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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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You are not most people. You are the exception. I'm glad you embrace the marker, but it is silly to have the marker in game.


I'm not an exception.


It's silly that you want to make this game harder for noobs. Noobs are the ones that will suffer most, as they often don't even understand what the game objectives are, let alone basic PvP strategy like focusing a healer.


If healers are getting focus fired, maybe they should blame their team mates for not placing guard on them, not taunting the people trying to kill them, etc. etc.

Edited by deltaminus
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You are not most people. You are the exception. I'm glad you embrace the marker, but it is silly to have the marker in game.


Even though you are Vary good with this English they still don't get it . WHY fear it will be gone

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Pugs need to be able to mark enemy healers otherwise people will be clueless to what to hit.

I dont see it too much in warzones to be honest its only if you face a premade that marking their healers is a must otherwise it WILL end with a loss.


Healers have to get killed.


Warhammer online allowed marking enemy players btw.

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Why would I run 300m to you, if it doesn't help me win the game or complete an objective? If you're 300m away and I'm trying to cap the door right beside me, do you think that GIANT ICON above your head is going to somehow affect my opening the door?


Will that GIANT ICON help me get a bunch of noobs to kill you? For sure. Will a lack of that GIANT ICON prevent better players from focus firing you? Not at all.


Noobs are the ones that will suffer. Bioware, keep this game noob friendly. Let the noobs see who they should be targeting.


they changed my mind dude... their arguments are just too solid!


the GIANT ICON insta warps 8 pugs across every map to the healer's location for 15 min straight... it's not fun dude... bioware should nerf...


the reality is that green heal streams and lightning/rock throwers are invisible and if it wasn't for the GIANT ICON, nobody would recognize a healer... it's simply not possible ESPECIALLY if you have a short name!


besides healers shouldn't be attacked, pvp is all about letting them heal others, and you should ignore it... otherwise they'll quit!


on occasion, only 1 or 2 dps can attack healers, but ONLY if they have ventrilo... then it's ok...


it's the new first rule of pvp... ignore healers and let them do whatever they want...

Edited by wessik
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I'm not an exception.


It's silly that you want to make this game harder for noobs. Noobs are the ones that will suffer most, as they often don't even understand what the game objectives are, let alone basic PvP strategy like focusing a healer.


If healers are getting focus fired, maybe they should blame their team mates for not placing guard on them, not taunting the people trying to kill them, etc. etc.


I a PRE Made ya i will blame you but you care for noobs so much what about Noob heals help them.

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they changed my mind dude... their arguments are just too solid!


the GIANT ICON insta warps 8 pugs across every map to the healer's location for 15 min straight... it's not fun dude... bioware should nerf...


the reality is that green heal streams and lightning/rock throwers are invisible and if it wasn't for the GIANT ICON, nobody would recognize a healer... it's simply not possible ESPECIALLY if you have a short name!


besides healers shouldn't be attacked, pvp is all about letting them heal others, and you should ignore it... otherwise they'll quit!


on occasion, only 1 or 2 dps can attack healers, but ONLY if they have ventrilo... then it's ok...


it's the new first rule of pvp... ignore healers and let them do whatever they want...


ITS about you L2P for yourself NOT i see mark i kill mark

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I a PRE Made ya i will blame you but you care for noobs so much what about Noob heals help them.


The enemy team can put a marker on your head.


Your team can ALSO put a marker on your head. So you could ask a tank to put guard on you, and he'd have a marker to see so you wouldn't be too far away from him. In fact, you could as for a marker to be put on the tank as well, so you don't get too far from the tank and know where he is. You could also use chat and ask your team mates to protect you.


Did you know tanks can taunt in PvP, debuffing a target's damage for a short period of time? Did you know a tank's guard will transfer half of incoming damage to you, to the tank instead? Did you know this is a team game? You might be there to keep your team alive, but they're there to keep you alive as well.

Edited by deltaminus
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The icon should be smaller and should not stay after death meaning it needs replaced on said healers head again p.s playing a maurader i get the same treatment then again the amount of damage ppl do your dead in seconds anyway Edited by skotish
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The enemy team can put a marker on your head.


Your team can ALSO put a marker on your head. So you could ask a tank to put guard on you, and he'd have a marker to see so you wouldn't be too far away from him. In fact, you could as for a marker to be put on the tank as well, so you don't get too far from the tank and know where he is. You could also use chat and ask your team mates to protect you.


IN wow you can mark your own GG . Maia did not say i don't like my guys to mark me. so i don't get you. PEOPLE on your team are not the enemy :(

Edited by Misspriss
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ITS about you L2P for yourself NOT i see mark i kill mark


i already know how to spot a healer, i'm a sniper... it's my job to kill you...


i'm helping the rest of my pug team... you can tell them to L2P...


i'll tell them though that the rule is only 7 or less can attack healers like you though, not 8 because we'd hurt your feelings...

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they changed my mind dude... their arguments are just too solid!


the GIANT ICON insta warps 8 pugs across every map to the healer's location for 15 min straight... it's not fun dude... bioware should nerf...


the reality is that green heal streams and lightning/rock throwers are invisible and if it wasn't for the GIANT ICON, nobody would recognize a healer... it's simply not possible ESPECIALLY if you have a short name!


besides healers shouldn't be attacked, pvp is all about letting them heal others, and you should ignore it... otherwise they'll quit!


on occasion, only 1 or 2 dps can attack healers, but ONLY if they have ventrilo... then it's ok...


it's the new first rule of pvp... ignore healers and let them do whatever they want...


No enemy player should ever know where you are on the map at all times. It is not about being shot or having more than 1-2 dps on you it is about Them Knowing what you are and Where you are with out even having to try at all. If I was a Healer in a bg and you see me and you tell your friends im a healer go right ahead. But after you kill me you should have to hunt me down again not look for a icon that tells people where im at all the time.

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IN wow you can mark your own GG . Maia did not say i don't like my guys to mark me. so i don't get you. PEOPLE on your team are not the enemy :(


People on my team are the enemy when they're not playing as a team. If the healer is instantly blowing up, it's not just because they're getting focused, it's because they're not getting help from their team.


Putting a mark on your own head as a healer, will do the same thing for your team that it's doing for the other team. IT'S LETTING YOUR TEAM KNOW YOU'RE A HEALER AND THEY SHOULD KEEP YOU ALIVE.


If you're instantly dieing to enemy dps, gear up and get your team to help you.

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People on my team are the enemy when they're not playing as a team. If the healer is instantly blowing up, it's not just because they're getting focused, it's because they're not getting help from their team.


Putting a mark on your own head as a healer, will do the same thing for your team that it's doing for the other team. IT'S LETTING YOUR TEAM KNOW YOU'RE A HEALER AND THEY SHOULD KEEP YOU ALIVE.


If you're instantly dieing to enemy dps, gear up and get your team to help you.


OK mark your own heals who cares its not game changing. ROFL

Edited by Misspriss
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No enemy player should ever know where you are on the map at all times. It is not about being shot or having more than 1-2 dps on you it is about Them Knowing what you are and Where you are with out even having to try at all. If I was a Healer in a bg and you see me and you tell your friends im a healer go right ahead. But after you kill me you should have to hunt me down again not look for a icon that tells people where im at all the time.


you have your opinion, i don't agree... if bioware leaves it or removes it, i'm fine either way

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OK mark your own heals who cares its not game changing. ROFL


Why are we here? The OP got focused and died.


What did the OP blame for getting focused? A mark above her head.


Could better team mates have helped to have kept her alive? Yes.


Could the OP use marks to help herself out by making it easier for her team mates to know they should keep her alive by placing a marker on her own head? Yes.


Who should the OP really be blaming for the fact that she died? Her team.


Should anyone expect to live in a 1v8? Nope.

Edited by deltaminus
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Why are we here? The OP got focused and died.


What did the OP blame for getting focused? A mark above her head.


Could better team mates have helped to have kept her alive? Yes.


Could the OP use marks to help herself out by making it easier for her team mates to know they should keep her alive by placing a marker on her own head? Yes.


Who should the OP really be blaming for the fact that she died? Her team.


Should anyone expect to live in a 1v8? Nope.


Should everyone know where that 1 healer is in the WF at all times No


Should i be able to know you are behind that wall because of a icon? No


Should i be able to see him 300 meters away with a icon size of a building? No


And why are you here The Op here cause of raid marks and you are here why to Troll why are you here no one making you post. Why did you even post not like the OP made you post so why are you here?

Edited by Molatova
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In Aion Dredge we marked the ENTIRE enemy group. Helped us as a team to know who to systematically take down, especially if we didn't have our pre-made team all together. Another poster had it correct....If all in vent you are marked one way or the other...that's just part of being a healer or tank. You are going to get zerged, no question. If you don't like getting zerged there are other classes you can reroll that usually get focused last. Why do we bother zerging you as a healer? Cuz...#1 you are SQUISHY!!! We NEED to stun you all we can to keep those heals from going off...just like they do to my Jugg so I can't get off force choke or chilling scream in pvp. You can heal yourself through thigs and with guard on we damage the tank at the same time we attack you. Nothing personal...just how PvP is done.If you systematically take out each member of a group, especially with respawn areas, you always have the one person of that group who has to come out alone then we start all over again, and with even better timing you can get the other team so frustrated they start making huge mistakes. Don't like getting zerged become a part of the zerg. Cause if I don't have ya marked on my screen I have ya marked on vent. and after this QQ session you would DEFINITELY be marked both ways just to be taught and welcomed fully to the world of PvP.
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Why are we here? The OP got focused and died.


What did the OP blame for getting focused? A mark above her head.


Could better team mates have helped to have kept her alive? Yes.


Could the OP use marks to help herself out by making it easier for her team mates to know they should keep her alive by placing a marker on her own head? Yes.


Who should the OP really be blaming for the fact that she died? Her team.


Should anyone expect to live in a 1v8? Nope.


NO she said that when you are marked you don't live 10s out of the GOD DAMN Door . NOT that she get's focused. You miss the whole point.


SHE said "Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear" not that i died boohoo


she said " If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark"


she was talking about fun and in a pug YOU say blame your team when you don't even know them

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Why are we here? The OP got focused and died.


What did the OP blame for getting focused? A mark above her head.


Could better team mates have helped to have kept her alive? Yes.


Could the OP use marks to help herself out by making it easier for her team mates to know they should keep her alive by placing a marker on her own head? Yes.


Who should the OP really be blaming for the fact that she died? Her team.


Should anyone expect to live in a 1v8? Nope.


Exactly...and if she's dying that much find the dps culprit that is stunning you so much or doing the most damage/cc and mark them for YOUR team to focus. Common sense goes a LONG way! Learning how to play will take you even further!

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Exactly...and if she's dying that much find the dps culprit that is stunning you so much or doing the most damage/cc and mark them for YOUR team to focus. Common sense goes a LONG way! Learning how to play will take you even further!


IN a premade YES in RL pug no vent with no comp COME ON get real


anyway it will be gone asap as rated warfront get here so ....no worry

Edited by Misspriss
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NO she said that when you are marked you don't live 10s out of the gosh darn Door . NOT that she get's focused. You miss the whole point.


SHE said "Marking healers with raid icons just ends any fun trying to play heal's unless you have a extreme amount of pvp gear" not that i died boohoo


she said " If you don't have a pre-made group to use cool down to protect heal you die as soon as they see the mark"


she was talking about fun and in a pug YOU say blame your team when you don't even know them


You make no sense.


If she can't live for 10 seconds and she's not getting focused, then she's plain terrible.


If she's complaining about having to have tons of PvP gear, it's obviously because she IS getting focused.


You don't need a premade to protect you. Just like pugs need marks to mark targets, pugs need marks to know who to protect. What I'm saying is the tools people use to kill her, can be used to protect her.


Pugs can be fun, they just need to be told what to do. If fail to ask the tanks in your pug to guard you, you only have yourself to blame.

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In Aion Dredge we marked the ENTIRE enemy group. Helped us as a team to know who to systematically take down, especially if we didn't have our pre-made team all together. Another poster had it correct....If all in vent you are marked one way or the other...that's just part of being a healer or tank. You are going to get zerged, no question. If you don't like getting zerged there are other classes you can reroll that usually get focused last. Why do we bother zerging you as a healer? Cuz...#1 you are SQUISHY!!! We NEED to stun you all we can to keep those heals from going off...just like they do to my Jugg so I can't get off force choke or chilling scream in pvp. You can heal yourself through thigs and with guard on we damage the tank at the same time we attack you. Nothing personal...just how PvP is done.If you systematically take out each member of a group, especially with respawn areas, you always have the one person of that group who has to come out alone then we start all over again, and with even better timing you can get the other team so frustrated they start making huge mistakes. Don't like getting zerged become a part of the zerg. Cause if I don't have ya marked on my screen I have ya marked on vent. and after this QQ session you would DEFINITELY be marked both ways just to be taught and welcomed fully to the world of PvP.



But at Least on Vent you still have to find him if more than 1 comes out after they died since you are this Great PvP player you still have to refind him with out the icons or at least use someone eles focus targets. Icons you dont have to do anything there he is nyuck nyuck nyuck and i did not do a thing wooooooooo i r g i found healer with giant icon.

At least with out the icon it gives more a chance for that healer to get away or get of some heals and maybe get one of your guys dead. But with a giant icon i dont have to think about it at all. I dont have to learn what healers look like what the heal spells look like i just got to wait for 1 person to put a giant icon on him for me well no icon he must not be healer right. It keeps bads not learning who the healers are and what they look like.


Woot void star i see you up there healer with your big taget on you i can see you yes yes i see you.

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You make no sense.


If she can't live for 10 seconds and she's not getting focused, then she's plain terrible.


If she's complaining about having to have tons of PvP gear, it's obviously because she IS getting focused.


You don't need a premade to protect you. Just like pugs need marks to mark targets, pugs need marks to know who to protect. What I'm saying is the tools people use to kill her, can be used to protect her.


Pugs can be fun, they just need to be told what to do. If fail to ask the tanks in your pug to guard you, you only have yourself to blame.


IN VOID STAR peeps on both sides you get out and boom 6 peeps shoting you all at 1 time WHY the icon was seen before Spawn and they was ready . there is no stun need with that kind of deeps on you but hay ill stun you just out of the door anyway

Edited by Misspriss
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1; Good players will focus fire you anyway.

-- Your whining over not being able to fool baddies.


2; It reduces the advantage of Vent.

-- Your whining and if Bioware listen it's going to make Vent better.


3; There is focus fire counters.

-- Whining due to not getting your team to mark you.


When you join a WZ, TELL your a healer, ask the OPS leader to mark you, so you team better can notice here is an important target to protect, make it easier for guard players to follow you, etc.

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IN VOID STAR peeps on both sides you get out and boom 6 peeps shoting you all at 1 time WHY the icon was seen before Spawn and they was ready . there is no stun need with that kind of deeps on you but hay ill stun you just out of the door anyway


Wat is this, I don't even

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