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Vanguards gimp for PVP?


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VG/PT don’t do burst damage, they do sustained damage, and that combined with mobility, Storm, Harpoon, Guard and Taunts makes us effective. The only area we lag is if we choose to play the VG as a pure Shield Spec Tank, which is a crying shame, but we certainly do not suck if we Spec correctly as a Hybrid, or DPS.
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Not following this thread...


PTs / Vangs are bloody awesome in PvP


My own PT isn't even BM geared yet and I just steamroll people in PvP...


Incendiary Missile(1.5k DoT) - Railshot(3.5k crit) - Flame Burst(1.5k) - RocketPunch/Railshot(2k/3.5k)


All instants!


This is the standard rotation and depending on procs and crits it will simple tear down anything not supported by healers.


Simetimes when the stars align properly and flameburst keeps proccing free railshots - even with healers trying to heal I take the target down. - Keep in mind Railshot ignores 90% of armor.


Also due to having a core rotation which is made up of instants PTs/Vangs can play with LOS all day long.


Edit - you know who needs help for pvp? Snipers and Slingers!

Edited by Kellias
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I'm not a fan of issuing praise for enemies on the opposing faction, but OP, I'm afraid you're completely mistaken.


Check out this screenshot. The top name is a Vanguard with the right hybrid spec and equipment for PvP:




So unless you think he's hacking or something, you should be able to get the same numbers.

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If I were you I'd switch into a Parakeet build Taugrim's iron fist may have more mobility but it requires you to be more up close to your enemy.




Check out this thread. I know it's powertech but the talents are mirrored. This is in my opinion is far superior to Taugrim's.

Edited by Crazysithslayer
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Really? with champion gun and 594 expertise my Stock strike crits in a match range from 1.2 to 2.2k, and my ion pulse from 800 to 1.6k (CRITS!)


Full auto usually is hitting for 500 as well. My damage is pure garbage versus anything equally geared to me.


If I encounter anything in my item lvl 1v1 I stand no chance. They chew through my HP faster than I can theirs while spamming every CD and skill that I have.


Like I said.... I play 2.2k arena in WoW with junk comps just fine. WHen I play my SWTOR alts I destroy just about everyone 1v1... (albeit in 10-49 warzone, but I can kill players with higher lvl and higher hp). Vanguard though? I can do everything perfect and dish everything out, and simply not do jack crap for damage. Then a marauder from 15 meters blats 25% of my health off in one global, or more.


Its BS, and its def not me. SO far I have just played with teams where I guard and pull mad huttball skills for wins. But actual, 1v1, or small group PVP, I am useless beyond "guard" for teammates.


I hit 50 as full tactics, being a new 50, I put myself in Ion Cell and guarded a battlemaster geared player to be of more use. This sacrificed 8% elemental damage.


EVEN WITH THAT PENALTY, with TWO pieces of Centurion gear, My ion pulse hit for 600+ on BM-geared enemies, no crit.


I have video evidence too. I call bull-****.


Working on getting the video to youtube.

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Maybe a little "sticker shock" from being in the 50 bracket ? I know for a long time I was CM spec in the 10-49 and was getting crushed switched to gunnery and it got worse...kept dicking with specs until I realized I just need to play better...getting focus fired and hitting well geared/played enemies takes some time getting used to and slowly start developing an "A" game and then bring said game every time.


I made the mistake of switching builds all the time and key bindings etc when the reality was I needed to just L2P against better comp...tough pill to swallow when you have played well in other games. Commando is tough because most are CM or Gunnery and will be focused by the other team...it takes a lot more effort/skill to play well in the 50s.


My advice would be be chase around light armored healers/DPS for a while and avoid heavy armored players until you get better.

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Really? with champion gun and 594 expertise my Stock strike crits in a match range from 1.2 to 2.2k, and my ion pulse from 800 to 1.6k (CRITS!)


Full auto usually is hitting for 500 as well. My damage is pure garbage versus anything equally geared to me.


If I encounter anything in my item lvl 1v1 I stand no chance. They chew through my HP faster than I can theirs while spamming every CD and skill that I have.


Like I said.... I play 2.2k arena in WoW with junk comps just fine. WHen I play my SWTOR alts I destroy just about everyone 1v1... (albeit in 10-49 warzone, but I can kill players with higher lvl and higher hp). Vanguard though? I can do everything perfect and dish everything out, and simply not do jack crap for damage. Then a marauder from 15 meters blats 25% of my health off in one global, or more.


Its BS, and its def not me. SO far I have just played with teams where I guard and pull mad huttball skills for wins. But actual, 1v1, or small group PVP, I am useless beyond "guard" for teammates.


So, let me get this straight ... you are playing a tank class and complaining that your only use is to protect other players in your team! :rolleyes:

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I'm not a fan of issuing praise for enemies on the opposing faction, but OP, I'm afraid you're completely mistaken.


Check out this screenshot. The top name is a Vanguard with the right hybrid spec and equipment for PvP:




So unless you think he's hacking or something, you should be able to get the same numbers.


Notice how the people that were claiming Vangaurds are fine or gimped sort of ignored your post pretending it didn't exist?


Vanguards are flat out broken along with Shadow Tanks. If I could bet on where the nerf hammer comes down next it would be those two classes.

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Really? with champion gun and 594 expertise my Stock strike crits in a match range from 1.2 to 2.2k, and my ion pulse from 800 to 1.6k (CRITS!)


Full auto usually is hitting for 500 as well. My damage is pure garbage versus anything equally geared to me.


If I encounter anything in my item lvl 1v1 I stand no chance. They chew through my HP faster than I can theirs while spamming every CD and skill that I have.


Like I said.... I play 2.2k arena in WoW with junk comps just fine. WHen I play my SWTOR alts I destroy just about everyone 1v1... (albeit in 10-49 warzone, but I can kill players with higher lvl and higher hp). Vanguard though? I can do everything perfect and dish everything out, and simply not do jack crap for damage. Then a marauder from 15 meters blats 25% of my health off in one global, or more.


Its BS, and its def not me. SO far I have just played with teams where I guard and pull mad huttball skills for wins. But actual, 1v1, or small group PVP, I am useless beyond "guard" for teammates.


So in that respect, you might want to reconsider the definition of: "I can do everything perfect" There is ALWAYS room for improvement. You might not see it and thing you are doing it perfect, but that's what they BLINDSPOTS. Being 2.2k in wow says 0 about playing things perfect (besides 2.2k is/was extremely easy). Doing things perfect gives you a 100% winratio in any circumstance, but guess what that isn't going to happen! But the good thing about that is that you can still learn more and more to become better every time.

So, againb, that means you have plenty of room for improvement.


And the game is not made for 1v1 fights but for the synergy you can muster with a team to win. If you get yourself in too many 1v1 situations in wz's, you are doing something wrong.

Edited by Britneyfears
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You could give him some tips n tricks instead of bashing him...


People who post "im awesome, X class is gimped. I know because I was 2.2k rating once" are not going to hear or listen to advice. There is no point to try and educate them.

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Are you standing still? Not being an ***, seriously asking.


The AC has instants and a guaranteed snare because you are supposed to stay mobile. Mortar volley is the only reason you should be standing still... and really, that's not even a good reason.


When you do get pinned down and/or focused, the defense choices are epic - multiple stuns, interrupts, and a really good bubble.


it's you. Sorry.


The easy fix is your expertise- you just don't need that much.


If you bought supercommando gear, start buying something with dps mods.... lose the shield off-hand, run with a generator. Put on some PVE dps gear too.


The hard fix is playstyle - and this is an assumption only, given I have not seen you play. But if you aren't moving, you should be.


Melee range is for stock strike - and should be a melee players only chance to hit you a lot. Make them work for their damage as you chew them apart with instants.


Fighting casters is a little more fun, you can stay up in their face and chain interrupts... but don't stop moving, it's a bad habit to get into.


Vanguard is pretty damn strong in the current PVP game.

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Have you actually tried the other tanks in this game? Tanks in PvP have a bit of an edge on survival but most of the time it isn't big. Against a Lethality Sniper, a Pyro PT etc tanks have basically no edge at all in survivability as most mitigation simply does not work against them. It doesn't matter which tank class you're playing, you're still going to be made of paper against a lot of classes in this game.


Even if I get the jump on someone, get them to around 40% when I have 90%, they just turn around and chew through/own me in mere seconds. My dmg and mitigation simply doesnt even bring me close.


Are you just standing there and taking the damage? As Assault, you're almost fully effective at 10 meter range while most melee is completely gimped and your attacks have an auto-snare. Play "in your face" against the clothies, kite the melee when you can.


And as assault... my damage actually goes up to a point that it crosses the mediocre threshold....


That is beyond ridiculous. Assault/Pyro is hands down the best, easiest damage tree in the game at the moment. If you feel like the damage is "mediocre", sorry, you just suck. It's not only one of the highest damage classes but it's almost all internal/elemental and the big hitter gets 90 % armor penetration, meaning you'll absolutely tear through even tanks as if they had no mitigation.


The only thing Assault is missing in damage is the chart topping aoe/multidot spam from range that especially sorcs/sages can do but the single target damage is about the highest in the game and definitely the highest in most real PvP encounters as it's uninterruptible, completely mobile, cannot be easily outranged and, really, very easy to pull - there's very few buttons in rotation and only 1 proc to watch for. (I love my Pyro PT but I have to admit that it's retardedly easy to play compared to the other classes I've tried and the damage is still off the scale.)


-offer me a free class change... I'd stay - the game overall is very good and impressed me in a lot of ways. However - I am a PVP player... and I just happened to pick the WRONG class. Leveling and story was fun while it lasted.


The Assault/Pyro spec is one of the best damage specs in the game, the class has great stuns and utility, it has every option to avoid damage while doing damage through smart play (but not through mitigation) and the only competition for the absolutely best 1v1 class is Sentinel/Marauder, everything else is far behind.

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as assault my highest HIB was for 3.6k on a player that has 12k hp (clearly not wearing any good gear)


Not sure how ppl are pulling 4-5k in players actually geared....


I sense trolls coming in here?


Ppl post pvp videos claiming vanguard is good... and that vanguard dies 75% of the time in 1v1....


classes like assassins you CANT get away from because of how much CC they have and the fact you only have a chance to proc 50% snare... they will be up on you 85% of the time minimum. Often I can be chained/incapacitated for over 10 sec + ton of roots after, then crippling disabling slows.


They are instantly popping 3k, 2.8k, 3k back to back and im losing 25% of my HP per global sometimes... as a spec that is carrying 51% passive mitigation....

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If you're a shield spec vanguard, you're not going for big damage. Your goal is to keep the healer alive with guards and taunts.



It bugs the crap out of me when people try to play tank classes as crappy DPS in this game. Unless my in combat stealth is off cooldown (very rare), if I get focused on by a group of people, I WILL die as an operative. A sorceror without force speed to run away (and that requires a bit of luck) or a Merc won't last much longer.



You have your taunts and Gaurd. USE THEM.

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VG/PT is borderline OP in PvP as Ironfist, carolina parakeet or full assault/pyro.




As Ironfist shield will give you more damage than a generator in PvP if you're playing people who don't just stand around waiting for their resources instead of using a basic attack. Now you STILL wear DPS gear, just throw on that shield for CD reset on stock-strike and more ammo. There are plenty of attacks that shield works against in order to make it worthwhile for the bonuses you get from it.


Ironfist is a super aggressive build that can just dominate casters. You are a melee with ranged attacks to maintain 100% time on target. In a group setting with a healer and assisting in effect they are absolutely incredible.



Assault specs do insane DPS. They burn people down incredibly fast, they're just quite squishy.


VG/PT are definitely borderline OP in PvP. When played well it is a scary, scary class.

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Ugh... as a Sniper I hate facing Vanguards/Powertechs/Mercenaries/Commandos because they literally **** me while I can barely make a dent in them due to their defenses.


Snipers are very hard to kill for a pyro pt (problem is it's hard to find decent snipers)

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Sometimes I get obliterated 1 vs 1. It just happens. But 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3. The team with a Vanguard will rain damage. It reminds me of a bard in EQ. We shine in a group because we are meant to play in a group.


You want solo power then play an operative or scoundrel or assassin/sorc etc.. Put a vanguard with any other class and you will decimate any two of what I just mentioned.


Hell some of the most fun I have ever had was a random group of 5 vanguards and 3 healing commandos. We simply could not be killed as long as we stayed together. If someone ran off solo they got ganked.


We are meant to be in a group, tanking and intercepting for that group.

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