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Orange (fully moddable) schems : How do we get them


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Hi folks. I've been wondering AND wandering around to find an answer to this question, however no place could give me some accurate data on this.


We've been told that fully moddable armors of each set would be available to crafters so that we can eventually look like we really want (keeping in mind armor restrictions). However nothing tells us where to get those schems.


I've been hearing lots of things out there, RE some purple gear, do Underworld missions, slicing missions, dancing naked in the middle of coronet's plaza with a bacon underwear... No solution seems working. And i've tried many ^^.


Would you like to tell me, from your game experience, where you did find such schematics? I'll try to keep it up and updated for people who might search those.




ANSWER : People report having them from UT missions, no matter if companion gifts or cloth/metal. Seems to be random and quite rare.

Edited by Elora_Devout
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I can confrim Underground Trades. Specificly for me its been companion gifts, I found about 6 recipies @ 75 skill .


I've gotten them from metals and cloths too, I think it's random chance on any mission (they are not listed in the rewards when you select the mission). I'm guesstimating based on first hand experience ~10% chance.

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...dancing naked in the middle of coronet's plaza with a bacon underwear... No solution seems working. And i've tried many ^^.



I've tried that as well, and can confirm that it doesn't work.


I'll just keeping spending credits on UT missions I guess.


Hopefully these will start appearing on the market over time.

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Speaking of Orange items. Are they BoE? Or BoP? Can you craft orange pieces and sell them, or are they specific to only the crafter? As in, only a synthweaver can wear orange synthweave gear?
The one's that I've seen are BoE, so they can be traded and sold. They usually have class restrictions, though.


EDIT I, too, will confirm that you can find the schematics as rare Underworld Trading mission rewards. I've received two Synthweaving schematics in this way.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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The one's that I've seen are BoE, so they can be traded and sold. They usually have class restrictions, though.


EDIT I, too, will confirm that you can find the schematics as rare Underworld Trading mission rewards. I've received two Synthweaving schematics in this way.


Thanks for the info!

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I'm starting to think the chances of getting a Modifiable schematic (or any schematic) from UWT/Investigation has been lowered since beta. My Investigation skill is around 180 now, and I have only discovered 1 schematic. By that time in beta, I had discovered around 5 or 6.
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There are orange schematics available for armour/clothing at the social vendors in cantinas, security key vendor and collector's edition vendor.

The only additional restricion that I can recall is that the social sets require progressively higher Social rank.

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have found atleast 6 Orange armor schematics during my run up Cyber/Scav/UT, two of which being Empire only items (IA/SW), and two others being Republic only items (TRO/JK).


The others I believe were wearable by anyone, and light armor at that, have given them all to guildie armortek and synth for reproduction, currently at about 170ish UT.

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