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Comparing this games Population with WoW's and Rifts, SWTOR's is Better!


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Um... do you know the max population of those servers? or how many people = medium? Because I know for a fact WoW servers have hundreds of people per popular zone... while SWTOR? .. hmmm 1-20 in every place but illum and fleet.


lol hundreds per zone?



When I quit WoW you'd see 1 person every couple of hours unless you were in stormwind. If you were out leveling you'd never cross anyone.

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I've never seen a more dedicated group of haters than those that frequent this forum complaining about the game. It's the same crap each and every day, and regardless of the CLEAR EVIDENCE being shoved into their faces that their doomsaying is incorrect, they continue to try. If you hate the game, then leave it and quit your complaining. It's quite obvious the MAJORITY of players do like the game, as evidence shows.


Remember when the sky was falling at the end of January, only to have the big 1.7 million subscriber number come raining down onto your hate parade? Seems like it was only yesterday, as the haters have already gathered up arms and launched another assault, this time proclaiming the two month fail.


Give up already and go back to WoW or Rift or wherever the hell you came from.


What is this clear evidence that you speak of? A now month old announcement that the game had 1.7 million subs and sold only 2 million boxes? Putting it in the illustrious company of such games as Aion and Rift. You fanbois are so blind you cant see that even Bioware knows this game isn't going to live up to a fraction of its per-release hype. They're already talking about a Mass Effect MMO and the "lessons learned from TOR". That's not what a developer talks about if their current MMO is doing as well as you fanbois claim it is.

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I don't think he understands how statistics and analysis works. He's comparing comparing meaningless definitions. I could call 250 people medium, whereas Richard next door could consider 5000 people medium.


I think it is best to simply pat the OP on the head, smile, and say "good work there Billy."


I think you're looking to far into it.


The OP is using percentage statistics and saying that because SWTOR has a higher percentage of medium servers, it has a better population. 'What constitutes medium' argument aside, you could also point out that the other percentage of WoW's server might be 'high' while SWTOR's are 'low', not to mention that if Hello Kitty Online Adventure had 2 servers, both of which were 'medium', it's percentage of medium servers would be higher than that of TOR's, despite having an obviously lower population.


Essentially, the OP's argument is so flawed that I can't imagine that he isn't feasting on our posts right now.

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lol hundreds per zone?



When I quit WoW you'd see 1 person every couple of hours unless you were in stormwind. If you were out leveling you'd never cross anyone.



You were playing SWTOR, not WoW.


WoW has way more people, and there are constantly people running around. The game has way more people.

Edited by Darth_Urtani
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I think you're looking to far into it.


The OP is using percentage statistics and saying that because SWTOR has a higher percentage of medium servers, it has a better population. 'What constitutes medium' argument aside, you could also point out that the other percentage of WoW's server might be 'high' while SWTOR's are 'low', not to mention that if Hello Kitty Online Adventure had 2 servers, both of which were 'medium', it's percentage of medium servers would be higher than that of TOR's, despite having an obviously lower population.


Essentially, the OP's argument is so flawed that I can't imagine that he isn't feasting on our posts right now.


Hah, that's also a good point. :D

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I've never seen a more dedicated group of haters than those that frequent this forum complaining about the game. It's the same crap each and every day, and regardless of the CLEAR EVIDENCE being shoved into their faces that their doomsaying is incorrect, they continue to try. If you hate the game, then leave it and quit your complaining. It's quite obvious the MAJORITY of players do like the game, as evidence shows.


Remember when the sky was falling at the end of January, only to have the big 1.7 million subscriber number come raining down onto your hate parade? Seems like it was only yesterday, as the haters have already gathered up arms and launched another assault, this time proclaiming the two month fail.


Give up already and go back to WoW or Rift or wherever the hell you came from.


Clearly, and I mean this in a nice way. You have not read the Minecraft forums of that of the Order of the Stick.


Boggles my mind why people spend time, money, and effort to complain about nearly every aspect of a game. And yet still play it.


Haters gata hate.


Far as population goes. I can't say. The server I play on has a light load. All times, every day. I might see 20 people in the fleet, and more than once I've had an entire planet to my self. It has always been that way though. And I see the same people every day. Most of us are on our 2nd and 3rd character. It does make it hard to play, because if you need help. You can't find any, and our economy is near flat because no one has money.


That said I don't think that is because the game is dieing. Bioware just put up too many servers for the inital launch. And with that said. People are topping out, and finding the PVP to be, so put it polite, bit buggy at the moment. And they have lost a little interest.


Their is also something to be said about comparing it to WoW. I see a lot of people do that. I don't think it's a fair comparison. WoW is ten years old. That is ten years of refinement, new content, and learning. If you want to compare. Look at WoW when it was first released. Ya it was a buggy mess, and would never out sell Everquest right? :D

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I think you're looking to far into it.


The OP is using percentage statistics and saying that because SWTOR has a higher percentage of medium servers, it has a better population. 'What constitutes medium' argument aside, you could also point out that the other percentage of WoW's server might be 'high' while SWTOR's are 'low', not to mention that if Hello Kitty Online Adventure had 2 servers, both of which were 'medium', it's percentage of medium servers would be higher than that of TOR's, despite having an obviously lower population.


Essentially, the OP's argument is so flawed that I can't imagine that he isn't feasting on our posts right now.


Like I said OP is either a master troll or his mom couldn't lay off the pipe...

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Check it out, right, I created this really awesome, fabulous, fantastic MMO game, that there is only 1 server, and I set the population to high at 2 people, so every night when I log in, the only server online is medium, thereby making my game the bestest game out there, since I have a 100% standard status on my servers. And ya know something else really cool? If my brother joins up, my sub. rate went up by 100%!!!!


TLDR: Nothing to see here folks, move along. No stats, only arbitrary speculation.

Edited by JScranton
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This thread should have been taken out back and clubbed a long time ago. OP obviously had an accident in his head so no need to continue mocking his.....logic....... Edited by Cepheid
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In danger of sounding like a blind FANBOI. This only reflects a sample (and not a random sample) of SWTOR players that visit the forum and vote. Arguably this does not reflect the opinions of a 'majority' of players who probably do not visit the forums.


The way I see it, if you are happy with the game you are more likely to be playing it, than coming to the forums to post about it, but that is completely unsubstantiated and merely guess work on my part.

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In danger of sounding like a blind FANBOI. This only reflects a sample (and not a random sample) of SWTOR players that visit the forum and vote. Arguably this does not reflect the opinions of a 'majority' of players who probably do not visit the forums.


The way I see it, if you are happy with the game you are more likely to be playing it, than coming to the forums to post about it, but that is completely unsubstantiated and merely guess work on my part.


I would have no problem with fanbois if they had this attitude! You sir have won 200 internets.

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In danger of sounding like a blind FANBOI. This only reflects a sample (and not a random sample) of SWTOR players that visit the forum and vote. Arguably this does not reflect the opinions of a 'majority' of players who probably do not visit the forums.


The way I see it, if you are happy with the game you are more likely to be playing it, than coming to the forums to post about it, but that is completely unsubstantiated and merely guess work on my part.


Oh, no danger there, don't worry.


I know the potential issues with that particular example. For it to be accurate, one would need to know precisely the demographics of those who visit the forums.


However, in my defence, the person to whom I was responding was making statements like "MAJORITY" and such without any base whatsoever. That irks me.

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Clearly, and I mean this in a nice way. You have not read the Minecraft forums of that of the Order of the Stick.


Boggles my mind why people spend time, money, and effort to complain about nearly every aspect of a game. And yet still play it.


Haters gata hate.


Far as population goes. I can't say. The server I play on has a light load. All times, every day. I might see 20 people in the fleet, and more than once I've had an entire planet to my self. It has always been that way though. And I see the same people every day. Most of us are on our 2nd and 3rd character. It does make it hard to play, because if you need help. You can't find any, and our economy is near flat because no one has money.


That said I don't think that is because the game is dieing. Bioware just put up too many servers for the inital launch. And with that said. People are topping out, and finding the PVP to be, so put it polite, bit buggy at the moment. And they have lost a little interest.


Their is also something to be said about comparing it to WoW. I see a lot of people do that. I don't think it's a fair comparison. WoW is ten years old. That is ten years of refinement, new content, and learning. If you want to compare. Look at WoW when it was first released. Ya it was a buggy mess, and would never out sell Everquest right? :D


WoW is the textbook example of how you can beat an established game if your concept is great and you have clear direction. After the Guild Summit people will have a better idea of SWTOR and whether it will be worth any continued investment.

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No, because the word difference isn't a difference, BioWare has stated their equivelent of Standard = Medium many times in dev. tracks and interviews.


Please, Please read this sentence over and over again until you realize how badly it your intelligence look.


Without knowing or stating ANY numbers you are telling us that the population in this game is growing?


Remember at launch when there were soooo many Heavy and Full servers? If you had followed any of the devs posts, they stated that they would slowly be raising the population cap of servers. So, if they can (and did) raise the population caps to change server statuses from Heavy to Standard, with no change in the actual population, they can also change the server cap of servers to make them go from Light to Standard without or even a decrese in the actual population.


I'm sorry bud, but what you have shows no "statistics". Have you ever heard of the saying "comparing apples to oranges"? That's what you are doing here. At best you have shown correlational evidence. The problem is, that evidence can easily be manipulated.


The "statistics" should come out at EA's next shareholders call. They quickly announced they had 1.7 mil subs, but they wont be as quick to announce if those have dropped. But being that they are a publicly traded company, they will have to announce it at there next stockholders call. Keep in mind, it wont be announced ont his website, but they will have to release that information eventually.



All i can speak on is my home server. Bregen Colony. I started on it it was a heavy server. Prime time on it carries about 50-70 people on the fleet for repubs, and maybe 100 for imps. Leveling alts i maybe see 5-10 people on any given planet. Btw, people are out Leveling ALTS because its retarded wasting our gaming time sitting in one spot spamming a channel trying to find a Flashpoint group. Absolutely retarded.


Statistics you don't have, and the more yous cream it is, the dumber you look. And Skewing the definition of words to make what your saying look right isn't going to do anything for people like me who have their first hand experiences to go by.


my sub is done on like the 20'th of this month. Not that it matters, i havent played lin like 2 weeks. I have a job and a family. I'm not wasting the little free time i have to myself sitting in one spot spamming LFG for an hour for either regular or HM flashpoints. And im not wasting my time leveling an alt so i can hit 50 and do the same thing all over again n another toon. And im not paying a monthly subscription for a single player game.


Plenty of better ways to spending y limited time than spamming LFG in a channel. ME3 out in a couple days. Assasins creed 3 at the end of the year. Diablo 3 do out this year. All single player games (which is all SWTOR can be for me atm) that i dont have to pay a sub for.

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WoW still has 10 million players, SWTOR has 1.7 million copies sold....not concurrent subs...... but copies sold. In what reality is 10 million anywhere near less than SWTOR piddly population? OP, seriously, you need help.
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