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Mercs need more interrupts


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I find when im playing on my merc bounty hunter as a healer, we have not enough interrupts. why i say this is because when im fighting strong and elites that can heal themselves i see that they are outhealing my damage and if my companion is not geared enough he cant do enough dmg to kill cause they outheal both our dmg. the two interrupts we do have electro dart and rocket boost are to high of a CD to really do anything cause they cast heals to quickly and sometines they non stop cast heals which i cant do anything about.
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merc/commando simply need a massive review.

They are lame boring classes and only good when they are 2 or 3 of them. Because once focused, the merc/commando is useless. Very useless.

They need to review interrupts too because 2 jedi knight/sith warrior can keep an healer fully interrupted forever.


Merc/Commando require more mobility and a reliable slow or root (for healing spec at least)

Less glass cannon DPS where you stand and cast.


Currently, a non-focused Merc/Commando can take down anything in a couple seconds or make a massive amount of damage to the more solid targets.

Merc/Commando is heavily punished against LoSing targets. They have near no ways to escape and even less to chase making them either a stationnary gun (DPS) or a meat bag (Healer). Give them more utility spells that are not meant to improve his glass cannoning.


For example, remove the no ammo cost on a spell and include it in another spell like adrenaline rush. Then add an ability called Jet boost for BM or Grav boots for Commando where the BM activate his jets on his back to jump to a target area or the commando activate their boots to jump to a target area. Make it also smash the ground because of their heavy armor for damage.

Reduce tracer missile/grav round damage and give them some mines to lay on the ground instantly that will slow the people walking on them.


Other changes like that to make the class more fun and less stand and shoot.

Edited by Paralassa
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merc/commando simply need a massive review.

They are lame boring classes and only good when they are 2 or 3 of them. Because once focused, the merc/commando is useless. Very useless.

They need to review interrupts too because 2 jedi knight/sith warrior can keep an healer fully interrupted forever.


this is the dumbest sh-- I have ever read. Everyone is useless when they are focused.

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I find when im playing on my merc bounty hunter as a healer, we have not enough interrupts. why i say this is because when im fighting strong and elites that can heal themselves i see that they are outhealing my damage and if my companion is not geared enough he cant do enough dmg to kill cause they outheal both our dmg. the two interrupts we do have electro dart and rocket boost are to high of a CD to really do anything cause they cast heals to quickly and sometines they non stop cast heals which i cant do anything about.


1. your a healer your not suppose to be fighting the oposig team you are supposed to be healing yours.

2. no because grav spam and missile spam are enough

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Interrupt is exchange for a 1.5 second cooldown on Grav Round/Tracer missile.


And before you ask, yes, my main is a Commando. Spamming Grav Round and Tracer is just stupid.


Sure, interrupting it is fine, and often rewarding, but they shouldn't have that option in the first place.

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Interrupt is exchange for a 1.5 second cooldown on Grav Round/Tracer missile.


And before you ask, yes, my main is a Commando. Spamming Grav Round and Tracer is just stupid.


Sure, interrupting it is fine, and often rewarding, but they shouldn't have that option in the first place.


1.5s cooldown would just give Mercs the incentive to stack alacrity to drop the cooldown enough to match GCD. If you meant an *additional* 1.5s cooldown, that would make more sense, but I don't think it would solve the tracer spam issue particularly.


The net effect would be roughly doubling the time it takes to put a full tracer lock on someone and doubling the time it takes to stack heat signatures for rail shot. That'll nudge down damage output, but the most obvious switch in place of Tracer is the likes of Power Shot, which does similar damage but without the boost to tracer lock / heat signatures.


So its not going to make the class more challenging - the only way that'll happen is to de-link some of those mechanics from tracer missile and make the rotation more varied.


For my 2cents, I'd put an interrupt on railshot. So the target has to be damaged first before it can be used, it has a medium-ish length cooldown, and mercs would have to decide whether loosing it off early rather than at its full damage potential was more useful tactically.

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Merc / commando should get a ranged interrupt. When compared to say a sorc / sage what utility does the merc get to compensate for no interrupt. Heal spec aside I'm talking dps class to dps class. And good lord don't say tracer missle. The dps output is comparable and who cares about a stacking armor debuff when half the classes ignore armor and defense chance anyway. Dps output of a missle spam may have a slight edge at Max except your resources are way less manageable than the force pool. I just don't see why this class has been singled out as the no interrupt class
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They don't need an interrupt they got tracer spam and one of the best knockbacks in the game.


You want an interrupt? Should have chosen Powertech.


Also adding a 1.5 sec cooldown on TM does nothing bad as it is just as spammable as before since the GCD is 1.5 sec.

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I play a merc pyro spec and I'm very mobile and love it. When Ignored, I do a lot of damage, But as soon as I'm spotted, just about anyone can kill me. Having at least one interrupt would give me more survivability and would also help me kill a healer since it's impossible for me to kill a healer.
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Then every other class should get a 2 second cast that can crit for 3k, ignores all armor, gives the target a sunder effect, makes other abilities damage go up, procs an ability that crits for 4k, gives defense when used, and i'm not sure what else that tree does but commandos are fine.




If you want to go shared tree... Vanguard or Powertech please.

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I invite anyone to play a merc and spam tracer and see how long you can do it before your overheated and autoattacking. That is the tracers drawback. Its not nearly as spammable as you think. What other class can't burst you? Tanks can aoe crit bomb on the move in this game with a tiny animation you don't even know your being melted. A merc reinacts d day on your face during a dps cycle. Any heals or cooldowns or los'ing and you probably just left that merc without half its cooldowns or overheated with minimal effort. Stealthers do more burst and then just dissapear. Yet they have an interrupt.
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I invite anyone to play a merc and spam tracer and see how long you can do it before your overheated and autoattacking. That is the tracers drawback. Its not nearly as spammable as you think. What other class can't burst you? Tanks can aoe crit bomb on the move in this game with a tiny animation you don't even know your being melted. A merc reinacts d day on your face during a dps cycle. Any heals or cooldowns or los'ing and you probably just left that merc without half its cooldowns or overheated with minimal effort. Stealthers do more burst and then just dissapear. Yet they have an interrupt.


I just reached lvl 20 with my merc and never overheat with spamming TM or combining TM with other abilities. Its no comparison to a powertech where you really overheat fast, if you would spam your fire skill you would overheat in seconds.


Are you sure you did not get the talent which reduces the heat of TM ? My expirience is exactly the opposite of yours and I just wonder.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I just reached lvl 20 with my merc and never overheat with spamming TM. Its no comparison to a powertech where you really overheat fast.


Level 20 pvp is a great gauge of end game pvp survivability and team healing. Derp

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Level 20 pvp is a great gauge of end game pvp survivability and team healing. Derp


You was talking about tracer spam not healing. There is no overheat with spamming TM at all if you only invest one talent point into Muzzle Fluting.

Edited by BobaFurz
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You was talking about tracer spam not healing. There is no overheat with spamming TM at all if you only invest one talent point into Muzzle Fluting.


Lets try to fire off a few more neurons in that brain of yours. If players have more damage mitigation cooldowns and heals it will take you more tracers and heat per target. Yes? And there's no way in hell you can non stop tracer and not overheat. I'm sure anyone who's actually played the class in a competitive atmosphere knows what I'm talking about

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Lets try to fire off a few more neurons in that brain of yours. If players have more damage mitigation cooldowns and heals it will take you more tracers and heat per target. Yes? And there's no way in hell you can non stop tracer and not overheat. I'm sure anyone who's actually played the class in a competitive atmosphere knows what I'm talking about


How bout you fire off a few more neurons, you stated that Tracer spam quickly overheats he expressed the exact opposite with first hand experience you came up with a fallacious counterargument (you're not lvl 50, even though that makes no difference on heat) he pointed out your argument was wrong and you told him to fire off more neurons??? The fact is Tracer spamming into unloads/heat seaking does not over heat you at all, it's a faceroll noobish mechanic that needs to be looked at one way or another.


As for merc interrupts, merc healers are in an excellent position and don't need even more abilities.

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I really don't understand. More than one person is telling me a full on merc dps rotation doesn't overheat you? Am I the only person who fires off abilities as soon as the gcd lets me? Am I playing the same game here?
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