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Dear Bioware: Ignore Naysayers


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In every MMO, there are large groups of people that constantly complain on forums about the game, threaten to quit the game if "their" changes aren't made, and trash the game.


But in the end, they either stay or leave, and those numbers are hardly effected by these false motivations.


I've been playing MMORPG's since 1997. I beta tested UO, EQ, DAOC, WoW, and many others. All of this MMO gaming experience matched up against the two months of SWOR that I've played has led me to one conclusion:


SWOR is the best MMO ever made to date, period.


Leveling in SWOR is actually fun, the character progression is personalized, the story is involving, the gameplay is interactive and exciting.


Sure, there are problems and people wish PvP was more balanced or what have you. EVERY MMO has this issue, and it is an ongoing issue for every game - always.


Yes, server pops have been going down, and people are griping about various issues, but this game is 3 MONTHS OLD, and population decline can be primarily attributed to the end of 2-month subscriptions (who mostly, probably children, didn't have their parents renew the subs)


This game will grow, especially globally, and I'm sure Bioware is not worried by the numerous naysayers here on the forums who are crying. These people exist in every game, and if they don't like it here, where else will they go? WoW? Sure, go back and complain to Blizz about how PvP is pointless and character progression is boring or how their graphics are a decade old and unappealing. They will do the same on WoW forums as they did here - cry and moan until they get fed up and they will come back once new content comes out for SWOR or maybe before then.


This game rocks and I'm sure Bioware will keep improving it. Every game Bioware does is innovative quality and this game is fun with or without the haters.

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Theres "Naysayers" and then there are people who are actually having problems i.e. Server population but enjoy the game. :)


Shouldn't condemn those that are actually trying to make the game better.


Fact is, if people buy the game, and look at the server list - chances are they will go onto a Standard / Heavy server over a Light server. I know I would.

Edited by Mysquine
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...SWOR is the best MMO ever made to date, period....


even though I do love this game, this is very subjective opinion.


for example: of all the mmo's I've played I find lotro was my favorite. I dont play much anymore, but I have the best experience memories from it. I felt more 'immersed' in middle earth than I have here as of yet.


but my opinion can change as this game goes along as well :) .


I'm hoping at least.

Edited by ArtMonster
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The more I play, the more reasons I find to not resub next month. Apparently over half of my server already came to a similar conclusion and didn't resub last month... which, ironically, is one of the latest reasons I've come up with not to resub.


Delude yourselves if you want; but, this game is already dying.

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The best mmo by the slimmest of margins with a complete lack of any type of pvp outside of 3 war zones. With completely separated factions.


Need I mention that WoW didn't have battleground for about a year after release? Do you think 3 WZ's will be the only PvP (Aside form world PvP) ?

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I enjoy the game. Having a lot of fun but I don't think naysayers should be totally ignored. Sure, the ones that are obviously just having tantrums but even those posts should be read because sometimes customers aren't very good at expressing themselves but have a good point.


BW, any company, SHOULD listen to complaints. It's free advice on what your customers want. Tricky part is sorting out the reasonable from the fantastical.

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I seen similiar threads poping up on Star Trek Online and Warhammer boards in past where rabid fanboys where deluding themself how their games where perfect and marking anyone who would say anything negative or have any valid critic towards their game as hater of the game preaching to the devs how they shouldnt listen voices of the community.


Look where those games are now and how many ppl play them still.

Edited by Lunablade
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I am sure Bioware, uses more than the forums to gather data about thier game, through data mining, they can see what we like to do and what we don't do much of in game.


Plus if you read most of the doom and gloom and naysayers posts most are based around personal preferance, what they want, with no regard to what any one else might like, some folks have a hard time playing a game that is not tailor made for them.


I am pretty sure Bioware, sorts through these posts, and looks for complaints and ideas, that are brought up by many players not just the vocal unhappy minority, I hope at least..:)

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I seen similiar threads poping up on Star Trek Online and Warhammer boards in past where rabid fanboys where deluding themself how their games where perfect and marking anyone who would say anything negative or have any valid critic towards their game as hater of the game preaching to the devs how they shouldnt listen voices of the community.


Look where those games are now and how many ppl play them still.


I dont think they were aiming at a STO-WH model, thought they wanted to go BIG ala WoW...

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well imho it would seem the most popular reason for leaving atm is the lack of players on certain servers.


I have toons on 3 servers as the first two are dead :(


only problem is I can't face lvling again, so for me that's what has broken me down (despite all the annoying bugs)

Edited by maxilo
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The more I play, the more reasons I find to not resub next month. Apparently over half of my server already came to a similar conclusion and didn't resub last month... which, ironically, is one of the latest reasons I've come up with not to resub.


Delude yourselves if you want; but, this game is already dying.


or maybe they just moved server

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well imho it would seem the most popular reason for leaving atm is the lack of players on certain servers.


I have toons on 3 servers as the first two are dead :(


only problem is I can't face lvling again, so for me that's what has broken me down (despite all the annoying bugs)


Yup finding that alot. People are leaving whether its to reroll on unsub. Its sad really - you can only do so much to try and keep people on a server which is lacking people :(


Shame really - On release it was a healthy server, but its been slowly dropping - Now if you see more than 30 people in Imperial fleet you count yourself lucky.

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Yes, i beta tested UO as well.


This levelling in this game is pretty good, the story is ok.


The endgame is extremelly poor in my opinion. Running more instances to once again get the next tier of gear, has gotten stale for me. And it seems this is all the game will be offering.


I really didnt think it was possible to be more linear than WoW, but i was wrong. Exhaustion zones, and maps like Correlia make it almost claustrophobic for me. Its like running down corridors, and looking at AI that rarely moves. The zones are empty and lifeless, and I'm on a very poulated server.


They have taken away any direction for PvP other than what WoW has offered for years. The hype of Ilum, an Outlaws Den has been a joke at best. How they implement rated warzones will make or break my sub. If its a rehash of WoW, I'll drop my sub immediatly. Even with some varience, i don't see myself lasting here long


The communication from Bioware at such an early stage has been one of the worst i have ever seen in an MMO.


To ignore people who are critical of the game, is a huge mistake, and any company looking for longevity would be foolish to do so.

Edited by Tic-
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NO do NOT ignore. I love this game, I am having a blast playing it, and I intend to play it for a long time.


But lets be honest, the game should not have been released when it was. It is not a finished game. 1.2 still won't be a finished game. Bioware should have taken the last two months as full development time and released the game in March as an actual finished product.


To reiterate: I am a huge fan of SWTOR and Bioware in general, but this game is far from a finished product. It needs a ton of work.

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OP: Nobody ever said the game' levelling wasn't fun. I think most can agree that 1-49 was one of, if not the best levelling experiences in any game.



Then level 50 happens.


50 is boring. Absolutely boring - I've played all the MMO's...EQ, DAoC, WoW, AC, UO, Runescape anything you can think of.


It is boring. Anyone who refutes the fact that there is nothing to do is either 1) lying 2) ignorant 3) new to MMO and completely blown away by the scale or 4) lying



1-50 took me two weeks. $75 for 2 weeks of fun (game and sub)



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NO do NOT ignore. I love this game, I am having a blast playing it, and I intend to play it for a long time.


But lets be honest, the game should not have been released when it was. It is not a finished game. 1.2 still won't be a finished game. Bioware should have taken the last two months as full development time and released the game in March as an actual finished product.


To reiterate: I am a huge fan of SWTOR and Bioware in general, but this game is far from a finished product. It needs a ton of work.


^ This


When you have to do the puzzle boss in Eternity in a certain order or it bugs out you have a problem. The server imbalance while not exactly bioware's fault is still a problem. The impotence of one of the AC after a certain nerf is now a problem.


Personally I blame the community and beta testers just as much as bioware. But fact is this game still has a bunch of problems. This is coming from a Fangirl by the way.


TD;DR, Still a great game but the level of bugs is starting to wear patience thin just 3 months in. This from a fan of the game btw.

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