauders (w/o saber ward), dps assassins, and mercenaries.


When you're playing a sorcerer that understands he's got the best mobility and control in the entire game then they're one of the toughest classes to land a kill on.

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This is like the what 1000th thread about sorc/sages?! Its pretty obvious that there is a major problem with this class. Honestly sorcs an sages are in the same denial ops scoundrels were in. They can't admit there class is not balanced and is the easiest class I've seen to play in 4 main mmos I've played. No class should be able to do as much as them. Enough said.


Now since last patch they all went heals now since they get more medals now and we have these extremely long drawn out fights where if u get a couple to hide and heal someone MIGHT die. It's getting real old seeing them do around 100k damage and 3-500k healing.


Something has to change before arena or this game cannot be considered balanced and competitive.

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I think I'm on the wrong server, is there one flooded with amazing sorcs/sages because I hardly take them seriously in 1 on 1 fights. They are amazing when working in a support role sure, but as far as being overpowered.....I just don't see it. That said, I do always target potential healers first in any pvp environment. They just can't hold up to attacks well enough, anyone who can manage to get in a few good attacks, especially if they start with a stun, will take then out pretty easily.


Before you all start saying I haven't got a clue, I have played as a sage (lots of fun, but hard to do anything in pvp without a good group) and frequently beat both with my marauder (I still don't know why no one likes them) in pvp and duels.

Edited by Timeshark
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Just like the title says, if you really think sorc is OP, then you are terrible at the game. Every class if played with = skill can stomp a sorc 1v1. We have nowhere near the burst damage of other classes, we have a couple stuns, go cry me a river, with our light armour it's only fair. I think you should learn to play your class and stop crying. If you are crying sorc nerf then I suggest you learn how to keybind, get a mouse with more than 2 buttons and go back to WoW. I have 3 50 toons and the sorc is not even close to the strongest.


You must be a terrible Sorc.


Because almost all of the top tier ones on my server will readily admit they are Op with their hybrid specs.

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The problem with sorcs is really a problem with Huttball and more specificlly movement powers than it is the actual combat abilities of this AC. That is way out of control and gets people frustrated with the class and then they take it out on every aspect of the class. The reality is that outside of Huttball the sorcs are effective but no more out of control than anyone else. Although I would argue that even then they are tad more powerful but not enough to care at that point. Their tools come into play in those situations but unlike Huttball don't define the encounter.
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Sorc/sage is definitely OP


Pub group constantly dominates all WZs on my PVP server with an 8 sage group.


Sometimes they throw in a few troopers.


Almost every target can bubble and heal to some degree, range snare and CC everyone into the dirt.


Truly it only takes 3 heal or maybe 2 heal and one heal/hybrid sage to win a WZ but it goes to the ridiculous factor quickly the more sages you stack.


Melee is generally worthless as they are constantly pinned by 3-5 no cooldown TK snares as their health rapidly ticks away. If they do manage to all reach the first sage and get through their bubble, AND CC the second healer, the third sage healer/bubbler is there as a backup.


Troopers are a close second for OP right now with all the CC and high burst and semi range. They like to have someone to guard the sages occasionally I assume, though it hardly matters with multiple 250k/250k healers/dps present.


Heals are a little too easy and strong in this game in general when 1 geared healer can guard a flag in Alderaan for 3-6 minutes. I hate easy brainless heal mechanics in MMOs, can't wait for GW 2.

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Sorc/sage is definitely OP


Pub group constantly dominates all WZs on my PVP server with an 8 sage group.


Sometimes they throw in a few troopers.


Almost every target can bubble and heal to some degree, range snare and CC everyone into the dirt.


Truly it only takes 3 heal or maybe 2 heal and one heal/hybrid sage to win a WZ but it goes to the ridiculous factor quickly the more sages you stack.


Melee is generally worthless as they are constantly pinned by 3-5 no cooldown TK snares as their health rapidly ticks away. If they do manage to all reach the first sage and get through their bubble, AND CC the second healer, the third sage healer/bubbler is there as a backup.


Troopers are a close second for OP right now with all the CC and high burst and semi range. They like to have someone to guard the sages occasionally I assume, though it hardly matters with multiple 250k/250k healers/dps present.


Heals are a little too easy and strong in this game in general when 1 geared healer can guard a flag in Alderaan for 3-6 minutes. I hate easy brainless heal mechanics in MMOs, can't wait for GW 2.


Don't know about full groups in a wz havent seen that yet. 5 or 6 maybe. But this guy is about spot on. No class should be able to dish out decent damage and ridiculous heals with all the utility they have. I mean how many viable specs do sorcs have right now? A lot more than a op or shadow does.


Heals have got to be toned down. Fights last way too long now with full champ and bm players. Right now if a healer is guarded with 2 more around it can be almost a lost cause to even try to get a kill on a healer. Healers are better tanks than tanks right now. It's silly. And melee is very difficult on every map except alderaan. And then that is the laggiest of the maps so its not easy there either. Ranged dps needs to be looked at as well. Too easy for ranged of all types right now.

Edited by Pizzel
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Sorc is not OP. Those who so claims are usually people who only play in pugs and we all know where that leads. It leads to the point where your group is doing random **** without any clue. Sorcs are pretty good against such noobs. But then again, any class is.


If people actually tried to play in a premade and then opened their eyes, they would see the facts better.

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Yes, we are OP. Coming from a sorc. I just started mine a little while ago, have him up to level 18. I used to think that sorcs were just easier to play when I was PVPing on my trooper, but now I realize they're simply better. Lightning. Multiple CC's. Super Bubble. Force Speed. Huttball is ten times easier now. I get the ball? Force Speed. I get focused when i have the ball? Bubble until I can throw to someone. Enemy has the ball? Slow, stun, heavy damage, another stun, another slow, massive DOT. If he's not dead by then, my team has arrived. We are, indeed, OP. I could do about half of that on my healer commando, and I could do the other half on Sniper.
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wow. lets take a look at classes and what noobs can do with them.


Noob melee op - 2 stuns and a few attacks with stealth and battle stealth - noob friendly


Noob bh - not much utility anyway if you are a noob just spam that TM


Noob war - just run near your team and press a few buttons if you get knocked back you can jump to them again. you do the most consistent pvp dps 1v1 and have pretty high dmg mit.


Noob sorc - just pam lightning and try not to forget your shield too often.


This is what the avg of players do and as you can see it is all very simple. The avg sorc was simple but not any simpler.


Now as far as skilled players go a Sorc is squishy even with shield, has lower single target dmg, and can't survive just standing there and healing themself like a good merc can against a good dps.


So a good sorc will move around all the time cc different ppl at the right time, not waste cc's or do cc's that will make a player un-ccable, always know when they should be ready to have 2 shields ready, always know when and how to use their tiny knockback, use their interrupts at the correct time, always know where ppl are coming from and where your safest place to get to for healing is, never waste your sprint when you don't have to, manage your cds, target properly, and I could easily go on.


As you should be able to see that while basic playing of any class in this mmo (and really any mmo) is very simple, however sorcs in this game do have a very high skill cap. If you actually think about it and you can't see this then you are just ignorant and/or stupid and idc about your opinion anyway lol.

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sorcs are OP at low lvls no doubt there. sorcs are a good class and play well to their role if you play them correctly. They don't have the burst of some classes but make up for that in utility. If you nerf sorcs utility then you need to buff their burst and I hope that doesn't happen as then it would be a boring class with a lowered top skill cap.
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Yes, we are OP. Coming from a sorc. I just started mine a little while ago, have him up to level 18. I used to think that sorcs were just easier to play when I was PVPing on my trooper, but now I realize they're simply better. Lightning. Multiple CC's. Super Bubble. Force Speed. Huttball is ten times easier now. I get the ball? Force Speed. I get focused when i have the ball? Bubble until I can throw to someone. Enemy has the ball? Slow, stun, heavy damage, another stun, another slow, massive DOT. If he's not dead by then, my team has arrived. We are, indeed, OP. I could do about half of that on my healer commando, and I could do the other half on Sniper.


WOW, you maged to get to level 18 and you are an expert :rolleyes:


They should listen to you and balance it around level 18 hutball.

Edited by GrandMike
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Just like the title says, if you really think sorc is OP, then you are terrible at the game. Every class if played with = skill can stomp a sorc 1v1. We have nowhere near the burst damage of other classes, we have a couple stuns, go cry me a river, with our light armour it's only fair. I think you should learn to play your class and stop crying. If you are crying sorc nerf then I suggest you learn how to keybind, get a mouse with more than 2 buttons and go back to WoW. I have 3 50 toons and the sorc is not even close to the strongest.


get 2-3 or more sorc's together with hybrid healing/madness spec, and come back to this thread after you've pwned some of WZ's

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Yes, people are terribad in PvP and they come to QQ about it on forums.


Half of the time they cant even tell difference between assassin and sorc.


That's easy, assassins kick *everyone but me* to the ground before starting their meatgrinder combo.

Sorcs focus lightning on me from across the map to allow everyone else to kill me.


(I have never been hit by the assassin kick so far, I find that amusing since it's supposed to be their opener)

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