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It all starts to make sense


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I hesitated to start this thread because I assume it will result in flames. Having said that...

I have to admit I have been taken aback reading the forums and seeing people providing such negatuve feedback relative to the Sith marauder class. To be honest, it is almost mind boggling. It's almost as if, after reading some of these threads, I am playing an entirely different AC. To put it bluntly-I tear through pve, and I rip through pvp. There are times (especially when I am in a 1v1 scenario) that I feel slightly Godlike in my anni spec. In group pvp-yep-I die a good bit-but thems the breaks when ya pick a melee class (I must note that alot of time swhen I die its because I ran into the middle of a battleground and allowed my self to get gang ***** by the opposing team). if I have a pocket healer-forget it. But I digress.

I was hanging out in the Imperial fleet today, and a random player asked me if I was enjoying my marauder. I responded absolutely. he then asked what spec I was-anni pve and anni pvp. The reason he was asking, was because he was struggling in pve against quest elites/strongs and his pvp was a nightmare. My first question was about his rotation. His response: Rotation? What's that? Needless to say, I spent the next 20 minutes covering the basics of the anni spec and its rotation.


Bottom Line:

1)There is a great sticky at the top of this forum-if you are struggling playing a marauder-read it. Seriously-a TON of GREAT info there.

2)The Marauder class is NOT A FACEROLL CLASS. If you want to spam two buttons-play a merc or trooper.


Seriously people-take the time to research the class. I beta'd this game for 9 months, and IMHO the marauder class takes the cake in the fun factor in both pvp and pve.

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To be fair, 'rauders are a comletely different beast than say an assassin or merc. Also, I think most people roll a 'rauder, but their play style is more in tune with a jugg. If they ever realize that, like I did, they'll start enjoying it. Either that or they'll re-roll. :p
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There are two reasons people hate marauders:


1) People don't know how to play them. At all. I am by no means a good player (I've never pvped before in my life before swtor and this mara is my first character AND he's only lvl36) but I am always #1 or 2 on my team in the damage charts. Always. And I suck. Yet if I glance down at the bottom of the charts, there is always another mara that somehow did 17k dmg versus my 250k. I don't even understand how that's possible. I would hate my class too if I was labeled DPS and did less damage than my healer.


2) _I_ hate marauders because I have them on my team. And they do 17k dmg. And are clearly just incompetent human beings with a complete lack of understanding, logic, rationality, cause and effect, or any sort reasoning capability. Yesterday I was on a team with a lvl49 mara and got really excited at the prospect of seeing someone with experience perform. He ended the game with 40k dmg when I had 180k. I simply don't understand.

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There are two reasons people hate marauders:


1) People don't know how to play them. At all. I am by no means a good player (I've never pvped before in my life before swtor and this mara is my first character AND he's only lvl36) but I am always #1 or 2 on my team in the damage charts. Always. And I suck. Yet if I glance down at the bottom of the charts, there is always another mara that somehow did 17k dmg versus my 250k. I don't even understand how that's possible. I would hate my class too if I was labeled DPS and did less damage than my healer.


2) _I_ hate marauders because I have them on my team. And they do 17k dmg. And are clearly just incompetent human beings with a complete lack of understanding, logic, rationality, cause and effect, or any sort reasoning capability. Yesterday I was on a team with a lvl49 mara and got really excited at the prospect of seeing someone with experience perform. He ended the game with 40k dmg when I had 180k. I simply don't understand.


Exactly my point. I am convinced they don't use a rotation.

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Mara's definately take time to master and understand. You literally have to train your brain over and over again before it clicks. But when it clicks its great stuff.


Maras in group fighting do alright IMO. Anything but a dedicated healers drops when your the butt end of the DPS focus fire stick. Pray for camo and preation to be up.


Mara's have a lot of thou shalts and thou shalt nots. We should make a Mara bible. Even with a bible you still have to train your brain.

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If I meet another Marauder in a WZ or Ops, I immediately assume they're horrible. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but at least I don't get mad when I am usually right =/.


Of course, if someone would ask, I am always glad to talk theory or just help with rotations and specs.


I have seen a lot of new Marauders lately, so maybe we'll start see some more quality ones in WZs, or just more free kills :D

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If I meet another Marauder in a WZ or Ops, I immediately assume they're horrible. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but at least I don't get mad when I am usually right =/.


Of course, if someone would ask, I am always glad to talk theory or just help with rotations and specs.


I have seen a lot of new Marauders lately, so maybe we'll start see some more quality ones in WZs, or just more free kills :D


^^^ This.


I was wandering the internet and found out that there's a bot that plays pvp matches for you. So maybe that was the one guys excuse.

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If you have a healer to back you up, you will wreck everything that moves, go on a killing rampage, and wreck everything.


If you don't, you have to be more careful... as well as wonder why your team has no healer.



We have the most DPS in the game, and are the tankiest DPS class in the game, (maybe second to mercenaries/commandos?). Our problem is that we're melee. That's our balance. If we had the ability to somehow Charge twice, we'd be overpowered... Too bad Rage only has a 10m charge, is glitchy, and is pathetically predictable XD.



Carnage is a joke and it needs fixing. Other than that, this class is pretty much fine. Having a Juggernaught get like 4 more medals and more damage in Rage spec compared to our Rage spec is pretty dumb (considering we're the DPS CLASS AND THEY ARE THE TANKS) but I can't bring myself to care about that enough. Carnage is a piece of dung. There is no reason to ever use Carnage over Annihilation in PvP. Yes, I love Carnage. Doesn't mean I'd ever use it seriously. I also banned myself from using it because I like actually doing things that don't involve weak snares and/or dying.

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^^^ This.


I was wandering the internet and found out that there's a bot that plays pvp matches for you. So maybe that was the one guys excuse.




We had a bot in our last Huttball match. He was somehow the closest person to the carrier who died. So anyway he has the ball now and the bot takes about 2 minutes to go from our pit to the top lip of our pit in the middle. Our whole team is there with him so they can’t kill him. This bot had the Huttball for a good 5-6 minutes and didn’t even pass the podium in the middle where the Huttball spawns. We were already winning so I wasn’t too pissed but it was still annoying.


In a Voidstar match we had a stealthed bot the whole game, which is even more useless because no one tries to kill him. He sat there stealthed and watched them plant a bomb while everyone was stuck in the spawn room. That was pretty aggravating...

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what i often see is when i enter with BM gear, my opponents seem to have that: BM-tunnel vision syndrome :p (jump the one with the big red lightsabers), it doesnt matter wether the carrier runs past them , they rather let him run than let me live.


it might be a tactic like any other :p, but eventually i really need to reconcider to get me a healer (which aint easy if ur in pve oriented guild on a pve server :)and which has the same pvp activity as me), and it needs to be a healer with pvp gear :p.


so yes im pugging a lot and sometimes i facepalm and have no healer and die more often = have a lot less damage out put) but with some heals and teamwork everything changes.

Edited by Alegoss
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Wow, the elitist "I'm better than thou" bullcrap in this thread astounds me. Get over yourselves.


How am I being elitist? The purpose of this thread really was to quell the stigma that actually surrounds this class. if I were elitist, I wouldn't have taken the 20 minutes to help the guy out with his rotation questions. I'm not even that great of a player. Hell, I admitted to dying alot. I'm boggled.

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I recently respec'd to Carnage for ***** and giggles and I average 320k. Short of 400k for Anni, but I delude myself into thinking that it's because Carnage "kills better".


Imo, carnage is steadier dps, slightly more once people relearn the spec, but lacks the extra utility of anni.

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I leveled using Carnage, and I enjoy that a lot. After getting getting my *** kicked in 50pvp with 2 pieces of Champ gear and 3 Centurion I switched to Anni which I was really hesitant of doing because everyone was talking smack on Carnage. But I have to say, Anni for pvp is the way to go. I went from getting 80-120k dmg and 3-4 medals, to getting 250-300k dmg and 6 medals and 25+ kills with 3-8 deaths. It's a huge improvement. Now I just need to get some more pvp gear and I'm sure I will be hitting 320k+. I feel Carnage is still a good spec, just not for pvp. Edited by Zerousteve
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I average 150-180k per warzone, at 50 with full Champion.


But that'd be because i'm Carnage, and it's stupidly easy to **** up my rotation.


I'm not saying that you're bad or anything here man, but HOLY CRAP 180k average?!?!?!


I have been doing 300k+ every warzone since like.. well since forever. Even when I was in Columi PvE gear I did that, and now that Im finally full champ with 5 pieces of BM gear, it's more like 450k+ EVERY WZ unless it ends in 5 minutes due to us smashing the other team so hard.


Sadly though, those numbers are all too common. I see fully BM geared carnage marauders barley breaking 250k.

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