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Punishing the solo player


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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


I wonder how many were over leveled when they did it?See what happens on the forum is you have these folks that talk smack.What they don't say is they were over leveled from PVP or Space Combat and such.I like to check their previous post when I see it posted that it is so easy.It is good habit to get into because then you see who is being disingenuous.If you are levels above it will be easier.Posting on the forum can be like going to a fertilizer convention.Wear hip waders.

Edited by well
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Having leveled three toons--not all are easy sauce. BH has been faceroll easy. Sorcerer had a few tough fights, but nothing too bad. Smuggler/Scoundrel has proven to be the trickiest of the three. Since you can stealth, a bunch of bonus missions get skipped and I tend to be a level or two below the boss at the end of every planet. Those fights have been really tough to solo. So far rinse and repeat until I get lucky with crits/interupts to get the kill--or grind out a level, upgrade some gear, use a stim, and try again. Not insurmountable without help, but definitely harder to solo elites than, with say, a BH.
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If anyone is finding themselves underlevelled then they are doing something wrong. It sounds harsh but they just are.


Do your early space dailies, the occasional Heroic and do bonus series for all planets and you can be overlevelled by 2/3/4 levels quite early on. From there on you remain overlevelled until pretty much the end even if you don't pvp at all (warzones bore the arse off me) and quit doing space dailies after the initial ones like I do.


That's what I've done with a level 50, a level 48 and a level 39. I've not found anything very difficult because I get overlevelled early on and stay that way.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


I know what you mean. I too had a hard time with my first character and the class quests and I got frustrated. I realized I was trying to level up too fast and that was the issue. On my next character, I took my time, did all the quests I could get, except for the odd heroic here and there, but 97% all solo from 1-50.


I used the cantina to log in and out, or my ship, and after level 27 I was and still have all rested exp. On all my class quests, I was 2-5 levels above the required level and that makes a huge difference and still a challenge. I followed the story and really enjoyed it. I play for fun and if something gets too hard then I take a break and play another character. I like all my characters and like playing them as much or more than my level 50 Marauder.


A little more advice, do all the quests that you can't abandon while you are on that planet. Look for and find all the datacrons you can find while on that planet. There are good guides for that online. The matrix shards will be very handy later on. Also, the spca missions are a great way to make some extra exp and money along the way. Don't be afraid to re-spec your class if you want to try a different approach.

Have Fun!

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Also I don't get to make use of the social point system.
Pro-tip: even if you group, you don't get to make use of it. You literally need to farm it with a dedicated group.


As a solo player who likes grouping, I find the game is brutal; solo content is too easy, but we're using 2004 or earlier era features for finding groups.


I don't want LFG or LFD or LFR or any of that ****, because not only does it debase the value of server community (if it doesn't outright kill it), it also pushes developers to design content that's way way way too easy.


What I do want is a dedicated LFG UI, because the LFG comment mechanic is crude. I'm sure if it was convenient enough and visually appealing, people would use it. Though it doesn't help that the UIs in this game are sluggish, in general.


It just seems to me that the group content in this game was largely designed for pre-existing groups, with no thought really given to facilitating PUG grouping (which is probably why we'll get LFD; because instead of facilitating PUG grouping, the game actually restricts it, and LFD is the ignorant man's solution). It's why I don't think something like the guild summit can work, because it falls into the same trap of designing around pre-existing communities instead of fostering community building between random players.

Edited by Ansultares
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Being a new player to the game recently with a lvl 27 BH Merc. The only times I have had trouble with any quests so far are...


1) Not lvled up gear.


2) Targeted multiple groups


3) Not using skills/powers right


4) taking on quests several lvls above me.


5) taking on multiple elites, champions, etc...solo...(These can be done if you really know what you are doing or higher lvl then mob)


6) Not using Companion correctly or poorly


Those have been the biggest things slowing me down or causing multiple deaths. Above all remember its a game, and doesn't need to be completed this week. Take your time, learn your character, and enjoy the experience.

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I miss out on some things simply due to my reluctance to group with others.




I think this sums up my feelings. MMO's are meant to be MMO's. Massive, Multiplayer, and Online. If your a solo-player type, I'd recommend sticking to single player games, or MMO's that are much more solo friendly, like WoW for example.


On a side note, I think it's refreshing to play an MMO that rewards players for playing in groups, like SWTOR does with social points and group conversations.

Edited by StarXchaser
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I think this sums up my feelings. MMO's are meant to be MMO's. Massive, Multiplayer, and Online. If your a solo-player type, I'd recommend sticking to single player games, or MMO's that are much more solo friendly, like WoW for example.


On a side note, I think it's refreshing to play an MMO that rewards players for playing in groups, like SWTOR does with social points and group conversations.


So we Star Wars fans should not play because its a MMO? I would love a stand alone version of this game, they could call it KOTOR3...oh wait



let the flaming continue

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I'm new to MMO's with this being my first true one. I find the solo play to be very difficult but where it should be.


The exception being the very last boss for your class. I don't know how it's possible to solo the last boss as a Jedi Sentinel Watchman or as a Jedi Sage Healer. In both cases I couldn't even get close to victory when playing solo.


It's almost as though the game expects you to run flashpoints and operations for huge equipment boosts before trying to solo your final class quest.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


Regardless of many of the posts you have read, your not alone. I bought the game day 1 release, still dont have a single character above 42. I struggled getting there.


For those folks saying, "get yourself geared", on low pop servers, there isnt any gear to be found. Either you level multiple toons to support your characters 5 levels at a time(Extremely Boring) or you stop playing like I have.


Oh, and for the newer folks, ALOT of Class Quests mobs have been changed since release up to level 25. Silvers instead of Golds and "addons" weakened. I am waiting for Bioware to finish the higher levels...aint gonna wait much longer, though.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


I think the problem is that you consider yourself to be better than you are. Put your thinking cap on when the boss trashes you....you will be pleasantly surprised....

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


The class quests are hard? Maybe you should learn to play. Upgrade your gear. Upgrade your companions' gear.


I did all mine solo. I'm sure you can too.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


SWTOR has got to be the most solo'able MMO I've played.

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I think this sums up my feelings. MMO's are meant to be MMO's. Massive, Multiplayer, and Online.


Thing is, there is NO "G" in MMO.


Grouping is not mandatory or required in MMOs anymore. It is required only for elite content, and not everyone wants to be on that hamster wheel.

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Respectfully, I could not disagree more with the OP.


I find this MMO to be the most solo friendly game I've played.


Maybe even too friendly - and I say that as someone who likes to solo and enjoys the game.

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So we Star Wars fans should not play because its a MMO? I would love a stand alone version of this game, they could call it KOTOR3...oh wait



let the flaming continue


I'm not trying to start a flame war, just expressing my opinion. But yes, I do feel this way. If your a Star Wars fan, and you want single player content, or want to play a multiplayer game mostly as a single player game, I do not think SW:TOR is for you. There are other Star Wars games out there that will satisfy you.

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Thing is, there is NO "G" in MMO.


Grouping is not mandatory or required in MMOs anymore. It is required only for elite content, and not everyone wants to be on that hamster wheel.


But the 2nd "M", Multiplayer, is still there. And IMHO, you should have to occasionally group up with someone to complete a task, be it a quest, or what have you. In my opinion, grouping, is what makes MMOs like SW:TOR, WoW, and similar MMOs, MMOs.

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I am all for grouping, when it is with friends. But this game really punishes you if you are a solo player. The class quests a are a factor harder then the rest and it is often just to tough to solo them. I die a lot and I consider myself an above average gamer, having played a lot of MMOs and various other games.


It is just becoming more trouble than its worth, and I don't want to be forced to look for help every time I want to do a class quest.


I want to like this game. I always loved what Bioware made, but this is just frustrating. Maybe I will cool down and come back. The whole needing to do class quests and dailies to get gear, so you can have enough gear to do class quests and dailies is a catch 22 that really only be overcome by dieing a lot, or grouping up.


It just isn't fun.


I hate to defend this pile of rubbish called swtor, but honestly i think you are accusing it wrongly here.

The game is very solo friendly.

Im playing a smuggler, and i can solo even some heroic stuff.

I have a lot of complaints against this game but soloing is not one of them. Soloing is easy in swtor.

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This game is one of the most unfriendly solo experiences I have ever encountered...and I have played most of the mmo's out there. I totally agree with the OP...he is dead on accurate. I have a jedi guardian defense specc'd and I die alot. I have to be four or five lvls above mobs that I fight or I may die if not careful


The solo leveling gameplay should be more like World of Warcraft...it is a casual easy form of leveling that does not irritate you or bother you in the least bit. But this game,...it is very irritating to level up in,...it's alot harder. If you want to have gameplay hard,..it should only be in RAIDS,..not pve gameplay


Blizzard has understood for a long time now that making pve gameplay easy and enjoyable does not mean players will leave....on the contrary....people love this kind of casual pve gameplay and roll alts when they get to level cap


The way this game is set up now for pve...it just irritates people and they cancel subs and leave. The only people who want hardcore pve gameplay are the elitists,..which are the minority by the way

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I consider myself an above average gamer,



that makes one of us


seriously you must either be really bad, undergeared, or trying to take on stuff you are too low level for.


i can and have taken on elites that were 2 levels above me while levelling, and only had problems with a couple of boss fights between both of my level 50 characters.


this game is not that difficult, maybe you need to reassess your abilities and skill level and be more realistic about what your perception is of them vs reality

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