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Marking healers with raid icons need to STOP!


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you can mark in wow. You can mark in rift.


Age of conan doesn't let you mark targets, at least according to google it doesn't. Same thing with guild wars.


you can not mark in wow without a mod l2p bg


And Guild wars there is no marks at all you just tell them to attack your target not Marks i see you never played guild wars

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FROM the same person that said i don't care about this at all. i just used it for the 1st time ... then said i have screen shots of past WF when i marked PLZ......


i'm just going to cut and paste my previous posts in this thread cuz you like repeating your statements...


1 hour ago - page 12:

i am sitting at work, and i have 5 hours more to go... i'm enjoying the debate...

no hate... no hard feelings... simple as that...




page 12:


i don't know if you read my previous posts... but let me throw it out again...


i marked the healer in my pug wz this morning (for the first time ever!) and we won... i looked at his total healing and he still put out 300k...


i did another pug wz after that, and i wasn't op leader and no healers were marked... and we won... i didn't tell anyone in chat who was healing... yet we were able to kill them because they were wearing dresses, they were channeling heals and the rock throwing gave them away...


i've also lost because healers were marked and lost when healers weren't marked...




(i've stated all along that i marked for the 1st time ever as ops leader on friday morning)

please post the quote where i said i had screenshots of past WF (other than yesterday) when i marked healers

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BG is the only form of PvP in WoW? And yes I can mark targets without mods in WoW, players included.


you are as bad as as wessik and no i don't speak for MAIA you wishy washy say one thing then another i need proof but don't have to prove



lol BGs not the only pvp in wow

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Could you Imagine marks on Rated BG's the outcry would be Enormous


What's vent? You think people won't use it to call out targets?


The only people that will suffer are pugs, organized groups won't suffer from these changes at all. You're only trying to hurt noobs with your suggestion.

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you are as bad as as wessik **** and no i don't speak for MAIA you wishy washy say one thing then another i need proof but don't have to prove


so i can't have an opinion of something?


my opinion: i don't think marking is a big deal


my statements:

if bioware keeps marking in pvp, i'll use it...

if bioware removes marking in pvp, i won't use it, and i'll move on


that makes me wishy washy?



and ya you did speak for her in your 1 post, page 12:



Originally Posted by Misspriss

She/he never said they hate to be focused, its 100% of the FOCUS there a big diff

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BG is the only form of PvP in WoW? And yes I can mark targets without mods in WoW, players included.


This is what we are talking about WF BGs not world PvP cause World PvP is a damn joke and never works right never has never will. We are talking about WF's and soon to be Rated WF.

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you are as bad as as wessik and no i don't speak for MAIA you wishy washy say one thing then another i need proof but don't have to prove



lol BGs not the only pvp in wow


If I started off a thread by claiming a whole bunch of games did something, then I'd expect people to ask me to back up my claims. The original poster claims so many games don't let you mark healers, but what they fail to mention is the games that don't let you mark healer don't let you mark anything.

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This is what we are talking about WF BGs not world PvP cause World PvP is a damn joke and never works right never has never will. We are talking about WF's and soon to be Rated WF.


Ventrilo and any other voice chat program means that this thread is a moot point. Good organized groups will be unaffected by this proposed change.


The only one that will lose out are disorganized pugs. So you're going to take away one means of a pug being on more equal footing with a premade.

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If I started off a thread by claiming a whole bunch of games did something, then I'd expect people to ask me to back up my claims. The original poster claims so many games don't let you mark healers, but what they fail to mention is the games that don't let you mark healer don't let you mark anything.


you asked maia to back it up MAN UP don't call out and then say wait i don't have to back mine up


again all you that fear this from being tacking out sit and say it don't do much its not game changing its not that bad,don't have leg to stand on with that if it dont do anything then take it out and all is well

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Am I the only one who finds (when running with a premade) that marking a healer, with 4 pugs in your team, = instant full resolve bar for them?

We never mark them, ever.


Do you seriously wish to take away, the only tool uncoordinated teams can use versus premades?


wow (no pun intended)

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How can you be sure your even marked though? I mean its not guaranteed that the person who has leader in the ops is even smart enough to mark or will.


My point was that even though this feature exists it probably isn't as used as you believe. Perhaps people know you are a healer from seeing you in multiple warzones healing, or if your not as known your simply going up against premade groups that focus down healers.



I can tell if I'm being marked by 5 ways and probably some more.


#1 I use /say and ask people on the other team.


#2 I am in guild chat and ask my guildmates if we are playing huttball if i am marked.


#3 I use warzone general chat to ask people if I am being marked.


#4 I log onto my alt on the opposite faction and ask people if I am being marked


#5 By personal observation. Players behave differently when they have something to target. Hence why targetting is effectively used.



The running joke in huttball is that my guild mates tell me that I'm being marked. To which I reply "good. It will take a village." But do I earn more valor when I'm not marked? Hell yeah! I'm not wasting my time evading the whole team. I can hide behind walls, boxes, platforms etc. You can't see the Star above me and from across the field when I hide behind an object. It makes a difference in game play and warzone experience.

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you asked maia to back it up MAN UP don't call out and then say wait i don't have to back mine up


again all you that fear this from being tacking out sit and say it don't do much its not game changing its not that bad,don't have leg to stand on with that if it dont do anything then take it out and all is well


I'd respond if I could actually understand what you're saying. Perhaps you should start by running your post through a spelling/grammar check.

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Ventrilo and any other voice chat program means that this thread is a moot point. Good organized groups will be unaffected by this proposed change.


The only one that will lose out are disorganized pugs. So you're going to take away one means of a pug being on more equal footing with a premade.


Dude i dont think you Understand what the marking does or even read anything posted in the other pages. Vent Mumble Team Speak yes you can tell them kill the healer the healer name is Bob24healz But you HAVE TO FIND BOB24HEALZ in the BG WF you can not just go Look raid taget from other side of the WF/BG and say there he is. You have to Find him and when he dies you have to go find him again. With the icon you track where he is 24/7 in the WF/BG.


And yes when Rated comes people will be in vent or other voice saying this is the healer but You have to take more time in finding who is the healer where did the healer go is he LoS us behind this wall a Icon can be seen threw walls it is bad game play. even in Arena and BG in WoW the Stander in MMOs wont let you do that they seen how bad it is with marks in pvp and arena for 7 years now.

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misspriss, just so i have the unofficial word from the healer community, how many dps are allowed to attack healers in a warzone? like what's the limit?


apparently markers mean 100% of players will hit healers 100% of the time from all points on the map automatically for the whole 15 min wz period...


you tell me, and i'll pass it on to the dps community and we'll stop...


don't want to get the healers mad or anything... they might mark me back! :eek:

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The running joke in huttball is that my guild mates tell me that I'm being marked. To which I reply "good. It will take a village." But do I earn more valor when I'm not marked? Hell yeah! I'm not wasting my time evading the whole team. I can hide behind walls, boxes, platforms etc. You can't see the Star above me and from across the field when I hide behind an object. It makes a difference in game play and warzone experience.


It seems like you being marked is having that opposite effect that the marker intended if their team is spending the whole match trying to chase you down.


With that scenario you presented it seems the marking actually benefits your team.


Are you arguing for or against it? Because I really can't be sure.

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Dude i dont think you Understand what the marking does or even read anything posted in the other pages. Vent Mumble Team Speak yes you can tell them kill the healer the healer name is Bob24healz But you HAVE TO FIND BOB24HEALZ in the BG WF you can not just go Look raid taget from other side of the WF/BG and say there he is. You have to Find him and when he dies you have to go find him again. With the icon you track where he is 24/7 in the WF/BG.


And yes when Rated comes people will be in vent or other voice saying this is the healer but You have to take more time in finding who is the healer where did the healer go is he LoS us behind this wall a Icon can be seen threw walls it is bad game play. even in Arena and BG in WoW the Stander in MMOs wont let you do that they seen how bad it is with marks in pvp and arena for 7 years now.


Ok, I see the green **** spilling out of a troopers gun. He can't possibly be a healer. I haven't even looked at his name yet, but he can't possibly be a healer.


I attack healers because they're healers and it's obvious they're healing. I don't need a little icon above their head to see what they are and what they're doing. I'm also not very special when it comes to this, as many others are doing the very same things for the very same reasons.

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misspriss, just so i have the unofficial word from the healer community, how many dps are allowed to attack healers in a warzone? like what's the limit?


apparently markers mean 100% of players will hit healers 100% of the time from all points on the map automatically for the whole 15 min wz period...


you tell me, and i'll pass it on to the dps community and we'll stop...


don't want to get the healers mad or anything... they might mark me back! :eek:


well lets see as MANY that can find me with my tiny name not the house mark on my head and when i respawn o look i can los them and heal you have to find my tiny name again :)


and yes not 100% are going to hit the icon but anyone about the age of 12 lets say 85% to 95%


yes it does last 15 min and it sucks when they put it on you = no fun in a pug none vent premade


and i LIKE I Said I play both so i know the diff do you?


After all you don't care right

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Ok, I see the green **** spilling out of a troopers gun. He can't possibly be a healer. I haven't even looked at his name yet, but he can't possibly be a healer.


I attack healers because they're healers and it's obvious they're healing. I don't need a little icon above their head to see what they are and what they're doing. I'm also not very special when it comes to this, as many others are doing the very same things for the very same reasons.


Ok you said it you dont need it so it is ok to take it out since as you said it wont affect game play So us who say take it out you Leet Players who says it does not matter if we get our way and it taken out It will not matter right so why are all these people here saying it should stay in if like you say you dont need the little icon?

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I'd respond if I could actually understand what you're saying. Perhaps you should start by running your post through a spelling/grammar check.


Not worth my time :( YOU asked Maia to name it she/he did :D


Mola got you .




roflmfao!@u l2spell

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It seems like you being marked is having that opposite effect that the marker intended if their team is spending the whole match trying to chase you down.


With that scenario you presented it seems the marking actually benefits your team.


Are you arguing for or against it? Because I really can't be sure.


Hey Defang, just to claify. My team usually benefits from me being marked because I use it to my advantage. But I was originally arguing that I am the exception to the rule. I can survive with a mark on my head, but I find that the other 90% of healers I see in warzones get burned to a crisp, frustrated, and stop queing. So overall it ruins the experience for a lot of healers.


As far as my own stats when I am not marked I can go matches with 200k dmg and 200k healing easily and get a lot of medals. If I am marked I end up with around 80k dmg, 250k healing, less medals but probably a victory.

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I can tell if I'm being marked by 5 ways and probably some more.


#1 I use /say and ask people on the other team.


#2 I am in guild chat and ask my guildmates if we are playing huttball if i am marked.


#3 I use warzone general chat to ask people if I am being marked.


#4 I log onto my alt on the opposite faction and ask people if I am being marked


#5 By personal observation. Players behave differently when they have something to target. Hence why targetting is effectively used.



The running joke in huttball is that my guild mates tell me that I'm being marked. To which I reply "good. It will take a village." But do I earn more valor when I'm not marked? Hell yeah! I'm not wasting my time evading the whole team. I can hide behind walls, boxes, platforms etc. You can't see the Star above me and from across the field when I hide behind an object. It makes a difference in game play and warzone experience.



The point is it is not fun to play a game were 8 people are killing ONLY YOU CONSISTENTLY.


If the idea is to make healing even tougher to do then what is the point of even having one?


So yes the mark needs to go as you can not even hide anywhere behind a stairwell as the mark Icon is as high as the first level of the stairs.


Unfair to the healer and unfair advantage to the team marking them.

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Ok you said it you dont need it so it is ok to take it out since as you said it wont affect game play So us who say take it out you Leet Players who says it does not matter if we get our way and it taken out It will not matter right so why are all these people here saying it should stay in if like you say you dont need the little icon?


What I'm saying is I personally attack healer because they're healers. I'm also saying I personally know what a healer is, because I can see the animations from their moves. Some of those moves do make it painfully obvious who a healer is. Are you going to be asking for new spell animations for healers so they look like attacks?


If I was playing with a premade, mark or no mark it would be easy enough to call out targets, healers included.


If I'm playing with a pug, I may indeed need to mark healers because the weaker players on my team won't know any better unless I show them who to attack. And when you consider some pugs have a hard time understanding what the objectives of each game are and think every game is simply a deathmatch, pugs need all the help they can get.


The disorganized and unskilled will lose out most based on the suggestion made in the OP.

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