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600k damage...how the hell...


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if i'm lucky i get over 300k damage in a wz....but how do some snipers here get over 600k damage???

i'm running around almost full champ gear (missing 2 small pieces) and i've recently respecced to lethality instead of MM

in a wz i dot others non-stop, constantly doing damage


so i'm just wondering, am i missing something fundamental here?

i don't get it

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if i'm lucky i get over 300k damage in a wz


That's not luck -- that's skill! :)



....but how do some snipers here get over 600k damage???


It happens sometimes when the stars align. You have a healer being friendly to you, the other team is full of undergeared players who ignore you, the game goes the full duration... and then you take a screenshot of it, post it on the forums, and claim you do that every game. :p


I would estimate I've played 150-200 warzones, and I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen someone deal 600k damage. (Usually if someone is that dominant, their team gets a quick win.)


Keep at it, and you'll end up with a game you can brag about too. :D

Edited by Tibbel
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2 options.


1) Spec lethality, DoT everything and pretend your damage actually matters (hint: it doesn't).


2) Spec MM/Eng hybrid, set up shop in a good location and then have the entire opposing team ignore your existence while your blow them up... over and over and over and over again.


You should be able to get 300-400k without too much issue unless you have people out headhunting for you.

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1) Spec lethality, DoT everything and pretend your damage actually matters (hint: it doesn't).


2) Spec MM/Eng hybrid, set up shop in a good location and then have the entire opposing team ignore your existence while your blow them up... over and over and over and over again.


You were spot on with the first one!


Although MM/Engi Hybrid? Sure, you can dish out quite a bit of damage. But breaking 400k is usually only possible on voidstar....


But ya, if you see someone doing 600k+, they are almost certainly spamming buffed Frag, using Orbital Strike frequently, and spreading around their DoTs like STIs.

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Spec Lethality up to Cull and no further. Spec Engineering up to Experimental Engineering and Imperial Methodology and be especially sure to take Explosive Engineering and Engineer's Tool Belt.


Find clumps of enemies and use this rotation: grenade, rifle shots, grenade, rifle shots, grenade, rifle shots... drop in Orbital Strike whenever you can and whenever there aren't any tight enough groups to aoe tab target spam dots and rifle shots on everything.


This is surprisingly effective in Huttball when you're facing a pug that actually gathers on the ball but doesn't have enough healing. You can pretty quickly take down a good chunk of a whole group's hitpoints and a group trying to carry the ball with everyone down to half their hitpoints is much less dangerous than a group with full hitpoints. Also good to spam while your ball handler is being zerged - even if he dies the guy who the ball bounces to will not be at full health. Aoe heals can quickly ruin this though.


600k is generally only possible if both sides have a lot of healers. If the opposing team doesn't have enough healers, standing in monster DPS aoes will send them to the spawn fast and then you won't be getting a very high total as half the time you'll have no one to shoot at. The super damage Voidstars are typically zones that ended up with so many healers on the opposing team that they could just sit there in Orbital Strikes and the meters would get padded with damage that got instantly healed.

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The only time I ever hit 600k (680k is my highest so far) is as leth/eng hybrid in a full length voidstar. This happens only against a team that has a lot of healers, keeping people up to take full damage from all my dots. And I have to dot everything. They are right that the damage is mostly just to pad the score at the end of the game though.


I do find I do 300-350k damage in most games without going out of my way to spam dots everywhere.

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I have seen a sorc or 2 hit 600k+ on a full length void star with their AoE spam meter padding spec. The only other time I've seen it was from a full bm gunslinger using the AoE spam meter padding spec (engineering/lethality). My personal best so far is 425k in a hutt ball match today. I'm wearing almost full champ and am specced 23/18/0.
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so it involves stars aligning correctly and alot of healers :D


i thought i was missing something very important, but it seems that 200-250k damage is a good average for a sniper (not that damage matters much, i know :cool:)

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As a 24 sniper I got 189,000 on a alderaan battle and some guy was like "pfft crappy damage lol" he said anything less than 500k is lulzubad. I asked him for screenshots of him hitting 500k... no response.


Anyhow, I don't judge my success on dmg done. My most successful match ever was a voidstar I was a late entry into. 4 minutes left, we were attacking. I tagged and blew all the doors and accessed the computer. I got maybe 20k dmg. But I basically single-handedly won that match.


Try not to focus too much on your damage, just try and win.

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so it involves stars aligning correctly and alot of healers :D


i thought i was missing something very important, but it seems that 200-250k damage is a good average for a sniper (not that damage matters much, i know :cool:)


Derp? Every single 600k screenshot involves lots of healers on the other side, they contain damage and thus you nuke longer and deal more damage that gets outhealed.


Here, my screenshot from yesterday: http://i43.tinypic.com/2mfgknp.jpg


Pure 31/7/3 MM Spec, so it is mostly single target damage. It went this high exactly because there was a bunch of healers and none really died.

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People are just bad with snipers in general. I have almost full BM and crank out 400-500k damage on avg for a FULL huttball. My spec is pure MM. Voidstar I'll get over 600k in a very good game where we are stuck at the first door. My highest damage was just shy of 700k. I am hands down the best sniper on the server and know theres a lot more i could do to play better. Cool thing about sniper MM build is almost all the damage is single target! I'm thinking about writing a sniper PVP guide. Our class community has a lot of work to do to get good. I'll submit screenshots if there is demand. I am at work now.
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People are just bad with snipers in general. I have almost full BM and crank out 400-500k damage on avg for a FULL huttball. My spec is pure MM. Voidstar I'll get over 600k in a very good game where we are stuck at the first door. My highest damage was just shy of 700k. I am hands down the best sniper on the server and know theres a lot more i could do to play better. Cool thing about sniper MM build is almost all the damage is single target! I'm thinking about writing a sniper PVP guide. Our class community has a lot of work to do to get good. I'll submit screenshots if there is demand. I am at work now.


We definitely do the best damage by far. I get 500k every so often and 300k-400k almost every game(where I'm not guarding a objective no one comes to). Been BM for a few weeks now, but only have MH and Chest so far(RNG....), but I would love to see what kind of stuff I can do with full BM(replacing a few enhancements from Raids of course, way too much accuracy).

Edited by SpectreVII
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As a 24 sniper I got 189,000 on a alderaan battle and some guy was like "pfft crappy damage lol" he said anything less than 500k is lulzubad. I asked him for screenshots of him hitting 500k... no response.


Anyhow, I don't judge my success on dmg done. My most successful match ever was a voidstar I was a late entry into. 4 minutes left, we were attacking. I tagged and blew all the doors and accessed the computer. I got maybe 20k dmg. But I basically single-handedly won that match.


Try not to focus too much on your damage, just try and win.


In 20-49 lol? 150k is decent in that bracket, especially as a L24.

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Sounds like the people on your server have a l2p issue.


my server i guess has to l2p too since i do 800k+ quite a bit aswell :)


o yea i only do premades since not playing with friends is boring to me.

Edited by Vyndeta
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i'm getting confused again :p

apparantly some people here are claiming 400-500k should be the average? even getting 800k as MM spec?!

running around with good gear and facing people with who usually have good gear aswel, how are you supposed to get numbers like that?

even with a team with alot of healers..


or perhaps it's because you guys are facing teams with 12k hp tanks and 10k hp sorcs?

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or perhaps it's because you guys are facing teams with 12k hp tanks and 10k hp sorcs?


In case you did not understand it yet, due to sheer stubbornness - in order to do a lot of damage you need the targets to be beefy enough to take that damage, meaning lots of 10-12k HP targets are the worst possible scenario for doing a lot of damage in the end, because you just two-shot them and all the AoEs and setups you blew off just disappear, also these targets usually get massively overkilled and overkilling does not count in damage charts.


This is also the exact reason why you also need a lot of healers on the other side - exactly so that the targets will live a long time, so that you can pump in more damage, without wasting DPS time of looking for someone to kill, just because everyone dies in 10 seconds.

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Depends what your spec is looking like. Sometimes I get *******es that group together, especially in huttball/civil war. Because of my spec, I can nuke the **** out of them and I'll pull high numbers that way. Meanwhile, I can burst down individuals who are weak and dot up as well. Normally pulling around 250-300k damage in all warzones, 600k is a nice challenge that requires idiots again, grouping together and making it easy to orbital strike them dead.


Remember you have relics (I hope), that you can burst these people down with. Likewise, if you don't have a tank with you, Scatter Shot can be a helpful assistant.

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I can understand why you say sniper is fine. You cant pvp in an environment where people know what they are doing. Some warzones Im totally left on the table, doing squat. Getting jumped at once you get out of rezzing. Same with the other very few snipers on my server. Sure you can often do 3-400k if you meet a bad group, and you can of course do more, but then you dont play with the team.


Most battles are totally dominated by a few classes, among them sorcerers/sages and bounty hunters. You rarely see the snipers get more than 6-7 medals, which really says it all. That is left for some classes, which also proves that snipers are under par to other classes.

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My sniper is 55 valor with a mix of champ/rakata rolling hybrid DoT spec, and I destroy most people (ATLEAST 300k in a normal match). As for single target, usually, by the time I get to channeling cull they're dead before it's even gone its full duration, and the AoE dmg is INSANE. Ever since I changed spec if the team ignores my orbital strike on an objective and stand in it, I've seen 4+ people get crit for 3.5k each tick, throw a frag grenade in there and thats a LOT of dmg hitting a lot of people all at once. People who think that orbital strike and frag grenades are only for spamming and bolstering stats aren't using it right.

And if your thinking "WELL DUH IF THEY STAND IN IT OF COURSE IT WILL DO GOOD BUT WHO'S DUMB ENOUGH TO DO THAT?!?!?!?!" amazingly.... a lot of people, when they are all trying to stack on an objective to stop a cap and orbital strike comes down they are faced with either move out of the way and leave the objective more exposed, or sit in the ticks and possibly have their defensive team get wiped out. Either way its good for your team. It might take some time working with whatever spec you are, but you have to always try to find the best way to play to your specific specs strengths while exploiting their weaknesses (duh right?)


little example...


Alderaan WZ, game starts and I'm rolling in to cap a point and meet equal evenly matched resistance (by that i mean like we have 4 they have 4 both with a healer backup, you get the idea). Most people (atleast on my server) will of course fight close to the objective to keep the pressure on each other. I'll hang back just a few seconds and let the fight get started, pop a relic, and drop an orbital on the objective. As soon as that first big explosion hits the ground I toss out my frag followed by corrosive grenade. I have now effectively put 4 to 5k on their group all at once including a ticking dot. However it doesn't end there oh no we wanna be smart players. Now that I have a good load of AoE wrecking havoc on their group I throw my corrosive dart, interrogation probe, and explosive probe on their healer and start culling him.


All that only took me about 10 seconds to get done (have to wait for the orbital strike which is most of the time, the other stuff is all instant). But now effectively I have seriously crippled their group because the healer is left with a simple choice of keeping his team alive a few more seconds by sacrificing himself (in which case they will be left with no healer to be slaughtered) or heal himself and lose atleast 2 team members in that time, and again will in the end lose without quick reinforcement.

(This example of course only really applies to my current spec, but I had just as successful of a time with Marksmanship, just used different strategies.)


Does it always work out that way? No, because you will get smart groups who can work around it but show me any class that has everything work out for them every encounter? And tbh most of the time you have at least a few pugs who won't listen/don't pay attention to the situation and get rolled.


Sorry that was a lot longer than I meant it to be, but you get the point, try to learn the ins and outs of your spec and you will start seeing high numbers/high kills if your MM or hybrid either one, you have to outplay the competition, be a step ahead, and out think them.

Edited by Valiac
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People are just bad with snipers in general. I have almost full BM and crank out 400-500k damage on avg for a FULL huttball. My spec is pure MM. Voidstar I'll get over 600k in a very good game where we are stuck at the first door. My highest damage was just shy of 700k. I am hands down the best sniper on the server and know theres a lot more i could do to play better. Cool thing about sniper MM build is almost all the damage is single target! I'm thinking about writing a sniper PVP guide. Our class community has a lot of work to do to get good. I'll submit screenshots if there is demand. I am at work now.



I am sorry, but I'll have to call bs on that unless you post multiple screenshots with time stamp and cursor over your damage (to show us the biggest hits in order to rule out the possibility of a Rifle Shot+FG troll spec) to back up that claim. 400-500k on avg seems quite high for huttball for a pure MM, even if it was full duration.

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Sorry that was a lot longer than I meant it to be, but you get the point, try to learn the ins and outs of your spec and you will start seeing high numbers/high kills if your MM or hybrid either one, you have to outplay the competition, be a step ahead, and out think them.


The problem with this statement is this:


1. You dont have stealth

2. You dont have grapple or speed

3. The opponent usually have both


You are also a lethality spec. Im sure that is much easier, but I really do not want to try it as I dont see it as being a sniper. You also seem to rank just by damage and kills. In some instances that is ok, but too often it isnt in group play. One example..... In huttball is killing often damaging to the team. You want to slow the opponents, not take them down.


Dont misunderstand me. I really enjoy my sniper. Its one of the most fun classes Ive ever played. But its too often too challenging, and you dont bring anything to the table which other classes can.


Its too easy to dominate with other classes as well. They need to balance out group play.

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