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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rated Warzones only hope


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That about sums it up, if bioware does not release some sort of arenas or rated warzones then this might as well be a console game . Like any console game once you complete the game so many times, try different classes so many times... then its off to buy some other game.


Competitive PvP drives MMO games because everyone wants to beat the other guy, and everyone wants to see how they compare with other players in some sort of ranked tracking system.


The game has been out for two months and for pvp we have the best battleground ever Huttball


the worst world pvp ever Illum


The worst earned title system ever free battlemaster for standing in place


I came I saw the game, I played the game , i enjoyed the game but now the replay ability is just not there. I have no desire to lag in illum for no real good reason. Only reason anyone ever did was to get free battlemaster and gear....but what do they need the gear for?


oh they need gear so they can get hacked in voidstar, or exploited in civil war..I even saw guys lag exploiting.


Introduce rated warzones, introduce a ranked system, introduce an armory, introduce a reason to log on and play. Right now this might as well be a console game.


RIFT II = Star Wars the Old Republic why? Cause like Rift they thought people would log in cause it looked cool or was fun while you leveled... then they tell you oh btw no Competitive PvP


People in forums said you dont need arenas or rateds in that game too, but the reason guys do the gear treadmill is 100% PvP driven... PvP is the reason people log onto MMO to interact with other players, and what people love to do the most is beat the other guy






I want this game to succeed so bad , I do not want to go back to wow full time, I dont like pandas and Pokemon, I like killing Jedi scumbags....

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Neither rated WZs nor arenas will have any noticable impact on success or failure of a themepark MMO. By prioritising PvE content and quality of life improvements BW are exactly on the right path from a business standpoint.


The handful of competitive PvPers in this game will leave for GW2 anyway, no matter what BW does.

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Yeah well Rated Warzones have not been slated they only said Ranked system.... if they are gonna release rated warzones are they gonna give us the 411 on how they will do it? Will they be letting guilds group in full premade teams?


Sorry but no one loves swtor more than me, but without some kind of ranking system there is a whole wow community out htere that will just stay where they are at... and raiding my pvp guild is #1 on my server for nightmare modes , that isnt exactly bringing in people either


So get off your high horse and join the cause for gettign some ranked pvp in this game

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I think its funny that the OP says this will be just like a console game and GW2 is supposedly the holy grail for all the PvP'ers. Except GW2 is gonna be a console game too!


Console game? GW2? hahaha you're very misinformed sir.


Edit: @OP you might as well, like others have said, just wait for GW2

Edited by nschlan
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Console game? GW2? hahaha you're very misinformed sir.


Edit: @OP you might as well, like others have said, just wait for GW2


gw2...laugh my A S S off... do you know how CHEEZY that game is turning out and looks? After a game like SWTOR with the cutscenes and cinematics with dialogue...the voice acting in gw2 is laughably cheezy! Just..atroucious looking. NPC on the right..you on the left..with a backdrop with black bars at top and bottom of the landscape and the lips aren't even in sync.

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Console game? GW2? hahaha you're very misinformed sir.


Edit: @OP you might as well, like others have said, just wait for GW2


They already confirmed GW2 will be released on console post PC launch, they are working on it.

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That about sums it up, if bioware does not release some sort of arenas or rated warzones then this might as well be a console game . Like any console game once you complete the game so many times, try different classes so many times... then its off to buy some other game.


implaying that all PC games have infinite replayability? lawl


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They already confirmed GW2 will be released on console post PC launch, they are working on it.


No, they didn't. Since Day 1 they have said they're looking into the console possibility but it's not happening any time soon and they're focusing on making the best PC game they can.


Find a link where they confirm that a console version is DEFINITE. Oh, wait, you can't.

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gw2...laugh my A S S off... do you know how CHEEZY that game is turning out and looks? After a game like SWTOR with the cutscenes and cinematics with dialogue...the voice acting in gw2 is laughably cheezy! Just..atroucious looking. NPC on the right..you on the left..with a backdrop with black bars at top and bottom of the landscape and the lips aren't even in sync.


If that's all you play MMOs for, you're in the wrong forum.

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gw2...laugh my A S S off... do you know how CHEEZY that game is turning out and looks? After a game like SWTOR with the cutscenes and cinematics with dialogue...the voice acting in gw2 is laughably cheezy! Just..atroucious looking. NPC on the right..you on the left..with a backdrop with black bars at top and bottom of the landscape and the lips aren't even in sync.


So let me get this straight, if the game isn't loaded down with really cool carebear stuff that gets spacebarred through, it's going to be cheezy?


You're in the wrong forum.


The Story and Lore forum is that away --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

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So let me get this straight, if the game isn't loaded down with really cool carebear stuff that gets spacebarred through, it's going to be cheezy?


You're in the wrong forum.


The Story and Lore forum is that away --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->


This +100


By the way, noticed your sig...Helm of Graush?

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No, they didn't. Since Day 1 they have said they're looking into the console possibility but it's not happening any time soon and they're focusing on making the best PC game they can.


Find a link where they confirm that a console version is DEFINITE. Oh, wait, you can't.






I mean seriously, don't talk crap if you don't even know what you're talking about.

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I mean seriously, don't talk crap if you don't even know what you're talking about.


"The information at hand on GuildWars Insider, who broke the story, doesn't make it clear if it's confirmed for release, or if its just something NC Soft is exploring initially."


Hmmm...doesn't sound like a confirmation to me.


It's old news. That's been out there for MONTHS. Never once have they said "it will release on console for sure."


Show me OFFICIAL news that absolutely confirms it.


Boom. Don't talk crap if you can't read.

Edited by nschlan
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As someone who couldnt stomach WoW long enough to get into this holy grail that ex wow players call rated WZ's, how do they work for those that cue solo all the time? will i be rated on my perfomance or on the teams performance? if its based on team perfomance, wouldnt this effectivly kill casual pvp cueing? I personally cue up PvP for something to do to kill time while waiting on time for my raid, or looking for HM grps
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"The information at hand on GuildWars Insider, who broke the story, doesn't make it clear if it's confirmed for release, or if its just something NC Soft is exploring initially."


Hmmm...doesn't sound like a confirmation to me.


It's old news. That's been out there for MONTHS. Never once have they said "it will release on console for sure."


Show me OFFICIAL news that absolutely confirms it.


Boom. Don't talk crap if you can't read.


They released it, this was two months ago, if you go love GW2 so much go on the GW2 forum, it's obvious you have nothing better to do then even go outside and get some breath if I see all your post, from all day, about you bashing on the game.


Im done talking, bye.

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They released it, this was two months ago, if you go love GW2 so much go on the GW2 forum, it's obvious you have nothing better to do then even go outside and get some breath if I see all your post, from all day, about you bashing on the game.


Im done talking, bye.


They never released it genius. They've been talking for almost a year about LOOKING INTO a console version but nothing has happened. I do like your statement though, might as well have come out and said you didn't even read what you linked.

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I mean seriously, don't talk crap if you don't even know what you're talking about.


Want to put $1000 on it never makes it to console? WAR was supposed to go console. What happened to that? Mythic even showed it being played on a console at a game con. You can pretty much find a quote for <insert any MMO> is going console but till one of them actually do it, besides FF, it's not a console game and no amount of backwater logic changes that.


"The information at hand on GuildWars Insider, who broke the story, doesn't make it clear if it's confirmed for release, or if its just something NC Soft is exploring initially. "


Yep, that sounds like cold hard concrete evidence it's going console :rolleyes:




Gw2 will be about as competitive as GW (IE Not at all).


I can translate what Homeslice is trying to say:.


"After getting rolled over and over by guilds like War Machine and all the other Korean guilds, I quit because the game offers no gear advantage and I only get to use 8 skills out of hundreds. I mean how am I supposed to know what skills to use if the game doesn't tell me."

Edited by RedEnsign
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Want to put $1000 on it never makes it to console? WAR was supposed to go console. What happened to that? Mythic even showed it being played on a console at a game con. You can pretty much find a quote for <insert any MMO> is going console but till one of them actually do it, besides FF, it's not a console game and no amount of backwater logic changes that.


"The information at hand on GuildWars Insider, who broke the story, doesn't make it clear if it's confirmed for release, or if its just something NC Soft is exploring initially. "


Yep, that sounds like cold hard concrete evidence it's going console :rolleyes:


Thank you, another person who can read.

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Really, Rated Warzones is all you would need? Doing the same thing over and over and over just so you can say "LOOK MOM I'M NUMBER ONE IN A VEDEO GAME!!!!!11!" is all you would need?


Personally, I would rather they give us reasons to PvP aside from grind -> get gear -> repeat. All WoW did was provide a carrot on a stick for people with no lives, got good at it and now everyone copies it.


I remember games where they let PvP happen while trying to do other things. It wasn't scripted battles where you knew you were going to fight, it was all open world PvP. "Hey, I'm killing this NPC to get loot. Oh snap another player trying to kill me and get my loot and the NPC's loot".


You know what it took to get the best gear? World bosses and epic dungeons were free for all. You could try and kill that mob, but someone might kill you and get it instead. There used to be challenge to getting good gear in games, and danger in PvP. Since WoW, and WoW with lightsabers, that has all gone out the window. Challenge has turned into how much time you can spend grinding the same few things over and over, and danger is hoping not to be killed and having to wait 10 seconds to respawn.


I do enjoy this game, but seeing people want ranked warzones and arenas instead of real PvP content is beyond me.

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